CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #64

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Can someone please explain the conversation near today’s end about “quashing?” Was working and not following, replayed and still didn’t follow. Thank you.
PS I can’t imagine any of us will be able to watch GF without a box of tissues nearby. I so want to give that woman a hug. She should have been able to enjoy her golden years with visits from her beautiful daughter AND grandchildren. Thank heaven for her.
The best part of that exchange is JS (mis) representing his intent. That he's going to avoid matters of the custody hearings and sealed report and that he's only going to ask perfunctory questions about when things occurred, that there's no need to get uppity because he'll be done in 20-25 minutes.

To which, gotta love this judge, the judge says that doesn't take 20-25 minutes. In other words, Judge no trusty JS. The Judge sees right through JS. JS is basically saying he doesn't need a separate quash hearing because he's going to play nice, won't go near the grey zones -- and Judge responds with (in my words) I don't believe you. It's the extra 15-20 minutes that calls his bluff!

Takes a lot of nerve to ask a Judge to trust you.... when you're smelling the short end of the contempt of court stick.

Brazen raisin.

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IMO - the case could come down to MT manipulating FD’s phone with one eye cracked at 6:40 am - and then persistently lying about that fact up through the 3rd interview where she won’t give up the lie even when confronted with irrefutable evidence.

What I find compelling is that the early morning phone manipulation is prior and contemporaneous with the murder.

It’s similar to Murdaugh. How many times was Alick (ugh that pronounciation).
I am not 100% on this but Contempt of Court is the more serious as between that and Criminal Contempt. I know it sounds confusing because the lower variety has the word “criminal” attached and the other doesn’t. Contempt of Court is quite serious.
I'm confused by this:

By which court(s) is she acting contemptuously?

She has possession of a sealed document from family court.

And it was viewed by her attorneys and the prosecution and this court, and ultimately not allowed to be introduced as evidence. I guess since it's not evidence, she was not allowed to review it or see it to prepare for her defense, right?

Is she in family court trouble, too, because she accepted this document in some way?

Or just in contempt of this court for reviewing and sharing somethings sealed that her attorneys wanted in evidence, but they lost that struggle?

The harm she did to Jennifer's surviving family is real. It's terrible.

She also did her defense no favors, making it very clear she is not sorry Jennifer is dead, and seems to be blaming Jennifer for her own murder.

I have a question in case anyone knows....is there a state rebuttal period after the Defense presents their side? I heard the Judge outline the calendar today and may have missed that but did not hear it. Just wondering since there were no openings it seems things are handled differently in CT.
Yes, I believe Judge said in beginning that there would be a rebuttal. Listen to beginning of day 1 to double check me but I'm pretty sure this is what he said.
The best part of that exchange is JS (mis) representing his intent. That he'd going to avoid matters of the custody hearings and sealed report and that he'd only going to ask perfunctory questions about when things occurred, that there's no need to get uppity because he'll be done in 20-25 minutes.

To which, gotta love this judge, the judge says that doesn't take 20-25 minutes. In other words, Judge no trusty JS. The Judge sees right through JS. JS is basically saying he doesn't need a separate quash hearing because he's going to play nice, won't go near the grey zones -- and Judge responds with (in my words) I don't believe you. It's the extra 15-20 minutes that calls his bluff!

Takes a lot of nerve to ask a Judge to trust you.... when you're smelling the shott end of the contempt of court stick.

Brazen raisin.

So agree!

But, the comment that had me laughing and popping a can of hard seltzer was Horn saying that he was going to ask Mike Rose (FD former atty who had been or was about to be booted from Family Court iirc) about "FD Hair".....


On a serious note though, why would Defence bring in Atty Mike Rose who iirc was sitting with a motion for his dismissal in Family Court for his assistance to FD in submitting false financials to the Court along with I believe his role in mystery of the Herman report that Judge Heller was outraged by and that she had fully investigated before she tossed the report from the record and declared a mistrial and tossed Atty Rose?

I think we simply saw "Esteemed Defence Counsel" stand up and tell a whopper to Judge R as the only reason imo Rose is testifying is to speak to the issue of FD (and by extension MT) state of mind on the Family Matter. I honestly thought this entire line of questioning has been beaten to death but it seems like its still alive and kicking. So disappointing as how many times does Judge R have to be hoodwinked by Horn and Mini Horn to clamp down on what will no doubt be a non stop day of objections.

Honestly the slime just oozes out of "Esteemed Defence Counsel" and Mini Horn and we could all see that this whole idea of Rose as a witness was going to be one "double line" crossing after another....I thought Judge R would protect the jury from hearing this line of questioning.

"Esteemed Defence Counsel" imo is simply a putz and is putzing his way to his client being handed an orange suit (or not) after the jury decides her fate.

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Detective Kimball was such a strong witness. Did y'all catch it, at the very end. One of the final questions was about KM but the statement was powerful and it killed the defense. Kent Mawhinny was charged with conspiracy to commit murder in connectiom to THE MURDER of Jennifer Dulos.

Straight up. In case the jury missed it. She. Was. Murdered.

So many wonderful options for an "Ending Song" but the Queen song suggested above is tough as it hits all the right themes too...

I will go old classic for the End of State presentation that Jim Morrison I believe said 'started as a simple goodbye song' that is appropriate I think on MANY levels in this tragedy:

But a somewhat more recent one might work as well for MT too - Skylar Grey - Kill For You (Official Audio) ft. Eminem

Or Even....

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Could go on forever....so many great songs...
IMO - the case could come down to MT manipulating FD’s phone with one eye cracked at 6:40 am - and then persistently lying about that fact up through the 3rd interview where she won’t give up the lie even when confronted with irrefutable evidence.

What I find compelling is that the early morning phone manipulation is prior and contemporaneous with the murder.

It’s similar to Murdaugh. How many times was Alick (ugh that pronounciation).
This is exactly why I'm for guilty on the conspiracy charge - the phone manipulation prior to the murder. It proves she knew and she helped.
IMO - the case could come down to MT manipulating FD’s phone with one eye cracked at 6:40 am - and then persistently lying about that fact up through the 3rd interview where she won’t give up the lie even when confronted with irrefutable evidence.

What I find compelling is that the early morning phone manipulation is prior and contemporaneous with the murder.

It’s similar to Murdaugh. How many times was Alick (ugh that pronounciation).
I agree.

If things had gone differently in her August interview, I could see reasonable doubt about conspiracy to murder. She would have had to have admitted to conspiring to do something else- help Fotis talk to Jennifer. Then, things went south, one thing led to another and she's burning clothes and bleaching out blood stains. If that were her explanation, I'd probably believe it, and not vote guilty on the conspiracy to murder charge. But evidence and interference charges would still apply.

But she never explained her actions that had to be planned in advance. So it makes me think- nothing is reasonable except that she was planning a murder by taking the actions she did from waking on the day of the murder.

Detective Kimball was such a strong witness. Did y'all catch it, at the very end. One of the final questions was about KM but the statement was powerful and it killed the defense. Kent Mawhinny was charged with conspiracy to commit murder in connectiom to THE MURDER of Jennifer Dulos.

Straight up. In case the jury missed it. She. Was. Murdered.

They also know FD is dead.
The fires !!

They ( state ) completely stunned the defense with that brilliant move. JS had NOTHING !! He tried with a whining question about " WHEN did YOU see the fires in the chimney???" to LE. And then started in about " white smoke means...." before the state objected and Judge shut him down. With his tail between his legs and his 'thruster' broken, JS then scratches off 6...count them...6 !! more questions that he couldn't ask ! The horrors ! It was sort of hilarious.

He had absolutely nothing to defend, there was no reason to have 3 fires throughout the afternoon on the day MT's lover committed murder, while she was also frantically running a car ballet back and forth between 80 MS and 4JC. Unless that is you were burning the ten rolls of paper towels that were used in a clean up.

The best part of that exchange is JS (mis) representing his intent. That he'd going to avoid matters of the custody hearings and sealed report and that he'd only going to ask perfunctory questions about when things occurred, that there's no need to get uppity because he'll be done in 20-25 minutes.

To which, gotta love this judge, the judge says that doesn't take 20-25 minutes. In other words, Judge no trusty JS. The Judge sees right through JS. JS is basically saying he doesn't need a separate quash hearing because he's going to play nice, won't go near the grey zones -- and Judge responds with (in my words) I don't believe you. It's the extra 15-20 minutes that calls his bluff!

Takes a lot of nerve to ask a Judge to trust you.... when you're smelling the shott end of the contempt of court stick.

Brazen raisin.

Honestly I thought Judge R had learned his lesson with the prior nonsense from Horn and Mini Horn.

So disappointing to see this from Judge R.

I mean we have seen Jon Schoenhorn in open court try to wriggle out and horse trade a prior stipulation agreement involving a situation where he sat on case evidence for a year and didn't turn it over to LE!!! Guy is imo without scruples and utterly shameless.

How can someone that would do this ever by trusted and how does he even have a license?

Mind boggling.

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IMO - the case could come down to MT manipulating FD’s phone with one eye cracked at 6:40 am - and then persistently lying about that fact up through the 3rd interview where she won’t give up the lie even when confronted with irrefutable evidence and an implied offer of a deal.

What I find compelling is that her early morning phone manipulation is prior to and contemporaneous with the murder. That is conspiracy to commit murder - not accessory after the facts - mopping. She could have stopped it. Infuriating. Heartbreaking.

Now - a jury could disagree that the phone manipulation was not because she knew about the murder ahead of time. It could be she thinks FD is having an affair, so she obsessively checks his phone. Or as someone said a few days ago - maybe the plan was for FD to go reason with Jennifer. But it just makes no sense if I’m a juror - if he’s having an affair he doesn’t leave his phone at home, and if the plan was to reason with Jennifer, why the covert ops via red Tacoma. And as LE challenged MT: “you didn’t go ballastic with your middle finger emojis like you typically would do when FD was unaccounted for and you thought he might be cheating on you.”

It’s similar to Murdaugh. How many times was Alick (ugh that pronounciation) NOT at the kennels until he WAS then at the kennels via phone data? MT, I would argue, MT was AT the murder in NC via proxy (in charge of FD’s phone).

Even if phone manipulation could be explained away - why didn’t she come clean later?

But do not get me started on predicting juries…that is the system and they are there in person, judging credibility and demeanor, not influenced by media. It’s just so hard to predict.
I'm confused by this:

By which court(s) is she acting contemptuously?

She has possession of a sealed document from family court.

And it was viewed by her attorneys and the prosecution and this court, and ultimately not allowed to be introduced as evidence. I guess since it's not evidence, she was not allowed to review it or see it to prepare for her defense, right?

Is she in family court trouble, too, because she accepted this document in some way?

Or just in contempt of this court for reviewing and sharing somethings sealed that her attorneys wanted in evidence, but they lost that struggle?

The harm she did to Jennifer's surviving family is real. It's terrible.

She also did her defense no favors, making it very clear she is not sorry Jennifer is dead, and seems to be blaming Jennifer for her own murder.

The Contempt of Court is for violating Judge R’s Court. Remains to be seen if family court joins in - but Contempt of Court is “impugning” the Court in which you are alleged to have offended.

I listened again.

After the defense rests, there will be a break.

For both sides to prepare.

Judge: I think that can happen in the same day.


Defense rests.
Break period for Counsels to prepare.
Then the contempt hearing?
Then closing arguments?
Then deliberations.
Then a verdict.
Then sentencing/sanctions

What's the jury supposed to do during the contempt hearing? Can't deliberate. Can't be told what's going on.

What did the judge call this?


That's putting it mildly!



I listened again.

After the defense rests, there will be a break.

For both sides to prepare.

Judge: I think that can happen in the same day.


Defense rests.
Break period for Counsels to prepare.
Then the contempt hearing?
Then closing arguments?
Then deliberations.
Then a verdict.
Then sentencing/sanctions

What's the jury supposed to do during the contempt hearing? Can't deliberate. Can't be told what's going on.

What did the judge call this?


That's putting it mildly!


Did he change his mind because I thought when he initially discussed this the plan was to have the jury deliberate while the contempt hearing was going on. I don't get the timing either as won't all parties have to lawyer up and prepare and we still don't know if Mama Troconis will be charged for her role either?

I'm still confused. But the way it seems to be working as you described the jury will be blowing bubbles for a few days at least. Yikes.

IMO - the case could come down to MT manipulating FD’s phone with one eye cracked at 6:40 am - and then persistently lying about that fact up through the 3rd interview where she won’t give up the lie even when confronted with irrefutable evidence and an implied offer of a deal.

What I find compelling is that her early morning phone manipulation is prior to and contemporaneous with the murder. That is conspiracy to commit murder - not accessory after the facts - mopping. She could have stopped it. Infuriating. Heartbreaking.

Now - a jury could disagree that the phone manipulation was not because she knew about the murder ahead of time. It could be she thinks FD is having an affair, so she obsessively checks his phone. Or as someone said a few days ago - maybe the plan was for FD to go reason with Jennifer. But it just makes no sense if I’m a juror - if he’s having an affair he doesn’t leave his phone at home, and if the plan was to reason with Jennifer, why the covert ops via red Tacoma. And as LE challenged MT: “you didn’t go ballastic with your middle finger emojis like you typically would do when FD was unaccounted for and you thought he might be cheating on you.”

It’s similar to Murdaugh. How many times was Alick (ugh that pronounciation) NOT at the kennels until he WAS then at the kennels via phone data? MT, I would argue, MT was AT the murder in NC via proxy (in charge of FD’s phone).

Even if phone manipulation could be explained away - why didn’t she come clean later?

But do not get me started on predicting juries…that is the system and they are there in person, judging credibility and demeanor, not influenced by media. It’s just so hard to predict.
LE tried to hammer the point: she was uncharacteristically relaxed about not knowing where he was or who he was with.

She never satisfactorily explained her actions.

And they were all planned with all plans in place before Fotis' 5:30 AM departure.

She didn't even explain them after it was becoming clear and was clear that she was accused of murder. She didn't even explain them after Fotis was dead, and unable to contradict her.

Only participating in a planned murder "fits."

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