Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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Sources: Michelle Troconis, the girlfriend of Fotis Dulos, was not in New Canaan on the day Jennifer Dulos disappeared, and she provided no details to investigators on the missing mother’s whereabouts.

Hartford Courant on Twitter

Sources: Michelle Troconis was not in New Canaan on the day Jennifer Farber Dulos disappeared, provided no details to investigators on missing mother’s whereabouts
Who cares? They have her on video dumping bloody bags on Albany Ave. that night.
As the search for Farber Dulos continued into its 17th day Monday, sources said that investigators have proof that Troconis was neither inside Farber Dulos’ Welles Avenue home nor anywhere near New Canaan on May 24, the last day Farber Dulos was seen alive.

It is unclear what evidence Troconis offered to establish her whereabouts during that time frame but police did confiscate her cellphone and obtained a court order to search it.


Sources said Troconis has told state police she has no idea where [Jennifer] Farber Dulos may be.

Sources: Michelle Troconis was not in New Canaan on the day Jennifer Farber Dulos disappeared, provided no details to investigators on missing mother’s whereabouts
Way back at the beginning of all this I entertained the idea that he may have paid someone from his landscaping crews or construction crew to have done this or to have assisted in the clean up and disposal of the body. I cannot figure a scenario in which one person could have done this mostly because of the time line and the move of her car to the park.

I guess I am back looking at that if in fact MT can satisfy LE that she was not in NC that day.
A few noteworthy comments here:

Norm Pattis told me he plans to enter a NOT GUILTY plea in Stamford court tomorrow. He also said "no" when asked if Fotis Dulos knows Jennifer's whereabouts 17 days after friends reported her missing. #NBCCT

And just in, a prepared statement from the PR rep for Pattis: "There are powerful reasons to doubt (Fotis Dulos) was even at the scene of his estranged wife’s home the day she disappeared. I am unaware of any evidence supporting the theory he was involved in foul play." #NBCCT

The statement goes on to say, "I plan to ask for a substantial bond reduction tomorrow based on these factors.” #NBCCT

Justin Schecker on Twitter

He's full of spin. Every reason to be doubtful isn't the same as "my client wasn't there".

I'm surprised he stated definitively that MT wasn't. He could've tried to cast the blame on her.

Maybe there's still love in the air? Or FD is trying desperately to stay on her good side because he's terrified.
I just keep thinking of the black F 150 Raptor truck of FD’s that the police seized with a warrant on the 31st. You can definitely go off roading in that (it was certainly the vehicle used the night of the 24th trashbin dump) and his cellphone records show that his phone was at 80 Mountain Spring Road in Farmington from 1:37 pm until about 4:17 pm on May 24th. Near that property are two creeks: Pope Brook and Great Brook that feed into the Farmington River. Maybe that’s where he went? I think of those Forensic Files episodes where they helped solve a circumstantial case with plant evidence-check under the undercarriage of that truck for poison ivy etc.
Anyway, if I lived nearby I’d be tempted to put on some waders, eucalyptus spray for bugs and poison ivy repellant and go check those creeks out.
The poison ivy is part of this story that is truly hard to make up IMO! FD does not appear to be a contractor that gets his hands dirty with manual labor so he wasn't out clearing weeds and doing landscaping IMO where he would be in contact with poison ivy. Could anyone tell where the poison ivy rash appears on FD?

As an aside the poison ivy in the area seems to be particularly early and widespread this year due to so much early rain and its a challenge to get rid of unfortunately.
Who cares? They have her on video dumping bloody bags on Albany Ave. that night.
Yeah, but I think a lot of us felt that she was more involved than just that.

I thought she may have driven FD to Jennifer’s house, and may have taken an active role in other areas.

Her not being in the area when the murder happened, changes things significantly.

It also makes her claim that she doesn’t know where Jennifer’s body is, all that more plausible.
Why would it mean that MT told them to go back to the reservoir?

I think I'm missing a step somewhere!
The theory is that the night before MT spoke to LE, she gave LE information to check out to show she was willing to cooperate and being truthful. The flurry of police activity was them following up on the things she said. When it was all accurate, they met with her the next day.

I have no idea how important or damning the information she gave them is, or what they did or didn't find, but I find it very interesting that they went there on that one night, likely based on a tip by her, and haven't gone back because they may have already found what they were looking for there.

HaHa! Wouldn't you want to make sure you are getting value for your hard earned money if you were shelling out $4 million for a house? I would!

My point was that FD/Fore houses might look expensive and perhaps a bit OTT and grand from the outside but perhaps the quality of the finishing doesn't match the first glance impression. I guess its the old Form over Substance argument. FD followed a checklist in his development activities based no doubt on what some Realtor told him people wanted IMO.
I get it. Just couldn't resist busting on you. Everything is relative, no?
Way back at the beginning of all this I entertained the idea that he may have paid someone from his landscaping crews or construction crew to have done this or to have assisted in the clean up and disposal of the body. I cannot figure a scenario in which one person could have done this mostly because of the time line and the move of her car to the park.

I guess I am back looking at that if in fact MT can satisfy LE that she was not in NC that day.

Maybe she can prove she wasn't there. I never imagined her to be. I always imagined them getting together after.

But if she helped with planning and covering up it's like an accessory which is the same thing as murder in CT.

It will be interesting to see how involved she was and what plans these creeps may have made.
The theory is that the night before MT spoke to LE, she gave LE information to check out to show she was willing to cooperate and being truthful. The flurry of police activity was them following up on the things she said. When it was all accurate, they met with her the next day.

I have no idea how important or damning the information she gave them is, or what they did or didn't find, but I find it very interesting that they went there on that one night, likely based on a tip by her, and haven't gone back because they may have already found what they were looking for there.


I'm just not seeing that they went back to the reservoir. The post says something about them not going back but going there before she met with the DA?

Did they search the reservoirs after she met with them? If so, maybe it was part of an independent search that began the day before?

I'm just trying to sort how it "must mean" sure told them to go there because I'm probably missing something.

I can only jump on here sporadically.
It can occur but it's doubtful here, IMO because their interests are adverse. So you get into some real dangerous territory. They can't reveal any confidential info.

Hello @gitana1 we all thought the meeting with MT was for the purpose of making a deal. Could it have just been LE asking for an interview and her attorney being present. Three hours seems long though. I just feel like if it was a deal we would have more information but LE has been good at keeping everything tight lipped. I am just curious if this could have just been LE wanted to question MT? And would that even happen once she bonded out?
I have always wondered who got MT's daughter up and off to school that morning up in Farmington if she was driving down to NC with FD. I wonder if she was seen at school dropping her daughter off and that is the alibi that LE is accepting as reported. She couldn't be in two places at once.
I don't think we have agreement on the location of the school and confirmation of whether MT daughter is a boarder or day student? In the video of MT and FD driving off to Litchfield for FD to do his DNA test there was a shot of an adult that MT daughter was taken off the scene with that night. Wonder if she had a nanny or assistant to help her?
Ms. Dulos filed for divorce in June 2017, and immediately sought an emergency custody order for the couple’s five children. She feared Mr. Dulos might harm her or the children, according to a court filing.

She also said that Mr. Dulos, who was born in Turkey and raised in Greece, had threatened to kidnap their children and take them overseas.
Jennifer Dulos: Inside the Turbulent Marriage of the Missing Connecticut Mother of 5

ETA: Answers Greece connection..
I'm just not seeing that they went back to the reservoir. The post says something about them not going back but going there before she met with the DA?

Did they search the reservoirs after she met with them? If so, maybe it was part of an independent search that began the day before?

I'm just trying to sort how it "must mean" sure told them to go there because I'm probably missing something.

I can only jump on here sporadically.
That I know of, they went Wednesday night to the West Hartford reservoir and haven't returned.
I'm clearly not explaining this well. :oops:
I think folks are reading too much into some things.

1. Pleading not guilty. This is SOP. Of course he's going to plead not guilty. They could have a video of him doing the deed and a body and he would still plead not guilty.

2. MT's involvement. Maybe she really wasn't. Other than driving around Hartford dropping off bags of garbage, I don't think we have anything to suspect her. And there is no reason to assume she knew there was any evidence in the garbage. Although odd, it's not that odd to drop garbage in multiple trash cans.

3. Blood in the garage. We really don't know much about this. How much really. There's one indication it was substantial, but I don't really buy that and we don't know for sure.

4. Lots of circumstantial evidence about contentious divorce, controlling narcissistic personality, financial troubles etc. All probably true, but not proof he killed her.

5. After a week and more of searching the trash plant, they haven't found anything additional. My guess is they won't. FD may really not have been that stupid after all.

Of course I think FD's involved, and I hope they find something compelling soon. But it would be better to stick to what we know and not assume it's more than we know.
Fore Group was only FD and MT and if people are reporting changes to the website and FD is in jail most likely without internet access then who could be doing this? I guess he could have given passwords to his atty and atty in the criminal case is cleaning up the public website. IDK. Just seems odd to have changes to a website with FD in jail.

He's got family and I'm sure friends.

I don't think we should assume it's her. Could definitely be but I don't think we can be sure.
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