Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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Guilt manifests itself physically in many ways. Now, FD doesn't actually feel guilt. What he feels is ANGER at the way he has been "treated". He has a very, very strong sense of being wronged, which he uses to justify all of his conduct, like removing a very innocuous memorial to his murdered wife. In fact, he nurtures and feeds on those grudges. He is going to respond to any perceived wrong to him. Still, he cannot control the physical manifestations of his guilt/anger, which show readily on his face.

Not all narcissists commit murder; there is a sub-category of narcissist who are labeled malignant narcissists, whose narcissism is such that they can commit criminal acts with no remorse. The classic example is Ted Bundy, who nursed an extreme feeling that he had been wronged; even at the end he blamed his use of *advertiser censored* and True Crime magazines for his murdering rages!

I am no defender of such materials, but they did not "cause" Bundy to murder, any more than FB comments caused Dulos to destroy that memorial to his wife. That one, very public act tells us how much he still hates her and wants to "obliterate" her. He simply will never accept responsibility for his own conduct, or the consequences of it.

How to prevent entanglement with such monsters? These people often are able to mask their true personalities for significant periods of time. They also are very good at hiding their true character from public view, so that when their victims complain, they are made out to be the "crazy" one-just like Dulos tried to label Jennifer during the divorce.(Don't get me started on his claims that she was a heroin addict-more victim blaming).

One thing such people hate is time. Time to get to know them, and their backgrounds, families, personality. Time to see their true character. Time to investigate whether they are the success they claim to be. These people are every, very good at "love bombing", sweeping unsuspecting victims off their feet, rushing the relationship. Dulos certainly did that here, perhaps even dumping Wife#1 when something "better" came along.

George Simon has written a couple of books on this subject, including the book, In Sheep's Clothing, which is a great start to understanding the way these people operate. In my experience, the kinder the person, the more susceptible they are to MN, because they simply are unable to understand such people exist.

Bundy lured more than one victim to their death by wearing fake casts and appealing for help. Like Dulos, he was quite charming on the surface and, hey, he just needed a little help, right? Who helped him? Kind women, that's who.

Beware the smooth, glib, "successful" (but how successful, really?) person, who falls madly in love at first sight. It was meant to be! It was written in the stars! We are soulmates, and our love is a love that only we can understand! Any friends or family who question the relationship are quickly banished, and there is a rush to convince the victim that all who question are themselves jealous or controlling.

I believe one reason Mr. Farber lent Dulos money, but made him pay the loan off in person, was to keep tabs on him. He knew what was up. Behind the scenes though, Dulos had already begun the discard of his wife. People like him love their secrets, so if a person excludes their partner from a significant portion of their life-which Dulos clearly did-that is another warning sign.

The problem is the charm, the initial devotion, the rush to the altar, the fear that Mr. Wonderful is going to look elsewhere if their attention is not returned. Poor Jennifer, I am not sure she ever had a chance. That unexpected and "spontaneous"meeting at the airport that recommenced their relationship? I would not be surprised to learn that he planned the entire encounter! It was all a bit too convenient.

Jennifer wanted a loving husband and family; Dulos wanted to use her and her family's wealth. IMO he never loved her, because he is incapable of loving anyone except himself. In the initial courting period, though, I am certain he made he feel like the most loved woman on the planet. Once the mask slipped, it was too late, and she fought to the end of her life to extricate herself from his manipulations.

Sorry to bust everyone's bubble, but beware of Prince Charming. He may, in fact, be a poisonous toad!
Thank you so much for providing your insight.
MOO The bond has reasons he can have permission to leave the house. The permission is very exact to the plan.

It was 4 things he could leave for I believe, work related, meet with lawyer, medical, and worship. Now 3 things with permission to meet with lawyer, medical, and worship.
I just wanted to post a blown up version of something that Marrisa Alter had posted on FB after the bail hearing. The photo wasn't the easiest to see but I want to make it clear that this was info obtained by Channel12 and Marrisa but it clearly shows the bail restrictions and that now work release isn't an option for Fd.

FDbondconditionspng.png MAbondconditions.png
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Welcome to posting and exiting Lurkerland.

I think NoPa called attention on the social media posts and that people are taunting him as a basis to get a change of venue for the trial. He is trying to establish that Fo can't get a fair trial in CT. I would not be surprised if Ho and Whiney's legal teams follow suit.
Yes, but what is so fascinating about the Dulos case is that its being so broadly watched. Those FB Groups aren't just folks from CT. Nope those people are from all over the world! So, if 'ole Atty. P. was using those posts to argue for a change in venue then IMO GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS as the case coverage has been national from the first week and its extended to Greece/EU and UK as well. I was even surprised to see coverage in Hong Kong and Argentina (I guess due to connection of MT and her ex). MOO
I just wanted to post a blown up version of something that Marrisa Alter had posted on FB after the bail hearing. The photo wasn't the easiest to see but I want to make it clear that this was info obtained by Channel12 and Marrisa.

View attachment 227755 View attachment 227756

Someone mentioned this earlier....but hyper-petite prince will be hanging out in NP's office...perhaps reading books. Noticed that NP has quite a few religious titles behind him in an early interview. Maybe these will help center Fd??? Nah....wishful thinking.

Interview: Attorney Norm Pattis answers questions about Dulos case
Let’s hope that Pattis “feels like pulling out his hair” over working with FD.
Free the squirrel!

I love this! "Free the squirrel"!

I feel like NP's whole persona is a plea for sympathy. Please feel sorry for my client because he can't afford to hire an attorney that can afford to get a hair cut or wear clothes that look clean and pressed.

I think NP's squirrel is a "support" animal.

Yes, but what is so fascinating about the Dulos case is that its being so broadly watched. Those FB Groups aren't just folks from CT. Nope those people are from all over the world! So, if 'ole Atty. P. was using those posts to argue for a change in venue then IMO GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS as the case coverage has been national from the first week and its extended to Greece/EU and UK as well. I was even surprised to see coverage in Hong Kong and Argentina (I guess due to connection of MT and her ex). MOO
Memorial Resurrected for Jennifer Dulos in Farmington
Lovely memorial.
No doubt there is intense frustration in Pattisville right now. When a client goes hardcore against their self interests and thinks he knows better than anyone else (including his legal team) its a recipe for a hot mess. FD wants to show his “outrage” and he wants to talk and tell his “story” because he thinks this will work. He believes he knows what the best course of action is.

he reminds me an awful lot of Drew Peterson and we all saw how well that worked out for Drew. He’s behind bars where he belongs. But when you have an arrogant and controlling and narcissistic sociopath like FD all bets are off. Controlling someone like FD is impossible. Not an uphill battle. It’s impossible.

Wonder what it is like in Pattisville today.
Perfect summary IMO!

I saw a post today that I thought touched perfectly on the Fd behaviour that we have seen play out over and over and over again through all the court cases and in particular Family Court:

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I totally agree with this, especially since FD already knew JFd from Brown and could have easily learned about the Farber's Liz Claiborne connection then. It makes this excerpt from JFd's blog extra chilling:

Serendipity or stalking? What do you think?

Stalking - There was likely a physical attraction for FD, but after he did his research as to the great wealth of her family, it was time to really put on the charm so that he could get his hands on the money. Once married, he took total control over Jennifer who admitted she hated confrontation and just wanted peace. It's so crucial to teach our children about men and women like FD. JD lost all her power in every sense of the word during that marriage. When she tried to take her power back, he killed her.
Liked what I heard from Judge White yesterday....looked up a few things...he might just be the right judge to deal with Fd.....He volunteers as a boxing ref and does an excellent job...
“He classes up the place, to be honest. He really does,” Concepcion said. “Gary wants the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as a court judge. But we call the ring the squared circle of truth, because if you aren’t doing what you are supposed to, if you aren’t eating right or your aren’t exercising, that will show up when you take a body shot and the truth will come out every time.”
Stamford judge trades courtroom for boxing ring

White received his undergraduate degree from Holy Cross College and his J.D. from Harvard Law School

I think Judge White found that Fd "wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing." This judge has a truth meter....!
Great info! Thanks for posting it @Tink56!

Atty. P. in his remarks outside the Courthouse yesterday, criticised the choice of words used by Judge White - I believe the word used 2x by the Judge yesterday to refer to Fd actions was 'stupid'. Given the great experience and education of Judge White there is no doubt in my mind that he has quite an extensive vocabulary too which makes the use in Court yesterday of the word "stupid" particularly telling IMO!

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Perfect summary IMO!

I saw a post today on insta that I thought touched perfectly on the Fd behaviour that we have seen play out over and over and over again through all the court cases and in particular Family Court:

View attachment 227758

I looked into Norm Pattis whom i had never heard of before and he is a good lawyer.
He specifically defends clients who are being scorned. So his clients include high profile crimes specifically those rightly or wrongly being scorned.
The crime itself is immaterial to his thinking, But that is the rep of all attorneys especially defense attorneys. He is just a successful defense attorney who defends innocent and guilty alike.
MOO the way NP sees it scorn is his actual adversary. And he is right in that adding scorn to justice does weaken justice, just as sarcasm generally weakens arguments. I think the methodical and serious Colangelo will get the justice for JF.
I think FD could save us a lot of trouble. In fact, I think he WANTS to say it.


What's really crazy is that HE STILL thinks this all being DONE TO HIM.

That's a whole different kind of brain cancer if you ask me.

Guilt manifests itself physically in many ways. Now, FD doesn't actually feel guilt. What he feels is ANGER at the way he has been "treated". He has a very, very strong sense of being wronged, which he uses to justify all of his conduct, like removing a very innocuous memorial to his murdered wife. In fact, he nurtures and feeds on those grudges. He is going to respond to any perceived wrong to him. Still, he cannot control the physical manifestations of his guilt/anger, which show readily on his face.

Not all narcissists commit murder; there is a sub-category of narcissist who are labeled malignant narcissists, whose narcissism is such that they can commit criminal acts with no remorse. The classic example is Ted Bundy, who nursed an extreme feeling that he had been wronged; even at the end he blamed his use of *advertiser censored* and True Crime magazines for his murdering rages!

I am no defender of such materials, but they did not "cause" Bundy to murder, any more than FB comments caused Dulos to destroy that memorial to his wife. That one, very public act tells us how much he still hates her and wants to "obliterate" her. He simply will never accept responsibility for his own conduct, or the consequences of it.

How to prevent entanglement with such monsters? These people often are able to mask their true personalities for significant periods of time. They also are very good at hiding their true character from public view, so that when their victims complain, they are made out to be the "crazy" one-just like Dulos tried to label Jennifer during the divorce.(Don't get me started on his claims that she was a heroin addict-more victim blaming).

One thing such people hate is time. Time to get to know them, and their backgrounds, families, personality. Time to see their true character. Time to investigate whether they are the success they claim to be. These people are every, very good at "love bombing", sweeping unsuspecting victims off their feet, rushing the relationship. Dulos certainly did that here, perhaps even dumping Wife#1 when something "better" came along.

George Simon has written a couple of books on this subject, including the book, In Sheep's Clothing, which is a great start to understanding the way these people operate. In my experience, the kinder the person, the more susceptible they are to MN, because they simply are unable to understand such people exist.

Bundy lured more than one victim to their death by wearing fake casts and appealing for help. Like Dulos, he was quite charming on the surface and, hey, he just needed a little help, right? Who helped him? Kind women, that's who.

Beware the smooth, glib, "successful" (but how successful, really?) person, who falls madly in love at first sight. It was meant to be! It was written in the stars! We are soulmates, and our love is a love that only we can understand! Any friends or family who question the relationship are quickly banished, and there is a rush to convince the victim that all who question are themselves jealous or controlling.

I believe one reason Mr. Farber lent Dulos money, but made him pay the loan off in person, was to keep tabs on him. He knew what was up. Behind the scenes though, Dulos had already begun the discard of his wife. People like him love their secrets, so if a person excludes their partner from a significant portion of their life-which Dulos clearly did-that is another warning sign.

The problem is the charm, the initial devotion, the rush to the altar, the fear that Mr. Wonderful is going to look elsewhere if their attention is not returned. Poor Jennifer, I am not sure she ever had a chance. That unexpected and "spontaneous"meeting at the airport that recommenced their relationship? I would not be surprised to learn that he planned the entire encounter! It was all a bit too convenient.

Jennifer wanted a loving husband and family; Dulos wanted to use her and her family's wealth. IMO he never loved her, because he is incapable of loving anyone except himself. In the initial courting period, though, I am certain he made he feel like the most loved woman on the planet. Once the mask slipped, it was too late, and she fought to the end of her life to extricate herself from his manipulations.

Sorry to bust everyone's bubble, but beware of Prince Charming. He may, in fact, be a poisonous toad!

What a great description of the MN, and the people who love them. So great, in fact, that I bought Simon’s two books on Audible.
***Someone should send this pic to Atty. Colangelo so he can blow it up and show Jurors
along w/ that beautiful photo os JFD and her
5 little angels. Talk about an impact...
Talk about the law of unintended consequences!

Fd impulsive 'choice' to violate the terms of his release to stop and remove a simple heartfelt memorial to JFd from the end of his present driveway will virtually ensure that he has to pass that same memorial EVERY SINGLE TIME he leaves 4Jx as I believe people are quite committed to keeping the flames of remembrance going on that exact spot!

More broadly though I do think its the absence of Fd impulse control and 'hair trigger temper' that created any number of pieces of evidence that will eventually be presented to a jury in this tragic case. As we have seen with the AW1-3, Fd can make elaborate plans and complicated plans but no amount of planning can protect against lack of self control and impulse control or compulsive behaviour as these will all kill even the best laid of plans IMO.

I looked into Norm Pattis whom i had never heard of before and he is a good lawyer.
He specifically defends clients who are being scorned. So his clients include high profile crimes specifically those rightly or wrongly being scorned.
The crime itself is immaterial to his thinking, But that is the rep of all attorneys especially defense attorneys. He is just a successful defense attorney who defends innocent and guilty alike.
MOO the way NP sees it scorn is his actual adversary. And he is right in that adding scorn to justice does weaken justice, just as sarcasm generally weakens arguments. I think the methodical and serious Colangelo will get the justice for JF.

I didn't realize NP had been a reporter at the HC. DA's tweets and articles make so much sense to me now.
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