Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #15 *ARRESTS*

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I haven’t even read all of this yet due to deadlines but I’m sorry you and your family have had such a hard time, and I wish you better days ahead. Take care.

Thank you! I know I shared way too much but I feel somehow like all the crazy things happening in this case are a direct relation to life here and I hope that is what came across.
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I believe she returned the purse to a friend who lived in Simsbury, an adjacent town.
Simsbury is close to Avon, where the Dulos family used to live and from where JFD blogged on the Avon Patch. Closer to Farmington than to New Canaan. Just in case any one was wondering ... former CT resident.
Totally agree with the OP @thekirbyfamily about so much of her post and the pain of what she has experienced in the State comes through in every word of the post IMO. Virtual hug being sent to @thekirbyfamily as I cannot reach her by PM!

IMO its not just the issues with Govt and the Judiciary but its the economy, cost of living, absence of services and on down the line of items that together represent quality of life in CT. For someone not from the area its hard to describe the social alienation present in most of the suburbs as the view of the state is clouded in many respects by the wealth of its residents IMO and there is a surface gloss to many of the suburbs that looks like everyone is fine and everything is perfect. I am sure this statement will generate pushback but most people are so focused on figuring out how to make a living to support themselves and their families in a super high cost area of the country that IMO there simply isn't much left to give to neighbors, friends and even the community.

Because the cost of living is so high the population is largely transient and I believe most people stay to take advantage of the schools for their children and then they leave. I'm not sure most people care about lasting relationship in the communities where they reside because most people don't plan to retire in the State and so they simply leave. In most suburbs its a revolving door of neighbors and frankly in many places people don't even know their neighbors. Isolation is real as is high stress to continue to reside in the state.

@thekirbyfamily talks about all these issues and in my experiece what she has experienced is sadly not atypical. A major poll just came out two weeks ago that said that 50% of the residents of CT plan to leave in 5 years! Most likely IMO this is because their children will be graduating or they will be retiring. Its a sad state of affairs that hides behind some of the most beautiful suburbs in the country IMO. Sure there are some wonderful people and communities scattered throughout the state but overall living in CT as a single parent in particular is highly stressful financially and the social isolation is not easy to describe in a way that would make sense to people not from this area.

Clearly @thekirbyfamily has had a horrific experience and no doubt JD even with enough money to solve most of here issues felt the same isolation in NC as a single parent. JD was lucky to have the community surrounding NCCS and it sounds like she had some wonderful friends. But it is estimated that NCCS for 5 children cost something on the order of $250,000/yr! But even so, the isolation of living in a large house in the woods is not to be underestimated.

I wish I could PM @thekirbyfamily to share some resources that might help her family and situation as some do exist but its not possible due to her account settings. My heart breaks to hear what she has had to endure in CT largely alone and also as a caregiver of children. I don't have words to think about anyplace that allows for homeless single mothers and children when the overall wealth present in the state should be sufficient to shelter them but the bureaucracy associated with these issues is largely broken and so much falls onto local non profits to fill the gap. There are some wonderful not for profits working with single mothers but its hard to access them sometimes.

I simply can write no more about this topic as I find it so upsetting, but I won't give up talking about this topic of single mothers and homelessness in CT as its a real issue. No human being or children should have to experience what @thekirbyfamily describes IMO. I just feel tears right now.

I found it interesting when NP, in his victim shaming-and-blaming, claimed that JFD was a heroin addict. CT (along with any other places, I know) has an enormous heroin problem. Not sure if this has been discussed here yet ...

At any rate, IMO, NP was trying to work the local heroin epidemic. Interesting that he threw that out there only to drop it. Jury pool contamination for sure, given what a sensitive, devastating topic heroin use has become nationwide, let alone in CT. Following this "logic", I can only imagine the can of worms NP may open when it comes to the extremely sensitive and crucial issue of the family court system. MOO.
Google Maps
I believe she returned the purse to a friend who lived in Simsbury, an adjacent town.

Thank you @Rosiebones!

IMO I was thinking she might be relying on friends for a place to stay since renting her own place would be costly. And by the by.....mind if my mom stays too? She doesn't mind sleeping on the sofa...
I would never, ever, hire a lawyer who employs the kind of tactics NP has used in this case. Sure, it makes his client think he is "doing something" and I suppose it makes him feel good to thump his chest and shake his fists at the world. When his actions to date are examined, however, it becomes clear he has no well-considered strategy, has no grasp on the facts, and does not have a convincing narrative for his client's actions on the day of the murder. Lacking the fundamentals necessary to mount an effective defense, he has repeatedly engaged in completely unproductive, scatter-shot, victim blaming. He appears to care more about getting publicity for himself and less about actually defending his client.

Each time NP makes another command performance for the cameras, he loses more credibility. JD is a heroin addict; JD is a "Gone Girl"; FD has an airtight alibi, oh never mind; MT has an alibi for FD, oh, never mind; the prosecutor must give MT immunity from prosecution so she can tell the truth (why would she need immunity if she had not committed a criminal act?). Let's not forget the most outrageous comments he has made about being "SICK AND TIRED of hearing" about what happened to JD. On more than one occasion, his comments have shown that he is tone deaf and his words actually make us think even worse of his client.

Why is NP making these comments? To taint the jury pool, that's why. The rules of professional conduct, which NP has sworn to obey, explicitly prohibit lawyers from engaging in this type of conduct. Should the prosecutor seek a gag order in this case, it will be granted. The state probably hasn't sought one because it knows how guilty NP's comments make his client look. Still, NP is well aware he is violating the rules of professional conduct but, like his client, he doesn't care. After all, the ends justify the means, right?

Good lawyers try their cases in the courtroom, not the press room. Good lawyers know that saying they are "sick and tired" of hearing about the victim does not advance the cause of their client. Good lawyers do not affirmatively seek to influence the testimony of witnesses/co-defendants, nor do they speak publicly for them, especially knowing those witnesses are represented by counsel. Good lawyers do not send their associate into a courtroom to "accidentally" encounter a witness who is the subject of a no contact court order. The list of thou shall nots which have been violated goes on and on.

What would a good lawyer do in this case? The very first thing a good lawyer would do is keep their client away from media interviews! FD's interview was one of the worst I have ever seen, right up there with the one given by the Colorado man who killed his pregnant wife and young daughters. From his inability to say one nice thing about his missing wife to his absolutely ridiculous comments about being the real victim, FD's interview is surely going to be used against him. NP gets a 'F' for client control.

Good lawyers stay on message, avoid victim blaming, and thoroughly research the legal issues to be litigated. In doing so, they prevent entry of a blistering order granting custody of the children to grandmother. Again, the doctrine of adverse inferences is a well-established one. NP surely knew there was no way Judge Heller was ever going to make those kids return to a suspected murderer. In pursuing this matter, he opened the door for all kinds of additional (and highly prejudicial) information to come out about his client. He did so because either he is not in control of his client or he thinks any publicity in the case is good publicity. He is wrong.

This attorney has exhibited a complete lack of respect for the rules of professionalism he has sworn to uphold. He delights in continually disparaging JD and her family. While this type of conduct is perhaps overlooked in smaller jurisdictions, I can assure you that the stunts NP has pulled are NOT in the repertoire of competent counsel. This investigation is not some kind of reality TV show. A mother of five has been the victim of a "serious physical assault" in her own home and is now missing. Competent counsel would treat this situation with the solemnity it deserves.

Whenever his image pops up, I think "NP isn't a real lawyer, he just plays one on TV." I would not hire him to handle a traffic ticket!(JMO)

Thanks for the excellent post. I don't have a legal background, so forgive me if this is an obvious question. If NP (or any lawyer) violates the rules of professional conduct in such a way, is there any penalty or grounds of disbarment or suspension? Or, can lawyers behave like this but they simply tarnish their credibility and reputation?
Thanks for the excellent post. I don't have a legal background, so forgive me if this is an obvious question. If NP (or any lawyer) violates the rules of professional conduct in such a way, is there any penalty or grounds of disbarment or suspension? Or, can lawyers behave like this but they simply tarnish their credibility and reputation?
The latter. Nothing NP has done thus far qualifies as misconduct. IMO, unfortunately. Connecticut Rules of Professional Conduct
The latter. Nothing NP has done thus far qualifies as misconduct. IMO, unfortunately. Connecticut Rules of Professional Conduct
I'm waiting for Judge Heller to rule on this as his conduct on the psych report had him skating on very thin ice on more than a few points IMO. Further the last time I looked I believe No Case Norm is also an Officer of the Court?

His initial claim of not knowing the report was sealed was frankly ridiculous as any person working would confidential information would check the status of a document prior to either taking it and certainly before releasing to press.

No Case Norm had no intern to check the doc status? Had to wait for Atty Dragganis to tell him the status of the document - a message which she delivered in person no less (cat was out of bag at that point so it was pointless to do much at that time)?

IMO purely irresponsible and zero remorse expressed by No Case Norm. Just the feeble excuse that he was protecting his client from a journalists "Kill Report". Yep, we can trample the rights of missing victims not able to defend themselves all in the name of "defending" our client FD. Not so sure this is at all true!

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Yes... particularly in the hilly area where 4jx is located. Whenever I go over Avon Mountain my cell cuts out.
No cell service on Avon Mountain? Wonder what the impact of this might be on FD ankle/wrist bracelet which I believe is cell signal and not satellite signal? Can just imagine the convo now when FD is deemed missing in action and the poor monitor says that FD was last seen on Avon Mountain and never heard from again!
I've been on vacation. Really appreciate all the great posts. I was intrigued by this from 2 days ago.

Attorneys representing Jennifer Dulos’ mother in a civil lawsuit against Fotis Dulos and his real estate development company have called for an emergency hearing next week.

Attorneys for Gloria Farber, who has accused her son-in-law of failing to repay about $2 million in loans he used for his business, are seeking to depose Michelle Troconis on Wednesday.

Jennifer Dulos’ mother wants to hear Michelle Troconis’ story

How does everyone think this is gonna play out?
Thank you! I know I shared way too much but I feel somehow like all the crazy things happening in this case are a direct relation to life here and I hope that is what came across.
That's the way it came across, thanks for sharing, sorry for your trouble, and hope you can manage to relocate someday soon!

In the context of JD's disappearance and FD's chicanery, I'm not at all surprised that this all went down in CT. IMO
Great explanation in article! Wonder though if the Sentinel Service peep charged with monitoring MT was perhaps on vaction or didn't have the correct contact info for the States Atty and the Judge? Technology seems impressive but any system is no better than its weakest link and communication is key IMO! Will have to continue to watch this bracelet issue!
Or was following “alternate orders”?
I'm waiting for Judge Heller to rule on this as his conduct on the psych report had him skating on very thin ice on more than a few points IMO. Further the last time I looked I believe No Case Norm is also an Officer of the Court?

His initial claim of not knowing the report was sealed was frankly ridiculous as any person working would confidential information would check the status of a document prior to either taking it and certainly before releasing to press.

No Case Norm had no intern to check the doc status? Had to wait for Atty Dragganis to tell him the status of the document - a message which she delivered in person no less (cat was out of bag at that point so it was pointless to do much at that time)?

IMO purely irresponsible and zero remorse expressed by No Case Norm. Just the feeble excuse that he was protecting his client from a journalists "Kill Report". Yep, we can trample the rights of missing victims not able to defend themselves all in the name of "defending" our client FD. Not so sure this is at all true!


Norm's response before the hearing call by the GAL was:

"Pattis said Tuesday he doesn’t think his comments violated the court order but would listen to the judge if she disagrees.

“I have enormous respect for Judge (Donna) Heller,” Pattis said. “If I erred, I’m sure she’ll tell me.”

He chuckled as he delivered the bolded comment. He knew he had stepped out of line, but he also knew that most judges don't want to tangle with him about First Amendment rights....His argument would be, "I'm only doing the best I can for my client." UGH!

The Advocate's story has a few more details:
Jennifer Dulos case: Search ends at trash plant, Pattis accused of violating court order
Norm's response before the hearing call by the GAL was:

"Pattis said Tuesday he doesn’t think his comments violated the court order but would listen to the judge if she disagrees.

“I have enormous respect for Judge (Donna) Heller,” Pattis said. “If I erred, I’m sure she’ll tell me.”

He chuckled as he delivered the bolded comment. He knew he had stepped out of line, but he also knew that most judges don't want to tangle with him about First Amendment rights....His argument would be, "I'm only doing the best I can for my client." UGH!

The Advocate's story has a few more details:
Jennifer Dulos case: Search ends at trash plant, Pattis accused of violating court order
I'm changing his name from No Case Norm to No Law Norm!

Situation is crazy IMO.

I hope Judge Heller shows the esteemed No Law Norm the error of his ways!

Defending your client isn't a get out of jail free card so far as I know but I will wait for Judge Heller to rule on this one.
188.00 07/29/2019 P OBJECTION TO MOTION


189.00 07/29/2019 P CASEFLOW REQUEST (JD-CV-116)

Some of the motion Farber vs Fore Group

The deponent Troconis had a long-standing relationship with the defendant Fotis Dulos and his entity, Fore Group, Inc. The dispute in the above-entitled matter obviously involves outstanding claims against the Fore Group and against Dulos for millions of dollars. The plaintiff seeks the deposition of Michelle Troconis not in regard to the allegations set forth in the criminal case against her, or the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and potential harm to Jennifer Farber Dulos, but rather concerning the outstanding claims against the defendants, her role at the Fore Group, her knowledge and involvement in regard to expenses paid for by the Fore Group or reimbursed to the defendant Dulos from the Fore Group, none of which implicate the present criminal charged pending against the deponent.
I'm waiting for Judge Heller to rule on this as his conduct on the psych report had him skating on very thin ice on more than a few points IMO. Further the last time I looked I believe No Case Norm is also an Officer of the Court?

His initial claim of not knowing the report was sealed was frankly ridiculous as any person working would confidential information would check the status of a document prior to either taking it and certainly before releasing to press.

No Case Norm had no intern to check the doc status? Had to wait for Atty Dragganis to tell him the status of the document - a message which she delivered in person no less (cat was out of bag at that point so it was pointless to do much at that time)?

IMO purely irresponsible and zero remorse expressed by No Case Norm. Just the feeble excuse that he was protecting his client from a journalists "Kill Report". Yep, we can trample the rights of missing victims not able to defend themselves all in the name of "defending" our client FD. Not so sure this is at all true!

We'll see ... Seems to me the courts would be backlogged with prosecuting attorneys if they went after every dude like NP. But we can hope!
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