CSI Vans back at Anthony Home 2:45 PM EST

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I'm pretty sure that no one besides LE and CSI techs are in the house right now. No one else would be allowed to be there. And I'm pretty dang sure there is a search warrant now.

Nobody has said where Cindy and George are right now. DVR's the WKMG newscast and will watch that as soon as WESH is done with their story.
Please, let's not get ahead of ourselves!

For all we know this is just a routine search, one they have to do to cover all possibilities. Remember, if this ever goes to trial, LE will be endlessly cross-examined by the prosecution, and the house search might be just a "cover their butt" search!
It would be normal to find DNA from any or all of the family members in that trunk. Even blood could be explained away as happening at some earlier date.

Decomp fluids, however...

You are right! However, IF the hair or skin cells were ON TOP of the stain, then there is no confusing that.

I'm at work and have been popping in out and haven't got to read everything, so I'm sorry if this has been asked.

My first thought is did grandpa George commit suicide? I just read somewhere that Cindy and Lee had been seen leaving the left house, but not George.

Do you think he could not handle knowing the truth any longer?????
No coroner's van.

Cindy gave an on-cam interview a little while ago when she pulled back up in the towncar. Did she leave again?
Shannon, we must be sistas from anotha motha... that was my reaction too.. OMG...

Here is the link for Basic CSI equipment.

The ruler seems that it would be for photagraphy? To measure scale.
Nobody has said where Cindy and George are right now. DVR's the WKMG newscast and will watch that as soon as WESH is done with their story.
Didn't someone mention back a page or two that Cindy arrived in a town car but no George? I'm bouncing between threads so maybe this was on another thread. I'll see if I can find it.
I'm at work and have been popping in out and haven't got to read everything, so I'm sorry if this has been asked.

My first thought is did grandpa George commit suicide? I just read somewhere that Cindy and Lee had been seen leaving the left house, but not George.

Do you think he could not handle knowing the truth any longer?????

I would not think Lee would of been smiling as he left like it has been reported.

When did Cindy get home and do the #2 media talk today?
Please, let's not get ahead of ourselves!

For all we know this is just a routine search, one they have to do to cover all possibilities. Remember, if this ever goes to trial, LE will be endlessly cross-examined by the prosecution, and the house search might be just a "cover their butt" search!

housemouse, we have been getting ahead of ourselves this entire case trying to figure out what has happened. It is only natural to do this now - for me anyway!
Please, let's not get ahead of ourselves!

For all we know this is just a routine search, one they have to do to cover all possibilities. Remember, if this ever goes to trial, LE will be endlessly cross-examined by the prosecution, and the house search might be just a "cover their butt" search!

I dont think so...especially with the news about the divers searching tomorrow. Something BROKE......
I would not think Lee would of been smiling as he left like it has been reported.

When did Cindy get home and do the #2 media talk today?

I wish I could find comfort it that but this entire family smiles, chuckles, and laughs inappropriately constantly.
You are right! However, IF the hair or skinn cells were ON TOP of the stain, then there is no confusing that.

You think? The family had that car for 24 hours before LE took it. Couldn't they have easily moved stuff around?

Wait - Neil Cavuto?? WTH??
I wish everyone would be on one thread - kind of hard jumping between them!
housemouse, we have been getting ahead of ourselves this entire case trying to figure out what has happened. It is only natural to do this now - for me anyway!

Oh, I agree! I am so tempted, but keep reminding myself of all the possibilities to keep myself calm as a clam!
I agree, something broke. DNA is back and/or someone is talking.
I think the one who ''talked'' to the police is just someone who confirmed to them that Zanny is indeed Casey. Perhaps someone she dated, or met in a club and introduced herself with that name. A valid witness who can stand in court and say Casey went by with the name Zanny. I think this is the info they were missing before the LE became more aggressive with their research.

This is what brought the news searches in nearby water areas and at the home.

And it is the first time the news report that police say THERE IS NO ZANNY and that Casey posed as Zanny.
Maybe George is in the back yard so he doesn't have to face reporters.
WKMG reporter:

I was driving around the neighborhood, saw the CSI vans parked around the corner, within minutes they CAME SCREAMING UP TO THE FRONT of the Anthony house. 5 CSI detectives went into the house.

He believes George is there, not sure about Cindy.

Detectives have gone back and forth to their vans several times to get things.
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