Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #23

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Of the gad order:

“It changes nothing," Pattis said.

Like what!?

Unless you’re with most of the thinking public, it changes EVERYTHING cause we won’t have to hear (or hopefully see) your utterly lame ridiculous alternate universe nobodys-buying-it-norm theories anymore.

Hey though, since mum’s the word and you’re less public as of today...maybe a good Opportunity for you to restyle your demeanor or at least YOUR hair...there’s enough for a hipster he-hive. IMO.

(Back to catching up. Actually reading AW’s! Watched that fascinating YouTube -the guy that calls FD Fructose lol, and trying to comb through stuff in deference to all you amazing hard workers/thinkers on the case. We all love you )
lol, “he-hive”!!!
Also, isn't the gag order a bit too late here? To say the least.

I think Jennifer will be found. I have always thought she would be, for some reason. He is a monster but thankfully, he is also an idiot. I mean, could there actually be more evidence leading to him? Oh wait, yup! Finding her body and it being in a reservoir that backs up to his house!

Watch, this monster will want to come to her funeral when they find her. I despise him.
I'm only 15 pages behind and with a load of skimming and's the gist of what I've read....
  • Norwalk judge told NP his act is more suited to ESPN.
  • Judge Blawie said it's time for everyone to zip up their mouths and keep working.
  • NP said, "Bring it on." Everyone is wondering what "it" is.
  • My favorite attorney in this entire case (at least of those who have publicly aired their views), Mr. Weinstein is a gentleman, scholar, and wise litigator. He's showing FD the door of 4 Jefferson X. (I wonder if @thekirbyfamily saw FD beginning to move his home office??? or staging Sturbridge??? or stealing the copper piping??
  • GF continues to get accolades for providing 5 new bedrooms in her relatively small home--one for each child.
  • There's been a flurry of activity at the West Hartford Reservoir...perhaps based on a tip...many cars and divers...prayers and hope there.
  • @CTGrammy has a flashlight and may travel beating @enelram who is limited by the size of her gas tank and the speed of her tractor.
  • Everyone is meeting at GTGrammy's house when this is all over.
Does that about sum it up?
MOO...I'm writing challenged again...a "few" corrections...sigh.
Winner of the Internet tonight, Tink56!! So clever, fun and factual!
Thinking about today's timing of Tip. Is it coincidence FD in court, another plea of not guilty? Gag order issued, then tonight search at reservoirs for Jennifer? Someone really give a Tip or someone sees the ship going down?
Maybe MT came forward with some truth? Nah I gave her the benefit of the doubt before although the truth under the guise of a tip is certainly possible! We hope...
Maybe MT came forward with some truth? Nah I gave her the benefit of the doubt before although the truth under the guise of a tip is certainly possible! We hope...
I think if MT had half a brain she would talk. However, she has never acted in anyway other than in her and FD best interest. However, that does not rule out that the tip came from either someone from MT or FD side.
No, think that is what Judge Blawie is trying to shut down. That and LE leaks.

Dave Puglisi at Fox61 did a great video interview with an attorney earlier this evening and I've seen it but cannot link it for everyone to watch. Dave Puglisi said that the interview video will be on the Fox61 site and his page on FB. Unfortunately I cannot find it. But maybe it will show up at some point.

Just letting people know that if you are interested in what the gag will mean for this case that the 8 min video did a good job explaining what Judge Blawie is trying to accomplish with his order released today.

The video confirmed that the court documents will continue to be available to the public.

Its interesting that the person being interviewed by Dave Puglisi thought that as No Case Norm will be shut down on his public chatter to the press/public that what just might happen is that he will put the Notes from Pattisville into a court motion and so this will still allow him to communciate and can be released to the public.

My guess is that if this 'back door' to the public via motions process is abused that Judge Blawie might have a few words about it!

But we shall see.

This is Exactly what Pattis and Crew is doing in regards the Psych Report in Family Court.

IMO, he is only filing the motions in regards the Psych Report so that the information contained in the Psych Report is disseminated to the public, by the motions he is filing.

Here is a thought I don't think we have thought of.

Could it be the knife was actually Jennifer's knife? Meant to be used in case she needed it against one of FD's sickening revenge fantasies?

Anyone here think there is a chance her own weapon to protect herself, in her own car, in her own garage could actually have been used against her? In that case he didn't plan for all the blood because he was lying in wait with a different manner of murder in mind when he arrived?

(Unless, of course, he brought the knife and cleaning supplies with him, which is probably more likely? Just thought I'd float the idea amongst you all while I doze off too sleep.)

I reallllly wish I had more Websleuth's time in a day, of late.

That actually makes more sense than thinking FD brought the knife.

I've hoped LE had Fudge and/or whoever ended up with the knife describe it for a sketch artist to see if the housekeeper recognized it as part of Jennifer's collection.
(Better yet, they have the knife.)

Unless FD was way dumber than we thought (and that option remains open) surely he knew a knife attack would produce more mess than he was prepared to clean up.

I also don't think he showed up bearing sponges and Mr. Clean. He just grabbed whatever he could find and, of course, should have known bleach would help (unless, to belabor the point, he was too dumb even for that)!

Hopefully, we're going to know soon because I'm betting a Murder Warrant is locked in somebody's desk at headquarters waiting for "body found" to be added with a flourish.
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I am sorry you had to experience that, @MemPat . It's clearly made you strong, but no kid should have to be tested that way.
Until the day when men are not in control of the system it will stay the way it has been forever. (Can really speak only for my Deep South region.)

Women struggle with domestic violence, divorce and child custody issues whether they're super poor or incredibly rich like Jennifer.

Want to hear a happy-ending story where all three of those things were involved? My mother, after my father held a knife to her throat in front of her children (I, the fifteen year old, had to get a kitchen knife to scare and stop him) found a cheap lawyer and had divorce papers drawn up. They tricked my father into showing up at the lawyer's office whereupon my father refused to sign those papers. (Drumroll!) The lawyer opened his desk drawer, pulled out a pistol and said, "I think you will sign," or something like that. Wouldn't you buy a ticket to see that?!
It still really really bothers me that AW2 gives the timeframe FD was placed at JD's by video of vehicles, etc. as 2 plus hours (8;05ish to 10:25ish), and that he was in the neighborhood at the park just a few miles away 2 hours beforehand around 6:00ish!!

I can't imagine what he needed 4 plus hours to do between 6 am arrival in her neighborhood, 8:05 am arrival at her house, and 10:25 am departure!!

It's under 1/2 hour either way to run, bike, ATV, or drive between the park and her house!!

Even with jockeying vehicles, loading up / transferring evidence and her body, staging vehicles, 1/2 hour each way, two ways = 1 hour!!

Even with running through the woods from the back of the house so as not to be seen on video out front on the street (and getting poison ivy in the process)!!

I can't imagine more than 1/2 hour would be needed between the assault and cleanup!!

Does this mean the 'lying in wait' was for a good while, and he didn't attack her right away, but as she was leaving for her appointments?

Or did he accost her right away and then spend an hour plus doing what besides cleaning up blood spatter?

2 plus hours he was on her property lying in wait, assaulting her, and cleaning up!!

That's over 120 long minutes he was there!!

IDK what to think, but it's the most disturbing piece of information in AW2 to me.

I hope he had to wait and wait until he was almost out of time before she came into the garage to leave for her appointments, and she fought him off, and that is why he was so rushed and made so many stupid mistakes.

Thinking about today's timing of Tip. Is it coincidence FD in court, another plea of not guilty? Gag order issued, then tonight search at reservoirs for Jennifer? Someone really give a Tip or someone sees the ship going down?
"Tip" is such a flexible word, spaz.

I'm in the camp of "MT got tipped off by LE that AW3 was being inked and she in return tipped off LE about the extra stop on Date Night with Fotus".
Its hard to say as local press coverage seems silent on SM. But, it is believed that the Press might still be there. Pure speculation on my part. I've been trying to figure it out. I guess we are possibly seeing the first impact of the gag order as press can't work their usual LE sources and report. I think we hear anything it might be on the 11 pm newscasts at the local stations. NBCCT/FOX61/WFSB/Channel 12
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