Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the fastest you can get divorced in CT is 90 days. There is a 90 day waiting period from filing of the papers (I can't remember why right now, I haven't finished my trash-can sized cold brew from Dunkin yet). If the divorce was truly amicable and they were both in agreement about everything, they wouldn't even have needed lawyers. Not sure if this was the case, but just wanted to give a time frame on the fastest the divorce could've been finalized.

Yeah, no kids and maybe limited shared property. Who knows. In my state it’s technically 6 months I think, but the backlog for court dates is insane. Anything less than amicable takes over a year. But 15 years ago that probably wasn’t the case!
Did anyone catch “See No Evil” on ID (The Blood Trail episode) aired on 4/25? While I was watching, I thought to myself “why didn’t this guy dispose of the evidence in different places”. I know many of you will argue with that but this episode swayed my logical thinking. He used a pickup truck to dispose of the Estes couple. Cause of death blunt force trauma.
I thought back to that episode when CCTV footage was discovered of FD/MT. As I stated in the previous thread, I suspected FD entered through the garage and attacked JD with an object. Likely an item from her house without a link to FD such as a tire iron from JDs other vehicle in JDs garage which would be easily accessible. Any of you WS get a sense she wasn’t dismembered at her home? Back to the episode, it made reference to blood loss. If there are large amounts of blood, it doesn’t necessarily mean dismemberment, it would also refer to a long survival, depending on the location and spatter.
I don't disagree that disposing of evidence in multiple locations can be a good idea, but 30 trash cans up and down a city street in broad daylight is idiotic.

I highly doubt she was dismembered in her home. I don't think they had the time, and I am still of the opinion that they didn't intend to leave her blood at the scene.
I live very close to a neighboring town, I see this daily out here, wealthy, successful, driven, ambitious, motivated FIL's supporting, providing for their daughters and their daughter's neer do' well husbands. You will find 70 year old grandpa at work 14 hours a day, while 'husband' is golfing, boating, sleeping, on vacation, when wealthy Grandpa might have never taken a vacation in the last DECADE..why ... because the daughters made a mistake marrying the wrong man, from the guy can't hold a job, the guy is a cheater, or the guy is on the take like FD. FD made the loaned money 'seem' like a sound investment to HF, but it wasn't and it takes YEARS for both daughter and FIL to figure out the entire marriage, the ATM machine bonding kids, was all a charade on the part of the husband...

I see this out here every. single. day. Check the golf course today, beautiful day, every kept husband will be on the course while his wealthy FIL is literally managing a Fortune 500 company, managing his successful portfolio while 'husband' is living his best life of leisure off of Grandpa..

HF wanted his daughter to have a good life...he thought he was helping, I get it..but, without his financial help, FD would have been long gone perhaps after the 1st set of twins..its got to be tough for the wealthy father, he wants to help...this entire situation is so sad..on every level..
Thank you for saying this. I suspected as much and was trying to figure out how to say it - you did so perfectly.
And as much as I am horrified by MT, I'm thinking she must have been terrified of him too. I have been speculating that she would spill the beans on him once she was sure he wasn't getting out of jail. She didn't want to be next.
If she felt terrified of him, there was nothing preventing her from leaving him. I think if their plan worked, she would stay with him. IMO she thought that he was fine and that JD was the problem.
JMO, but he is a monster for killing JD. The way the crime was committed, the disposal of evidence, the doctoring of the plates, having his cell phone on, pretty much everything related to this case shows that his behavior was DUMB. Sure, he may be an intelligent person, but he was an idiot in the way he went about this.

Which I am sure LE is thankful for. Made their job easier. I for one am also grateful FD did not use his intelligence when planning and committing this murder.
Edit to correct initials.
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And as much as I am horrified by MT, I'm thinking she must have been terrified of him too. I have been speculating that she would spill the beans on him once she was sure he wasn't getting out of jail. She didn't want to be next.

Unlike JD, she could've easily left him at any moment. She had no ties to him.

If facts emerge that show that she was stuck and scared, I'll change my mind.

In the meantime, I don't think she was afraid at all.

I am biased because I have a similar resume. I am not insulting anyone here. Trying to say this man was, on paper, very smart, the ineptitude of his murder plot is more evidence of his arrogance than lack of intelligence.

There isn’t a need to be biased. Calling FD dumb isn’t a reflection on you or me or anyone else with a similar background. It is just an assessment of HIM. You can think he is very smart since you have a similar education and are, presumably, very smart as well. But he demonstrates a lack of intelligence on a daily basis with the way he lived his life, managed his business, and utilized his resources.

FD has no business smarts whatsoever, despite his top shelf education. But I can also name at least 4 guys in the news daily who have high quality educations (one even went to Harvard!) and are dumber than a bag of rocks. Getting in to a good school really doesn’t say anything about a person’s actual intelligence.
I don't disagree that disposing of evidence in multiple locations can be a good idea, but 30 trash cans up and down a city street in broad daylight is idiotic.

I highly doubt she was dismembered in her home. I don't think they had the time, and I am still of the opinion that they didn't intend to leave her blood at the scene.
I agree but after seeing that episode it made me think otherwise. I suspected LE knew immediately that it was someone who knew JD because the amount of rage the suspect had for her that caused the blood loss and traces left behind.
If MT's gotten full immunity here, that will indeed qualify as being one real sweetie beauty of a deal.

If she has immunity, it will be a bitter pill to swallow.

I have a feeling we're all going to have to swallow hard.

I do think when we find out the full horror of what FD did to JD, it will help us to accept her deal, though.

FD is the worst of the worst. He's a dangerous predator and an absolute menace to society.

I agree @GordianKnot - her demeanor when she left the attorney's office yesterday......really makes me thinks that everything she admitted to was "after the fact"......not knowing or participating the actual murder....and that whatever her plea deal....will work out quite well for her.

He needs to be locked away in a cell forever, no matter what it takes.

CT - Jennifer Farber Dulos,50 media *NO DISCUSSION*

Here's the media thread for JD - no map thread but I've been trying to post maps as our sleuthers come up with them. Pictures as well. Thanks

You've done a fantastic job on this case, btw, of keeping everything organized and accessible. I've gone to the media thread a few times already. If the case lingers (I hope not), that thread will be especially invaluable to keep the info handy.

For now, my mind is a jumble trying to keep the properties straight!


You've done a fantastic job on this case, btw, of keeping everything organized and accessible. I've gone to the media thread a few times already. If the case lingers (I hope not), that thread will be especially invaluable to keep the info handy.

For now, my mind is a jumble trying to keep the properties straight!

Yes, the media thread is priceless. Thank you!!
So, no vehicle is sitting without plates. But when did he alter them and where did he go with them, on what vehicle? Still isn't the black pick up truck or JD's SUV. Did he pick them up in JD's garage and alter them and put them on what vehicle, MT's ? But where was he going that he felt he needed to mislead?

Right. They were extras. This is why dumping them is weird. Take the tape off, clean off, put in garage. The police have not indicated when the plates were used, as of yet, but IMO they = premeditation.

Thank you for saying this. I suspected as much and was trying to figure out how to say it - you did so perfectly.

I have very good friends in JD financial situation, I see it up close and personal every day; on paper their husbands have no assets, no 401(k), no retirement saved, own nothing of their own, sometimes Grandpa buys the husband his vehicles, the country clubs paid for and in the wife's name, Grandpa paying private school. Husband has no idea if the wife left, his gravy train life as he knew it is over..unless of course he wants to fight during the divorce, as FD did..he was broke. The kept men are also BROKE..

What I scratch my head over is; the men, do they have no pride, no ego, no ambitions? Why not get a job and earn your own money, if you want a certain kind of lifestyle..what is so flipping appalling about that? These men want all of their time to be 'their own' they wake up and think nah, not going to work today, why SHOULD I , I have a wealthy FIL to support the roof over my head, the food in my children's belly, and pay for their private school...why 'should' I have to do anything..

Several of the kept men I know, have what I call no show jobs, they have "jobs," but don't really work often or at all, and come and go as they please all day in and out of the house, its truly bizarre..FD in the contracting business could also come and go as he pleased..

Then, some of these men, forget they are 'kept' and think, I could leave and take half her dad's money...find a younger woman..and then trouble begins..but that said, please leave, but DO not kill your wife for her father's money.
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If MT's gotten full immunity here, that will indeed qualify as being one real sweetie beauty of a deal.

If she has immunity, it will be a bitter pill to swallow.

I have a feeling we're all going to have to swallow hard.

I do think when we find out the full horror of what FD did to JD, it will help us to accept her deal, though.

FD is the worst of the worst. He's a dangerous predator and an absolute menace to society.

He needs to be locked away in a cell forever, no matter what it takes.

Excellent post.

You're right - given the two, FD is much more dangerous to be out of jail than MT.

I'm braced for not liking the deal....

Mainly, I want Jennifer found.

Can you imagine water skiing for hours when you didn't want to? It is essentially torture to do that. It's not a sport like baseball or soccer where you could just kinda "be there" if you don't want to be there (at that age) - with water skiing, it's all you and you have to totally focus on it. Hurts thinking about it.

Yes, it can be scary for children (and adults!) like skiing. They were terrorized.
And how do you even just have old plates lying around? Don’t you have to return them to take insurance off of that vehicle in CT?
I’m not sure abt Connecticut, but I’ve had plates from MD and FL, and my husband has from TN. If you sell a car, you cancel insurance (send proof of sale), but you own the plate. You can keep them. If you purchase another car, you can register with that plate, or just keep (I just tossed, TBH).
If MT's gotten full immunity here, that will indeed qualify as being one real sweetie beauty of a deal.

If she has immunity, it will be a bitter pill to swallow.

I have a feeling we're all going to have to swallow hard.

I do think when we find out the full horror of what FD did to JD, it will help us to accept her deal, though.

FD is the worst of the worst. He's a dangerous predator and an absolute menace to society.

He needs to be locked away in a cell forever, no matter what it takes.


I just hope that LE can be 100% sure of the limits of her involvement before she gets any sort of deal.

If MT only helped with the clean up and the dumping of evidence, I’m ok with her getting a lighter sentence if she gives info that returns this mama to her children and mother. But what is to stop her from saying she only did X, Y, and Z, after she was dead, when she really was also in the garage beating JD? How can LE be sure that she is telling the truth about her part? If I were in her spot right now and participated I promise that I would be doing everything I could to make it seem like I wasn’t there for the killing.
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