Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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If the child knew that Fotis was in a position to see, but felt awkward trying to conceal the pad, as in " I don't trust you, Dad."
Of course Fotis is completely to blame for doing that, but the child is going to a lot of reassurance. Kids just do not know how much of an advantage adults have in manipulating them, and are not going to be easy on themselves for being tricked.

Good point.

What it says to me most of all is that Fotis used his children for his own gain. They were pawns to him, to get what he wanted.

The unthinkable actions of using your child to lie (verified in court documents many times), to steal (his apparent motive), and ultimately to murder (as we may find out soon enough)...

and then, as if that is not enough, to dismiss the murder as their own mother having supposedly abandoned them (which he said repeatedly)... all add up to the ultimate emotional abuse of those children.
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...Just wondering if you had a chance to speak with the CT state police as you might have valuable info - info you didn't realize was helpful? Worth a call. There might be things you know that are tiny details that could help the case. Just a thought! :)
New Canaan Police Tip Line 203-594-3544

(looking for State Pol tip line - anyone?)
Please call CT STATE POLICE,
Troop G in Bridgeport, Detective Kimball, with any informatio
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Hello everyone. Like a recent poster, I’ve been lurking for a few days now and decided I needed to create an account and join you all. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this site, but I’m forever grateful. It has been able to clarify so many things for me.
I am devastated for Jennifer, her family and most importantly her children. I’m local to New Canaan. I have been to all the court appearances thus far and plan to be there tomorrow. I can’t scream Justice for Jennifer any louder

(hope I did this right!)
Thanks for the warm welcome, @afitzy ! Once I realized there were 30+ forums, I started doing exactly what you suggested and searched "WS" + "Jennifer Dulos" + whatever I wanted to know. You guys have covered it all!

I haven't walked Deercliff in several years, but I believe there are no dedicated paths and people just pick through the woods of their own accord. But I'm thinking of taking a little trip there this weekend and finding out for sure.

I, too, believe 80 MS is where any dismemberment/body disposal took place. There are only two gaps in FD's whereabouts on 5/24 and I don't think the 20 minutes at the Lapham Rd pull-off is long enough to do anything significant, plus it was the middle of the day in a fairly crowded place. The 2+ hours at 80 MS on the other hand....

Speaking 80 MS, has there been any discussion of FD using the vintage bike while at the property? The Tacoma pulls into 80MS at 12:22, and then FD and MT pull in with the Chevy and the Jeep at 1:36. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no evidence of FD leaving 80 MS by vehicle between 12:22 and 1:30. So how did he get to Jefferson Xing to pick up the Chevy? We know he still has the bike in the back of the Tacoma at this point, so could it stand to reason he uses the bike to get from 80 MS to 4 Jefferson Xing (~12 minute ride, probably shorter for FD because he's so active)? This also means he could have used the bike to go somewhere else, too. Like the woods. Where he might have dug a couple of preemptive holes. Maybe discussed with KM during his little visit on 5/23? (MOO)

The traffic pattern at 80 MS I think would make a professional air traffic controller at JFK dizzy!

It is believed that Fd has a dirt bike and we learned in AW3 that EE was storing a dirt bike at 585 DC.

Even though they are supposed to be registered with the town (Fd thinks rules are for others so it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't register one), I'd always wondered if he had some kind of quad vehicle.

I recall the pictures we had from @thekirbyfamily and others early in the process that show trails I believe around the reservoir that passes behind 4Jx that could be accessed by a number of different things (from mountain bike, off road motorcycle etc.) but probably not cars or trucks due to the width of the path being too narrow IMO.
Yes. Same self centered MO.
Oops I came 30 minutes early for hyper scheduled supervised visit. Think that JD was still trying fix his problems for him.
She could have said and probably should have said, "your visit, you figure it out, go to a restaurant or the playground if you blew the farm times."
She certainly deserved to have been able to say that! But she was caught completely off guard and may have made a quick decision to not create a confrontational scene if the children were in the house watching out the windows, especially if she knew they'd been looking forward to the visit.
Hello everyone. Like a recent poster, I’ve been lurking for a few days now and decided I needed to create an account and join you all. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this site, but I’m forever grateful. It has been able to clarify so many things for me.
I am devastated for Jennifer, her family and most importantly her children. I’m local to New Canaan. I have been to all the court appearances thus far and plan to be there tomorrow. I can’t scream Justice for Jennifer any louder

(hope I did this right!)
Welcome, Serenity101! You posted it perfectly, yes.

So glad to see more locals here.

Really will be helpful to hear about the court appearance tomorrow!
I'm curious whether if the 2 banks that we know of, (The Savings Bank of Danbury and People's Bank of Bridgeport), that have lent Fd/FORE so much money can prove that any portion of the funds lend did not go to the building of real estate and say went to pay attorneys or private investigators etc., if the funds could be in effect repatriated?

IDK this is a hard argument given the fungibility of money, but the draw downs on the line with Danbury Savings Bank IMO didn't go towards finishing Sturbridge and ditto for the 2 Friend Loans on the property as well and I do very much wonder if proper invoices were submitted to the bank to support the drawdowns on what appeared to be some kind of construction related line of credit? Were there perhaps fraudulent invoices submitted from 'friends' in the trade to support draw down requests and these amounts were properly confirmed by the bank?

Atty Weinstein has long been trying to figure out how Fd is paying for a team of 6+ lawyers with no income for 2 years. I do wonder how the banks lent millions with no tax returns as it was confirmed at the Civil Trial that Fd/FORE hadn't filed taxes in 2 years.

If the child knew that Fotis was in a position to see, but felt awkward trying to conceal the pad, as in " I don't trust you, Dad."
Of course Fotis is completely to blame for doing that, but the child is going to a lot of reassurance. Kids just do not know how much of an advantage adults have in manipulating them, and are not going to be easy on themselves for being tricked.

Very much so.

However, I was responding to the OP who said that JFd would have Forgiven the child.

Telling a child who has done Nothing wrong, that you Forgive them, Actually tells the child they Did do something wrong when they did Not.

Tell them you Love them. Reassure them they did Nothing wrong. Hug and Kiss them.

Do everything possible to tell that child they did Nothing wrong and they are Loved to Infinity and Beyond.

HOWEVER, NEVER EVER use the word Forgive in this possible scenario.

Forgiveness is used for people who have done something wrong and a child Knows this.

Once you tell the child they are forgiven, they will ALWAYS Carry the thought that they did actually do something wrong and that it was all their fault. At that point, they will Never believe that it was not their fault.

Just don't say the word - Forgiven.

Just saw this on Twitter... why is he out on bail still?!?!
If you can ask that person to email that picture to Atty Colangelo that would be great. I do wonder if he made this request as part of his ability to 'work'???

FD to bracelet monitor: I need to go outside and pick up sticks for work. Will you release me please?

Bracelet monitor: Ok, but no more than 50 yds from house or we are coming to pick you up and 1 step beyond 50 yds and CSP will be there in 2 min.

If that picture is real then this house arrest situation is a farce.

Just looks like Fd is simply testing his boundaries.

At what point will he flee?

Hello everyone. Like a recent poster, I’ve been lurking for a few days now and decided I needed to create an account and join you all. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this site, but I’m forever grateful. It has been able to clarify so many things for me.
I am devastated for Jennifer, her family and most importantly her children. I’m local to New Canaan. I have been to all the court appearances thus far and plan to be there tomorrow. I can’t scream Justice for Jennifer any louder

(hope I did this right!)
Welcome, Serenity! I am a NC local too and also stumbled accidentally across this site -only because of this case - which personally resonated with me although I did not know Jennifer. I never would have expected to still be spending so much time here several months later but I think you will find this to be an incredible community of wise, well informed and generous folks all volunteering their time and brain power to contribute to justice - many of them to multiple cases at a time; I don't know how they do it! I'm a relative newbie but feel free to PM me anytime if I can answer a question.
Thanks for the warm welcome, @afitzy ! Once I realized there were 30+ forums, I started doing exactly what you suggested and searched "WS" + "Jennifer Dulos" + whatever I wanted to know. You guys have covered it all!

I haven't walked Deercliff in several years, but I believe there are no dedicated paths and people just pick through the woods of their own accord. But I'm thinking of taking a little trip there this weekend and finding out for sure.

I, too, believe 80 MS is where any dismemberment/body disposal took place. There are only two gaps in FD's whereabouts on 5/24 and I don't think the 20 minutes at the Lapham Rd pull-off is long enough to do anything significant, plus it was the middle of the day in a fairly crowded place. The 2+ hours at 80 MS on the other hand....

Speaking 80 MS, has there been any discussion of FD using the vintage bike while at the property? The Tacoma pulls into 80MS at 12:22, and then FD and MT pull in with the Chevy and the Jeep at 1:36. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no evidence of FD leaving 80 MS by vehicle between 12:22 and 1:30. So how did he get to Jefferson Xing to pick up the Chevy? We know he still has the bike in the back of the Tacoma at this point, so could it stand to reason he uses the bike to get from 80 MS to 4 Jefferson Xing (~12 minute ride, probably shorter for FD because he's so active)? This also means he could have used the bike to go somewhere else, too. Like the woods. Where he might have dug a couple of preemptive holes. Maybe discussed with KM during his little visit on 5/23? (MOO)
Welcome welcome @auspex ! Happy to see you join. I have a question that’s been bothering me for quite some time. You mention the level of activity on Lapham. Do you see someone moving a body between two vehicles at this location , at this time , and actually thinking they stand a good chance of NOT being observed? and great thoughts on the bike! I believe he definitely jogged or biked back to 4JX after arriving in the Tacoma.
Hello everyone. Like a recent poster, I’ve been lurking for a few days now and decided I needed to create an account and join you all. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this site, but I’m forever grateful. It has been able to clarify so many things for me.
I am devastated for Jennifer, her family and most importantly her children. I’m local to New Canaan. I have been to all the court appearances thus far and plan to be there tomorrow. I can’t scream Justice for Jennifer any louder

(hope I did this right!)
@Serenity101, Perfect! So glad you are here to join us.

We continue to debate so many things but recently have been working on the timeline issues based on new information in AW3 and the SWs.

Some think that Fd disposed of JFd body in/around NC and there are some here that think the reservoir area near the Wilton border where there are dirt roads and little traffic might have been perfect.

Here is a map of the general area:

Google Maps

We know that Fd has knowledge of NC and has built at least one other house in town other than Sturbridge. He also built a cottage on the property of the Farber's in Pound Ridge, NY (right over NY border). And, we know that he takes his children to Graces Farm facility for some of his visitation time (when he gets the operating hours right). It is also believed that Fd typically travelled down 84 via 7 through Ridgefield to get to NC (via 123) and when he was caught in NYS with a bracelet violation he was in the area of Vista I believe. Vista is also were a very large "Welcome to NY" and "Welcome to CT" sign sits quite prominently so this error that was attributed to Waze never made much sense to me and his detour in NY was also quite close to the upper area of the map posted above.

AW3 showed Fd biking to Welles using his vintage French Bike and he was caught on surveillance camera on Weed Street. Would he have gone down Frogtown or another route? We don't yet know.

Welcome and be sure to check out the media thread for more great resources that have been collected since the beginning of the case.

Welcome welcome @auspex ! Happy to see you join. I have a question that’s been bothering me for quite some time. You mention the level of activity on Lapham. Do you see someone moving a body between two vehicles at this location , at this time , and actually thinking they stand a good chance of NOT being observed? and great thoughts on the bike! I believe he definitely jogged or biked back to 4JX after arriving in the Tacoma.

I did the route on street view, MOO its pretty far and all in narrow rural roads with hardly any shoulder. And MOO it is a mystery how he showed up in the 2015 Thule topped Suburban. A big mystery. I don't know if back roads work, maybe, the power tower catwalks which basically connect between both houses.

I just measured the road and the power line catwalks.
Driving 2.1 miles. Power line catwalks and going through the wood to the catwalks both house 2.4 total. Jogging or biking very possible, much preferable and safer than the road in fact.
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Didn't the bank just ask to have a caretaker take over the Sturbridge maintenance and property management because Fd wasn't able to do those things any longer? I can't see how Fd could possibly say he didn't know cleaning up at Mountain Springs would be permissible! Unless he did actually get permission from the court!
Didn't the bank just ask to have a caretaker take over the Sturbridge maintenance and property management because Fd wasn't able to do those things any longer? I can't see how Fd could possibly say he didn't know cleaning up at Mountain Springs would be permissible! Unless he did actually get permission from the court!
Yes, it sounds like there perhaps needs to be a 'Come to Jesus' meeting as to what exactly is meant by 'work'.

These ongoing attempts to test boundaries now appear to be pathological and if Judge Blawie doesn't address the order in detail along line the lines of 'please don't eat the daisies' then my guess is that Fd will simply flee.

Just saw this on Twitter... why is he out on bail still?!?!

It's highly disturbing FD's on house arrest in the vicinity of the properties/woods LE investigated in association with this crime. MOO, but I get the feeling that FD is the kind of cocky narcissist who thinks he's smarter than everyone (his wife, his investors, the law) and would relish the thought of flouting LE by successfully disposing of JFd in his own backyard. If 80 MS (or one of the Deercliff/Olcott/Jefferson Xing properties/ surrounding woods) was indeed a secondary site, FD could feasibly be revisiting the scene while still meeting the conditions of his house arrest. I initially thought the ankle monitor had a tighter range, but these pictures of him at 80 MS tell a different story. Chilling.
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