Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Atty John Williams is NP's ex-partner--describes him as his "mentor."

On Chaz & AJ 1/29, before FD died, NP was asked what would happen if FD never recovered mentally. NP said the state couldn't try him bc he'd have to be competent to participate in his defense. Said there'd have to be motions filed, etc., to prove his incompetency. Now that FD's all-dead, rather than just brain-dead, NP wants to go to trial. What changed his mind? FD's note? The ship has sailed, but NP's swimming after it.

NP will continue, with motion after motion.
He is now a celebrity, and milking the situation for fame and money, waiting for the next idiot that will seek NP's services.
This is just advertising for NP, and certainly he doesn't want to stop.
But did NP release it? MSM sure had the letter quickly.

I didn't expect to see it so soon as I thought it would be evidence for the Court to release.

ETA: Seems NP was responsible for releasing the note. :eek:

Jennifer Dulos Case: Fotis Dulos' Suicide Note Released
Yes, Atty. P. all over this one!

Wonder if Fd sent Atty. P. a photo prior to his death?

How else would Atty. P. have gotten the note so quickly?

The scene was locked down with CSP/FPD immediately.

No he had Michelle help him. She looks like a pansy that would do anything he asked her to do. I do not think for a New York minute she knew what she was throwing out. She talks one way one time and another way another time. Looks like he coached her and she is totally confused. The other guy I don't think was in on her killing either. It was all on Fotis who was very angry with JD. The other two could care less.
I agree with you but got bashed by the WS group my first and last time i gave an actual opinión. This is a tough crowd!
Dueling probate cases to be filed in Fotis Dulos death -- including one by Jennifer Farber Dulos’ mother

Looks like the court battling will be moving to Probate Court which is highly unfortunate IMO. There isn't even coverage via electronic database so far as I know and visibility will most likely be zero. This all is just exposing the underbelly of the CT Judicial system IMO and Probate Court is definitely on the underbelly IMO.


Here is a question for the legal mind.

Jennifer is not declared legally dead so wouldnt everything go to her? Since GF has poa to act on her behalf since she is "missing" then couldn't she disburse however she wants? Or it stay in probate until Jennifer is found or legally declared dead and then her will would be in effect or it would go to the kids? Sort of the way Fotis thought he would get everything and not have to split in a divorce. That is a big part of why I think he killed her. Cheaper to keep her or kill her than divorce her.
As I was reading your OP I couldn't help but laugh that it seems that it would be typical to rope MT all the way in yet not leave her any way to save herself. She was probably too involved and lost in the weeds that she didn't see that he left her with nothing to work with if she got caught.

Wow, totally sucks to be MT! No wonder she has been lying for months and sounds about as delusional as Fd too. I do wonder if there is any way to legally finesse something for MT but given the extent of even the parts we know about I just can't see it? Curious what the legal folks think???

But, the was LE fleshed out Anna Curry was brilliant as they forced Fd to play his final ace and he did and now she and Andreas and Yannis are all out and public with no place to hide.

By all accounts MT knew about AC and so most likely was aware that she was living at 4Jx as early as October. Just have to wonder how all this hit her?

The Fd money situation also seemed 'dire' as Atty Weinstein said he was selling furniture on eBay for cash. The electrical and utility situation at 4Jx was also an issue and it seems that AC might have been supporting Fd.

How can one guy spend a lifetime being supported by others? What would make AC willing to get involved with the sinking ship that was the life of Fd? I do think the money she was splashing around was his and not hers but we have no way of knowing absent a statement from LE and that isn't happening anytime soon IMO. I do wonder if more charges will be filed against her soon.

Its all quite a lot to process and understand...


@aftizy -- count yourself very lucky that you've never experienced a narc.
He really is textbook. MOO

I have two thoughts about this. First, I believe that FD was extremely skilled at using his narc/opportunist skillset. By JD's account -- they maintained a close friendship all through their college days (she met him her first week at Brown) and it appeared from JD's blog that they didn't cross the line as friends. In this regard, JD would have been a primary supply which can actually be a great place (where FD kept up his great guy fraudulent self -- never letting the mask slip).

It was a decade later that JD became FD's wife (i.e., his secondary supply) where his mask would come off and where she'd soon experience the street angel and house devil. (FD was married to a second supply and divorced only weeks before he married JD).

This brings us back to AC. I think it's very much possible that AC was yet another primary supply victim of FD which would have made it easy for her to help him out -- having groomed her for years.

My second thought is that FD may have sheltered some money with AC -- probably beginning around the time his father-in-law was dying. He would have convinced her JD was crazy and he needed to protect himself and his children during the divorce and needed her to keep his funds private. However, even if FD did shelter money with AC, it certainly would not have lasted long because narcs are spendthrifts because they're ever confident that there will be another supplier (will always have one in the wings).

Yup -- I think FD probably had plans for AC while he was still with MT since she was already second supply-- soon to be devalued and discarded. Seriously, he involved her in murdering his wife!

I've been watching Netflix series Dirty John, anyone seen it? Oh my this guy could play Fauxtis! Eric Bana - better looking but the character in the series is so much like FD.
To tall he would have to walk on his knees. :)

Edit to add. He is 6"2".
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Yes, Atty. P. all over this one!

Wonder if Fd sent Atty. P. a photo prior to his death?

How else would Atty. P. have gotten the note so quickly?

The scene was locked down with CSP/FPD immediately.


I think it's a good possibility because I can't believe that investigators would release evidence secured by warrant so quickly to NP. :eek:

Unless somehow the vehicle was not under a search warrant --or maybe the note was visible in the suburban. (I think there's an exception about evidence that's visible inside a vehicle and warrant not required).


With Jennifer not declared dead, she is 'still alive' and 'missing' so her mother has her NP is fighting to control a house bought with Gloria's husbands money for her 'missing' daughter and grandkids to live in, that was squatted in by the soon to be ex-son-in-law who didn't have two nickels to rub together...whose Greek relatives are going to trash a place he did not own...

"Complex financial matters" is laughable in this article, Jennifer had money, Dulos was a broke con man...not complicated..

Even in death Dulos is a sc8ew up...
@aftizy -- count yourself very lucky that you've never experienced a narc.
He really is textbook. MOO
@Seattle1, unfortunately I think we live in a world surrounded by them and I'm sadly no different from others here who have had the misfortune to encounter one of these folks and learned many lessons about dealing with them the hard and very painful way.

The thing though about Fd that threw me a bit is that I do believe that he bridges the line between narc and sociopath (leaning more toward sociopath vs narc IMO) and then you toss in the delusion and denial and inability to acknowledge the past and I agree he is a classic case of a few things.

Its hard to imagine folks without a range of emotions including empathy and inability to care about others but its just the way so many of these folks are wired.

I do wish that Fd had had treatment and evaluation by a top notch psychologist (not that I believe it would have made much difference though) but it might have saved his life. Unfortunately the Family Court assigned psychologist (discussed here in depth many many threads ago) wasn't IMO up to the task of working with Fd and seemed to have zero impact.

Reading that suicide note yet again I wonder if Fd was simply pissed that the trial and his past with MT/KM were intruding on his acquisition of his latest 'Stepford Wife' Anna Curry and he just wanted to move on and keep things rolling with zero acknowledgment or consequences for the past? He certainly didn't care to provide closure to his 5 children who will live with this for the rest of their lives and I do think this is tragic and painfully sad on so many levels.

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I think it's a good possibility because I can't believe that investigators would release evidence secured by warrant so quickly to NP. :eek:

Unless somehow the vehicle was not under a search warrant --or maybe the note was visible in the suburban. (I think there's an exception about evidence that's visible inside a vehicle and warrant not required).

There was a report on WFSB that someone from Atty. P.'s office was on the scene in Farmington on the suicide date but the Press didn't identify who it might have been. Atty KS was in Stamford, so perhaps 3rd chair person with the red hair went to Farmington?

But, I'm voting Fd sent it to Atty. P. via text. Atty. P. was cagey in early interviews and said that he 'had the note described to him'... Perhaps Fd sent it to his family and they got it to Atty. P.? IDK but I don't believe LE leaked the note.

But did NP release it? MSM sure had the letter quickly.

I didn't expect to see it so soon as I thought it would be evidence for the Court to release.

ETA: Seems NP was responsible for releasing the note. :eek:

Jennifer Dulos Case: Fotis Dulos' Suicide Note Released

I would bet that, with all those people hanging around on the driveway during the resuscitation efforts, at least one resourceful person took a picture of that suicide note and sold it to a reporter within the hour.

I might ordinarily find that appalling and an invasion of privacy but with FD, my concern is strangely absent.
Eddie Cibrian is better IMO. From personal experience, never underestimate the charm of a short Greek man. Decades ago, I dated one that was 5'4". He acted 10 feet tall and bullet-proof. ALL the women wanted him.

I concur! Also the attitude FD displayed of “I live life by my own rules. Screw what anyone else thinks. Nobody can tell me what to do!” can be a very Greek attitude as well ( except FD lived by this philosophy to the highest degree ). I’ve heard it several times throughout my life by Greek men.

Thankfully things are changing there and fast and this attitude is more associated with older generations.
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