Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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Javier De Silva (ex-bf of Valerie Reyes,murdered and stuffed in a suitcase earl this year) was reported to hold citizenship in both Venezuela and Portugal.

Sorry -- I should have been clear. It's no dual citizenship with USA. I think the link below is current.

Which Countries Allow Dual Citizenship with the USA? | NNU Immigration

This next page also indicates dual citizenship in Venezuela NOT recognized but lists an exception: Dual citizenship is recognized until the age of 25, at which time Venezuelan citizenship ceases if the foreign nationality is maintained.
Are you all tired of all of this?
I wish we could just have him finished off. But our legal system does not allow it. A good thing, too. Innocent until proven guilty.
IMO, we’re wasting taxpayer money. But our legal system is the finest in the world. If you were unjustly accused, you’d thank God that you were in the USA.
I thank God I live here anyway.

I too am tired of all this and find myself checking on this case less and less. I'm hoping if I step away from it, some news will break which often seems to be the case.
It’s odd but while I can understand the feeling that the case will go on forever and while I am appalled that FD, NP, and MT have done all they have in the unspeakable injustices to JD and GF, I also feel as though almost every day, some new relevant information or a helpful new perspective is posted.

Plus, most importantly, I believe that every day is another day of LE assembling pieces into what I hope and believe will be a case as solid and strong as JD’s love for her kids. Like all of you, I never want anyone to think JD and her family have been forgotten because they haven’t and won’t be.

Finally, just as there was something very special about JD, there also is, in my opinion, something very special about this particular WS thread. Although I sometimes look at other threads, this one is my central focus by far. WS does a great job of holding us to the standards of not blaming victims and other vital criteria, and ensuring an atmosphere of civil discussion with the very important inclusion of different viewpoints. Nevertheless, I’ve seen some less-than-cordial posts in other threads and outright enmity in others—but not here. People here sometimes have significantly different viewpoints but everyone stays polite and civil while welcoming different views. It is so good to see. MOO.
Thanks @oceancalling for POV on this issue as I found it quite disturbing that Colangelo had rec'd a call from GF/representatives on this issue.

It seems like Judge did what he could to confirm that FD could not contact his children or MT in criminal court but Judge seemed to punt the issue of no contact from family members to Family Court. What options are available in Family Court to deal with this issue of contact from family?

Does GF now have to go down the path of identifying each Doulos/Dolos etc. family member individually that is seeking contact and obtain no contact orders from the Family Court or does this have to be handled in Civil Court? Some of these people aren't US citizens too so that adds a level of complexity to this situation as well. On the surface of things it just appears that FD is doing anything and everything he can to torment and torture both GF, Farber family and sadly even his own 5 children.

What are the options to deal with this very troubling situation do you think?
IMO, GF is well within her authority as custodian of the children to refuse FD's family any access, given the trauma these children have been through. If FD's family thinks they have a legal right to see the children (IMO they have no such right), it is their burden to file a motion and explain 1.why they even have a legally recognized right to visit at all, and 2. if so, whether it is presently is in the children's best interests to be forced to visit with FD's family. Since FD is the prime suspect in their mother's murder, it seems certain these children are suffering great emotional pain, and that such contact would not be in their best interests.

There is no way a judge is going to allow FD to impose even more pain on the children by forcing them to "visit with" his family. No judge anywhere would let THAT happen without at least the evaluation and accompanying recommendation of an expert experienced in the area of family reunification, after the filing of a motion AND an extensive evidentiary hearing on the issue.

FD and his mouthpiece are in for a rude awakening if they think that FD's family will be given access to those children merely because NP throws yet another public temper tantrum! GF is solidly within her rights to refuse to subject her grandchildren to any more emotional abuse and IMO Judge Heller will agree with GF's decision.
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It’s odd but while I can understand the feeling that the case will go on forever and while I am appalled that FD, NP, and MT have done all they have in the unspeakable injustices to JD and GF, I also feel as though almost every day, some new relevant information or a helpful new perspective is posted.

Plus, most importantly, I believe that every day is another day of LE assembling pieces into what I hope and believe will be a case as solid and strong as JD’s love for her kids. Like all of you, I never want anyone to think JD and her family have been forgotten because they haven’t and won’t be.

Finally, just as there was something very special about JD, there also is, in my opinion, something very special about this particular WS thread. Although I sometimes look at other threads, this one is my central focus by far. WS does a great job of holding us to the standards of not blaming victims and other vital criteria, and ensuring an atmosphere of civil discussion with the very important inclusion of different viewpoints. Nevertheless, I’ve seen some less-than-cordial posts in other threads and outright enmity in others—but not here. People here sometimes have significantly different viewpoints but everyone stays polite and civil while welcoming different views. It is so good to see. MOO.

Oh, although your post is encouraging, I'm not quite so optimistic. I think we've seen that institutions are not quite as competent as we would like them to be. Things that seem easy to prevent, happen. Things that seem easy to solve, stay open. 30% of murders in the US go unsolved. I think if you remotely know what you're doing, you can get away with it. The only reason it may be different in this case is there is a lot of money riding on it. But we shall see...
IMO, GF is well within her authority as custodian of the children to refuse FD's family any access, given the trauma these children have been through. If FD's family thinks they have a legal right to see the children (IMO they have no such right), it is their burden to file a motion and explain 1.why they even have a legally recognized right to visit at all, and 2. if so, whether it is presently is in the children's best interests to be forced to visit with FD's family. Since FD is the prime suspect in their mother's murder, it seems certain these children are suffering great emotional pain, and that such contact would not be in their best interests.

There is no way a judge is going to allow FD to impose even more pain on the children by forcing them to "visit with" his family. No judge anywhere would let THAT happen without at least the evaluation and accompanying recommendation of an expert experienced in the area of family reunification, after the filing of a motion AND an extensive evidentiary hearing on the issue.

FD and his mouthpiece are in for a rude awakening if they think that FD's family will be given access to those children merely because NP throws yet another public temper tantrum! GF is solidly within her rights to refuse to subject her grandchildren to any more emotional abuse and IMO Judge Heller will agree with GF's decision.

Can you imagine one of his relatives or other representatives contacting one or more of the children, and having that person start talking about “whatever you might have heard-Daddy did NOT do it”. These people don’t have any idea what GF may have spoken to the children about, and they have no idea how the therapist(s) handle something like this. I am stuck on the colossal nerve of not only FD, but these people who are working on his behalf, trying to circumvent all of the safeguards in place to protect those children. Obviously, we know that FD has literally no boundaries, but apparently, neither do his relatives and very small group of friends. He is like a god to them, apparently, and I suppose that can only come from his regular financial support with his wife’s family money.
IF there is visitation for the Greek family, it would be supervised visits with a Greek court appointed interpreter. There may be two or more supervisors there with one child and two or more interpreters because the Judge may be concerned about the family pulling a fast one, I would imagine it would be one child at a time.

However, I don’t think the Judge will allow visitations at this time. The family can influence the children and the Judge know this. Father is worried about what children can, may or did say already to the ‘counselors’ they visit, probably weekly. He has no control. It’s driving him crazy knowing he lost everything.

(Know this as very good friend, a Nanna, is going through the same thing....outcome NO visitations by father or step mother or their families...Hope all children in this situation are protected always)
Are you all tired of all of this?
I wish we could just have him finished off. But our legal system does not allow it. A good thing, too. Innocent until proven guilty.
IMO, we’re wasting taxpayer money. But our legal system is the finest in the world. If you were unjustly accused, you’d thank God that you were in the USA.
I thank God I live here anyway.

I don't think innocent people that got life or those sitting on death row, those already killed, victims waiting for the backlog of rape kits to be tested... and so on, are thanking any God that they are dealing with what they are dealing with. To say the USA system is the finest in the world is a stretch IMO. Actually, by some standards it's awful (looking at people serving 10, 20+ years , to life, for minor offences - Over 3,000 US prisoners serving life without parole for non-violent crimes).

But it's a good system for someone like FD... he probably would've been out already in Europe.
IF there is visitation for the Greek family, it would be supervised visits with a Greek court appointed interpreter. There may be two or more supervisors there with one child and two or more interpreters because the Judge may be concerned about the family pulling a fast one, I would imagine it would be one child at a time.

However, I don’t think the Judge will allow visitations at this time. The family can influence the children and the Judge know this. Father is worried about what children can, may or did say already to the ‘counselors’ they visit, probably weekly. He has no control. It’s driving him crazy knowing he lost everything.

(Know this as very good friend, a Nanna, is going through the same thing....outcome NO visitations by father or step mother or their families...Hope all children in this situation are protected always)

I trust that GF will do the best possible for the 5 children given the circumstances.

I struggle to not give people the benefit of the doubt in terms of intentions, especially when family is involved. But amidst the information disclosed by FD sister in her 'letter' about FD supporting an extended group of family and possibly friends in Greece, it seems like peoples motives might be questioned here based simply on money and familial obligation and the old 'you owe me' sorry saga. Sad, but most likely true. People do strange and awful things for money IMO.

Money swirls around this entire sad case IMO and its hard to understand how its impacted peoples decisions and choices. From FD to MT and now the Greek family and friends, it seems like money and greed cloud decision making IMO. Could the Greek framily and friends be involving themselves now with the children due to fear that their 'gravy train' from JD money is coming to an end? Could they be positioning themselves for future custody arguments in court? I have no idea but the ideas are endless and most just make me profoundly sad as to the effects of all this on the 5 children.

IMO FD and MT are both personally and professional done and dusted and one/both will spend a good portion of the rest of their lives in prison.

But now it seems with the Greek family and friends entering the fray that FD won't be satisfied until he has dragged his entire family and 5 children into the muck with him. I hope they don't go. But unfortunately it seems like they have gone there and taken a dive into this entire mess. Hugely sad for the impact it could have on the children and the fact that adults might care more about money than the mental health and well being of 5 young children. Pathetic IMO, but it just seems to be how this crowd rolls.

All the recent chatter here about No Case Norm and MT got me thinking about whether there just might be a similar case in the Pattis past. Ask and ye shall receive!

Valiante gets 8 years for helping Navin kill his parents

The Valiante case was a local case that got a good bit of press coverage and has some parallels maybe to the JD case too. Valiante didn't testify against Navin and she was represented by No Case Norm. Perhaps its was this case that Pattis was thinking about when he said (pre his hiring by FD) that MT would serve 5 years I believe.

Quotes from article:

"Jennifer Valiante, accused of helping her boyfriend, Kyle Navin in the fatal shooting of his Easton parents and burying their bodies in a friend’s yard, was sentenced Wednesday to eight years in prison".

You could have stopped the madness,” Superior Court Judge Robert Devlin told Valiante [BBM] as she stood before him, a slightly bemused expression on her face. “You really could have. The real regret to me and I hope to you is that you did not take the opportunity to stop it because you really could have.” [BBM]

"Valiante told the judge she had nothing to say". [BBM]

"Both Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Michael DeJoseph and Valiante’s lawyer, Norman Pattis, stressed during the sentencing hearing that Valiante never considered testifying against Navin, who on the eve of his trial agreed to plead guilty to two counts of murder and was sentenced to 55 years in prison". [BBM]

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DeJoseph told the judge they had overwhelming evidence against Navin and didn’t need any testimony from Valiante while Pattis contended several times that his client was only present during the crimes and helped her boyfriend clean up afterwards. [BBM]

So, based on what is seen in this case it looks like if the State lays the murder charge on FD/MT, doesn't do some very generous deal with MT, and MT doesn't testify and if she is found guilty by jury then she is looking at some serious time in CT.

So if the max settlement she was entitled to under state law was the $50,000 vs the higher amt from the arbitration settlement, do you think she just took the $50,000 and left it at that? Or, do you think she got nothing and then on top of it all had to pay for atty's to continue on in court on her behalf?

Thanks as this was tricky to follow and it ended with her withdrawl of motion so its unclear how things were resolved.
IMO...I don't think it was resolved. Fotis Dumbo - I mean - Dulos; doesn't like paying for things he did wrong or to people he owes money to. Just look at all the "mechanic" liens...and then there is the situation of GF...imo.
I appreciate all of you and your comments, sleuthing and apparent "love" for each other. But...the one thing that keeps coming back around for me is...and it makes me very sad to type this...Jennifer or what is left of her is still out there somewhere. Possibly buried in a dirt hole; or was burned at the trash dump site, or is laying at the bottom of a body of water. It is beyond my comprehension that he could do this to someone he loved, at least for a few years. To someone he had five children with. To someone who seemed (in her writings) to try and be the wife and mother he expected her to be. In the end, all the energy, work and love she put into her life, his life and her children's lives - gone. And for this reason...I cry a little. jmo :(
I too am tired of all this and find myself checking on this case less and less. I'm hoping if I step away from it, some news will break which often seems to be the case.

Not that I think you or anyone else here should do anything other than what is best for you but I DO think that others who may be on the dark side (FD/NP/MT in this case, never mind Darth Vader) visit here to check the lay of the land. They are wrong if they think that fewer posts mean loss of caring; your note about the feeling of what might be thought of as waiting on a pot of water to boil is quite common for many people because it does always seem to be the second we step away that the water boils figuratively and literally! :) That does not mean we don’t care about the water or that we don’t check on it; we just might not be talking about it as we wait. But in MOO: make no mistake: We’re here waiting, we’re here watching for and ready to speak up about any developments in the water-boiling process including ridiculous theories about water or anything else, and we aren’t going anywhere until there is justice for JD and her family. MOO.
I appreciate all of you and your comments, sleuthing and apparent "love" for each other. But...the one thing that keeps coming back around for me is...and it makes me very sad to type this...Jennifer or what is left of her is still out there somewhere. Possibly buried in a dirt hole; or was burned at the trash dump site, or is laying at the bottom of a body of water. It is beyond my comprehension that he could do this to someone he loved, at least for a few years. To someone he had five children with. To someone who seemed (in her writings) to try and be the wife and mother he expected her to be. In the end, all the energy, work and love she put into her life, his life and her children's lives - gone. And for this reason...I cry a little. jmo :(

Oh, gosh, yes. It’s so, so sad and so incomprehensible. I never have any idea how to deal with such things in life that are so sad and so wrong. Nothing will make it ok again for her, her kids, her family, and those who loved her. The only comfort I can ever find is the belief that a person like JD put her mark on the world in a thousand million billion (my version of countless) ways, not just in the unconditional love she gave those little kids but also in the small ways we’ll never know about but can imagine are likely such as when she helped some little kid at school or through her writing. At the end of a life, can it be said that the person made this world a better place? If the answer is yes, and I certainly believe it is with JD, the results of that person’s kind acts continue on whether we all see them or know of them or not. In remembrance of that person, we can try ourselves to make the world a little better, however that is. This part is not about JD but about something that sometimes helps my kids and me through the terrible, too-soon losses of our pets, all of whom were rescued so already had hard lives before. There are times when it feels like we can’t bear to rescue and love another pet only to lose the pet eventually. Finally, we’ve come to the thought that as unbearable as the pain of losing those we love us, the only possible alternative is not to have had them in our lives to love—and that would be an even more tragic loss. All MOO, and probably too much philosophy. I mean it to be a comfort although I know there is no real comfort possible at times. MOO. Take care.
I appreciate all of you and your comments, sleuthing and apparent "love" for each other. But...the one thing that keeps coming back around for me is...and it makes me very sad to type this...Jennifer or what is left of her is still out there somewhere. Possibly buried in a dirt hole; or was burned at the trash dump site, or is laying at the bottom of a body of water. It is beyond my comprehension that he could do this to someone he loved, at least for a few years. To someone he had five children with. To someone who seemed (in her writings) to try and be the wife and mother he expected her to be. In the end, all the energy, work and love she put into her life, his life and her children's lives - gone. And for this reason...I cry a little. jmo :(

Oh, gosh, yes. It’s so, so sad and so incomprehensible. I never have any idea how to deal with such things in life that are so sad and so wrong. Nothing will make it ok again for her, her kids, her family, and those who loved her. The only comfort I can ever find is the belief that a person like JD put her mark on the world in a thousand million billion (my version of countless) ways, not just in the unconditional love she gave those little kids but also in the small ways we’ll never know about but can imagine are likely such as when she helped some little kid at school or through her writing. At the end of a life, can it be said that the person made this world a better place? If the answer is yes, and I certainly believe it is with JD, the results of that person’s kind acts continue on whether we all see them or know of them or not. In remembrance of that person, we can try ourselves to make the world a little better, however that is. This part is not about JD but about something that sometimes helps my kids and me through the terrible, too-soon losses of our pets, all of whom were rescued so already had hard lives before. There are times when it feels like we can’t bear to rescue and love another pet only to lose the pet eventually. Finally, we’ve come to the thought that as unbearable as the pain of losing those we love us, the only possible alternative is not to have had them in our lives to love—and that would be an even more tragic loss. All MOO, and probably too much philosophy. I mean it to be a comfort although I know there is no real comfort possible at times. MOO. Take care.
I appreciate all of you and your comments, sleuthing and apparent "love" for each other. But...the one thing that keeps coming back around for me is...and it makes me very sad to type this...Jennifer or what is left of her is still out there somewhere. Possibly buried in a dirt hole; or was burned at the trash dump site, or is laying at the bottom of a body of water. It is beyond my comprehension that he could do this to someone he loved, at least for a few years. To someone he had five children with. To someone who seemed (in her writings) to try and be the wife and mother he expected her to be. In the end, all the energy, work and love she put into her life, his life and her children's lives - gone. And for this reason...I cry a little. jmo :(
Well said! For all the reasons you said its why I think so many are here, lurking or checking back periodically.

No Case Norm IMO walks a crooked path and also IMO many eyes and brains along with big hearts will be needed to follow along to assure justice for JD and her 5 children.

Even if they aren't reading along, I know in missing cases that having people demonstrate care and concern online in places like WS means the world to families coping with loss.

No news times are rough periods but we have no reason to believe that the State Atty and his entire team along with LE aren't very hard at work on behalf of this case. It will just take time.

All the recent chatter here about No Case Norm and MT got me thinking about whether there just might be a similar case in the Pattis past. Ask and ye shall receive!

Valiante gets 8 years for helping Navin kill his parents

The Valiante case was a local case that got a good bit of press coverage and has some parallels maybe to the JD case too. Valiante didn't testify against Navin and she was represented by No Case Norm. Perhaps its was this case that Pattis was thinking about when he said (pre his hiring by FD) that MT would serve 5 years I believe.

Quotes from article:

"Jennifer Valiante, accused of helping her boyfriend, Kyle Navin in the fatal shooting of his Easton parents and burying their bodies in a friend’s yard, was sentenced Wednesday to eight years in prison".

You could have stopped the madness,” Superior Court Judge Robert Devlin told Valiante [BBM] as she stood before him, a slightly bemused expression on her face. “You really could have. The real regret to me and I hope to you is that you did not take the opportunity to stop it because you really could have.” [BBM]

"Valiante told the judge she had nothing to say". [BBM]

"Both Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Michael DeJoseph and Valiante’s lawyer, Norman Pattis, stressed during the sentencing hearing that Valiante never considered testifying against Navin, who on the eve of his trial agreed to plead guilty to two counts of murder and was sentenced to 55 years in prison". [BBM]

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DeJoseph told the judge they had overwhelming evidence against Navin and didn’t need any testimony from Valiante while Pattis contended several times that his client was only present during the crimes and helped her boyfriend clean up afterwards. [BBM]

So, based on what is seen in this case it looks like if the State lays the murder charge on FD/MT, doesn't do some very generous deal with MT, and MT doesn't testify and if she is found guilty by jury then she is looking at some serious time in CT.

Kyle Navin was MY GARBAGE MAN!! His parents owned a garbage company. He was always very pleasant... he had a very intense, scary-looking grey dog that would always be in the passenger side of his truck and the window was always down, so I hesitated to get close too the truck when I saw him. Everyone thought for sure that he disposed of his parents at the Westport dump, but instead, he wrapped their bodies under a tarp at a vacant home in Easton and eventually someone found them several months later. Sometimes the victims are in plain site. Valiente seemed to be the naive girlfriend that got sucked in with the promises of money.
In that case, though, @afitzy , while Navin had motive ($, and his mom had stated that she was cutting him out of their will), he had even more means/opportunity (sorry, but I am never quite clear where to draw the line on differentiating the two!) IMO. I believe it was proven that he went out that morning with the mother to pick up customers' trash in one of the company trucks. The truck was later found empty, but with blood and gunshot holes in the passenger seat. (This ingrate drove the truck, complaining that his back hurt, while his middle-aged mom picked up the garbage bags along the route and tossed them in the truck.)

They also found on Navin and Valiante's phones (those two are as brilliant as Doofus and his parahor) texts where he described a plan where they could get rid of their problems and get $ to live great lives (paraphrasing here). Her responses were basically, mmm. Then they found the bodies under a tarp at an abandoned home nearby, as well as bloodstained carpets in Navin's basement. Plus texts between Navin and his dad, before he was also offed, where dad was asking, what did you do to mom???

They didn't need Valiante as much in that case, as it was clear that the perp was the greedy, drug-addled son. It seems like MT potentially has more cards to show to bring down Doofus's house, IMO.

I followed this case obsessively since, as you mention, it's another horrific one in our Fairfield County backyards. Difference was, it was without the benefit of all your awesome sleuthsome conversations ;)

All the recent chatter here about No Case Norm and MT got me thinking about whether there just might be a similar case in the Pattis past. Ask and ye shall receive!

Valiante gets 8 years for helping Navin kill his parents

The Valiante case was a local case that got a good bit of press coverage and has some parallels maybe to the JD case too. Valiante didn't testify against Navin and she was represented by No Case Norm. Perhaps its was this case that Pattis was thinking about when he said (pre his hiring by FD) that MT would serve 5 years I believe.

Quotes from article:

"Jennifer Valiante, accused of helping her boyfriend, Kyle Navin in the fatal shooting of his Easton parents and burying their bodies in a friend’s yard, was sentenced Wednesday to eight years in prison".

You could have stopped the madness,” Superior Court Judge Robert Devlin told Valiante [BBM] as she stood before him, a slightly bemused expression on her face. “You really could have. The real regret to me and I hope to you is that you did not take the opportunity to stop it because you really could have.” [BBM]

"Valiante told the judge she had nothing to say". [BBM]

"Both Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Michael DeJoseph and Valiante’s lawyer, Norman Pattis, stressed during the sentencing hearing that Valiante never considered testifying against Navin, who on the eve of his trial agreed to plead guilty to two counts of murder and was sentenced to 55 years in prison". [BBM]

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DeJoseph told the judge they had overwhelming evidence against Navin and didn’t need any testimony from Valiante while Pattis contended several times that his client was only present during the crimes and helped her boyfriend clean up afterwards. [BBM]

So, based on what is seen in this case it looks like if the State lays the murder charge on FD/MT, doesn't do some very generous deal with MT, and MT doesn't testify and if she is found guilty by jury then she is looking at some serious time in CT.
Oh, although your post is encouraging, I'm not quite so optimistic. I think we've seen that institutions are not quite as competent as we would like them to be. Things that seem easy to prevent, happen. Things that seem easy to solve, stay open. 30% of murders in the US go unsolved. I think if you remotely know what you're doing, you can get away with it. The only reason it may be different in this case is there is a lot of money riding on it. But we shall see...

I agree completely about institutions, prevention, and all of those depressing things. I think money does make a difference when it allows actions to occur. I think and I hope there will be justice for JD in this case because of the facts involved. MOO.
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