Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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I’m reading through the Where is Jennifer Dulos FB group where there seems to be a lot of locals. They are posting pictures that they replaced the removed memorial items. Hope FD has to look at it every day. As for the gaslighting and theory she was burned, don’t forget it was mentioned earlier that he had his mother cremated. Honestly though if he was going to burn her, why not burn all the trash he dumped. Unless he was looking to cremate it all unceremoniously through the Hartford trash to energy plant...IMO
IMHO because he was looking to implicate others. Including his paramour and former attorney with at least one substance abuse issue. Remember the allegations that Jennifer had an addiction to Heroin? Perhaps he engaged others in his conspiracy through their own addiction issues.
Also, to create reasonable doubt. The other two better turn or risk their lives in prison.
He should be locked up pending a verdict. He has zero respect for the law and any other humans. Scary narcissistic psychopath! Lock him up already because who knows what other evil he is considering at this time. Again, IMHO.
ETA I only learned here today that he was stealing items from a memorial? Such disrespect deserves nothing. Taunting FD? Lol I hope the general public does whatever they want within legal limits. Enjoy the ride before you burn FD! Also MOO
IKWYM, and I’d hope that LE is following him everywhere 24/7. It would be expensive though, so perhaps GF is having her people following him.

I doubt anyone needs to pay anyone to follow and watch him. IMO That whole town seems to have eyes. If it was my neighborhood, I would be “walking my dog” more often by 4JX and chatting with the neighbors more. Just my thoughts.
I’m reading through the Where is Jennifer Dulos FB group where there seems to be a lot of locals. They are posting pictures that they replaced the removed memorial items. Hope FD has to look at it every day. As for the gaslighting and theory she was burned, don’t forget it was mentioned earlier that he had his mother cremated. Honestly though if he was going to burn her, why not burn all the trash he dumped. Unless he was looking to cremate it all unceremoniously through the Hartford trash to energy plant...IMO

BBM: Fair point.
State’s attorney Richard Colangelo had no trouble convincing Judge White to punish Fotis Dulos by yanking the work conditions from his bail. Now, Fotis Dulos can only leave home for doctor and lawyer appointments, or worship services.

Pattis admitted after court strict house arrest will hurt.

“So, yes, I am worried about it. This is a bad day for us,” Pattis said.

And it could get worse. If Fotis Dulos commits another violation of the terms of his release, the judge said he would likely reset bond, doubling it from $6 million to $12 million.
Fotis Dulos Accused Of Violating House Arrest, Removing Items From Missing Wife’s Memorial

Of course NP is “worried about it” - all FD has to do is follow the rules - and even NP knows FD cannot.....
I think if he comes before any judge on another violation, he's a goner. This judge did not come to play today, and I think Mr. Dulos is showing the courts precisely who he is. Tick tock.

Dulos cannot follow the rules, and it is a matter of time before he pulls another stunt. Short of 24 hour supervision, his attorney is not going to be able to keep him in line. MOO!

I don’t think he will be able to help himself, as crazy as that may seem. I think he will pull some other stunt in violation of of his bond conditions. Time will tell.
Any idea who allegedly snuck in the FD's house and recorded him under false pretense?
Nope, no info but Atty. P. knows and IMO he threatened that person on the steps of the Courthouse today.

To see an atty issuing threats and reading peoples names aloud in Court today was something that I really thought we would not see in this tragic case. But I was wrong and its clear that there is really no boundary that Atty. P. and Pattisville won't cross IMO in their defense of Fd and this disturbs me greatly. The only thing that will prevent Atty. P. and Pattisville and Fd from crossing these lines continuously will be Atty Colangelo and people like Judge White who essentially told Atty. P. to 'zip it' with his ongoing badgering about the revisions to bail terms. Sure the language of Judge White was 'basic' but it was clear that he understood the substantive issues in play and this was good.

But, I worry greatly about the disconnect between what seems to happen with Judges issuing orders in Court and how they get implemented by the monitoring people and then how the information from the monitoring people circles back to Atty Colangelo and the Judge's. I'm very concerned as I'm not sure its working. It doesn't seem like a tough call to say that going shopping isn't part of house arrest. Why was this allowed? Why was the violation to remove the memorial not acted upon immediately by the CSP and Fd put in jail pending a court hearing?

Why do we see a person that has been accused of one of the most horrific crimes imaginable, killing another human being, treated as if he stole a candy bar from a convenience store? Why the kid glove treatment? If Fd knew that a trip to BPT would be the result for any iota of deviation from approved plans, IMO I think that Fd would make that extra stop and might think for a second about what he is doing. But no, no CSP and Fd continued to enjoy the 10,000+ SF house that doesn't belong to him any longer and he gets to wait for the Judge to rule. The idea that Atty. P. thought that the proper strategy was the harangue the Judge today in court is also lunacy and to me it speaks to what Atty. P. thinks about the CT Judiciary and its standards of behaviour.

Its nuts to say it because I've said it so many times here before, but all this that we saw play out in Court today is honestly outrageous IMO. A bail violation is a bail violation and the idea that the Judge today even spoke about "3 strikes and you are out" is pure insanity to me. For people like Fd the idea of someone even entertaining the idea of "3 strikes" to him is sending the message that there is room to negotiate and game the system further. The Judge and I differ on our definitions of 'strikes' here as I think Fd already has 3 strikes. But I wonder when Fd does eventually flee or commits another crime while out on bail or threatens someone like we saw his atty do today, what exactly the Judge will say? Oops, Strike 3, sorry citizens of CT but this guy had his chance and he blew it but its unfortunate he did something else that was horrific?

Further, there is now the missing Glock 19 that the Farmington PD gave to a friend of Fd. HOW do we know that Fd is not now in possession of this gun? Does Det. Kimball know where the Glock is? Is the Glock at 4Jx? Does the guy wearing the hoodie with the crowbar and the gas can perhaps have the Glock? Who else is in danger because of what the Farmington PD did here? Why does the Press not investigate this and why does Atty Colangelo not issue a statement about the status of the Glock 19 such that the people in Farmington and CT know that Fd and his associated are not 'armed and dangerous' while under 'house arrest'?

I am absolutely disgusted that this is simply the best that the State of CT and State Atty Colangelo and the Judge's can do here. Laws matter, Rules matter and "3 Strikes" as a standard for bail violations for someone accused of murder simply makes no sense to me AT ALL. But I do think the public deserves to know where the Glock 19 that the Farmington PD released is as this is a matter of public safety IMO.

Ironic that FD has to stay inside that big empty house day and night, a house he continually fled when it was full of the love and joy and happy chaos of five children and an attentive mom, the family he should have protected and instead decimated. This con artist party animal, always so eager to socialize and wine and dine and travel at the expense of Mr. Farber, is now left to stew in his own juices and listen to the echo of his own voice. Empty shell of a man. Question - are trips to the fancy barber allowed on house confinement? He seemed to be sporting a new trim along with his 70s Playboy meets Steve Jobs look.
Surely the company that made the Baby Trump balloons that now travel the world for parades and such could be convinced to manufacture a Baby Fo balloon wearing one glove and a velvet blazer, maybe even riding a rare bike!

They could fly that sucker over his house day in and day out. I'm in for a donation!
@MemPat, so glad you have returned here and with such a truly inspiring idea!

In NYC there are ongoing 'union disputes' happening all the time and one of the tactics used to bring attention to the dispute is the fact that a 'huge rat' balloon shows up on the scene to identify the situation. Over time, people just walk around the rat but initially the rat does get attention.

Here is a photo of Scabby the rat for those that haven't seen one in action.

I'm not sure if Scabby would be best deployed outside the offices of Pattis and Smith or at 4Jx or perhaps just show up for Court appearances in Stamford?

Any votes?


Scabby, the Giant Inflatable Union Protest Rat, Faces Extermination

Hello all!

I have been following this case and thread since day one. I have spent a lot of time in the gallery watching you all post and learning acronyms and have decided I’m prepared to post. I must say I’ve read every page of the AWs and SWs and I am amazed by it all. The fact that NP mentions Facebook group posts at today’s hearing is extra interesting. I know what group I’m about to join and read through! I hope trial is sooner than September because I am obsessed with this case!
Welcome @IrishLuck17!

Glad you have joined us here and that your presence does 'bring us the luck of the Irish'!
is that memorial truly on his way home- is it where he turns into the street? Also, is it visible from the house he is in? say even from a window?
The memorial is across a small grassy corner on on a slab boulder at the treeline. It is located and visible, but not in your face, on the south corner to the entrance to Jefferson Crossing which is a private road coming off the main road where Deercliffe turns into Ely Rd.
I was thinking some one who pretended to be a friend or a delivery person and who wanted to sell footage to a tabloid... but that is just a guess, IMO. Any one who becomes famous in any way becomes a commodity, at least for awhile.
What is so typically Atty. P. about this entire episode is that this issue of 'home invasion' was introduced but then no evidence to support the claim was presented in Court.

If Fd did experience a home invasion then this is a huge issue and should be reported. Atty. P. DIDN'T present any evidence in Court or outside Court to support his statements. ALIENS could have visited 4Jx for Christmas for all we know.

What we do know is that the other day Fd had zero issue calling LE to report the Press at 4Jx. SO, what are we to make of the situation where there is an allegation of 'home invasion' but yet no police report?

Sorry, but as awful as home invasion is for anyone I have to call absolute BS on Atty. P. absent a Police Report.

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