CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #64

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I posted some thoughts a few days ago about what a hypothetical juror might be thinking at this point. Similar to the am phone data, I stripped away some cumulative evidence about the car madness (like the video of the vehicles traveling to and fro via Eli) to see if I could see if I could understand the timeline better.

Leg 1

1:36 pm
Jeep arrives at MS (presumably driven by MT); followed by Black Suburban (presumably driven by FD) arriving just 1 minute later
1:41 pm Just 5 minutes later, the Jeep leaves MS and is heading back to JC.

MT presumably drives the Jeep from JC to MS (right after she and FD have a fast (or imaginary) lunch, as they do on the regular at JC).

The “lunch” is of investigative interest to LE “What did you guys talk about over lunch? Did Jennifer come up?” Ouch - LE lands that whopper on MT during interview 3. It’s clear LE knows there was no lunch or meaningless chit chat because there is no gap between the first outgoing call from FD phone #1 from JC at 1:19 pm; and the tandem Jeep and Suburban arrival at MS at 1:36 pm. That is 7 minutes for lunch at JC and driving time to MS.

LE knows that interjecting Jennifer abruptly into MT’s happy, regular socialite-pond-day timeline during interview 3 will throw her off her innocent explanation game because Jennifer certainly “came up” that day as between her and FD; LE knows it, and she knows they know it - but she lies in spite of that. Her lunch story has zero credibility as she piles lies on top of the “phone manipulation” lies from earlier in her timeline/story.

Reasonable inference: The jury may disregard everything she says in all 3 interviews if they do not find her credible. They don’t require video proof of her not cleaning or not eating lunch like she claims. She is not credible, her story is not credible. It’s contradicted by mountains of electronic evidence. And lying about incriminating activities that relate to a murder are evidence of consciousness of guilt.

Leg 2

1:58 pm
Jeep leaving JC
2:01 pm Jeep turns into MS

The Jeep only stays at MS for 5 minutes before heading back to JC at 1:41 pm.

By 1:58 pm, the Jeep is already on its way back again to MS; it arrives at MS at 2:01 pm. This is about a 17 minute turn around between MS to JC and back to MS (1:41 pm - 2:01 pm)

** We don’t know if MT, FD, or both, and/or a third party are in the Jeep on Leg 1; nor do we know if someone stayed at JC when the Jeep went back to MS on Leg 2. Maybe it’s resolved by tower pings - but I can’t figure it out.

There is a another big problem with her timeline that she stumbles through it in interview 3. She says right after they “had lunch”, FD went to MS and she stayed behind, and that FD called her from MS and asked her to bring cleaning supplies at 1:53 pm.

LE “Why did FD call you and tell you to bring cleaning supplies? Weren’t you guys just together for lunch before you went to MS?”

She really can’t answer this (which is why LE asks the question); they likely gathered the cleaning supplies together (in place of lunch), but she adamantly sticks to her version that she didn’t know she had to clean the MS house until FD called her from the MS house at 1:53 pm.

LE busts her again, and tells her they have video of them arriving together to MS, her ahead of FD no less, at 1:36 pm which is before she claims he called her at 1:53 pm from MS to request cleaning supplies. Oops.

So she pivots to the vacuum cleaner/ broom switch story to clean up that proverbial mess.

Going back for the vacuum could be one tiny slither of truth that helps her with the overall lie, like dropping her daughter off at school. But it’s not enough to support her explanation of why they were cleaning in the first place. Why she is so confused about when she was asked to gather cleaning supplies (when she recalls the color of the rugs she is trying to sell the same day). She isn’t a cleaner; the house is new, items were tossed out across town that match things she brought over to MS clean with. It just isn’t believable. And it’s being refuted in part by LE in front of her and she doesn’t come clean and continues lying.

Reasonable inference - Conspicuous cleaning projects, out of left field, and way out of character for the entitled people that she and FD are/were, on the very afternoon of the morning where the women with which both MT and FD demonstrated extreme animus towards in the weeks leading up to the day of Jennifer going missing is just not innocent or coincidental. Cleaning projects mixed in with a murder timeline are ginormous red flags, not alibis. If I’m a juror, I’m laughing at D’s attempt to paint the cleaning as unrelated to the disappearance - especially where the red Tacoma, seen earlier going to the victims home in NC and back, is randomly parked at the property where the house cleaning will occur. BS!

Leg 3

2:25 pm
Jeep leaves MS in direction of 4JC
3:25 pm Smoke
3:56 pm Jeep arrives back MS

24 minutes later, at 2:25 pm, the Jeep again leaves MS and drives back to JC for the third time in under 1 hour. Who does this?

Then for about the next hour and 1/2, neither the Jeep nor Suburban go anywhere. This isn’t the vacuum run because the Jeep/MT didn’t go back to MS right away. It’s most logical that MT drove the Jeep and stayed at JC; and FD stayed with the Suburban at MS, making MT the most likely person to be alone at JC (with all the many fireplaces).

But worse (if it can get worse for her) there is a FIRE at 3:25 pm that produces SMOKE at JC while the Jeep (and she) are at JC. And having a cozy fire, or fires, did not make her alibi script, nor did she mentioned the fires in any of her interviews (and the smoke evidence was probably held back by LE and the State to discredit MT’s stories at trial in front of Jury).

Reasonable inference - None of the day’s events are random or not connected. By the time we get to the first smoke event 1) the State has proven she lied about manipulating FD’s phone because the phone was their alibi, and it was her job not to mess that; 2) she was very defensive about her lunch story and wouldn’t back off of it when presented with contradictory facts by LE; 3) cleaning with bleach, green and yellow sponges, 10 rolls of paper towels, and black trash bags aren’t alibis where you are a suspect in a murder case that happened on the same day; 4) the frantic round trips and musical cars are in and of themselves suspicious; AND THEN 5) SMOKE.

But we aren’t done yet! Not even close.

Leg 4

4:03 pm
Black Suburban leaves MS
4:23 pm Black Suburban arrives back at MS

The Jeep goes back to MS after the first smoke event. Immediately the Suburban makes a 20 minute turn around trip from MC to JC and back while the Jeep stays at MS.

Note that the Suburban has remained at MS for several hours 1:41 pm - 4:03 pm before Leg 4. The Jeep and Suburban overlap at MS for about 35 minutes of Leg 4 (3:56 pm - 4:23 pm).

This is the 4th turn around trip between the Jeep and Suburban from MS to JC and back to MS. I find it strange that the Jeep and Suburban are playing tag. It’s as if when one arrives, the other leaves. I shudder to think how much of the crime happened at MS. Did he kidnap her from NC, and like he used a car that didn’t belong to him to go to NC, he used a house that didn’t belong to him, thinking he is throwing off LE?

MT tells law enforcement that she was the driver of the Suburban on this particular round trip. She said she had to take the Suburban because it was blocking the Jeep. This makes zero sense, since the Jeep last arrived at MS while the Suburban was already parked. If anything, the Jeep was blocking the Suburban. As they say - last in, first out, (or LIFO in accounting terms).

Meanwhile - what is so important about a 4th, 20 minute round trip that motivates you to take a different vehicle and make up a nonsensical story about why you took that vehicle? And she has already fully exhausted the cleaning and the vacuum excuses, so what is this Leg about? Maybe she took FD’s phone back to JC to charge his phone she posits? LE “I don’t know; I wasn’t there; you were.”

Reasonable inference - MT’s timeline and story is tied so closely to FD’s movements that her “innocent explanations” stick out like sore thumbs. They are what they are - cover stories cobbled together to sit on top the murder timeline. And her tripling down on LE, goes beyond just credibility - it’s arrogance, comfort with lying and deflecting, and lack of remorse on full display. If I’m a juror, I am quite angry with MT’s obstruction.

Leg 5

4:58 pm
Black Raptor comes to MS (driven by PG)
5:02 pm Black Raptor drives to 4JC (PG)

5:02 pm Jeep backs out of MS and waits
5:03 pm Suburban turns out of MS followed by Jeep to JC

5:14 pm Black Raptor goes from JC back to MS
5:23 pm Suburban returns to MS

Enter the 4th car into the mix at MS. PG arrives at MS in the Raptor at 4:58 pm - he really wants his Tacoma back, so he can bring his motorbike home.

The Tacoma has had a busy day on the 24th - an early morning round trip from MS to NC and back before “lunch”.

At 5:02 pm it appears PG makes an untimely surprises visit to MT and FD at MS. And right after her arrives at MS, the Suburban, Raptor and Jeep hastily leave for JC. The assumption is this is the trip to get the keys from JC.

The Raptor and keys return back to MS 12 minutes later. The Suburban 20 minutes later. The Jeep does not return to MS on Leg 5.

Why are the keys at JC if the Tacoma is at MS? Why would the Taceoma keys be moved to JC without the truck?

Reasonable inference- PG interrupted MT and FD readying the bags for the trash burn and dump, so they deal with the PG/key problem as quickly as possible because it is getting later in day and they have trash/evidence to get rid of.

Leg 6: Final Leg MS to JC

5:27 pm
Suburban leaves MS to 4JC
5:27 pm Tacoma leaves MS presumably for Simsberry
5:28 pm Raptor goes from MS to JC
5:57 pm Tacoma going north on Deercliff with moto and plank to Simsberry where he lives.

3 cars and 3 drivers at MS @ 5:27 pm

PG heads for the hills of Simsberry with his motorbike

MT and FD take the Raptor and Suburban back to JC

More Smoke at JC

The Raptor arrived back to JC shortly after it left MS at 5:28 pm.

The Suburban is seen on the Ring camera arriving at JC shortly after it leaves MS at 5:27 pm.

5:59 pm no smoke
6:42 pm smoke
6:44 pm smoke
7:02 pm smoke

About 30 minutes after MT, FD, the Suburban and Raptor are back at JC - there are multiple smoke events lasting on and off from 6:42 pm through 7:02 pm - in May on a day warm enough for shorts.

Reasonable inference - the jury has to be calling BS. They know the trash dumps come at the end of the day per the videos shown to them earlier; so, they are watching all these video events from the afternoon of 5/24 - juxtaposed with interview 3, and her illogical and refuted stories about a nonexistent lunch, gathering of cleaning supplies/vacuum/broom, trash bags sponges and bleach, knowing these red flag activities will lead seamlessly on the State’s timeline right into evening trash bin dumping (with a quick stop at JC to use the fireplace). Holy Smokes!

Up next Starbucks….
That’s a lot of research! Nice. I didn’t read every detail above but my question is : I thought they caught her again lying when she stated she drove the jeep and Fotis followed in the black suv? Because that likely was KM, not Fotis. We know he already pulled into 80 Mountain at 12:30 if that was him driving. Do I have this detail wrong? Forgive me if you mentioned this above and I missed it.
I've always been confused as to how he got the bike back to the Tacoma after he'd ridden it and stashed it. Did he get it after attacking Jennifer, thus transporting both her and the bike to Waveny?
Yes- When he put JFD’s body in her Suburban, he put the bike in there, too. Then at Waveney, he took the bike out of the Suburban and put it into the Tacoma.
That’s a lot of research! Nice. I didn’t read every detail above but my question is : I thought they caught her again lying when she stated she drove the jeep and Fotis followed in the black suv? Because that likely was KM, not Fotis. We know he already pulled into 80 Mountain at 12:30 if that was him driving. Do I have this detail wrong? Forgive me if you mentioned this above and I missed
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That's a great solution for this courtroom! If the State requests Mama A to move to the back of the courtroom, she pretty much couldn't interact with the jury. If she's moved to the 2nd row, she's still in full view. As for the State side gallery blowing kisses to LE, I would say that 99.99% didn't happen. The only shot of that happening would probably have been me, and I didn't do it. Everyone who sits on the State side is dignified and maintains their composure at all times from what I've seen. There are brief greetings amongst the friends at times and that's about it.
That’s what I figured-no attempted interaction between prosecution side gallery and jury, or witnesses. No attempted manipulation of the press or even other spectators.
YouTube 4JC property listing (Tea Leaf Realty) from 5 years ago. Video tour of still images, house staged but looks like some items from previous residents, fires in fireplaces probably photoshopped.

1. First image of house actually shows white smoke coming from the “East chimney”

2. There are 2 “traditional” fireplaces in the East stack - one family room with all the French doors to patio area. Second in master bedroom (I’m thinking the 24 May fire was in the bedroom).

It is an expansive home and gorgeous in many fine and elegant ways.

Imagine living surrounded by such lovely spaces in a picturesque setting of CT and it's not enough. 6 spacious bedrooms for five lively children and it's not enough. The laughter of little children fills the hallways; each child with their own individual living space and it's not enough. A gorgeous wife and it's not enough. Ample office space over the Porte Cochere and Fotis wanted more.

Fotis tossed it all away for Michi. Men like him, CWatts and BMorphew want things their way and don't want to settle for anything less. They leave a painful path of destruction in their wake.

What's a bit surprising to me is that Fotis must not have ever thought about going to prison. When in his premeditated plan to murder Jen was his plan to suicide if police caught him?
Agree that they are both evil but in this case Gayle was only member of the press to call out MT and say things seemed implausible as she described them to LE. Perhaps she said it because the 48 hrs person made a whole series of ridiculous statements about MT being persecuted only because FD died etc. I don’t watch that show but I put clip on thin thread earlier. It was typical cheerleader stuff and puff piece journalism at its worst imo.

Rest of press are dancing around the issue of MT and nobody has done a solid investigation of her history. The 48 hrs person even seemed to repeat the Troconis crew statement that MT is being persecuted by state and taken to trial only because FD died! Wonder how much the Troconis crew got for interview from CBS? Schoenhorn made a ridiculous statement that MT is holding the bag!

Yep, she is holding the bag and will be holding it all the way to prison because that is where convicted co conspirators to murder go!

That is the status of MsM in this tragic trial. It’s shameful imo. MT is no victim, MT is charged as a co conspirator to the murder of JF.


I agree with the Host who stated that it's kind of obvious that she knew what he was doing.

It will be obvious for the jury, too. Is tomorrow the last day for the state? Does that mean KM won't make a court appearance? TIA - had blepharoplasty last Fri and catching up here.
That’s a lot of research! Nice. I didn’t read every detail above but my question is : I thought they caught her again lying when she stated she drove the jeep and Fotis followed in the black suv? Because that likely was KM, not Fotis. We know he already pulled into 80 Mountain at 12:30 if that was him driving. Do I have this detail wrong? Forgive me if you mentioned this above and I missed it.

I posted some thoughts a few days ago about what a hypothetical juror might be thinking at this point. Similar to the am phone data, I stripped away some cumulative evidence about the car madness (like the video of the vehicles traveling to and fro via Eli) to see if I could see if I could understand the timeline better.

Leg 1

1:36 pm
Jeep arrives at MS (presumably driven by MT); followed by Black Suburban (presumably driven by FD) arriving just 1 minute later
1:41 pm Just 5 minutes later, the Jeep leaves MS and is heading back to JC.

MT presumably drives the Jeep from JC to MS (right after she and FD have a fast (or imaginary) lunch, as they do on the regular at JC).

The “lunch” is of investigative interest to LE “What did you guys talk about over lunch? Did Jennifer come up?” Ouch - LE lands that whopper on MT during interview 3. It’s clear LE knows there was no lunch or meaningless chit chat because there is no gap between the first outgoing call from FD phone #1 from JC at 1:19 pm; and the tandem Jeep and Suburban arrival at MS at 1:36 pm. That is 7 minutes for lunch at JC and driving time to MS.

LE knows that interjecting Jennifer abruptly into MT’s happy, regular socialite-pond-day timeline during interview 3 will throw her off her innocent explanation game because Jennifer certainly “came up” that day as between her and FD; LE knows it, and she knows they know it - but she lies in spite of that. Her lunch story has zero credibility as she piles lies on top of the “phone manipulation” lies from earlier in her timeline/story.

Reasonable inference: The jury may disregard everything she says in all 3 interviews if they do not find her credible. They don’t require video proof of her not cleaning or not eating lunch like she claims. She is not credible, her story is not credible. It’s contradicted by mountains of electronic evidence. And lying about incriminating activities that relate to a murder are evidence of consciousness of guilt.

Leg 2

1:58 pm
Jeep leaving JC
2:01 pm Jeep turns into MS

The Jeep only stays at MS for 5 minutes before heading back to JC at 1:41 pm.

By 1:58 pm, the Jeep is already on its way back again to MS; it arrives at MS at 2:01 pm. This is about a 17 minute turn around between MS to JC and back to MS (1:41 pm - 2:01 pm)

** We don’t know if MT, FD, or both, and/or a third party are in the Jeep on Leg 1; nor do we know if someone stayed at JC when the Jeep went back to MS on Leg 2. Maybe it’s resolved by tower pings - but I can’t figure it out.

There is a another big problem with her timeline that she stumbles through it in interview 3. She says right after they “had lunch”, FD went to MS and she stayed behind, and that FD called her from MS and asked her to bring cleaning supplies at 1:53 pm.

LE “Why did FD call you and tell you to bring cleaning supplies? Weren’t you guys just together for lunch before you went to MS?”

She really can’t answer this (which is why LE asks the question); they likely gathered the cleaning supplies together (in place of lunch), but she adamantly sticks to her version that she didn’t know she had to clean the MS house until FD called her from the MS house at 1:53 pm.

LE busts her again, and tells her they have video of them arriving together to MS, her ahead of FD no less, at 1:36 pm which is before she claims he called her at 1:53 pm from MS to request cleaning supplies. Oops.

So she pivots to the vacuum cleaner/ broom switch story to clean up that proverbial mess.

Going back for the vacuum could be one tiny slither of truth that helps her with the overall lie, like dropping her daughter off at school. But it’s not enough to support her explanation of why they were cleaning in the first place. Why she is so confused about when she was asked to gather cleaning supplies (when she recalls the color of the rugs she is trying to sell the same day). She isn’t a cleaner; the house is new, items were tossed out across town that match things she brought over to MS clean with. It just isn’t believable. And it’s being refuted in part by LE in front of her and she doesn’t come clean and continues lying.

Reasonable inference - Conspicuous cleaning projects, out of left field, and way out of character for the entitled people that she and FD are/were, on the very afternoon of the morning where the women with which both MT and FD demonstrated extreme animus towards in the weeks leading up to the day of Jennifer going missing is just not innocent or coincidental. Cleaning projects mixed in with a murder timeline are ginormous red flags, not alibis. If I’m a juror, I’m laughing at D’s attempt to paint the cleaning as unrelated to the disappearance - especially where the red Tacoma, seen earlier going to the victims home in NC and back, is randomly parked at the property where the house cleaning will occur. BS!

Leg 3

2:25 pm
Jeep leaves MS in direction of 4JC
3:25 pm Smoke
3:56 pm Jeep arrives back MS

24 minutes later, at 2:25 pm, the Jeep again leaves MS and drives back to JC for the third time in under 1 hour. Who does this?

Then for about the next hour and 1/2, neither the Jeep nor Suburban go anywhere. This isn’t the vacuum run because the Jeep/MT didn’t go back to MS right away. It’s most logical that MT drove the Jeep and stayed at JC; and FD stayed with the Suburban at MS, making MT the most likely person to be alone at JC (with all the many fireplaces).

But worse (if it can get worse for her) there is a FIRE at 3:25 pm that produces SMOKE at JC while the Jeep (and she) are at JC. And having a cozy fire, or fires, did not make her alibi script, nor did she mentioned the fires in any of her interviews (and the smoke evidence was probably held back by LE and the State to discredit MT’s stories at trial in front of Jury).

Reasonable inference - None of the day’s events are random or not connected. By the time we get to the first smoke event 1) the State has proven she lied about manipulating FD’s phone because the phone was their alibi, and it was her job not to mess that; 2) she was very defensive about her lunch story and wouldn’t back off of it when presented with contradictory facts by LE; 3) cleaning with bleach, green and yellow sponges, 10 rolls of paper towels, and black trash bags aren’t alibis where you are a suspect in a murder case that happened on the same day; 4) the frantic round trips and musical cars are in and of themselves suspicious; AND THEN 5) SMOKE.

But we aren’t done yet! Not even close.

Leg 4

4:03 pm
Black Suburban leaves MS
4:23 pm Black Suburban arrives back at MS

The Jeep goes back to MS after the first smoke event. Immediately the Suburban makes a 20 minute turn around trip from MC to JC and back while the Jeep stays at MS.

Note that the Suburban has remained at MS for several hours 1:41 pm - 4:03 pm before Leg 4. The Jeep and Suburban overlap at MS for about 35 minutes of Leg 4 (3:56 pm - 4:23 pm).

This is the 4th turn around trip between the Jeep and Suburban from MS to JC and back to MS. I find it strange that the Jeep and Suburban are playing tag. It’s as if when one arrives, the other leaves. I shudder to think how much of the crime happened at MS. Did he kidnap her from NC, and like he used a car that didn’t belong to him to go to NC, he used a house that didn’t belong to him, thinking he is throwing off LE?

MT tells law enforcement that she was the driver of the Suburban on this particular round trip. She said she had to take the Suburban because it was blocking the Jeep. This makes zero sense, since the Jeep last arrived at MS while the Suburban was already parked. If anything, the Jeep was blocking the Suburban. As they say - last in, first out, (or LIFO in accounting terms).

Meanwhile - what is so important about a 4th, 20 minute round trip that motivates you to take a different vehicle and make up a nonsensical story about why you took that vehicle? And she has already fully exhausted the cleaning and the vacuum excuses, so what is this Leg about? Maybe she took FD’s phone back to JC to charge his phone she posits? LE “I don’t know; I wasn’t there; you were.”

Reasonable inference - MT’s timeline and story is tied so closely to FD’s movements that her “innocent explanations” stick out like sore thumbs. They are what they are - cover stories cobbled together to sit on top the murder timeline. And her tripling down on LE, goes beyond just credibility - it’s arrogance, comfort with lying and deflecting, and lack of remorse on full display. If I’m a juror, I am quite angry with MT’s obstruction.

Leg 5

4:58 pm
Black Raptor comes to MS (driven by PG)
5:02 pm Black Raptor drives to 4JC (PG)

5:02 pm Jeep backs out of MS and waits
5:03 pm Suburban turns out of MS followed by Jeep to JC

5:14 pm Black Raptor goes from JC back to MS
5:23 pm Suburban returns to MS

Enter the 4th car into the mix at MS. PG arrives at MS in the Raptor at 4:58 pm - he really wants his Tacoma back, so he can bring his motorbike home.

The Tacoma has had a busy day on the 24th - an early morning round trip from MS to NC and back before “lunch”.

At 5:02 pm it appears PG makes an untimely surprises visit to MT and FD at MS. And right after her arrives at MS, the Suburban, Raptor and Jeep hastily leave for JC. The assumption is this is the trip to get the keys from JC.

The Raptor and keys return back to MS 12 minutes later. The Suburban 20 minutes later. The Jeep does not return to MS on Leg 5.

Why are the keys at JC if the Tacoma is at MS? Why would the Taceoma keys be moved to JC without the truck?

Reasonable inference- PG interrupted MT and FD readying the bags for the trash burn and dump, so they deal with the PG/key problem as quickly as possible because it is getting later in day and they have trash/evidence to get rid of.

Leg 6: Final Leg MS to JC

5:27 pm
Suburban leaves MS to 4JC
5:27 pm Tacoma leaves MS presumably for Simsberry
5:28 pm Raptor goes from MS to JC
5:57 pm Tacoma going north on Deercliff with moto and plank to Simsberry where he lives.

3 cars and 3 drivers at MS @ 5:27 pm

PG heads for the hills of Simsberry with his motorbike

MT and FD take the Raptor and Suburban back to JC

More Smoke at JC

The Raptor arrived back to JC shortly after it left MS at 5:28 pm.

The Suburban is seen on the Ring camera arriving at JC shortly after it leaves MS at 5:27 pm.

5:59 pm no smoke
6:42 pm smoke
6:44 pm smoke
7:02 pm smoke

About 30 minutes after MT, FD, the Suburban and Raptor are back at JC - there are multiple smoke events lasting on and off from 6:42 pm through 7:02 pm - in May on a day warm enough for shorts.

Reasonable inference - the jury has to be calling BS. They know the trash dumps come at the end of the day per the videos shown to them earlier; so, they are watching all these video events from the afternoon of 5/24 - juxtaposed with interview 3, and her illogical and refuted stories about a nonexistent lunch, gathering of cleaning supplies/vacuum/broom, trash bags sponges and bleach, knowing these red flag activities will lead seamlessly on the State’s timeline right into evening trash bin dumping (with a quick stop at JC to use the fireplace). Holy Smokes!

Up next Starbucks….
There was also 3 smoke events, 1st started at 3:25pm
That’s a lot of research! Nice. I didn’t read every detail above but my question is : I thought they caught her again lying when she stated she drove the jeep and Fotis followed in the black suv? Because that likely was KM, not Fotis. We know he already pulled into 80 Mountain at 12:30 if that was him driving. Do I have this detail wrong? Forgive me if you mentioned this above and I missed it.
Really good question. I tried to focus on the car videos and the lying in interview 3 according to the facts in evidence. I puzzled long and hard over who is driving what car - knowing there had to be another driver - but until KW appears on the stand, I’m just looking at the evidence that the jury has. There are just so many deliberate lies about small things. And I am fascinated by the masterful questioning of her by LE and how the jury is listen to the interview with the same evidence Kinball had at the time.
Cleaning 80MS - problems with the story -

She does mention about the cleaning at 80MS that there was little round things to clean like from an animal by the fireplace. This is maybe is to explain if there is ash in her vacuum, in trash? The fireplace is the only thing she describes cleaning inside house other than countertops and toilets.

I do also wonder if there was any actual house cleaning trash at 80MS? Her paper towels from cleaning counters, bathroom, by fireplace, the droppings. doubt she did any actual house clean, so I think answer is no, there was no actual normal cleaning trash from 80MS.

The spray Clorox was for the Tacoma & crime clean up,
plus she does the motion of squirting bleach around the toilet bowl rim, but you don’t do that motion with a spray bottle. She told detectives it was Clorox bleach Spray cleaner that she was using and then pantomimes spray gun action.
The Realtor.com listing says 80MS has QUARTZ kitchen countertops. I would be certain that FD would have gone mental if she cleaned the new Quartz with Clorox bleach spray as it damages it.

Also she might have said Windex, but never cleaned any windows …. Maybe used it in kitchen.
These are the cleaning details she gets wrong. Being as pedantic as she is - we should have had a lecture about the Quartz care, special care products for all the luxury fittings.
Instead we details about flies, bugs, birds, rodent droppings, toilets. She’s the marketing manager - this type of talk is off-brand.

Aside- in interview 3 (1:44), after MT is talking about 80MS fireplace, she excitedly mentions the Owl, laughs, says owl - once, twice, smiling swiveling head to look at both but the detectives ignore her & she looks disappointed that she doesn’t get to go on and on about a completely irrelevant owl.

MO - the dirty talk about the house, unsavory types of dirt is same distraction strategy as in earlier interviews talk about her period.
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Yes- When he put JFD’s body in her Suburban, he put the bike in there, too. Then at Waveney, he took the bike out of the Suburban and put it into the Tacoma.
But do you think he biked up Welles Lane??

He would have been in deep danger of having JFD and the kids see him! That’s a short street that ends at JFDs house. He was at Weed St at 7:31, so cutting it close to when they left for school (he for sure knew when school started and that they lived roughly 4 minutes from school). Even if he risked it, he would have been caught on the neighbor’s camera, which we would have seen by now.
So he must have ditched his bike somewhere. I don’t see him dragging his bike through woods or a back yard so that he has it at 69 Welles.
I always considered that he went back to pick up his bike in the Tacoma after he took the Suburban to Waveny- I think the bike was on top of the body in back. And that would have accounted for the extra time between arriving at Waveny and being spotted on the Merritt.
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A question for me is, why was KM willing to go to 4JC for the “meeting” on 5/24 morning, but apparently not willing to answer the phone call from Andreas as an alibi? So that MT had to go up there and answer it?
KM was going to be there, so why did FD need to “involve Michelle” as FD later instructed PG NOT to? It would have been a cleaner plan to just involve 2 people, not 3, and if aren’t was there in the office, he could have picked up the phone.

Did KM, as an attorney, think that he was risking less by not answering the phone and having MT do it, despite the fact that he was there? Or did MT WANT to be part of it, WANT to help out? It seems like the 3 of them were so convinced their plan was watertight as long as they stayed on script; they thought they had the perfect plan.

I also think that KM was in deeper than we have yet seen. Will be interesting to see what surprises come forth when his turn is up.

Who else will not be watching on the days of the defense experts? It’s a sham, and there’s nothing they can do in my opinion to put any reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. They are simply coming up with theories, not concrete facts of actions. We have the concrete facts already, and nothing the experts do or say can change the facts. Michelle was responsible for her actions, and that’s all we care about. Distractions and diversions won’t work.

I see it as the EQUIVALENT of calling a psychic to testify.
Or a tarot card reader!
I think KM is like the dark ace in the hole. Up the Prosecution's sleeve.

I think the Defense has been clawing for KM to take the stand. Because he was going to be their SODDI.

The State knows this. Frankly I think they already applied MT's beloved lemon squeezer to his lemons and got everything out of him that they could. Who knew what when, who drove what where. Who led, who followed. So the State has known all this time that they could put him on the stand, but only if desperate need be.

And since they haven't, and since the ends looms near, the Defense has had to do something. Enter the experts. They probably both refused to meet with the defendant. And agreed, in an academic sense, to lecture from witness box. For a fee.

45 page curriculum vitae -- which JS will try to read to the jury, you know, for their edification. Don't worry. He'll read it, and gyrate, fast as fast can because, well, he's sure about not wasting the Court's/jury's time. He's thoughtful like that.

I do think it's possible he might call Airmen Cecil O'Malley and Anthony Rodriguez, ground crew in A Few Good Men. Of course they won't remember anything, they don't be relevant, but it would draw some joy for the Defense because who doesn't love that movie?

She has no defense.

I actually drove down the Thurton Drive cul du sac again today and it’s as haunting to see the back of the large Welles Lane house so close though those woods as it was years ago when this article was published. Not hearing a black Suburban being observed there in any of the evidence today ….so was this even a credible report then?
We just don’t know. So many believe the accomplice in new Canaan or a pick up
In new Canaan story but no info from state yet. Other believe long distance help from Toot brothers to remove the body. We still
Don’t know what the tooth fragment was that was found on poncho. Without ME testimony I don’t know what happens to this piece of evidence? Did the state discard the piece of evidence that looks like a tooth and jaw fragment? If so, Why? Idk. Still lots of holes unfortunately/ moo

We also never heard about any dna or blood evidence in any of the Farmington houses either. I simply can’t see the body making it back to any of the houses. Will just have to wait for state to close these open holes in the narrative. Moo
I think KM is like the dark ace in the hole. Up the Prosecution's sleeve.

I think the Defense has been clawing for KM to take the stand. Because he was going to be their SODDI.

The State knows this. Frankly I think they already applied MT's beloved lemon squeezer to his lemons and got everything out of him that they could. Who knew what when, who drove what where. Who led, who followed. So the State has known all this time that they could put him on the stand, but only if desperate need be.

And since they haven't, and since the ends looms near, the Defense has had to do something. Enter the experts. They probably both refused to meet with the defendant. And agreed, in an academic sense, to lecture from witness box. For a fee.

45 page curriculum vitae -- which JS will try to read to the jury, you know, for their edification. Don't worry. He'll read it, and gyrate, fast as fast can because, well, he's sure about not wasting the Court's/jury's time. He's thoughtful like that.

I do think it's possible he might call Airmen Cecil O'Malley and Anthony Rodriguez, ground crew in A Few Good Men. Of course they won't remember anything, they don't be relevant, but it would draw some joy for the Defense because who doesn't love that movie?

She has no defense.

Yes, it’s the “no plan plan” from “horn and mini horn”. It’s going to 4-6 days of highly dressed word salad imo so buckle up.

Watched videos on Dr Loftus work so am curious to see how it’s woven into the situation of a Defendant she has never met.

All I can say is I wish Judge R would order the bracelet back on as I have added Flight to my bingo card. We imo have seen the Defendant FIGHT via the outrageous move with the discredited Herman report pages on her computer screen and sadly I think she might try to FLEE. KM tried to flee and CSP captured him so I hope they are similarly prepared for a possible run from MT.

Weakly holding my hand up full well knowing that I might cave. If only to hear the Pros objections and cross. If I'm strong enough may settle for the cliff notes.
Not me, wouldn’t miss it for the world.

The defence presentation such as it is will be one for the record books. I’m cracking open a bottle or two and will be waiting for the magnificence and glory. I’m living for the cell tower testimony and another tour of Avon Mountain and am very curious about how the crisp and clear video of the Car Parade Cleaning day is addressed? The LE Interviews as @lucegirl brilliantly dissected will take a particular brand of genius I think from the defence to overcome. I’m wondering whether it’s discussed as trauma, delusion or denial or better yet all 3 combined with a complete psychotic break!

The timeline should be cleared up by the State complete with phone pings and video of the Car Parade Madness and plumes of smoke as well. Hope Jury gets it as imo it’s a challenge.

How to refute such a brilliant and logical presentation by the State?

Not sure, but we shall see what the defence “no plan plan” might be.
That's a great solution for this courtroom! If the State requests Mama A to move to the back of the courtroom, she pretty much couldn't interact with the jury. If she's moved to the 2nd row, she's still in full view. As for the State side gallery blowing kisses to LE, I would say that 99.99% didn't happen. The only shot of that happening would probably have been me, and I didn't do it. Everyone who sits on the State side is dignified and maintains their composure at all times from what I've seen. There are brief greetings amongst the friends at times and that's about it.
I wonder if we shall hear from Mama T as I believe she is on the non existent witness list that “esteemed defence counsel” yelled about last week?

My recollection from her prior testimony was that she seemed to be upset how she was treated by LE at 4Jx where she was a “visitor” to the house where her daughter was effectively a “squatter”. She was mad also that her computer and personal belongings were taken as part of the raid iirc.

“Esteemed Defence Counsel” in his brilliance of never being prepared described Mama t iirc as a psychologist who needed her computer for work and droned on endlessly in the hearing iirc. Right. Two lies in one sentence imo so good work Counsellor!

Funny how “esteemed defence counsel” has known Mama T now for 4 years and she most likely pays his bills and yet chooses to not know that she isn’t a psychologist and that she can’t practice anything in the States of FL or CT.

It was during this same hearing iirc that “esteemed defence counsel” also was literally screaming about MT being taken to NC in the middle of the night and ripped from her daughter. Right. Perps don’t get taken to the police station in the middle of the night? MT has been charged with conspiracy murder and has spent less than 4 days in jail in 4 years and “esteemed defence counsel” is claiming mistreatment by CSP and State? I welcome listening to mama t expound on MT treatment in CT as well as how wearing the ankle bracelet was “punishment”. This all while MT chose to not hand in her Venezuelan lapsed passport as required. Has anyone called the Venezuelan consulate in NY to see if the passport has been renewed lately? Flight risk is real imo here.

Simply boggles the mind as “esteemed defence counsel” never lets lack of facts or the truth stand in the way of endless chatter and puffery imo. Simply boggles the mind.

A question for me is, why was KM willing to go to 4JC for the “meeting” on 5/24 morning, but apparently not willing to answer the phone call from Andreas as an alibi? So that MT had to go up there and answer it?
KM was going to be there, so why did FD need to “involve Michelle” as FD later instructed PG NOT to? It would have been a cleaner plan to just involve 2 people, not 3, and if aren’t was there in the office, he could have picked up the phone.

Did KM, as an attorney, think that he was risking less by not answering the phone and having MT do it, despite the fact that he was there? Or did MT WANT to be part of it, WANT to help out? It seems like the 3 of them were so convinced their plan was watertight as long as they stayed on script; they thought they had the perfect plan.

I also think that KM was in deeper than we have yet seen. Will be interesting to see what surprises come forth when his turn is up.

Or did the plan carefully build in precautions against any of the three talking against the other?

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