Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #15 *ARRESTS*

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I think this raises a lot of questions. The system isn’t fail proof as the article says. I don’t think they have to report to anyone- they’re not on probation. I don’t know why when MT went to NY and there was a poor signal, why it wasn’t reported to the states Atty. They said they reported it to probation- she’s not even on probation. I did my internship for my masters degree at the Court Support Services Division in CT- the same one where the people in the interview work. Yes, I think they could be together and no one would know. The people monitoring are a contracted out service. They must have 24/7 staff. How would a staff know they’re not supposed to be together? I’m sure CT has places where there is little or no cell reception. I don’t have it at my house. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Totally agree.

In the last court document filed MT listed her address as being in Avon, CT? Saw this and immediately thought that it was a joke after all the drama of the No Contact Order filed by her Atty Bowman. Why issue a No Contact Order and then go back to the place that is 10 min from 4Jx and is in a small town where running into FD is inevitable? IMO this is a joke and I do not understand why Atty Bowman supported this idea as the optics are terrible.

Can the State Support Services Division that you mention confirm with no doubt that MT WAS NOT WITH FD during the time she was supposed to be in NY? Why did Judge Blawie not ask where MT had been if she wasn't in NY? Nope, this question wasn't asked so the Court had no information and so much for State's Atty putting MT on a 'short leash'. This all sounds like a badly written kindergarten play where nobody knows their part and just wanders around looking confused!
If FD is innocent why doesn’t he say it? He doesn’t say anything like, “ my children don’t have a mother,” or “I’m upset by this, I hope they find her soon.” He doesn’t even acknowledge that the children are without a mother!

Lots of guesses here because we will have to wait for trial but here goes:

My guess is that he cannot say he is innocent because he simply isn't innocent!

My other guess is that he is incapable of speaking with emotion about either JD as the mother of his children or his children because he isn't wired to care in way that most people could understand. IMO JD and her children were simply tools to access wealth and a lifestyle that he craved but had no interest in working to attain. IMO its unfortunate for JD but FD is just a grifter that evolved into a 'deadbeat dad' as described by Judge Heller in her opinion on GF custody last week.

But due to our system we will no doubt have to endure a hugely painful final court drama and listen to No Case Norm spout off for months at a time before a jury eventually puts us all out of our misery and sentences FD! But the phrases you identified as not being said by FD are the exact missing phrases that I think the jury will eventually use to convict him as by not saying any of the things you mentioned it becomes clear that this individual is someone that has the capacity to do the things that he has been accused of doing - in short, a monster or as he said in Family Court, Charles Manson!

ITA with you @afitzy! Trying to type on a Kindle so posting not working well for me tonight. I am obsessed with this case and check in at least once daily. I want Jennifer found yesterday and the obvious perpetrators to be prosecuted to the full extent and convicted.
Me too! Hang with it as we need every voice of support we can gather as this moves forward!
A solid article on the Courts and DV:

How Domestic Abusers Weaponize the Courts

Quote from article:
"Many abusers misuse the court system to maintain power and control over their former or current partners, a method sometimes called “vexatious” or “abusive” litigation, also known as “paper” or “separation” abuse, or “stalking by way of the courts.” Perpetrators file frivolous lawsuits—sometimes even from prison—to keep their victims coming back to court to face them. After a breakup, the courts are often the only tool left for abusers seeking to maintain a hold over their victims’ lives. The process costs money and time, and can further traumatize victims of intimate-partner violence, even after they have managed to leave the relationship. Only one U.S. state, Tennessee, has a law specifically aimed at stopping a former romantic partner from filing vexatious litigation against an ex".

"According to a 2017 report from Georgia’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project, which tracks domestic-violence-related deaths in the state, “Although there is little data on the frequency of harassing court filings, sometimes referred to as vexatious litigation, use of the court to harass victims of intimate partner violence and stalking appears to be commonplace.” For D, it certainly was".
Thank you for this article. Really enlightening!
Thank goodness the Press in CT is awake and listening to what is coming out of the JD/FD Family Courtroom! So welcome having this article written.

Remember the psych report (unfinished and believed to be in draft form) that GAL Meehan allegedly gave to FD Atty and the FD allegedly 'stole' the report and gave it to No Case Norm? Why would GAL seem to 'cherry pick' which atty got to see the report? Not sure how this is in the best interests of the Children either. MOO

No Case Norm most likely knowing the report had been sealed by the Court (even though he claims he didn't know until GF Atty Anne Dranginis marched into his office and told him) then made the ethically questionable choice IMO to weaponize the contents of the psych report and use it as ammunition to protect his client in the press. What a guy?! Are we sure that No Case Norm is a bona fide Officer of the Court? This entire episode was about as shady and unethical as almost anything we have seen so far in this case but is consistent with the Pattis approach of blame the victim JD for everything wrong that is happening to his client. Where was anyone on the court to stand up for the person being discussed in the report and protect her interest? Crickets from the court except for the motion filed from JD atty to terminate GAL Meehan.

As far as I know Judge Heller has not decided on the motion filed by JD atty to have GAL Meehan dismissed for his part in the release of the psych report. I also don't think Judge Heller has ruled either on the request of JD atty to penalize No Case Norm for his role in this dispicable event.

On the topic of GALs, it was interesting that the Ruling from Judge Heller on the GF custody issue disclosed that GF herself paid 1/2 of the GAL cost and JD paid the other 1/2. Think about this for a second. Here we have a wealthy individual named JD and even she didn't have enough cash to follow what the CT Family Court was asking of her in terms of the GAL such that she had to seek her mothers assistance to pay the GAL? What would have happened if there were no GF involved in this case? My guess is that we wouldn't see a GAL? Is a GAL only used in cases with wealthy clients? Why would the court impose a requirement on a case that would involve something that neither JD nor FD (he paid zero according to the most recent Judge Heller ruling) could afford? Other states regulate GAL fees but so far as I am aware this is not done in CT where it is not unusual for GAL salaries to exceed $300,000/yr from this activity.

This seems like crazy financial abuse. I’d still like to know more about how FD got his hands on that psych eval.
This seems like crazy financial abuse. I’d still like to know more about how FD got his hands on that psych eval.

Me, too. If FD stole it from GAL MM’s briefcase, what was it doing there in the first place? And if MM pulled it out and let FD read it and possibly make a copy of it or just not return it, why would he let FD do that? That file wasn’t for either FD’s or JD’s eyes, as far as I know. Isn’t that file for the court’s use in making their custody evaluation? It wasn’t supposed to be a tool for one party to use as a weapon against the other. I think MM’s got some ‘splaining to do, and I’d like for the court to ask him. But seeing as there have already been some important unasked questions, I won’t hold my breath waiting for them to quiz MM about that file.
Article on GF gaining custody and financial issues that the Judge Heller ruling disclosed about FD/Excellent footage of 4Jx and discussion of GF civil litigation:

As grandmother is granted custody of Dulos children, new details about family finances emerge

Quote from article:
In a heavily redacted section of the filing, Judge Heller reveals Jennifer’s mother paid for the 4 Jefferson Crossing property in Farmington, even after Jennifer moved out.


Fotis Dulos

“Ms. Farber [----redacted words----] started paying the monthly mortgage and real estate property taxes on the parties’ former marital residence in Farmington, Connecticut, where [Fotis] resided with Ms. Troconis and her daughter, after [Fotis] ceased making those payments. Ms. Farber’s property was held additional collateral for the mortgage on the Farmington property, so she paid these expenses each month to prevent the Farmington property from going into foreclosure.”

Step back and think about all the previous paragraph is stating. GF was paying mortgage and taxes ON THE HOUSE WHERE FD AND MT WERE LIVING WITH MT DAUGHTER. Further, the reason GF was doing this was because she had other property which was being held as collateral for the mortgage on the Farmingon property and she didn't want to lose her property!

All I can think about was the FD quote from Family Court when he made the statement that he 'wasn't Charles Manson'! IDK but this whole situation seems pretty monstrous to me? An 85 yo woman pledges her property to buy a house for you and your family to live in an what do you do? Do you step up to replace her collateral and buy out her interest in the house at the same time you decide to move your mistress and her daughter into the house? Nope. FD doesn't do this. FD proceeds to stop making any payments FOR HIS SHARE of the house while at the same time living there with MT and her daughter. What a couple! Poster people IMO for the ethically challenged and morally bankrupt IMO!

Monstrous Monster. Poster sized.
I hope FD has the forethought to blow that photo up to monster size before he gets carted away, cuz that’s all over. He can plaster it on the mouse sized cell wall where he will be spending the rest of his pathetic life.
Me, too. If FD stole it from GAL MM’s briefcase, what was it doing there in the first place? And if MM pulled it out and let FD read it and possibly make a copy of it or just not return it, why would he let FD do that? That file wasn’t for either FD’s or JD’s eyes, as far as I know. Isn’t that file for the court’s use in making their custody evaluation? It wasn’t supposed to be a tool for one party to use as a weapon against the other. I think MM’s got some ‘splaining to do, and I’d like for the court to ask him. But seeing as there have already been some important unasked questions, I won’t hold my breath waiting for them to quiz MM about that file.

You really have to wonder what type of a person would behave this way when it is their legal and professional responsibility to look after the children's best interests and well being.
I seriously doubt that Fauxtis has two nickels to rub together outside of his 401k which he has assigned to NP. He has likely stretched every credit card he has to the limit. I think he is someone who spent frivolously without a care about tomorrow, after all it wasn't his money.

IMO there is no way when FD and JD were married that they were getting by on $500,000 per year as crazy as that sounds. Between mortgage payments, property taxes, cars, insurance, utilities, food, clothing, household help, school tuition and luxury travel expenses, and after separating, maintaining two households and legal fees.
IMO MT thought she hit the jackpot with the wealthy and charming playboy. A soulmate, a sking enthusiast and my God, the chemistry! That is until she started working at FORE and got a peek at the financials or started fielding calls from unpaid subs and creditors and realized who was really paying the bills.

NP may come to rue the day that he accepted FD as a client. IMO FD is a desperate, agitated man and desperate people do desperate things, especially when they blame other people for every unfavorable outcome in their lives. I pray for GF and the children.
No offense meant, but that would mean you wouldn't be a good defense lawyer. A defense lawyer shouldn't him/her self look at the case from the perspective of guilt or innocence. That is for the jury to decide. The lawyer's job is to present the case in the most favorable light for his client. If the jury declares his client innocent, he did his job. If the jury declares him guilty, he also did his job. I don't fault NP. It's not up to him to declare guilt or innocence. It does bother me a little to see this site disparage him so. I not a fan of lawyers, yet in no way do I feel he's a problem here. If FD is guilty, and the prosecutors are competent, he'll be convicted regardless of NP.

So stop ragging on NP. If it were you or me (and we were innocent, as of course we would be), we would want a lawyer who did everything possible to put us in a good light. Yeah NP. If I ever get arrested for something I didn't do in CT, maybe I'll give him a call.
I would never, ever, hire a lawyer who employs the kind of tactics NP has used in this case. Sure, it makes his client think he is "doing something" and I suppose it makes him feel good to thump his chest and shake his fists at the world. When his actions to date are examined, however, it becomes clear he has no well-considered strategy, has no grasp on the facts, and does not have a convincing narrative for his client's actions on the day of the murder. Lacking the fundamentals necessary to mount an effective defense, he has repeatedly engaged in completely unproductive, scatter-shot, victim blaming. He appears to care more about getting publicity for himself and less about actually defending his client.

Each time NP makes another command performance for the cameras, he loses more credibility. JD is a heroin addict; JD is a "Gone Girl"; FD has an airtight alibi, oh never mind; MT has an alibi for FD, oh, never mind; the prosecutor must give MT immunity from prosecution so she can tell the truth (why would she need immunity if she had not committed a criminal act?). Let's not forget the most outrageous comments he has made about being "SICK AND TIRED of hearing" about what happened to JD. On more than one occasion, his comments have shown that he is tone deaf and his words actually make us think even worse of his client.

Why is NP making these comments? To taint the jury pool, that's why. The rules of professional conduct, which NP has sworn to obey, explicitly prohibit lawyers from engaging in this type of conduct. Should the prosecutor seek a gag order in this case, it will be granted. The state probably hasn't sought one because it knows how guilty NP's comments make his client look. Still, NP is well aware he is violating the rules of professional conduct but, like his client, he doesn't care. After all, the ends justify the means, right?

Good lawyers try their cases in the courtroom, not the press room. Good lawyers know that saying they are "sick and tired" of hearing about the victim does not advance the cause of their client. Good lawyers do not affirmatively seek to influence the testimony of witnesses/co-defendants, nor do they speak publicly for them, especially knowing those witnesses are represented by counsel. Good lawyers do not send their associate into a courtroom to "accidentally" encounter a witness who is the subject of a no contact court order. The list of thou shall nots which have been violated goes on and on.

What would a good lawyer do in this case? The very first thing a good lawyer would do is keep their client away from media interviews! FD's interview was one of the worst I have ever seen, right up there with the one given by the Colorado man who killed his pregnant wife and young daughters. From his inability to say one nice thing about his missing wife to his absolutely ridiculous comments about being the real victim, FD's interview is surely going to be used against him. NP gets a 'F' for client control.

Good lawyers stay on message, avoid victim blaming, and thoroughly research the legal issues to be litigated. In doing so, they prevent entry of a blistering order granting custody of the children to grandmother. Again, the doctrine of adverse inferences is a well-established one. NP surely knew there was no way Judge Heller was ever going to make those kids return to a suspected murderer. In pursuing this matter, he opened the door for all kinds of additional (and highly prejudicial) information to come out about his client. He did so because either he is not in control of his client or he thinks any publicity in the case is good publicity. He is wrong.

This attorney has exhibited a complete lack of respect for the rules of professionalism he has sworn to uphold. He delights in continually disparaging JD and her family. While this type of conduct is perhaps overlooked in smaller jurisdictions, I can assure you that the stunts NP has pulled are NOT in the repertoire of competent counsel. This investigation is not some kind of reality TV show. A mother of five has been the victim of a "serious physical assault" in her own home and is now missing. Competent counsel would treat this situation with the solemnity it deserves.

Whenever his image pops up, I think "NP isn't a real lawyer, he just plays one on TV." I would not hire him to handle a traffic ticket!(JMO)
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If FD is innocent why doesn’t he say it? He doesn’t say anything like, “ my children don’t have a mother,” or “I’m upset by this, I hope they find her soon.” He doesn’t even acknowledge that the children are without a mother!


The infamous line, "I know what I did and what I didn't do," is as good as an admission of guilt IMOO. I wonder how the defense is going to spin "what he did do."
I want to state very clearly this is only my opinion.

I have lived in 3 states and travelled at one time or another to nearly every other one in my life. I have never seen so much corruption, lawlessness, debauchery, criminal behavior, etc., etc. (I can't make the list long enough) in my life. I have lived here 11 years and they have been the worst 11 years of life. The things that have happened and been perpetuated on me and my family have left me with PTSD. I always considered myself outgoing, lucky, level-headed, kind, and I wanted to just live a quite life working in my chosen field and being a wife and mother. So many despicable things have happened to us that I don't tell people anymore because a) no one has this many things happen to them and b) there must be something wrong with me is what I would hear in return. I had never seen before the level of criminal activity from elected officials, officers of the court, law enforcement, financial managers, state/city/town employees, your neighbors, landlords, and on and on. Many here live in a bubble and this is all they know or they have never left the state to see how very different the rest of the country acts. What's the old adage, "if you can't beat um, join um?". In my opinion that's what happens here, people become criminals just to live. My husband and I are educated people with 5 colleges degrees between us and we can't make a life here. We have been homeless, moved 12 times because we couldn't find somewhere we could live that we could afford and was safe, taken advantage of so many times I've lost count, been stolen from on multiple occasions, and gone through 4 cars due to hit and run accidents in those 11 years. I have never moved into a dwelling that I didn't have to clean myself first and I have never lived anywhere with a functioning door lock. I had my groceries stolen from a Whole Foods in one of the poshest places of the state while I was attending to my child who had hurt herself. In fact, it's worth noting that most of these things happened in places considered the best this state has to offer (Old Saybrook, West Hartford, Glastonbury) and were perpetrated on us by the wealthiest. We had a neighbor steal $3,000 dollars worth of electricity from us to grow the weed he was busted for distributing. As a child, I was the kid who walked up to other kids at campgrounds and made friends. In the 11 years I've been here I haven't been able to make a single real friend I could trust not to steal from or turn on me. This place destroyed my marriage, my family, my finances....when I read about FD, MT, NP, the oddities and questions arising from the courts, etc. it doesn't surprise me and it sounds quite normal from what I have seen. I am making plans to leave imminatly and I say to my family never in my life will I cross the Mississippi River again. My enate fear is that this place will not let me go, something will happen. Again, only my opinion after the wake of destruction this place has left in my life and what I see it do to the lives of others.

If you are interested in learning more about the messes going on here:

How Did Rich Connecticut Morph Into One Of America's Worst Performing Economies?

I once posted this to a Facebook page proclaiming it's love for a certain city (which will remain nameless) and it was removed. I was reprimanded by the page administrator for posting something that was too political and painted the state and it's people in a bad light. There really isn't hope of fixing anything when you can't tell people what they have done wrong...imo.
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To give you some perspective on why so many including DV groups in CT are upset with No Case Norm's approach so far you don't have to look much further than the very basic issue of victim shaming of missing mother of 5 JD. Further, IMO his public comments to the author Flynn of the book "Gone Girl" were misogynistic and juvenille to say nothing of being insulting and hateful. From a strategic standpoint the "Gone Girl" argument was a bust because it had no merit in fact and lost him and his client PR point over a public tiff with a respected author. But the bottom line IMO is that the entire episode burned public good will for their client and got them nothing.

No Case Norm has effectively stuck out on every half baked strategy he has put out to the public so far in this case IMO. If you want an atty that strikes out every time he takes a swing then all I can say about your choice to hire him is, "Good Luck and God Bless"!

In this case he and his client from DAY1 have actively engaged in an aggressive campaign to shame the missing victim JD who is clearly not here to defend herself from attack. Read the comments put out by the DV Group in CT to get a flavor for what they think about No Case Norms tactics. IMO tactics from defense counsel matter as people and eventual jury members will remember what they heard over time from an atty.

I don't think anyone disputes the need for effective defense counsel in any case but it is possible to be effective without engaging in petty theatrics, disorganized thinking, outright fabrication and victim shaming - No Case Norm IMO has done all of these. If you want a point of comparison that is local simply look at the behavior of Atty Bowman for MT (doesn't speak about his cases ever to the media). I happen to believe that MT is in a heapload of trouble with this case but I think her choice of atty might just serve her well and the FD choice of Pattis might just be the mistake that costs him 30 years to life IMO. If you want another point of comparison take a look at the motions drafted by the 2 firms too - night and day different IMO!

I also think if you look at the Pattis comments since this case broke (which we all have been doing) it becomes clear he is spending next to no time talking about his client. Just have to wonder why? I have a few ideas!


Well said!!!
I think this raises a lot of questions. The system isn’t fail proof as the article says. I don’t think they have to report to anyone- they’re not on probation. I don’t know why when MT went to NY and there was a poor signal, why it wasn’t reported to the states Atty. They said they reported it to probation- she’s not even on probation. I did my internship for my masters degree at the Court Support Services Division in CT- the same one where the people in the interview work. Yes, I think they could be together and no one would know. The people monitoring are a contracted out service. They must have 24/7 staff. How would a staff know they’re not supposed to be together? I’m sure CT has places where there is little or no cell reception. I don’t have it at my house. Things that make you go hmmmm.

Yes... particularly in the hilly area where 4jx is located. Whenever I go over Avon Mountain my cell cuts out.
Some impressive work experience while on the court but IMO he was not present on the entire issue of the malfunctioning bracelets most recently seen with MT.

Perhaps he will wake up when MT sends him a postcard of her sunning on the beach in Venezuela and says, "Miss you Judge Blawie, Wish you were Here"! or "Come and Get Me"![/QUOTE

Yes, does anyone think this was a test by MT to see just what the bracelets would/wouldn't do or catch? I mean, we know FD's must be better or is watched closer because his excursion over state lines was caught rather quickly. But hers...well, she was pretty much free for 3 weeks.
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