Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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Hello all!

I have been following this case and thread since day one. I have spent a lot of time in the gallery watching you all post and learning acronyms and have decided I’m prepared to post. I must say I’ve read every page of the AWs and SWs and I am amazed by it all. The fact that NP mentions Facebook group posts at today’s hearing is extra interesting. I know what group I’m about to join and read through! I hope trial is sooner than September because I am obsessed with this case!

Welcome to posting and exiting Lurkerland.

I think NoPa called attention on the social media posts and that people are taunting him as a basis to get a change of venue for the trial. He is trying to establish that Fo can't get a fair trial in CT. I would not be surprised if Ho and Whiney's legal teams follow suit.
Gaby Molina (@M_GabrielaMo) | Twitter
Today marks 8 months since Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance. A memorial for her, includes a ribbon that says Justice for Jennifer. It sits outside of Jefferson Crossing where Fotis Dulos lives.
afitzy said:
snipped by me....

No, I don't believe they have announced their decisions yet. @Niner has been tracking court dates for all the parties so I would search out the last post as I believe next court appointment dates have been set for all parties.

I have not seen anything like that either. They all have different court dates coming up. Usually, in my experience in other cases here - if they are going to be tried together they usually have the SAME court dates.
MT - 2/7
KM - 2/20
Fd - 2/28
How is FD on house arrest in a house whose mortgage he defaulted on? Shouldn't he have to square those payments away before he can post bond? How does bond come before debt?

So technically, that memorial sits near the Jefferson Crossing house, mortgage owned by the Farber family.

A fitting place for a memorial, for all the reasons.

Facebook, here, on a corner in JC, the world cares for Jennifer!

Justice for Jennifer everywhere!

FD does nothing by accident. Why is he stopping at Stop and Shop to shop, his driveway to play Pick up Sticks, the memorial to dispose of it? Lack of self-control for sure, displays of rage, arrogance, an "I can if I want to" attitude, but I agree with y'all-- he's testing his limits, he's checking the sensitivity of the reporting IMO.

Perhaps he had permission to refuel -- so he went inside to "shop". He probably likes checking himself out in the shoplifting mirrors. I imagine he likes the glints of recognition he sees in people's eyes -- puffing up his ego, like it's some kind of adulation when it's really fear, disgust... I suspect that the receipt will show he didn't even need anything.

In any case, IMO we can be certain he's plotting something. It's what he does.

Lol...@Outforjustice...Fd is a bit on the hyperactive side. I wish I understood if house arrest means inside or wandering around outside in his front yard, backyard, office, garage, storage areas, or?????

The thing I noticed in the video of the courtroom today was the respectful, attentive demeanor of both Fd and NP. I think that NP gave his little buddy Fd a piece of his mind today before the hearing. Fd was looking a little shell-shocked, IMO. And, NP earned his money by asking at least twice for the judge to reconsider the house arrest.

Heck, FD has a massive office; he can Facetime with financial institutions begging for more money and extensions; he can fax and email papers, signatures, etc. He doesn't need to leave the castle.

Such a good boy...our buddy Fd....:rolleyes::rolleyes:
House arrest means house arrest. No outdoor wanderings to pick up sticks. This judge lit him up in court; if Dulos wants to flaunt the judge's very clear instructions, that is on him. If he does try to wander, it will be more evidence of him testing the system. Just like the killer dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, he is looking for a weak spot to escape. This isn't a movie, though, and all eye are on him. One wrong move on his part will result in a permanent change of scenery, one where he won't need to worry about maintaining his lawn (like he ever did that before he was placed on house arrest).

Look closely at Dulos when the judge started admonishing him, though, and you will see his demeanor actually gave him away. Although he had no verbal response to being taken to the wood shed, his face turned red, his nostrils flared, even as he was trying to act like he was listening to the judge. I have also noticed this phenomenon during those stupid interviews (which we will see again at trial IMO). These are physical manifestations of guilt he will never be able to hide. His face is actually telling on him, which will not go unnoticed by a jury. MOO
Wow. So he’s been down in NC during his “House arrest” as well. Wonder if WAZE sent him on any diversions along the way? Sounds like a pretty long leash, because we know, FDs “work” apparently gives him permission to visit Stop and Shop too. Maybe he needs to stock up on paper towels and trash bags, you know for his “work related” expenses?
Strange how FD goes to New Canaan right away after being released from prison, like before.

On a side note, Attorney Markowitz notarized the 61 Sturbridge construction loan with Danbury Savings Bank (see copy of affidavit of the DSB loan officer).

I think it was really 30 stops....and some of them were traffic they were on Albany Avenue.

Am sure there were stops and bag dumps outside of the view of the cameras on Albany. Fd and MT did a circle off of Albany and back to it a few blocks later. I think some of the bags were put into private garbage cans.

Wonder if the call to KM right after dumping "the bag" meant that KM could come pick it up? MOO. Speculatin'
That little brat didn't concede it was wrong until AFTER his claims the stopping and getting out of his car were no big deal and AFTER claiming the items were taunts. It was really just a new piece of spaghetti thrown to the wall- not a concession.
100% agree. I also do not believe NP has any client control, which is why Dulos still doesn't get it. NP is STILL acting like Dulos is the victim here, which feeds perfectly into Dulos' malignant narcissism. He not guilty, everyone is out for him. Facebook is "taunting" him, people are being mean to him. Nothing is ever his fault.

NP's defense of Dulos' conduct actually made the judge madder yesterday. Perhaps a little humility would have been a better tactic, but that is something neither of those men have any familiarity with. Yesterday's hearing showed the world that Dulos takes zero responsibility for ANY of his conduct, even when he is caught red-handed doing something he shouldn't.

NP's attack on people for what were very mild comments on FB while reading their names in court? Bad move from the C Team. Again, it showed us who Mr. Dulos is-a vindictive man, who has no remorse for his behavior.
Have y'all ever seen the Big Lebowski? In particular where the "Dude" says that new **** has come to light. What if MY (not throwing any of y'all into this) thinking has been all wrong?

Against my better judgment (ALL MOO and if I go down in flames for it so be it) will post that I believe that FD's finances come from the sale of pharmaceutical drugs overseas. I believe that MT (with her medicare fraud mom and a famous surgeon dad) was a perfect mate for FD who was a grifter looking for something bigger. I think he used his Greek connections and her South American connections to accomplish this.
I think his home building stuff was small potatoes as are the bank loans etc...but he needed to have a legit business to front for what he and MT were really up to. Plus you also have a shady immigration lawyer, unsavory types that own Storage facilities and local connected junkie types. These were the types of people that FD and MT were comfortable hanging with. Local night scene. Hanging out at bars etc...shady types.

Man NP looked pretty defeated today. As he even acknowledged FDs actions created a very bad day for the defense. There is no other way to see it and NP knows this. I bet he laid into FD a bit. FD doesn’t follow rules though as he believes he’s still in control. An illusion sure but he’s gonna control that illusion because that’s what controlling types do. Tearing down JFd memorial. NP left having to read random negative FB comments.

ya on this one I tend to agree. People should not be on the property or trying to get into his house. I felt the same way with the garden gnomes on Cindy and George Anthony’s lawn. Be angry with FD! Want Justice for Jennifer but it’s NOT cool to go onto someone’s property or break into their house or threaten and harass them on their property. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Create beautiful memorials! Contribute of forums and donate money and time to charities that help individuals with domestic violence issues...make signs all over town that tell the public who Fotis and Michi really are etc...

Again this is all MOO! And MOO.

FD is an angry egomaniac and he couldn’t have done more to go against his self interests than he did on 1/17/20 by stopping his vehicle and getting out and going nuts on a memorial. I don’t care if the items he removed blamed him or tainted him. I don’t care. Does he honestly think Jennifer will be forgotten and that the public is not angry and outraged on JFd’s behalf? That the whole of CT thinks by and large he and MT are lower than the nastiest pond scum? That they are both just gonna skate by? I’m sorry if the villagers want to run him off with pitchforks but when you Murder a mother of five you deserve everything that comes your way.

I understood that the memorial was NOT on FD's property.
How is FD on house arrest in a house whose mortgage he defaulted on? Shouldn't he have to square those payments away before he can post bond? How does bond come before debt?

So technically, that memorial sits near the Jefferson Crossing house, mortgage owned by the Farber family.

A fitting place for a memorial, for all the reasons.

Facebook, here, on a corner in JC, the world cares for Jennifer!

Justice for Jennifer everywhere!


If he doesn’t want to look at the memorial all he has to do is STAY INSIDE (GF’s) HOUSE!
@oceancalling, I appreciate your input and wonder if you can elaborate, just your opinion of course. About FD's involuntary body language. I'm not sure someone who exhibits such clear pathological and malignant narcissism is capable of guilt. I don't think HE thinks what he did was wrong. Classic domestic violence logic: I had to hit her. That being said, the body might still have a physiological response to FACT. Is this what you mean? That FD was bodily, albeit involuntarily, responding to the TRUTH of what he'd done?

I know there are studies out there, but I wish someone could tell me TO MY SATISFACTION what these wife killers have in common. Not so much the shared profile -- narcissistic, controlling, etc -- but The Thing. There are plenty of narcissists who don't kill anyone. What is it that sets these beasts apart? "Pathological" is really a good word..... "logical" we got that part. "Path" -- diseased. Diseased logic. Boy do we see that in spades. FD, PF, SP, DP, all of them. These murderers really seem to think murder will bring them freedom, even when time after time, LWOP is the outcome. They "love" their children but kill their children's mothers. No. If you love ANYONE, you kill NO ONE.

Somewhere out there RIGHT NOW is a woman, trying futily to make a relationship with a malignant narcissist work, and he's plotting her murder....

If only there were a way to recognize unbridled evil before it's too late....

Can we learn anything useful from FD's telling body language?

Is it possible for Judge Blawie to reverse the conditions that Judge White put into motion? Is Blawie still the judge on this case or was it reassigned for all future hearings?
I am not wise to the ways of the court and am just wondering what is going on? Was Blawie just out on vacay so another judge presided or is something else going on behind the scene?
Is it possible for Judge Blawie to reverse the conditions that Judge White put into motion? Is Blawie still the judge on this case or was it reassigned for all future hearings?
I am not wise to the ways of the court and am just wondering what is going on? Was Blawie just out on vacay so another judge presided or is something else going on behind the scene?

Hmm-I was thinking that Blawie just had a calendar conflict. But it wouldn’t upset me much if Judge White took over; if he does, hopefully he hasn’t taken his best shot at Team Fd, to then bend over backwards to accommodate, against the interests of the State of Connecticut.
I wanted to clarify an earlier post. I understand where the memorial is located
at the end of the street on JC. I never meant to imply it was on the property of 4Jax. When I said I didn’t think it was appropriate for anyone to go on to the property of 4Jax that is what I meant. Ofcourse the memorial is appropriate. I’ve no idea what his neighbors think of that, the press and onlookers and most especially FD out on bail. It’s a bad situation all around to have FD not behind bars. But one more strike right???

I just don’t want someone doing something that will get them in trouble while he is out on bail. He’s not some puppy dog. He’s like a zoo animal that has escaped. His behavior can be unpredictable and we all know what we believe him to be capable of. This is a bad mixture and I for one think that the type of crime regardless of CTs stance on the DP (they don’t have it) should dictate whether or not someone is allowed bond.

that’s all I meant with my earlier post. I don’t want people getting in trouble or putting themselves in harms way or even doing something that will elicit sympathy for FD. We don’t need this.

@oceancalling and @Megnut have pointed out FD demeanor in court is very telling. No way no how that mask doesn’t slip at trial in front of a jury. NP has to know this as well. How is FD gonna sit there all day while the State lays out their case against him and witness after witness says their truth and disparaging things about him? My belief is that mask will slip and the jury will see this man in his nice suit looking so cleaned up suddenly flip a switch and they won’t be able to unsee it. They won’t. And it will allow them to believe that he is capable of violence and other bad things.

FD has the capability to single handedly sink his defense and NP has to know this. Good, I say.
Yes, but I guess my point is why is Atty. P. allowed to make unsubstantiated claims such as a 'home invasion' in Court AT ALL?

To me, it would have made sense to say, "Your Honor, here is a Police Report dated 12/24/2019 that indicates a person broke into Fd place of residence" etc.

But, this wasn't done in Court today.

How many lies and 1/2 truths will be tolerated from Atty. P. before a Judge somewhere does something and I won't get why Atty Colangelo didn't simply say that as a States Atty he is quite concerned about home invasions in his jurisdiction and was the matter reported? But no, this wasn't said either.

IDK, I just feel like I'm living in a parallel universe. If someone breaks into your house you call the police and file a report. Seems pretty simple to me. But I guess Atty. P. doesn't think this way. But, Atty. P. has to know that nobody believed the 'boy who cried wolf' either. What happens if some loon does break into 4Jx and tries to harm Fd, will LE even respond at this point or will they think its simply a prank for publicity by Atty. P.?

That's the problem with not telling the truth IMO. I'm surprised that in his advanced years that Atty. P. doesn't realise this fact of the universe.

Its all quite sad and pathetic as personal safety is at issue here IMO. We now have folks on FB 'outed' by Atty. P. who have to be concerned about their personal safety perhaps and ditto for the 'ghost' that allegedly broke into 4Jx who was threatened today by Atty. P. I'm just not sure why all this is tolerated from Atty. P.?

I understand your frustration. Honestly I think NP was just trying to create a diversion. Also maybe this is going to be his new strategy. JD was killed in a home invasion.
CT LE is like a trip down the Rabbit Hole. Up is down, and down is up. The nonsense of your court system , made me take a break for a bit. The big question for me is why isn't he in jail?! This is your second chance? What a waste of tax payers money. Just hang FD. Or better yet, make him disappear.
I wanted to clarify an earlier post. I understand where the memorial is located
at the end of the street on JC. I never meant to imply it was on the property of 4Jax. When I said I didn’t think it was appropriate for anyone to go on to the property of 4Jax that is what I meant. Ofcourse the memorial is appropriate. I’ve no idea what his neighbors think of that, the press and onlookers and most especially FD out on bail. It’s a bad situation all around to have FD not behind bars. But one more strike right???

I just don’t want someone doing something that will get them in trouble while he is out on bail. He’s not some puppy dog. He’s like a zoo animal that has escaped. His behavior can be unpredictable and we all know what we believe him to be capable of. This is a bad mixture and I for one think that the type of crime regardless of CTs stance on the DP (they don’t have it) should dictate whether or not someone is allowed bond.

that’s all I meant with my earlier post. I don’t want people getting in trouble or putting themselves in harms way or even doing something that will elicit sympathy for FD. We don’t need this.

@oceancalling and @Megnut have pointed out FD demeanor in court is very telling. No way no how that mask doesn’t slip at trial in front of a jury. NP has to know this as well. How is FD gonna sit there all day while the State lays out their case against him and witness after witness says their truth and disparaging things about him? My belief is that mask will slip and the jury will see this man in his nice suit looking so cleaned up suddenly flip a switch and they won’t be able to unsee it. They won’t. And it will allow them to believe that he is capable of violence and other bad things.

FD has the capability to single handedly sink his defense and NP has to know this. Good, I say.

One thing that people have to remember, too, is that whenever someone chooses to cross that line with regard to Fd, is that it could have the effect of making him ever so slightly more sympathetic, and we don’t want that. He is the bad guy-don’t narrow the gulf between him and us. But for the record, I don’t believe that anybody’s been trying to leave stuff at 4JX. I am certain that Fd’s story to Pattisville is that people did leave a memorial on what he considers his property, so he took it down, and Pattis, no stranger to stretching the truth, went running with it so the news would have it (true or not).
One thing that people have to remember, too, is that whenever someone chooses to cross that line with regard to Fd, is that it could have the effect of making him ever so slightly more sympathetic, and we don’t want that. He is the bad guy-don’t narrow the gulf between him and us. But for the record, I don’t believe that anybody’s been trying to leave stuff at 4JX. I am certain that Fd’s story to Pattisville is that people did leave a memorial on what he considers his property, so he took it down, and Pattis, no stranger to stretching the truth, went running with it so the news would have it (true or not).

100% agree with all you said. NP has to know that FD is going to be impossible to control. He has already committed the ultimate act of murder IMO so all bets are off. He is looking at potentially a lifetime behind bars. Even 25 years or so puts him close to 80 before he gets out. I hope the sentence is life but I’ve seen just too much screwy stuff in the CT with this case to put a bet on much of anything.
At any rate, he is a dangerous human being. His being out puts both the public and FD at risk. Not to mention wasting LE time when they should be doing other things other than monitor FD etc...

I will never understand why the bail wasn’t higher. None of us like that he is out on bond but it does put the spotlight on the CT court system in a way that I hope the voters in that state will pay attention to and vote to change it. That’s all I can hope for at this point. That and FD deciding to make an unapproved detour that will trigger a $12M bond. No way he could afford that. I would think? But who knows really.

a bond revocation is totally appropriate here but again the court has bent over backwards to be beyond “fair” to FD. He breaks one more rule and I would hope that the citizens of CT would go down to the courthouse and protest in earnest should he still remains out on bond. One more strike? Right? That happens and he should be in protective custody in the slammer. No more freedom. He isn’t being hampered by contributing his defense. As FD said, “He knows what he did and he knows what he didn’t do,” and being behind bars prior to trial isn’t going to change that.
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