Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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HA! I know for a fact that a 2007 Kia Rio, a very basic Kia, can be driven very aggressively and if the driver is motivated, can outdo a nice Mercedes. Especially if the driver is a sociopath. Don't underestimate a Kia, LOL.
Do you do drag racing on the side! Sounds like you have lots of experience with the Kia! LOL:D

84 even though its a major highway is winding, hilly in parts and goes from 2-4 lanes almost randomly (in winter is can be dangerous too with lots of accidents). But the big thing 84 has is lots of trucks and the double semis too. These trucks drive quickly and create almost a wind tunnel effect in a small lightweight car if there is traffic. Its hard to describe but in a small car the feeling is almost as if you are being pulled from side to side.

But we learned from the FD lawsuit where he hit someone from behind on 84 that its his road so we should probably tell locals to be on the lookout for a short bald man driving a black kia. If you see this man, please don't engage and just switch lanes and let him pass. Again, please just switch lanes!

LOL and MOO!:)
My son is a commercial fisherman. I think people would be very surprised what can be done with a fishing knife, particularly if used post-mortem. IMO the garbage dump was preplanned by FD, so he thought all that evidence was going to be destroyed. I have previously posted about 2 cases in Florida where LE knows for a fact the bodies went to the dump, but have not been able to locate them. This fact has not stopped the prosecution because it has the forensic horsemen of the apocalypse and videos that point to guilt.

Warning:This post is about to get graphic! In one case, a woman murdered her co-worker and the State has much the same case as will probably be presented here-lots and lots of forensics, but no confession or eyewitness testimony. A very, very significant piece of evidence, however, is a video of the accused purchasing an ordinary, small, electric carving knife. Suffice it to say, it is believed that was her choice of tool for dismemberment. A small, innocuous looking carving knife. The DNA evidence is small in amount but gigantic in importance, including DNA and discarded evidence seized from a dumpster (sound familiar?).

It seems pretty clear that FD was wearing gloves during this murder. We previously discussed the fact that post-arrest FD made a big showing of wearing gloves while working on his property. I believe he intentionally donned those gloves in case someone remembers they saw him wearing gloves that day (perhaps while making purchases at a hardware store). He was planting the seed that he always wears gloves, so wearing them on the day of the murder was "no big deal." When my son is butchering large (and I mean large!) game fish, he wears easily purchased gloves that prevent nicks to his hand. FD did the same.

At least in the fishing community, the most commonly knife used is a filet knife, and those things are small but razor sharp. With the right knife and sufficient skill, it would not be difficult to dismember a human. FD was only trying to get the body to a manageable size in order to dispose of it, after all. If he had been planning this murder, as I believe he had, he probably knew exactly how to use that knife.

What could make this evidence even more significant? If the witness gave LE the bloody jeans mentioned in his statement. I believe he did. If those jeans have JD's DNA on them, they corroborate this witness' testimony quite well. This evidence is what we call "gut bucket" evidence because, once presented, the jury KNOWS the witness is telling the truth.

Yes, I am aware he is a drug addict, but I do not think that will matter to the jury at all. Drug addiction is a sad fact of life in this country. Juries have to determine the weight to be given an addict's testimony all the time. What is important when using such testimony is to corroborate that evidence at every opportunity, to use objective evidence to show that the witness is telling the truth.

What LE is now doing is precisely that. Is what he is saying consistent with other evidence in its possession? Can LE show a chain of events that puts both the witness and the defendant in that place at that time such that a reasonable person would conclude FD put the knife in the garbage during the dump? Let's not forget the video evidence, which is what led LE to this witness in the first place.

This is not a chain of custody question. IMO the State is not obliged to prove that no other human on earth could have put the knife in that garbage can. That is imposing a burden on the State which does not exist. Instead, it should be sufficient to show, via video, FD putting something in the can and the witness taking something out. The weight to be given this testimony will be up to the jury, but I see no reason why the testimony itself is not admissible. Again, though, that testimony pales in comparison to admitting those bloody jeans! I so hope LE was able to locate them!

IMO their will be many evidentiary questions in this case. There always are in murder prosecutions. I notice NP has been very quiet the last few days. Maybe he is starting to understand he will not win this case by public pronouncement, and is instead focusing his attention on more substantive matters.
Do we know yet why LE has not returned FD's
Is this normal to hold onto them for this long or
are they considered evidence and may be in the
LE parking lot for a long time?
It must really irk Mr. Money Bags Doofus to have to be seen in such an ordinary vehicle.
Talk about being an angry driver, he must get
pi$$ed off every time he gets in that car.
How do I continue reading? When I click your link it only lets me read what is shown not the “continue reading”

Even being able to read just the tiny's heartbreaking...every time she mentions the Greek names for the kids, it makes me angry for her, as its ludicrous to deny her Jewish heritage and her wants to appease this tiny dictator. I am not a Greek woman and would NEVER EVER allow a man to name all my children Greek names, maybe ONE of 5 kids but, that's a HARD NO on all 5 kids.

I feel so so sorry for JD...

I just read the snippet that she told her parents she would never marry and live with them until she was 65 and I just talked to my computer and said, how I wish you would have...

The Greek names, the water skiing, FD quitting his job at Ernst and Young as his first order of marital business after marrying a wealthy woman, JD not being allowed to even have her own bathroom...this guy coming and going like a married bachelor, JD obviously paying for the homes via Dad and his loans and for the kids school likely. These are the things that really grind my gears, because of the duration of her's just awful..

I am local and I know NCCD costs 40+k per kid, know several children that go there (I have same age kids as JD)...I sure can't imagine FD cutting that whopper of a check to the school for 220k+ a year for 5 kids to go to private school. Especially since he cut off their medical insurance. FD knew JD and her family would cover all bills, school, housing, medical for the kids..he was footloose and carefree...

His arrest and conviction cannot come soon enough..
Narcs are grandiose by definition and delusional about their own capabilities. They are paranoid too because they believe everybody is just as bad as they are. They throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. Not all Narcs are Sociopaths but all Sociopaths are narcissistic. One of the main differences based on a lot of reading is that Narcs don't plan out your destruction but they are jerks on steroids and your destruction happens anyway. Sociopaths are very cunning, skilled liars and very confident. Narcs are needy and I believe more likely to kill a partner over being rejected. Sociopaths are all about the money. Bipolar is a chemical imbalance so I am sure can be co-morbid with Sociopathy which some say is structural within the brain. I do not buy into the theory that they just can't stop themselves from doing what they do. They do know they are doing wrong but they just don't care. I remember watching on the news many years ago there was a study done on the physical brains of serial killers and how they all have a certain pattern of some sort. But there are also people with the same brain wave pattern who are great people indeed. One of the people tested was the son of a serial killer and he had the serial killer brain characteristics and he was nothing like his father. Interesting.
This description is spot-on. Having been in an on-again, off-again relationship with one, my therapist met with the both of us. After one hour, she telephoned me to say, “get away fast”. Therapist recognized traits as textbook narc and feared I would be killed. I took the advice. I did not have marriage or children with him so a clean break was easier. But I endured 3 straight months of love bombing followed by hatred and scary stuff. My heart breaks for JD, GF, and those 5 innocents. And MOO, it’s not mental illness, it’s a personality disorder. Can’t be fixed, JMO.
My son is a commercial fisherman. I think people would be very surprised what can be done with a fishing knife, particularly if used post-mortem. IMO the garbage dump was preplanned by FD, so he thought all that evidence was going to be destroyed. I have previously posted about 2 cases in Florida where LE knows for a fact the bodies went to the dump, but have not been able to locate them. This fact has not stopped the prosecution because it has the forensic horsemen of the apocalypse and videos that point to guilt.

Warning:This post is about to get graphic! In one case, a woman murdered her co-worker and the State has much the same case as will probably be presented here-lots and lots of forensics, but no confession or eyewitness testimony. A very, very significant piece of evidence, however, is a video of the accused purchasing an ordinary, small, electric carving knife. Suffice it to say, it is believed that was her choice of tool for dismemberment. A small, innocuous looking carving knife. The DNA evidence is small in amount but gigantic in importance, including DNA and discarded evidence seized from a dumpster (sound familiar?).

It seems pretty clear that FD was wearing gloves during this murder. We previously discussed the fact that post-arrest FD made a big showing of wearing gloves while working on his property. I believe he intentionally donned those gloves in case someone remembers they saw him wearing gloves that day (perhaps while making purchases at a hardware store). He was planting the seed that he always wears gloves, so wearing them on the day of the murder was "no big deal." When my son is butchering large (and I mean large!) game fish, he wears easily purchased gloves that prevent nicks to his hand. FD did the same.

At least in the fishing community, the most commonly knife used is a filet knife, and those things are small but razor sharp. With the right knife and sufficient skill, it would not be difficult to dismember a human. FD was only trying to get the body to a manageable size in order to dispose of it, after all. If he had been planning this murder, as I believe he had, he probably knew exactly how to use that knife.

What could make this evidence even more significant? If the witness gave LE the bloody jeans mentioned in his statement. I believe he did. If those jeans have JD's DNA on them, they corroborate this witness' testimony quite well. This evidence is what we call "gut bucket" evidence because, once presented, the jury KNOWS the witness is telling the truth.

Yes, I am aware he is a drug addict, but I do not think that will matter to the jury at all. Drug addiction is a sad fact of life in this country. Juries have to determine the weight to be given an addict's testimony all the time. What is important when using such testimony is to corroborate that evidence at every opportunity, to use objective evidence to show that the witness is telling the truth.

What LE is now doing is precisely that. Is what he is saying consistent with other evidence in its possession? Can LE show a chain of events that puts both the witness and the defendant in that place at that time such that a reasonable person would conclude FD put the knife in the garbage during the dump? Let's not forget the video evidence, which is what led LE to this witness in the first place.

This is not a chain of custody question. IMO the State is not obliged to prove that no other human on earth could have put the knife in that garbage can. That is imposing a burden on the State which does not exist. Instead, it should be sufficient to show, via video, FD putting something in the can and the witness taking something out. The weight to be given this testimony will be up to the jury, but I see no reason why the testimony itself is not admissible. Again, though, that testimony pales in comparison to admitting those bloody jeans! I so hope LE was able to locate them!

IMO their will be many evidentiary questions in this case. There always are in murder prosecutions. I notice NP has been very quiet the last few days. Maybe he is starting to understand he will not win this case by public pronouncement, and is instead focusing his attention on more substantive matters.
thanks for another informative post-
2 things- I googled fishing knife and just what you said when the descriptions of using the
knife turned to filetting meat. Quick and efficient. And razor sharp blades , come in many sizes and lengths.

also there's a great reason the jeans of knife finder were mentioned in the article....
because LE has them, IMO. they will be a crucial part of the evidence story.

I'm not too worried about Fudge, he's probably
a toughie and can take care of himself, but
I am worried about knife finder. But it sounds
like he is hiding out, not to be found. I just
hope LE can locate him for trial, these types
have a way of backing out of testifying.
Hopefully LE has gotten video testimony in case that happens.
Do we know yet why LE has not returned FD's
Is this normal to hold onto them for this long or
are they considered evidence and may be in the
LE parking lot for a long time?
It must really irk Mr. Money Bags Doofus to have to be seen in such an ordinary vehicle.
Talk about being an angry driver, he must get
pi$$ed off every time he gets in that car.
You mean he gets annoyed that when he puts his foot to the floor and the car barely moves?

Poor FD!

Probably very different from the Suburban or his high powered trucks!

Perhaps as he puts his foot to the floor in his less than powerful car he takes a second and thinks about why he is in the position he finds himself in and why all his vehicles have been seized by the State?

But this reflection and introspection would never happen IMO because this is FD!

Instead, he will push that Kia to the max until it shakes and rattles and continue to terrorize the drivers of CT (at least for now!)

PS. No offense to KIA or other KIA drivers...just having a good laugh about this as he has to be dying driving that car on 84 IMO as it has to be blowing all over the place like a piece of paper. State should switch the messages on the electronic billboards they use for traffic advisories to warn local drivers to just switch lanes if they see the car! Just hope he is driving with insurance as he doesn't have the money for another lawsuit.

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Instead, he will push that Kia to the max until it shakes and rattles and continue to terrorize the drivers of CT (at least for now!)

PS. No offense to KIA or other KIA drivers...just having a good laugh about this as he has to be dying driving that car on 84 IMO as it has to be blowing all over the place like a piece of paper. State should switch the messages on the electronic billboards they use for traffic advisories to warn local drivers to just switch lanes if they see the car! Just hope he is driving with insurance as he doesn't have the money for another lawsuit.


Absolutely no disrespect to the Kia driver in the least, but we are talking about a grandiose, smooth operating tiny tyrant, used to driving the best of high end cars his wife could provide him from Porsche, Range Rover, offense to Kia drivers but high end luxury vehicles are not even in the close comparison..

Also being local to CT..there is an arrogance about what you drive here...being seen in a Kia - FD will not like, even by other motorists, when the man in the Porsche Cayenne is honking at you then calling you *advertiser censored* names to move out of his Golden way because he is the king of the road in his extremely expensive automobile.

I see this behavior out here, daily...
Rosiebones, quote didn't work...
I did notice that both seem on the smaller size.
Facially, IDK, need to take another look.
Isn't there a pic of KM on his boat where he has
a baseball cap on?
Are you hinting what I think you're hinting?
It did enter my mind earlier.
According to KM's wife they sound like 'blood brothers', each one willing to do whatever for
the other.
It does fit in w/ The Art of War as do many other
happenings in this crime. worth looking up the book and then cringe.
I believe KM FB is public and there may be photos of him on a boat with hat.
You mean he gets annoyed that when he puts his foot to the floor and the car barely moves?

Poor FD!

Probably very different from the Suburban or his high powered trucks!

Perhaps as he puts his foot to the floor in his less than powerful car he takes a second and thinks about why he is in the position he finds himself in and why all his vehicles have been seized by the State?

But this reflection and introspection would never happen IMO because this is FD!

Instead, he will push that Kia to the max until it shakes and rattles and continue to terrorize the drivers of CT (at least for now!)

PS. No offense to KIA or other KIA drivers...just having a good laugh about this as he has to be dying driving that car on 84 IMO as it has to be blowing all over the place like a piece of paper. State should switch the messages on the electronic billboards they use for traffic advisories to warn local drivers to just switch lanes if they see the car! Just hope he is driving with insurance as he doesn't have the money for another lawsuit.


Lol-yeah, it must feel like he is driving a sewing machine!
I've been away for a while so this may have been widely discussed, but wow FD was always such a terrible husband and father. What an entitled, spoiled, gaslighting, smug, arrogant nightmare. Reading Jennifer's blog posts now (I had read the newspaper neighborhood posts before) -- dear JD tries SO hard to see the best in her monster husband, to make it work, to carve out the sense of self he was taking from her. The entry about his time away really gets to me: "I calculated that Fotis now spends 1/3 of his time away from home base. That home is also his office, thus the need to get away from “work” proper. That work and home being one can be pretty huge, and a pressing reason to have an office away from your dwelling. So that you leave work to get away from work. You don’t leave home to get away from work. Unless, of course, you’re an active mom, in which case, you might." He took over their home, so selfishly. Didn't even allow her her own bathroom though it was thousands of square feet. Carried on as he wished. Left the state 1/3rd of the year and "invited" her along, with no sense that a parent might not want to leave their kids so frequently -- or maybe knowing that she would never join, because she was actually a good, involved, devoted parent, the opposite of him. Made her feel like crap because this mom of 5 young children didn't feel like whooping it up and partying every night with his Greek friends. He attempted to completely subsume her identity, and when she finally managed to escape him, he killed her. He is a destroyer. He never gave a crap about his children, not in a real way, so taking away their precious mommy and breaking their hearts forever was just collateral damage.
And wow, I can hardly stomach that video. Incredible that he feels sorry only for himself. He reveals guilt every other word. When he said he had to pinch himself that this was real, I thought he might be talking about the fact that his wife and mom of children was missing -- but no, he is only talking about how he had to wear an orange jumpsuit. He can never, ever, ever state that he is innocent, did not do this. Incredible. When is he getting charged with murder? This is crazy.
And wow, I can hardly stomach that video. Incredible that he feels sorry only for himself. He reveals guilt every other word. When he said he had to pinch himself that this was real, I thought he might be talking about the fact that his wife and mom of children was missing -- but no, he is only talking about how he had to wear an orange jumpsuit. He can never, ever, ever state that he is innocent, did not do this. Incredible. When is he getting charged with murder? This is crazy.

If you have time, head over the Kent Mawhinney thread to get caught up on who is in FD crew!
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