Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #15 *ARRESTS*

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Its impossible to know what the intentions of MT and her atty were in this situation. From my perspective I have a higher standard of behavior for attys as Officers of the Court and all I can recall over and over is Atty Bowman standing up in Court at the hearing and saying that his client, MT, was in compliance with the terms of her bail. Given the malfunction with the bracelet, her return to CT from NY after one day in NY and the fact that State Atty was NOT AWARE of the entire situation has me putting this entire statement into the "Whopper" category of untruths as I don't believe the statement to be factually correct.

I agree with you that MT spent 3 weeks in the place where neither the Judge nor the States Atty knew where she was and this is concerning. States Atty clearly stated in the prior hearing that MT was to be on a 'short leash'! All I'm saying is this was an example of such a 'short leash' then not sure what a 'long leash' would represent. Communication on the bracelets seems to have broken down and if the Judge doesn't fix the breakdown there could be a catastrophic error with potentially dangerous or even deadly consequences IMO. Its also concerning as there are many violent offenders where these bracelets are being used and given the communication breakdown we saw with both FD and MT bracelets you have to scratch your head and wonder if the State actually knows where all these violent offenders are located? IMO it might be time to review the contract of the bracelet monitoring company as they just don't appear to be up to the task of alerting the court or the States Atty IMO. Something isn't working!

Hartford we have a problem!

I think there’s a lot of high salary earners in the CSSD. I know there are and this proves it. In other states guardian ad litems are licensed Clinical social workers not Atty’s. There is a separate Atty for the children. Anyway, he’s not a mental health professional. The system could be better.
Well NP hasn’t followed my suggestion that he go to the nearest spa , beauty parlor, barbershop ,(or whatever the politically correct term is )and get a new more modern look. He might be more believable if he didn’t look so scraggly. This is MOO and I am watching NP for his new look.
Just like Marcia Clark!
The address in Avon was the Avon Residence Inn. This was listed in the latest subpoena for her to appear in the Farber case this week.
After she got out on bail early June she was staying at a hotel in Westport, where Bowman’s office is located.
It appears that her mother has been with her most if not all of the time.
Prior to moving to 4JC MTs address was in FL. The father of MTs daughter made a down payment on a condo there for her and MT and her mother were also joint owners of that condo.

While perhaps she is effectively “homeless” if only by means of her requirement to stay in the state of CT and her lockout from 4JC (at least that we know about) she is in no way roughing it, as some have suggested she might be couchsurfing, shacking up with friends, etc.
No she’s not roughing it. Appears like she’s stating at the Avon Marriott
JD vs FD Divorce Case.

The Defense has Withdrawn the Motion to Stay All Proceedings that they filed on June 28th.

526.00 07/29/2019 D WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION

Withdrawal of Motion for Stay: 521.00

In Regards to the below Motion.

521.00 06/28/2019 D MOTION FOR STAY
Motion to Stay All Proceedings

Anyone have access to the document and can post here?
JD vs FD divorce.

The Defense has Withdrawn the Motion to Stay All Proceedings that they filed on June 28th.

526.00 07/29/2019 D WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION

Withdrawal of Motion for Stay: 521.00

In Regards to the below Motion.

521.00 06/28/2019 D MOTION FOR STAY
Motion to Stay All Proceedings

Anyone have access to the document and can post here?

521 was to stay the divorce proceedings because JD isn't present. Now, NP wants to file motions for the family evaluation, so he needs the divorce proceedings to continue, I think. As noted, both are defense motions.

I'd like to see the documents also.
I think there’s a lot of high salary earners in the CSSD. I know there are and this proves it. In other states guardian ad litems are licensed Clinical social workers not Atty’s. There is a separate Atty for the children. Anyway, he’s not a mental health professional. The system could be better.

Right? Making $300,000.00 a year doing it? An unbelievable fleecing which is all too common here.
Agree with you. Given what appears to be the 'character' of MT the risk you identify in the quote I bolded above has been one of my major concerns with the State dealing with her in this case.

From the MT behavior since the missing date as documented in the arrest warrant to the later news that when the arrest warrant was served on 4JX that MT was sitting at the computer erasing files, IMO this was not a woman interested in helping find JD and I sincerely believe she has zero interest in assisting the States case against FD.

I think I became particularly concerned about MT overall character issues when I started to read the case file in her mothers litigation for Medicare Fraud as it became clear to me what kind of people the Arrezza/Troconis family are and what lengths they will go to save their own skin while not helping others or doing the right thing. Doing the right thing is simply not in their DNA IMO. We didn't see it from the mother and I simply think its the way the children in the family were raised.

I very much hope that the State does not fall for limited testimony or half truths or partial truths and is satisfied with nothing less than the entire truth of what MT knows. I hope also that if there is any shred of doubt as to the level of cooperation from MT by the State that any deal is immediately removed and she is simply sent to trial by jury and if found guilty goes to prison on the existing charges. If MT directly participated in any way in the murder or disappearance of JD then I hope the State does not make a deal with her and I hope she is tried by jury and her fate decided.

Its been awhile since such an unsympathic and morally reprehesible character has entered the scene but IMO MT is one for the record books!

They need her help right now.
As for erasing files, never truly erased. Can be retrieved.
Anyway, the body. Where can she possibly be? I’ve racked my brain trying to think where she is hidden backtracking from where to hide a body so that it is never found.
I’m still with my cement drum bottom of ocean idea.
Wonder if sonar can detect it? Grid off the ocean and search. Apparently there is a shelf extending from the shoreline before the ground drops off dramatically into the abyss.
I have no other info.
Yes, I know there’s a million places in Connecticut. Water holes. Swamps. Woods.
In the window of opportunity she went missing, it seems he had an accomplice disposing of the body. Unless, the perp’s plan was perfect down to the minute. And time and again we hear of cases where that was not possible. Always some last minute glitch.
Good night all.
Just like Marcia Clark!

He’s a maverick. Everyone knows he sports a pony tail. Otherwise, he would have no distinguishing features to dazzle media blitz. Marcia Clark was on the salary of a DA. The State should have realized early on that this was a Hollywood production and supplied the entire DA’s office with professional stage management. Attire. Make up. Hair. By the time the DA realized what an impact media was playing, damage control was all that they could do. She and her staff had already made the first impression. Her audition was over.
Rest assured defense had the professionals in place. From day one.
Sorry you've had such a rough go of it in Connecticut, @thekirbyfamily . I have lived in Fairfield County since college in the late 80s, early 90s. The state has its challenges, as all do, but I have also found great opportunities and a wealth of amazing relationships, both personal and professional. I hope better times com to you, or you find a way to move elsewhere.
I want to state very clearly this is only my opinion.

I have lived in 3 states and travelled at one time or another to nearly every other one in my life. I have never seen so much corruption, lawlessness, debauchery, criminal behavior, etc., etc. (I can't make the list long enough) in my life. I have lived here 11 years and they have been the worst 11 years of life. The things that have happened and been perpetuated on me and my family have left me with PTSD. I always considered myself outgoing, lucky, level-headed, kind, and I wanted to just live a quite life working in my chosen field and being a wife and mother. So many despicable things have happened to us that I don't tell people anymore because a) no one has this many things happen to them and b) there must be something wrong with me is what I would hear in return. I had never seen before the level of criminal activity from elected officials, officers of the court, law enforcement, financial managers, state/city/town employees, your neighbors, landlords, and on and on. Many here live in a bubble and this is all they know or they have never left the state to see how very different the rest of the country acts. What's the old adage, "if you can't beat um, join um?". In my opinion that's what happens here, people become criminals just to live. My husband and I are educated people with 5 colleges degrees between us and we can't make a life here. We have been homeless, moved 12 times because we couldn't find somewhere we could live that we could afford and was safe, taken advantage of so many times I've lost count, been stolen from on multiple occasions, and gone through 4 cars due to hit and run accidents in those 11 years. I have never moved into a dwelling that I didn't have to clean myself first and I have never lived anywhere with a functioning door lock. I had my groceries stolen from a Whole Foods in one of the poshest places of the state while I was attending to my child who had hurt herself. In fact, it's worth noting that most of these things happened in places considered the best this state has to offer (Old Saybrook, West Hartford, Glastonbury) and were perpetrated on us by the wealthiest. We had a neighbor steal $3,000 dollars worth of electricity from us to grow the weed he was busted for distributing. As a child, I was the kid who walked up to other kids at campgrounds and made friends. In the 11 years I've been here I haven't been able to make a single real friend I could trust not to steal from or turn on me. This place destroyed my marriage, my family, my finances....when I read about FD, MT, NP, the oddities and questions arising from the courts, etc. it doesn't surprise me and it sounds quite normal from what I have seen. I am making plans to leave imminatly and I say to my family never in my life will I cross the Mississippi River again. My enate fear is that this place will not let me go, something will happen. Again, only my opinion after the wake of destruction this place has left in my life and what I see it do to the lives of others.

If you are interested in learning more about the messes going on here:

How Did Rich Connecticut Morph Into One Of America's Worst Performing Economies?

I once posted this to a Facebook page proclaiming it's love for a certain city (which will remain nameless) and it was removed. I was reprimanded by the page administrator for posting something that was too political and painted the state and it's people in a bad light. There really isn't hope of fixing anything when you can't tell people what they have done wrong...imo.
I worked for a family Atty for a while and we had a client going through similar. Everyone had an eval but as I remember it never left the office and we didn’t show it to her. What we did was after they were completed, took months and months, we had her in for a meeting to discuss it. We didn’t give her a copy. Certainly did not discuss it while in draft form.

This is what I assumed should have been the case here. And yet the GAL was at the very least, carrying it around with him.
THIS is about to get interesting!
In keeping the scope of questioning specific to Fore finances, it would seem that there would be less wiggle room to plead the fifth. Maybe?

Some of the motion Farber vs Fore Group

The deponent Troconis had a long-standing relationship with the defendant Fotis Dulos and his entity, Fore Group, Inc. The dispute in the above-entitled matter obviously involves outstanding claims against the Fore Group and against Dulos for millions of dollars. The plaintiff seeks the deposition of Michelle Troconis not in regard to the allegations set forth in the criminal case against her, or the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and potential harm to Jennifer Farber Dulos, but rather concerning the outstanding claims against the defendants, her role at the Fore Group, her knowledge and involvement in regard to expenses paid for by the Fore Group or reimbursed to the defendant Dulos from the Fore Group, none of which implicate the present criminal charged pending against the deponent.
Has anyone had the pleasure of perusing NP's blog? VERY interesting to see that he's set his sights quite high. He seems to have come down with the defense attorney's inferiority (or superiority, depending on perspective) complex: Norman Pattis Blog
"I believe that the state is a necessary fiction, and that failing to combat it is the first step toward tyranny." - Norm Pattis
This guy is fit to be practicing law?!
Thanks for finding and posting the link. I will read when I cannot sleep in the middle of the night...hope I don’t get nightmares afterwards !

Nightmares? From commentary on the legal system, the First Amendment, and political and social issues?

There's actually a fair amount of thought-provoking commentary that raises good questions on difficult issues to consider and explore with an open mind. Some examples:

Fukuyama Offers Insight Into The World To Come

Happy Thanksgiving, Maslow Said

Mommy Made Me Do It

Integrity, Color Blindness and Juries

The Vanishing Fourth Amendment

Another Reason to Be Wary of the State -- Your Kids
"I believe that the state is a necessary fiction, and that failing to combat it is the first step toward tyranny." - Norm Pattis
This guy is fit to be practicing law?!
Others may disagree, but he is really skating is on thin ice here. If it can be established that he used a draft GAL report knowing it had been stolen, he has violated the disciplinary rules of the Connecticut Bar. His flippant comment that if he did something wrong, Judge Heller would let him know is just not how the system operates. It is his responsibility to act ethically regardless of, and independent from, what a trial court instructs him. Ignorance of the rules is NOT an excuse.

It is true that each state has different rules of conduct, but most are modeled on American Bar Association rules, and there is some uniformity among the states. It is also true that each state Bar association enforces its rules to varying degrees. Still, there is a line drawn in all states where there is no doubt the lawyer conduct violates the rules.

IMO knowingly using stolen reports is going to get a lawyer in trouble in every single state in this country. While is is debatable whether some of FP's other comments/conduct rise to the level of ethical violations, this conduct is unquestionably unethical under any Bar rules. Additionally, when a lawyer's conduct in a case is being reviewed, the Bar is going to look at the entire record. Comments that perhaps would be overlooked as isolated missteps are going to be scrutinized much more closely when they appear to be part of a course of conduct.

Do I think the Bar is chomping at the bit to discipline NP over his conduct in this case? Not unless it is already looking at him. Do I think NP cares? Not a bit. As in most states, the Bar has its hands full and is only disciplining the most egregious acts of misconduct. It does not follow, however, that NP should consider himself bullet-proof. He is walking a dangerously thin line and IMOO lacks the judgement to know when he has crossed it.
I think I actually understand Norm on some level. He's all about every life is valuable , even the lowest of the low. Unfortunately, he takes it to the extreme.

Criticizing Dr. Petit was over the top. MOO.
IMO, without tenacious, albeit asinine in this case, defenders, the state and feds could just throw people behind bars for no good reason. Sometimes this still happens anyway. For me, the trouble with our justice system is inherently human. Humans are deeply flawed beings with ulterior motives and a constant need to be top of the food chain. MOO
I have recently read about two cases in Florida where women have gone missing and it is believed the bodies of both women were disposed of at a garbage dump. Apparently, this type of disposal is not that uncommon. In one case, a co-worker has been charged with murder based upon DNA found in a dumpster. A video of the accused purchasing a carving knife is also some of the circumstantial evidence obtained by the prosecutor.

In the other case, the victim's uncle is the prime suspect, but has not yet been charged. He presently is in custody for committing other crimes, which will keep him in prison for the rest of his life. The State is continuing to investigate the murder, but is in no hurry to charge because the defendant obviously is not going anywhere.

I mention these two cases because it seems that NP is trying to infer that, because JD's body has not been located, a prosecution of FD for his wife's murder is not possible. While that may have been the case many years ago, the absence of a body will not stop this prosecution. The evidence of a serious physical assault in the garage, coupled with JD's disappearance, along with the DNA in JD's home, the garbage dumps, the altered tags are more than enough to charge and convict.

In one of the cases I read about in Florida, the State knows the defendant dismembered the body and the State strongly suspects the victim's remains ended up at the local dump. After many weeks of searching, it has been unable to locate the remains. It makes me wonder if FD did something similar to JD. According to news reports, FD dumped materials into a large number of garbage cans, the majority of which had already been taken to the dump before LE began to search them. Is it possible that that JD's body (or parts of it) were in each one of those cans? If so, where did FD take JD's body to commit the ultimate act of inhumanity?

I strongly believe that FD, perhaps with the assistance of others, disposed of JD's body on the day of the murder. I also believe the "garbage dump"is a part of the murder which was planned in advance. FD had to have researched when those cans were going to be picked up. He also had to have planned how he was going to get JD's remains there quickly. There is no way he could have timed using this method of disposal otherwise. Every step of the way, FD is left trial of evidence in his wake. It is my hope such evidence is now in LE custody.

FD's conduct before the murder, combined with the altered tag, the leaving of the phone at home, the trading of the vehicles with an employee, the comments to the GAL during the supervised visitation at JD's home prior to the murder, constitute strong evidence of premeditation. It makes me wonder what other evidence LE has located. Are there videos of him purchasing the garbage bags seen in the video? Are there videos of him purchasing other items used in the crime? Something as innocuous as packaging tape can usually be traced. Has DNA been found elsewhere? Are any construction tools missing? There are so many areas of investigation, all of which LE is no doubt exploring.

I hope JD's body is recovered, but I do not believe FD will escape punishment even if he never discloses her whereabouts. I continue to believe that the "forensic horsemen of the apocalypse" will be FD's downfall. If MT has any sense of self-preservation" she will not refuse to accompany FD on his hell bound train. Whether she chooses to do so is entirely within her control.
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