Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #15 *ARRESTS*

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Totally agree.

In the last court document filed MT listed her address as being in Avon, CT? Saw this and immediately thought that it was a joke after all the drama of the No Contact Order filed by her Atty Bowman. Why issue a No Contact Order and then go back to the place that is 10 min from 4Jx and is in a small town where running into FD is inevitable? IMO this is a joke and I do not understand why Atty Bowman supported this idea as the optics are terrible.

Can the State Support Services Division that you mention confirm with no doubt that MT WAS NOT WITH FD during the time she was supposed to be in NY? Why did Judge Blawie not ask where MT had been if she wasn't in NY? Nope, this question wasn't asked so the Court had no information and so much for State's Atty putting MT on a 'short leash'. This all sounds like a badly written kindergarten play where nobody knows their part and just wanders around looking confused!

They have no idea where MT was for 3 weeks. If I had to guess, I think they saw each other at least once; there was nothing stopping them, really. I mean there was a court order, but if they thought she was in NY the whole time and she was in Ct, she could easily have been in 4 JC. She isn’t really cooperating, because that will give her some jail time, or at least a period time where she’ll have to report to a probation officer (I really doubt it’s her style or intention to do either). Unless they showed MT and her lawyer the videos of the evidence disposal. Maybe then she might be cooperating.
Interesting Article: Jennifer Dulos case: How CT tracks movements of high-risk defendants

"The GPS units Troconis and Fotis Dulos are required to wear use cellphone towers to track their movements. The data is sent to the state’s contractor, Sentinel Offender Services, with nearly real time updates on their location."

"Every morning the probation officers or the bail commissioner overseeing defendants or offenders will receive a report from Sentinel indicating whether the clients were compliant with the terms of their release based on their movements, Aiello said."

And yet nobody told the “State of Connecticut”, otherwise known as the prosecutor, who wanted her on a very short leash. For three weeks. Wonder what happens the next time she asks for special permission for anything?
Lots of guesses here because we will have to wait for trial but here goes:

My guess is that he cannot say he is innocent because he simply isn't innocent!

My other guess is that he is incapable of speaking with emotion about either JD as the mother of his children or his children because he isn't wired to care in way that most people could understand. IMO JD and her children were simply tools to access wealth and a lifestyle that he craved but had no interest in working to attain. IMO its unfortunate for JD but FD is just a grifter that evolved into a 'deadbeat dad' as described by Judge Heller in her opinion on GF custody last week.

But due to our system we will no doubt have to endure a hugely painful final court drama and listen to No Case Norm spout off for months at a time before a jury eventually puts us all out of our misery and sentences FD! But the phrases you identified as not being said by FD are the exact missing phrases that I think the jury will eventually use to convict him as by not saying any of the things you mentioned it becomes clear that this individual is someone that has the capacity to do the things that he has been accused of doing - in short, a monster or as he said in Family Court, Charles Manson!

I love the main tenet in Statement Analysis which LE follows: "If he will not say he is innocent, we will not say it for him." The human mind, as a rule, resists lying and will talk all around a subject to avoid that. FD and Pathetic Pattis both are well-practiced at this. Eventually, someone will fill them in and they'll get the script nailed down but so far...not!
I love the main tenet in Statement Analysis which LE follows: "If he will not say he is innocent, we will not say it for him." The human mind, as a rule, resists lying and will talk all around a subject to avoid that. FD and Pathetic Pattis both are well-practiced at this. Eventually, someone will fill them in and they'll get the script nailed down but so far...not!
Very interesting! Don't know much about Statement Analysis and its assumptions but we have seen it discussed on other cases.

Curious though about the lying assumption you discussed. Wonder about those folks that are so focused on getting what they want always that lying just doesn't entire the equation in their brains as part of any decision making process?

We have seen FD lie or create excuses in Family Court multiple times and remorse never seems to enter the equation and I am not even convinced reading some the documents that lying as a concept being bad even registers in his brain. We even saw him engaging his children to lie on his behalf and when called on this by the court he seemed to see nothing wrong.

He seems fixated on getting what he wants always so lying is just one tool in his arsenal.

Would this mean that Statement Analysis wouldn't work for a mindset like FD? Curious what you think about how Statement Analysis could play out for FD here?
I've been on vacation. Really appreciate all the great posts. I was intrigued by this from 2 days ago.

Attorneys representing Jennifer Dulos’ mother in a civil lawsuit against Fotis Dulos and his real estate development company have called for an emergency hearing next week.

Attorneys for Gloria Farber, who has accused her son-in-law of failing to repay about $2 million in loans he used for his business, are seeking to depose Michelle Troconis on Wednesday.

Jennifer Dulos’ mother wants to hear Michelle Troconis’ story

How does everyone think this is gonna play out?

Not gonna happen, that’s what I think
And yet nobody told the “State of Connecticut”, otherwise known as the prosecutor, who wanted her on a very short leash. For three weeks. Wonder what happens the next time she asks for special permission for anything?
I'm a tad confused by this. Her GPS didn't work so she immediately returned to CT. It's not like she absconded to some other state.The people that monitor her knew right away that she had returned. I would assume her attorney knew, as well. Was it incumbent on him to inform the prosecutor? She can go anywhere in the state of CT can she not? Or is she limited to a certain radius? Nor, is there any tracking of where FD is and where she is in real time ,correct?
Some of the motion Farber vs Fore Group

The deponent Troconis had a long-standing relationship with the defendant Fotis Dulos and his entity, Fore Group, Inc. The dispute in the above-entitled matter obviously involves outstanding claims against the Fore Group and against Dulos for millions of dollars. The plaintiff seeks the deposition of Michelle Troconis not in regard to the allegations set forth in the criminal case against her, or the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and potential harm to Jennifer Farber Dulos, but rather concerning the outstanding claims against the defendants, her role at the Fore Group, her knowledge and involvement in regard to expenses paid for by the Fore Group or reimbursed to the defendant Dulos from the Fore Group, none of which implicate the present criminal charged pending against the deponent.
Yay, this is awesome! Totally valid points IMO. MT's involvement with Fore Group, FT, and unpaid loans on houses bought, built, and / or sold is a separate situation. Go GF and lawyers! FD owes her millions of dollars, and MT was part of all that, working and living with him while things went down the toilet for the business they both were running. IIRC she was employed as an administrator at Fore Group Inc. at an annual salary of $120,000, so she would definitely have information GF's lawyers would want to depose her on. Especially since FD refuses to be deposed, they have no choice but to go to the next person in line, and that's MT. MOO
I've been on vacation. Really appreciate all the great posts. I was intrigued by this from 2 days ago.

Attorneys representing Jennifer Dulos’ mother in a civil lawsuit against Fotis Dulos and his real estate development company have called for an emergency hearing next week.

Attorneys for Gloria Farber, who has accused her son-in-law of failing to repay about $2 million in loans he used for his business, are seeking to depose Michelle Troconis on Wednesday.

Jennifer Dulos’ mother wants to hear Michelle Troconis’ story

How does everyone think this is gonna play out?
Welcome back!

Might depend on whether the MT deposition moves forward and whether FD can be deposed after 2 no shows. So will have to see what Judge says and what plays out in court. But GF civil claim looks solid IMO but the question is whether the assets will be there to pay any judgement?

But IMO FORE Bankruptcy seems inevitable given the trade claims that are stacking up and the unsold inventory. Wonder how many trade claims will be filed this week? The thing about trade claims is once they start to stack up good luck finding any trade to do work except for cash.

Hope the State is moving quickly on its forensic exam of FORE and possibly some of their work could benefit the GF Civil litigation. Financial situation looks dire IMO with July taxes due and trade claims stacking up.
I'm a tad confused by this. Her GPS didn't work so she immediately returned to CT. It's not like she absconded to some other state.The people that monitor her knew right away that she had returned. I would assume her attorney knew, as well. Was it incumbent on him to inform the prosecutor? She can go anywhere in the state of CT can she not? Or is she limited to a certain radius? Nor, is there any tracking of where FD is and where she is in real time ,correct?
See your issue but the States Atty wanted MT on a tight leash and assumed that she would be in NY for the entire time requested. He and the Judge weren't alerted that MT returned after only 1 day.

So, yes the monitoring company might (its not clear what exactly they knew and when they knew it or what exactly the GPS issue was with the bracelet) have been aware of the situation and sure MT was back in CT which was ok.

But somehow the news didn't make it to the ultimate player in this situation the Judge and the person that is prosecuting the case, the States Atty. So States Atty had no clue what was going on and I even wonder if local LE that might be charged with watching MT had no idea where she was? We don't even know if the No Contact Order has been complied with by FD and MT. She is also now living in Avon in a hotel roughly 10 min from 4JX? Why live there when the chances of running into FD seem almost inevitable?
Has anyone had the pleasure of perusing NP's blog? VERY interesting to see that he's set his sights quite high. He seems to have come down with the defense attorney's inferiority (or superiority, depending on perspective) complex: Norman Pattis Blog
Went there briefly and it was amusing IMO.

But honestly I wish he would spend more time proofreading his court documents rather than writing for the blog!
I'm a tad confused by this. Her GPS didn't work so she immediately returned to CT. It's not like she absconded to some other state.The people that monitor her knew right away that she had returned. I would assume her attorney knew, as well. Was it incumbent on him to inform the prosecutor? She can go anywhere in the state of CT can she not? Or is she limited to a certain radius? Nor, is there any tracking of where FD is and where she is in real time ,correct?

That's what it sounds like, I'm afraid. How is it possible that you tell two people they can't touch or talk to someone they "love" and expect them to follow the rule. Heck, the security folks are only using phone GPS. FD and MT could claim they were on the same street, but in different stores. AND, this assumes that the people keeping track of MT are also comparing her activity with FD's.

Theoretically, LE would be notified if they were in NY or over the border, but I wonder how soon that would be noticed and discussed (one of the options is to call the person being monitored????). They are confined by bail restrictions to the state and have a no contact order, but I don't see how the NC order is being enforced from the recent article.

The leash is geographically short...maybe, and the no contact rule is dubious.

Does the State even know where in CT MT is staying?
That's what it sounds like, I'm afraid. How is it possible that you tell two people they can't touch or talk to someone they "love" and expect them to follow the rule. Heck, the security folks are only using phone GPS. FD and MT could claim they were on the same street, but in different stores. AND, this assumes that the people keeping track of MT are also comparing her activity with FD's.

Theoretically, LE would be notified if they were in NY or over the border, but I wonder how soon that would be noticed and discussed (one of the options is to call the person being monitored????). They are confined by bail restrictions to the state and have a no contact order, but I don't see how the NC order is being enforced from the recent article.

The leash is geographically short...maybe, and the no contact rule is dubious.

Does the State even know where in CT MT is staying?[/QUOTE

After reading the interesting info about no cell signal on the top of Avon Mountain posted earlier today my guess is that this would be the perfect spot for the 2 lovebirds to meet!
That's what it sounds like, I'm afraid. How is it possible that you tell two people they can't touch or talk to someone they "love" and expect them to follow the rule. Heck, the security folks are only using phone GPS. FD and MT could claim they were on the same street, but in different stores. AND, this assumes that the people keeping track of MT are also comparing her activity with FD's.

Theoretically, LE would be notified if they were in NY or over the border, but I wonder how soon that would be noticed and discussed (one of the options is to call the person being monitored????). They are confined by bail restrictions to the state and have a no contact order, but I don't see how the NC order is being enforced from the recent article.

The leash is geographically short...maybe, and the no contact rule is dubious.

Does the State even know where in CT MT is staying?

Yes, MT address is clear in the latest court documents and its where she had been seen publicly in the past with her daughter and FD when they couldn't stay at 4Jx.
Has anyone had the pleasure of perusing NP's blog? VERY interesting to see that he's set his sights quite high. He seems to have come down with the defense attorney's inferiority (or superiority, depending on perspective) complex: Norman Pattis Blog

I think I actually understand Norm on some level. He's all about every life is valuable , even the lowest of the low. Unfortunately, he takes it to the extreme.

Criticizing Dr. Petit was over the top. MOO.
Google Maps
I believe she returned the purse to a friend who lived in Simsbury, an adjacent town.
According to most recent court document MT is currently staying at the Residence Inn in Avon, which is where she and FD were staying after the DNA evidence was taken and it is the same place that they staying the night they were taken into custody on the tampering warrant.
MT had previously been staying in Westport (town closer to NC so farther away from FD, and same town where her attorney's office is). One might think that she would want to be staying further away from FD and perhaps not in the same place where they had been arrested.
See your issue but the States Atty wanted MT on a tight leash and assumed that she would be in NY for the entire time requested. He and the Judge weren't alerted that MT returned after only 1 day.

So, yes the monitoring company might (its not clear what exactly they knew and when they knew it or what exactly the GPS issue was with the bracelet) have been aware of the situation and sure MT was back in CT which was ok.

But somehow the news didn't make it to the ultimate player in this situation the Judge and the person that is prosecuting the case, the States Atty. So States Atty had no clue what was going on and I even wonder if local LE that might be charged with watching MT had no idea where she was? We don't even know if the No Contact Order has been complied with by FD and MT. She is also now living in Avon in a hotel roughly 10 min from 4JX? Why live there when the chances of running into FD seem almost inevitable?
She's still in Brighenti's Marriott?
Here is the thing though.
They have no way of knowing in real time if they are connecting, do they?
That's what it sounds like, I'm afraid. How is it possible that you tell two people they can't touch or talk to someone they "love" and expect them to follow the rule. Heck, the security folks are only using phone GPS. FD and MT could claim they were on the same street, but in different stores. AND, this assumes that the people keeping track of MT are also comparing her activity with FD's.

Theoretically, LE would be notified if they were in NY or over the border, but I wonder how soon that would be noticed and discussed (one of the options is to call the person being monitored????). They are confined by bail restrictions to the state and have a no contact order, but I don't see how the NC order is being enforced from the recent article.

The leash is geographically short...maybe, and the no contact rule is dubious.

Does the State even know where in CT MT is staying?
Which begs the question. How much weight does LE give to ankle monitoring? Are they still involved in their own surveillance?
Has anyone had the pleasure of perusing NP's blog? VERY interesting to see that he's set his sights quite high. He seems to have come down with the defense attorney's inferiority (or superiority, depending on perspective) complex: Norman Pattis Blog

Thanks for finding and posting the link. I will read when I cannot sleep in the middle of the night...hope I don’t get nightmares afterwards !
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