CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #64

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KM was charged in January 2020. So MT did NOT know during the August 2019 interview that KM would later be charged.

Question, do we know anything about an infotainment search warrant on a black Mercedes SUV? I would think recent model Mercedes would have tracking data…hmmm. Is the State saving this for KM’s trial or will we hear more this week? Seeming so far that there are great lengths taken to keep KM’s name out of this trial.

We have never seen any KM search warrants and just had the initial dump of search warrants for MT. I read through them and don’t recall anything on a Mercedes or bmw which I think he has as well.

You are correct on the KM arrest date but I’m going to go back and see his history here as he has been part of both cases since the beginning. Patti’s complained bitterly about the KM arrest as it took KM out of his reach.

You are right on the conspiracy charge timing but I’ll go back to the Pattis statements and see.

You know, if KM were to testify, all he would have to do is say that he was not in the office when Michi claimed he was. The state could stop questioning him right there. I am not sure what kind of cross he’d endure, but I imagine he’d do just fine. Not sure what cross might do to his case, though. I guess it would depend on if he’s made some sort of arrangement with the state, and what it involves. It may not matter what the defense gets him to admit to.

I have KM's phone connected to that special 4J WIFI network from 7:29AM - 8:22AM. So either he was there or they worked out having MT turn his phone on and off at those times.
We shouldn't joke.

Dark triad.

Maybe someone was still a bedwetter. Needed big boy pull-ups.


Someone knew he was going to have a long morning of planes, trains, automobiles, trucks, Suburbans and bicycle and knew he wouldn't have time for pit stops.

Ambush pants.

Or- could be nothing. They could have been part of a joke "over the hill," birthday present package.

I wouldn't use the word "panty liner" to describe a product intended primarily for urine. But it is possible an investigator did. If I learn that a smaller, non-wearable style Depends product was what was meant by investigators, I might change my mind.

Is the box under discussion filled with a diaper-style or underpants-style product, to be worn in place of underwear, or something to be worn with underwear? (Which might be called a panty-liner?)

ATM, I think this box of Depends is irrelevant.

IMO. Of course.
I have KM's phone connected to that special 4J WIFI network from 7:29AM - 8:22AM. So either he was there or they worked out having MT turn his phone on and off at those times.
The thing is that maybe he was there and simply drove down to NC? I don’t recall southbound rush on that date but could he have made it say by idk 10am? Moo
The thing is that maybe he was there and simply drove down to NC? I don’t recall southbound rush on that date but could he have made it say by idk 10am? Moo
It’s a good 1 1/2 hours from Farmington to New Canaan, and a bit longer if there is a traffic snafu. He would have had to leave by 8:30 to get there by 10, if he didn’t want to risk getting pulled over and sitting for a bit, waiting for a ticket. But maybe he didn’t regularly worry about getting pulled over? It was Friday of Memorial Day weekend, and so the traffic would not be quite the same as a typical weekday. Going South would likely have been a little less traffic than going North (for some reason).
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I have KM's phone connected to that special 4J WIFI network from 7:29AM - 8:22AM. So either he was there or they worked out having MT turn his phone on and off at those times.
IMO, it is likely KM was not there. His phone stopped being connected to the 4J WIFI network 2 minutes before the prearranged AT call came in.

I think the conspirator who had the job of choreographing phone location/activity that morning (i.e., MT) made the mistake of turning KM's phone off before the AT call came in, giving the appearance that KM had departed, which contradicts her statements to LE (that KM was there and urged her to answer the incoming call on FD's phone).

There were either too many plates spinning at once, OR the actuality differed from the "alibi plan."

That is, the plan was:
  • KM (that is, KM's phone) would be at 4JC for the "meeting" starting at 7:30.
  • The call from AT would come in at 8:15, and FD (that is, FD's phone) would take the call, ending the meeting with KM to do so.
  • KM (that is KM's phone) would depart 4JC at 8:15ish.
But the actuality was:
  • The call from AT did not come in at 8:15.
  • MT had given up on the AT call 7 minutes after it was planned and turned off KM's phone (giving the appearance he departed).
  • The call from AT came in at 8:24 (9 minutes after planned).
  • MT answered it.
  • (ETA - And when MT was interviewed by LE, she stuck to the original alibi story that KM was present when the AT call came in to FD's phone).
Interesting if the AT call came in 9 minutes later than planned, given the fight we know occurred in the garage at 69 Welles Lane (also not according to plan).

Was AT aware of it?

Edited to add: I think when people are scheduling things - whether those people are good or bad, they tend to schedule them on the hour, half-hour, or quarter-hour. The AT call was likely supposed to occur at 8:15. My guess is that from 8:15 until 8:24 is when the DEPENDS were put to use.
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Agree. They didn’t even bother charging him with tampering and hindering.

KM goes to the head of the class for his choices and gets charged with Conspiracy.

Looking forward to the Car Parade update with the 2015 suburban.


The lack of charge for tampering conflicts with the theory that KM was ready in the woods behind 80 MS to bring Jennifer to some pre-dug grave. It makes sense to me- it seems like there could have been at least one more "100% a human grave" somewhere in CT with a tarp and lime ready- and if Kent did most of the work filling the grave, Fotis was more free to work with Michelle bagging up Jennifer's clothes, burning their own, bleaching stains, etc.

But, would burying her just be a conspiracy/murder charge? Or wouldn't tampering with evidence or some kind of post mortem corpse crime (don't know what laws CT has) also be charged?

The body got separated from the clothes somewhere. Maybe in the missing time in NC. And perhaps the body and phone approached Jennifer's Suburban in the afternoon. Or maybe in Farmington.

Wherever it happened, I think it had some Kent involvement being that there is so little information in his arrest warrant.

I think that LE has evidence that Kent was part of preparing that grave and proof it was for Jennifer, thus being part of the conspiracy even if the plans changed. Speculation, of course. But the question is, what did the plans change to? And how much was Kent physically helping? Where was he helping? How much does LE know about his movements?

I think it's safe to say that if LE knew enough to recover the body, we'd know that the body was recovered at least.

The other loose end is the plates. Maybe LE has no idea when/how they were used. But I speculate that they are in some way evidence against Kent- and LE is saving that for Kent's trial or conviction by agreement.

I've missed a lot, would someone mind telling me why KM is no longer being called to testify? I had thought a lot would hinge on his spilling some tea. I get that he is not the most savory witness and defense would go after him, but still seems worthwhile. Wasn't a deal made? Did he change his mind about cooperating based on feeling MT may get off free so he can, too?
Maybe I am not remembering this correctly….but wasn’t it said that Loftus never even interviewed Troconis?
I doubt Loftus ever examines defendants or anyone else in court cases where she testifies. She is not a clinical psychologist nor any other sort of practitioner. There is no reason for her to interview defendants. Her work merely illustrates the infallible nature of memory, a concept humans often resist. After all, if I clearly remember X happened, X must have happened!

I don't know if Loftus will be helpful to the defense in this case. I rather doubt it. But her work has enormous importance in general. Too often people and jurors favor eyewitness testimony. If no one saw a defendant do something, particularly if a case is sold to the jury by the defense as "circumstantial," a guilty defendant might be let off. And if there is an eyewitness that jurors decide has no reason to lie, too often convictions follow. The majority of those exonerated through the Innocence Project were identified as guilty in court through eyewitness testimony. And the testimony was usually given quite sincerely. People were not lying, just mistaken. Loftus had helped us to understand how that can happen.
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You know, if KM were to testify, all he would have to do is say that he was not in the office when Michi claimed he was. The state could stop questioning him right there. I am not sure what kind of cross he’d endure, but I imagine he’d do just fine. Not sure what cross might do to his case, though. I guess it would depend on if he’s made some sort of arrangement with the state, and what it involves. It may not matter what the defense gets him to admit to.

Well, if he were NOT there, AND his not being there were not incriminating, he could testify to that.

He can't be put in a position to incriminate himself.

If he were not there and he knew his phone was, chances are asking that would be incriminating. I guess in theory, prosecutors could not ask about his phone and object "beyond the scope" or "already in evidence" if D brings in the phone in cross.

Still. I think the whole thing smells bad for Kent, even if the phone is not mentioned. Because it IS already in evidence that his phone was there.

I have a feeling it would be asking him to testify against himself. And it won't happen.

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It’s a good 1 1/2 hours from Farmington to New Canaan, and a bit longer if there is a traffic snafu. He would have had to leave by 8:30 to get there by 10, if he didn’t want to risk getting pulled over and sitting for a bit, waiting for a ticket. But maybe he didn’t regularly worry about getting pulled over? It was Friday of Memorial Day weekend, and so the traffic would not be quite the same as a typical weekday. Going South would likely have been a little less traffic than going North (for some reason).
Idk, makes sense as people were leaving city mainly so that would be northbound. I just don’t recall the morning southbound rush as that is usually brutal but perhaps it was less due to weekend? Idk? I do recall traffic moved for most of the day in both directions around midday until the northbound became a parking lot around 1 iirc. Southbound traffic iirc got rough but not until later in the day. I recall waveny and nc being quiet as many folks left town for weekend. I should have a chat with Dr Luftus to see why I can recall this or even if it’s correct! Moo
The thing is that maybe he was there and simply drove down to NC? I don’t recall southbound rush on that date but could he have made it say by idk 10am? Moo
For absolutely no reason, I think Kent did go to 4JC. And left. Maybe he dropped off his phone, and as posited above, Michelle turned it off at the pre-planned time for Kent to "leave," even when the call didn't occur at the pre-planned time.

If he left before his phone disconnected, he had a bigger window to separate Jennifer from her clothes with Fotis, if he did so.

Michelle could have stashed his phone behind the Froot Loops or someplace in Stop N Bot (whike Marty wasn't peeking!) and Kent could have retrieved it later.

If papers were being burned at 4 JC, would FD trust MT to get it right?

Could she have remained at 80 MS and it was FD in the Cherokee?

Changes nothing. Just a thought.

Didn't the defendant's attorney say, "She didn't bring it with her today." I hope that laptop is still recoverable on Tuesday.

Her attorney saying she didn't bring it with her doesn't mean that MT still has it or has the hard drive for it. They had clearly stated that she had the report on her machine. So the prosecutor's office had access to it at least for a period of time. I am sure that they would not give the computer and/or the hard drive back to her because now it is part of a contempt investigation especially given that it goes against a specific ruling by the judge.

I am sure that someone is assessing when this document was downloaded to this computer, where it was downloaded, and who may have had it before her. They have all of the computers and linked machines (copiers, fax) from 4JX so if it came from there they will know.

It brings to mind that she had talked about her computer on the day of the murder (not disappearance, murder) so I would assume this is a new machine as hers would have been seized. Was it downloaded to a new device from somewhere else--- attorney, family member or...?

Since she knew she was not supposed to have that document, her reading that document in open court in a large font was such a direct defiant act. This time she has an translator so there is no excuse that she did not know. No opportunity to say that it was a stupid joke. I hope that proceeding is televised because I would love to see it.
For absolutely no reason, I think Kent did go to 4JC. And left. Maybe he dropped off his phone, and as posited above, Michelle turned it off at the pre-planned time for Kent to "leave," even when the call didn't occur at the pre-planned time.

If he left before his phone disconnected, he had a bigger window to separate Jennifer from her clothes with Fotis, if he did so.

Michelle could have stashed his phone behind the Froot Loops or someplace in Stop N Bot (whike Marty wasn't peeking!) and Kent could have retrieved it later.


So we still have the vehicle parade mystery going in two locations - nc and Farmington - Farmington visibility is improving but nc is still murky imo on the issue of possible second car and accomplice

How does FD move around undetected between 4jx and 80 ms

FD 2015 suburban - nothing but questions here imo

Could there be other unknown vehicles such as Mercedes, BMW or unreturned MT tahoe rental or some other vehicle never mentioned

The game of locate the phone going over a 60 mile radius or so - think we have all the phones but not sure

The game of “where was KM” going on still and how his phone got to 4jx and how it left (still wonder if FD got KM phone at stop and shop when he did the “meat run”).

Why was KM DNA never mentioned by State?

Anything else?

Her attorney saying she didn't bring it with her doesn't mean that MT still has it or has the hard drive for it. They had clearly stated that she had the report on her machine. So the prosecutor's office had access to it at least for a period of time. I am sure that they would not give the computer and/or the hard drive back to her because now it is part of a contempt investigation especially given that it goes against a specific ruling by the judge.

I am sure that someone is assessing when this document was downloaded to this computer, where it was downloaded, and who may have had it before her. They have all of the computers and linked machines (copiers, fax) from 4JX so if it came from there they will know.

It brings to mind that she had talked about her computer on the day of the murder (not disappearance, murder) so I would assume this is a new machine as hers would have been seized. Was it downloaded to a new device from somewhere else--- attorney, family member or...?

Since she knew she was not supposed to have that document, her reading that document in open court in a large font was such a direct defiant act. This time she has an translator so there is no excuse that she did not know. No opportunity to say that it was a stupid joke. I hope that proceeding is televised because I would love to see it.
I think Felson said “she doesn’t have it today”, but I need to check.

Edit-“Miss Troconis’s computer is not here today, because we are focusing on the evidence…”
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I think Felson said “she doesn’t have it today”, but I need to check.
Either that or “it’s not here today” I recall being annoyed because it was total word salad. I do think it was seized and so MT is at the Apple Store today getting a new one. Imo it was a stupid move on her part but just another example imo of lashing out and taunting behaviour that we have seen play out on social media for 4 years.

For those interested, the Troconis clan continues to be wasting time erasing social media content. It’s sad but also hilarious that they think it could have an impact at this late date. Keep hitting delete is all I can say because a lot of the vile comments are still there.

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