Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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“Trial by innuendo has convicted my client,” Pattis said Saturday. “We will opt for a trial by jury.”

Attorney Kevin Smith, Pattis’ partner, met with Dulos in prison late Friday night. Bridgeport attorney Eugene Riccio represented Dulos during his first court appearance in Norwalk on June 3 and has been trying to secure a bond for Dulos since then. He was representing him for bond purposes only.


At the trash-to-energy plant, state police did recover some of the material Fotis Dulos allegedly discarded in Hartford. Since last week’s garbage pickup was delayed by one day because of Memorial Day, most of the trash from the Albany Avenue area had not been incinerated.

State police are expected to continue the search into next week.

Police return to Hartford trash plant Sunday in search for missing New Canaan mother Jennifer Farber Dulos as estranged husband hires new lawyer
How did FD get to JD's home?
Who drove her car to the park?
What vehicle were the altered plates used on and why?
What did he do for two hours at Mt. Spring in the afternoon of her disappearance?

I asked these questions upstream a while back, and they still have no answers. In view of MT reportedly not being in NC that day, the second question becomes even more perplexing to me.

Whatever happened and whoever did it, JD and her car were not at her home at noon when the housekeeper came.
I think she sees herself as an "international" citizen, not particularly attached to USA. She has lived in several different countries, including Dubai. I don't know what country she claims for citizenry, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it's not USA.


The United States does not formally recognize dual citizenship. However, it also has not taken any stand against it, either legally or politically. Typically, no American will forfeit his or her citizenship by undertaking the responsibilities of citizenship in another country.
Dual Citizenship - FindLaw

Dual Nationality

Section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that “the term ‘national of the United States’ means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.” Therefore, U.S. citizens are also U.S. nationals. The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a national of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own nationality laws based on its own policy. Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. national parents may be both a U.S. national and a national of the country of birth. Or, an individual having one nationality at birth may naturalize at a later date in another country and become a dual national.

U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. A U.S. citizen may naturalize in a foreign state without any risk to his or her U.S. citizenship.

Dual Nationality

There's no benefit to her to give up her US citizenship.
I just keep thinking of the black F 150 Raptor truck of FD’s that the police seized with a warrant on the 31st. You can definitely go off roading in that (it was certainly the vehicle used the night of the 24th trashbin dump) and his cellphone records show that his phone was at 80 Mountain Spring Road in Farmington from 1:37 pm until about 4:17 pm on May 24th. Near that property are two creeks: Pope Brook and Great Brook that feed into the Farmington River. Maybe that’s where he went? I think of those Forensic Files episodes where they helped solve a circumstantial case with plant evidence-check under the undercarriage of that truck for poison ivy etc.
Anyway, if I lived nearby I’d be tempted to put on some waders, eucalyptus spray for bugs and poison ivy repellant and go check those creeks out.
Another note, the area where her car was found is where people park to go into the park. Like I said, there are carved out areas on the side of the road. She possibly did park there or it was made to look like that.
It would have been made to look like that.

All indications are that she was killed in the garage of her home, and her vehicle dumped afterwards.
It’s always possible that she truly doesn’t know where Jennifer is.

Law enforcement seems to believe her alibi, and that might have to do with cell phone data (according to the article).

She certainly knows things, and three hours seems like enough time to fill in law enforcement on what she does know.

It’s entirely possible that FD did the murder part on his own, and MT’s culpability is for what she’s already been charged with (evidence tampering).

But did she tamper with evidence? The arrest warrant never states that LE witnessed MT dumping any bags. Also it states that a female matching the description of MT was observed leaning out of the car either picking something up or putting something down. Cigarette/IMO She'll say she had no idea about what was in the bags. What else can they charge her with?
I guess we don't know what we don't know.

Please let LE have something more on this horrible woman!
“Troconis allegedly did herself in by being caught on one of the videos leaning out the window of Fotis’ pickup truck, where garbage bags were piled in the back — to smoke a cigarette, “said the first source, a Connecticut cop involved with the probe.
A few noteworthy comments here:

Norm Pattis told me he plans to enter a NOT GUILTY plea in Stamford court tomorrow. He also said "no" when asked if Fotis Dulos knows Jennifer's whereabouts 17 days after friends reported her missing. #NBCCT

And just in, a prepared statement from the PR rep for Pattis: "There are powerful reasons to doubt (Fotis Dulos) was even at the scene of his estranged wife’s home the day she disappeared. I am unaware of any evidence supporting the theory he was involved in foul play." #NBCCT

The statement goes on to say, "I plan to ask for a substantial bond reduction tomorrow based on these factors.” #NBCCT

Justin Schecker on Twitter
If true this confirms that he and MT had their phones turned off in the morning. MOO.
That's staged? ?! Goodness. My hobby is decorating and painting. I could have done better after 3 lemon drops, and a blindfold on! No wonder these houses sat on the market!

I could use a Lemon Drop or three after reading these posts !

I had a terrific contractor and designer remodel my home from it's remuddled 80's redo. I learned a lot about what really makes a home custom. I can tell by the photos that FD used mediocre cabinetry, mediocre light fixtures, mediocre plumbing and bathroom fixtures. All that really stands out is these houses are big with lots of space. The landscaping is nothing to write home about.

I'll bet Jennifer had some great observation and ideas about quality homes, coming from a family and social circle of wealth. It hurts my heart that she couldn't even get her own bathroom in a 4000 + sq foot house. I'll bet she had lots of ideas about what works with children, and I"ll bet he would have been very dismissive about her suggestions, if she even attempted to venture forth some comments.
If true this confirms that he and MT had their phones turned off in the morning. MOO.
I’d say that it’s an indication of the opposite, atleast in regards to MT.

Something has convinced them that she was where she says she was, and that location wasn’t Jennifer’s house.

If her phone was off, that would be suspicious as all hell.

If her phone was on however, and its location was where she claims to have been, then that’s compelling.
This is going to be one of those cases that completely ticks me off, because you know he will be bailed out soon, and I don’t feel LE has enough evidence to charge and convict him of murder. So, watch him walk. And MT pretends to know nothing. Ridiculous. So tired of lying murderers.
IMO, he is not getting out.
I have always wondered who got MT's daughter up and off to school that morning up in Farmington if she was driving down to NC with FD. I wonder if she was seen at school dropping her daughter off and that is the alibi that LE is accepting as reported. She couldn't be in two places at once.
I so agree with you. A controlling pyschopath. I found her blog when the silver alert first went out because I was curious where in town she lived and the blog came up. I had the feeling that she missed old friends, was a bit lonely at home with very small children in the area she was living. Overwhelmed often at times, as it would be with so many small children. I actually questioned from the posts I read if she had a helpful husband. The one entry that is so eerie now years later was the one where he took her to a movie for a date night (one he chose, of course). And she wanted to walk out. It was so greusome with the violence and blood on the walls, on the floor. She was miserable but she wrote FT was in his 'own particular heaven'.

Wow. That's telling.

Can you link it?
Altimari is very connected within law enforcement circles, so this information would have come from trusted people who are familiar with the investigation.

It wouldn’t have come from attorney Pattis, who Altimari wouldn’t trust as far as he could throw.
I wouldn't think so on Pattis but honestly journalistic standards have slipped to levels on other cases I've seen that I truly don't know what to believe in the press anymore. I have no idea who Altimari is but I will watch him and see what his coverage of the case is over time. I hope you are right that this particular journalist has some integrity and traditional journalistic standards but we shall see!
But did she tamper with evidence? The arrest warrant never states that LE witnessed MT dumping any bags. Also it states that a female matching the description of MT was observed leaning out of the car either picking something up or putting something down. Cigarette/IMO She'll say she had no idea about what was in the bags. What else can they charge her with?
I guess we don't know what we don't know.

Please let LE have something more on this horrible woman!
Somebody drove JD's car to the park. If FD did that, MT would likely have driven behind him in his car. She's in this up to her ears. MOO.
IMO, he is not getting out.
I felt this way last week, but now I’m not so sure.

I’m not convinced that the state has enough evidence to hit him with murder charges yet, and if he comes up with the money to post bond on these initial charges, then there’s not much they can do.

He’ll be on GPS monitoring, and certainly subject to manned surveillance.

It’s not as good as having him on ice, but I’m resigned to the possibility that he walks free this week.
Hi, do vaguely remember passing a building with that name. There are many schools, clubs and facilities once you get up in that area ...the streets truly meander throughout the area. You need to have a good GPS or know the roads.
Yes Winter Club is private and small. Its a simple operation with a clubhouse and an ice rink. Ice time in the area is in short supply, so Winter Club is popular in particular with people in the immediate area and is also used by NCCS for its ice hockey program.
Okay, this is going to be MOO and pure conjecture, but here we go:

Wednesday, 6/5, there is a flurry of police activity at MIRA, JC, and the West Hartford reservoir. Since police haven't returned there, I think we've all kind of forgotten about it, but it's been nagging at me.

Thursday, 6/6, MT meets with LE. Most of us seem to be assuming that MT's attorney gave information to the police from his client to show her willingness to cooperate to hopefully reach a plea deal. That would mean MT told them to go to the reservoir. Have they not going back because they found nothing? Or have they not gone back because they found something (maybe murder weapon IMO). It would've come out by now if they found a body (likely, not sure how that wouldn't be reported on or leaked), but we have no idea how much else they've gathered.

I think the reservoir is important.

Why would it mean that MT told them to go back to the reservoir?

I think I'm missing a step somewhere!
I wouldn't think so on Pattis but honestly journalistic standards have slipped to levels on other cases I've seen that I truly don't know what to believe in the press anymore. I have no idea who Altimari is but I will watch him and see what his coverage of the case is over time. I hope you are right that this particular journalist has some integrity and traditional journalistic standards but we shall see!
I have a high bar when it comes to reporters, and frequently share your sentiments.

This is what this guy does though, and there are few better IMO.

He’s been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, and had broken some major stories over the years. There’s no one I would trust more when it comes to reporting on this case.
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