Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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Thank you!
ITA about the blood, I think he underestimated how much blood a body can and will produce...
Maybe the murder weapon is at Farmington?

ITA He maybe didn’t even think about alternatives because he’s so brilliant he doesn’t need them (in his mind!). I only know what I’ve read about him on WS and MSM and it kind of seems like up to this point his life has been pretty smooth, like he gets everything he wants and if he screws up or something isn’t quite right, others fix things for him. Given his personality I am sure JD was the fixer in the marriage. Anything he needed done or paid she did it, she fixed it. It’s why he was caught of guard when she suddenly left, stopped giving him cash.

Her leaving him the way that she did, making a fake story of where they were going, says A LOT about they type of man he is. He was left on his own suddenly with bills to pay, etc and he did not like it.

So when he murdered her and things didn’t happen just as he planned and there was no one there to fix it... besides MT... I’m sure he went into a tizzy, made some weird decisions (e.g. 30 trash bags instead of the number he originally had in mind, as I still think Hartford was chosen in advance as a drop spot)

Please excuse any grammatical errors or similar, I am not a native speaker.
Welcome to you too, Mitzy!
Good to see you here!
Welcome to Websleuths, sal16cal!
It’s great to have you here!

When you say “both nannies”... do you mean both nannies to the 5 Dulos Children?

Or do you mean the nanny that is their nanny now (in NYC with them) AND the one that is nanny to MT’s daughter?

I’m assuming you mean both nannies to the Dulos children, but just want to be sure.

The Greek nanny who ran over FD mother and the current one in NYC
Yep, I think most people just do what we did, hang them on the garage wall. There is a sentence that says to turn them in but there is no penalty, and no point and most folks don't make the effort. I guess there would be if you put them on and used them and got caught.
On the other hand, if the original plan was to hit her with a blunt object in her garage, they should have anticipated blood. Blood stains from the garage floor might also prove difficult to remove.
What was the original plan?
I’m considering a possible behind her back garrote - imo no blood quick and incapacitating
The more I keep up with this (and I’m trying but you guys are so quick), the more it just makes me so angry for these kids.

Did FD think these kids would revere him with their mom being gone? Yes, because he’s a narcissist and a sociopath.
This case is giving me nightmares. Seriously at night. Being at Waveny running now is too eerie. I'm taking a break from thinking about it. I will never figure out what the psychos they got away (so far) with all their time in this town that morning, or trying to understand how someone you spend 15 years of your life with and have 5 kids can turn into such a monster. More will be told today. If you're a runner, go for a run in Jennifer's honor. Say a prayer for her and her kids and mother. RIP, neighbor.
The more I keep up with this (and I’m trying but you guys are so quick), the more it just makes me so angry for these kids.

Did FD think these kids would revere him with their mom being gone? Yes, because he’s a narcissist and a sociopath.
The Dulos children were afraid of their dad. When FD had them some were forced to practice water skiing for hours and hours. One son texted his mother (JD) that he “wanted to kill himself”. JD said her children begged for her help and intervention.
Yes, we've been debating JD SUV being found in Waveny and whether she drove it there or whether it was planted there to divert attention of police to search Waveny.

But I do wonder if she drove herself to Waveny, did quick run of 2-3 miles, and was surprised by her car, subdued and then taken back to her house at 69 Welles Lane, New Canaan? It would have been tight timeframe to get to her appt at 11 but it might have been doable.

I said I was laying off trying to figure.. but your post got the best of me. I am so mad Waveny parking lot and 2 entrances/exits still do not have any cameras. I think since she had an 11am NYC appt, she went straight home to get ready. You would need 2 hours in the morning to get to the city in time on a weekday, at least. I also think her SUV was put there by killers because nobody really parks outside there that I have noticed. The Lapham side street there is long overgrown mess of grass. You pull into the Waveny parking lot and head on to the woods trails, or run on the main trail around the park. They put her car outside the park because they thought maybe the actual parking area has cameras.
Good Morning, Websleuthers! I just want to take a minute and thank all of you for what I believe to be one of the most respectful, informative, on-topic threads I have followed. I very much appreciate all of the local information from those of you who live in the area, as well as our legal experts who explain things and offer opinions in ways even I can understand.

Please let today be the day she is found.
Wait. It just came to me. In thinking about this I'm betting any plea deals involve her not being able to come anywhere near the kids or any property owned by JD.

Yeah, there's an eviction process but a restraining order or the equivalent is a quick way to circumvent that.

My guess is as someone else said - she will be given her things or allowed to send someone to get them, but with lawyers or police as an escort.

But now I don't think she will be allowed to set foot back on that property.

The grandmother can probably get a restraining order keeping that horror of a woman away from the property!

Yes! A restraining order is the perfect workaround here. Keep a RO in place and start evicting her now! Works for me!
So, no vehicle is sitting without plates. But when did he alter them and where did he go with them, on what vehicle? Still isn't the black pick up truck or JD's SUV. Did he pick them up in JD's garage and alter them and put them on what vehicle, MT's ? But where was he going that he felt he needed to mislead?
I always thought the altered plates were used on FD's truck for the drive to JD's the morning of the 24th (when she disappeared) and the return drive back to Farmington. Then the altered plates were removed and the original plates were back on the truck for the drive into Hartford that night when the altered plates were dumped. JMO and speculation.
The reports have said they made 30 stops discarding “evidence” including bloody clothes and sponges. Uunless they cut the clothes into tiny pieces, 30 garbage bins is too many for just clothes. Body parts seems more likely. That would still fall under “discarding evidence”. The word “evidence” would include body part. Maybe there are tactical reasons not to mention what happened.

They stated what the bags contained. There's no way, IMO, that an actual court-filed affidavit regarding tampering and obstructing charges would fail to mention literal body parts found in those bags.

The state and LE's credibility would be destroyed with a stunt like that.

In repeated cases we see people speculate that LE is hiding the discovery of a body or location of a live missing person (who they hide for some reason) or is otherwise misleading the public about something massive with regard to evidence.

I've not once seen that play out. The closest I've seen is LE stating someone is not a suspect, when we later find out they are.
Good Morning, Websleuthers! I just want to take a minute and thank all of you for what I believe to be one of the most respectful, informative, on-topic threads I have followed. I very much appreciate all of the local information from those of you who live in the area, as well as our legal experts who explain things and offer opinions in ways even I can understand.

Please let today be the day she is found.

Here here. I discovered WS because of this case, which I'm local to. It's really helped me think logically in a time of high emotion. Been following along the whole time. Thanks everyone for staying on topic and providing some enlightening insights.
First time poster- some questions / thoughts
- they both went to Brown University in 1989/90, yet were married in 2004ish. How did this come about? Coincidence? Knew each other and reunited? he was married to someone else briefly
- questions came up on other thread about if JD is Greek. Read her dad’s obit. She is Jewish. Her 5 children all have Greek first names. This is interesting, for a Jewish person to marry a non jew (in Judaism, it’s the mother’s religion that dictates children religion) and also name them according to the tradition of the father- suggests she was “controlled”
- she married late in life. She is jewish but marries a Greek man and agrees to name her children in their tradition. Was she giving up things that are usually important bc she was getting older and wanted to have kids and a family?
- which leads me to - he sounds like was possibly abusive from the start. She had 5 children (3 pregnancies, likely IVF given multiple twins)- was she willing to go along w the abuse for so long out of desire to have family? So sad
- Did he marry her just for money? Her father was a legend in the bond trading business and sold his company to what is now a public company
A lot of this is very confusing to me- why she was with this man in the first place, was her age a factor in giving up core principles, etc. I can see that he’s an attractive man, highly intelligent (on paper, not a genius killer but applied math at Brown and Columbia B school), convincing. People were with each other in this relationship for perhaps not the best reasons.
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