Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #52

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Searched the thread, and @HopeForTheBest had posted a few questions that MT refused to answer during FDs civil trial.....
Is Mr. Dulos contributing in any way to your defense?
When did you first meet Fotis Dulos?
Where did you first meet Fotis Dulos?
At any time did Mr. Dulos request that you place assets in your name, even if you did not do so?
Did Mr. Dulos ever ask you to go to the Probate Court in New York to review the records of the Farber estate?
Did you discuss with Mr. Dulos the approximate amount that was reflected in the Probate Court records as to the Farber estate?
Did Mr. Dulos discuss with you the fact that if Jennifer died that, in fact, he would be the sole owner of the property?
Did Mr. Dulos ever discuss with you trusts that were maintained for Jennifer Farber Dulos by the Farber family?
Did Mr. Dulos tell you the amount of money that was held in trust for Jennifer Farber Dulos?
Did you bring any assets, any money, to Greece on behalf of Mr. Dulos at any time?
Oh my those questions sure don’t paint a very pretty picture of MT! Sounds like they already knew the answers even if MT wouldn’t answer the questions. Will these actions come into play at her trial? She should be very afraid and ashamed. She’s going to look so guilty. MOO Wow FD really used her too. Sad for her daughter. Justice for Jennifer!
Oh my those questions sure don’t paint a very pretty picture of MT! Sounds like they already knew the answers even if MT wouldn’t answer the questions. Will these actions come into play at her trial? She should be very afraid and ashamed. She’s going to look so guilty. MOO Wow FD really used her too. Sad for her daughter. Justice for Jennifer!

Lillypad and Cloudy diamond....I remember those questions being asked. MT must have been squirming when being asked those questions. I am sure LE knows the answers and I hope every one of those questions are asked in court. LE have a lot on her. The only reason she is out and about is Jennifer needs to be found. The one I feel bad for is her “d.” All the innocent ones are hurting. So selfish of her not to care about one who is important
Lillypad and Cloudy diamond....I remember those questions being asked. MT must have been squirming when being asked those questions. I am sure LE knows the answers and I hope every one of those questions are asked in court. LE have a lot on her. The only reason she is out and about is Jennifer needs to be found. The one I feel bad for is her “d.” All the innocent ones are hurting. So selfish of her not to care about one who is important
Totally agree! LE aren’t just pulling those questions out of thin air. They were trying to get her to admit to doing these things or deny doing them and catch her in a lie. Her attorney probably told her to zip it. MT had better figure something out quick or girl’s going to jail...where she belongs. ;) IMO.
Totally agree! LE aren’t just pulling those questions out of thin air. They were trying to get her to admit to doing these things or deny doing them and catch her in a lie. Her attorney probably told her to zip it. MT had better figure something out quick or girl’s going to jail...where she belongs. ;) IMO.

Or, giving her another opportunity to paint Fotis Dulos into a corner.

Just another opportunity that Michelle Troconis passed by.

She didn't pass by Jennifer's husband.
She didn't pass by Jennifer's house.
She didn't pass by Jennifer's money.

Michelle Troconis passed by telling the truth.

Come on Mr. Mawhinney, justice for Jennifer rests on your words!

jmho ymmv lrr
This will absolutely come up in her trial, if it happened, which I believe. There wouldn’t be any good reason for her to have done it. At all.
She wouldn't answer the questions during the depo, I doubt there's any evidence here to present at trial. We know that MT won't be testifying in her defense. Rules of evidence can be harsh...
Or, giving her another opportunity to paint Fotis Dulos into a corner.

Just another opportunity that Michelle Troconis passed by.

She didn't pass by Jennifer's husband.
She didn't pass by Jennifer's house.
She didn't pass by Jennifer's money.

Michelle Troconis passed by telling the truth.

Come on Mr. Mawhinney, justice for Jennifer rests on your words!

jmho ymmv lrr

Well said!!! FD might have committed the act but that doesn’t excuse what MT did to help him possibly plan it and then cover it up. She sure did pass by every opportunity to make any amends for her part in it even after FD was dead. I don’t get it. Loyalty may be her only good quality. Or she thinks denying and lying will save her own *** from serving time in prison. Maybe she is just so used to getting away with things and getting her way in life that she is delusional and thinks a jury will never convict her? MOO

Justice for Jennifer!
I know I said previously that the case will never get to trial, rather it will be pled out, however, I could be wrong. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the prosecution has so much more than they’ve made public, and simply will not offer ANY plea deals. So confident in a strong conviction that there’s no pleas offered. MT and KM going away for a long time is the goal.
She wouldn't answer the questions during the depo, I doubt there's any evidence here to present at trial. We know that MT won't be testifying in her defense. Rules of evidence can be harsh...
I understand that the rules about evidence can be tricky to navigate. Could the bank provide proof that MT was there and accessed the Farber accounts without authorization? And couldn’t LE show evidence that FD transferred assets into her name? Or paid for her defense? Can’t LE subpoena all of MT financial records? Surely these things go towards motive and show her absolute loyalty to FD? I hope they are admissible at trial. Now you’ve got me worried because IANAL but you are! :)
Of course-why didn’t I think of it that way; that she is an employee in name and paycheck only? I am struggling with how dumb MT would have to be, to think that fD was truly the source of all of the money flying around, for the “best of everything”, since it effectively dried up as soon as Jennifer left-in fact, that’s why he didn’t WANT her to leave, and why he expected her to stay there, right along with MT, who would now be the “woman of the house”, and her kid.
I do think it’s going to be difficult for MT to make her case that she had nowhere to go, so she was forced to stay and be under fD’s control and influence. I just know JS will go there, though, and it’ll be interesting to see him try.
You certainly said it better than I did...and BINGO! I believe she was an employee in name, paycheck, and possibly health insurance only (even though health insurance wasn't provided to his own children :mad:). Outside of maybe a total of 12 media/social media posts on behalf of Fore Group, I'm unclear what role she fulfilled there. Was it in one of the depo's where it stated she was salaried over 6 figures? Am I remembering that correctly? Makes me wonder why she gave up cleaning those windows at 80 MS on 5/24/19 after 8 minutes. What kind of work did her salary cover? :rolleyes:

This will absolutely come up in her trial, if it happened, which I believe. There wouldn’t be any good reason for her to have done it. At all.
Just another day in the [work] life supported by your boyfriends wife's family...
I also believe it happened and was a brilliant call out by Weinstein! I could feel the burn from 100 miles away :D
Diddian...I'm responding to a very old post of yours from March 25, 2020. I can't quote it as it remains in the forum history. In addition to your excellent points about the Thule rack, the post reminded of some MT's basic lack of observational skills.

During the morning of May 24, 2019, MT has alibis that involve her doing a lot of driving in the morning. She drives her daughter to school and returns home. (7:20-8:12); Goes to Storage (warehouse) and returns Aaron Haines' purse at 9; Shops for groceries and goes to 4JX 10:30; and leaves at 11 to see Petu and try to water ski and comes home at noon.

If I am following your information and other arrest warrant information, both the Suburban and the Jeep were in the 4JX parking area all morning. FD's phone was in his office. Didn't MT find it odd that FD was no where around the house if both cars were in the driveway?

If I walked into our garage and both our cars were present, and I had not seen my husband, I would be wondering where he is.

According to MT, she and FD did not discuss anything at lunch concerning his whereabouts that morning. Just amazing....and so unbelievable, IMO.


I would love it if you'd post the link(s) to your excellent research, the search warrant summary particularly, for the newer members. You had excellent isolated windows of time where FD may have disposed of JFD's body.

Your Post:
Okay, I'll bite on your mention of the Thule rack.

Are those Thule racks specific to certain size vehicles? Could THAT rack atop FD's Suburban also fit atop the Jeep Grand Cherokee? Say, for the Jeep's 2:24 to 3:55PM trip from 80 MS Rd to Avon to Bristol and then back to 80 MS Rd? The 2:24 to 3:55PM time span allowed for 41 minutes of activity beyond driving time necessary to make the Jeep's round trip.

The AW specifically mentions the presence of the Thule rack on FD's Suburban when it arrived with FD driving at 80 MS Rd at 1:36PM (at the exact same time that MT arrived at 80 MS Rd driving the Jeep, but 1 hour and 14 minutes AFTER the Toyota Tacoma had returned to 80 MS Rd from its morning round trip to New Canaan). The AW also specifically mentions the presence of the Thule rack on FD's Suburban at 4:03, when it departed with MT driving to deliver both of their cellphones to be left unattended at 4JC (presumably so PG would not be able to reach them when he arrived at 4:30 as he'd told them by text he would).

Was the Thule rack moved to the Jeep for the 2:24 to 3:55PM trip from 80 MS Rd to Avon to Bristol and back again to 80 MS Rd? The AW doesn't address it, but the fact that the AW mentions surveillance capturing the presence of the Thule rack on the Suburban both before and after the Jeep's round trip away from 80 MS Rd raises the question whether the Thule rack had moved in the interim and whether evidence of that movement had been captured on surveillance as well.


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You certainly said it better than I did...and BINGO! I believe she was an employee in name, paycheck, and possibly health insurance only (even though health insurance wasn't provided to his own children :mad:). Outside of maybe a total of 12 media/social media posts on behalf of Fore Group, I'm unclear what role she fulfilled there. Was it in one of the depo's where it stated she was salaried over 6 figures? Am I remembering that correctly? Makes me wonder why she gave up cleaning those windows at 80 MS on 5/24/19 after 8 minutes. What kind of work did her salary cover? :rolleyes:


Yes, she made more than 100k working for Fore Co. know what kind of work that salary covered
Just another day in the [work] life supported by your boyfriends wife's family...
I also believe it happened and was a brilliant call out by Weinstein! I could feel the burn from 100 miles away :D
Hoping Weinstein and GF have a few more years in them.
No spring chickens with so much responsibility.
Not sure I could measure up
I know I said previously that the case will never get to trial, rather it will be pled out, however, I could be wrong. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the prosecution has so much more than they’ve made public, and simply will not offer ANY plea deals. So confident in a strong conviction that there’s no pleas offered. MT and KM going away for a long time is the goal.
I think it will as during MT’s hearing last week, the prosecutors said it will more than once!

Remember how impressed we were with the AWs? I think what they shared in it was just the minimal amount that they have. I think they have mountains of evidence against MT and look forward to the day that they can share it with the world! Moo
They didn't discuss the fact she took the keys to the employee's truck, although Fotis told the employee not to mention that to police.

I remember the part where FD told PG this, but can't remember when it was said. Was it the day of the disappearance? If so, how did FD know there would be police to speak to since he was supposedly unaware that Jennifer was missing until hours after the interaction with PG took place?
She wouldn't answer the questions during the depo, I doubt there's any evidence here to present at trial. We know that MT won't be testifying in her defense. Rules of evidence can be harsh...
I'm not so sure about there being no evidence for the probate court visit and I'll try to explain why...

In Manhattan Surrogate Court, you have to physically go to the court house to obtain probate records. You fill out a paper request with your basic information and physically hand the request and your ID to a clerk behind a wall of windows (like a bank) to get the documents. Not all assets are available even with the court file-more on that below in blue.

The NY Surrogate Court will release the file to you for your review and only on-the-spot viewing/copying. The actual will is the Court's copy and you will not be allowed to take anything out of the court file with you. There are copy machines within eyesight of the clerks window where you can take the file, copy it yourself, and return the file to the clerk (hence, leaving a record of your presence as well as your ID). I see two possibilities here for Weinstein finding out about the visit; 1) He or the Farber's estate atty asked the court and/or clerk if there is a record of anyone viewing the file (I always think Weinstein is 1 step ahead) or 2) It is possible that MT was seeking documents that she and FD weren't sure how to obtain (going to the courthouse was a phishing expedition), and as a result could have had no choice but to ultimately request the information from the estate attorney (likely a Manhattan atty). I wouldn't put it past FD to be bold about obtaining the docs nor see him being hesitant about believing he has a right to see them.

Regardless of MT testifying, I think the financial motive will come out in trial, and proof of MT obtaining or even attempting to review the Farber family estate records would be in my top 3 of star 'witnesses'.

Additional links about the process below:
How Do I Find Out The New York Probate Status of a Will?

There are several ways to find out the probate status of a decedent’s will in New York. If someone filed the will with the Surrogate’s Court, then it is a matter of public record. By going down to the Court and paying a fee, you can request and obtain a copy of the probate file of the decedent.

If the person who died had assets that were not required to pass through probate, then it may not be necessary for there to be a probate proceeding – their assets would pass to the beneficiaries and heirs outside of the probate. Assets that pass outside of probate are not public record. Assets that pass outside of probate are typically assets that are held in joint ownership or have a designated beneficiary. Examples include real estate, bank, stock and other financial accounts, title to motor vehicles or other vessels, life insurance policies, 401(k) and different types of retirement accounts. Property that a decedent transfers to a trust is passed to the beneficiaries of the decedent at the decedent’s death outside of probate as well and is not of public record either.

As part of Manhattan probate process and probating a will in Manhattan, you need to file an inventory of the estate within six month of being appointed as the personal representative. The inventory’s main feature is a list of the assets that you were able to find. (IMO, the will and inventory of assets was MT/FD's main goal)
How Do I Find Out The New York Probate Status of a Will?.


The Executor files the original Will and a certified copy of the death certificate with the probate petition and other supporting documents in the Surrogate's Court in the county where the Decedent had their primary residence. [...]
Probate | NY CourtHelp

Last Will and Testament
A Last Will and Testament is also called a Will. A Will is a written statement of what a person wants done with their property after they die.

A Will can have directions for how property should be divided and names an Executor to carry out those wishes. Wills can also appoint a guardian for their children.

The Will must be filed in Surrogate's Court and admitted for probate before the wishes of the person who died can be followed.

Wills are a confidential document until the person dies. Once the Will is admitted to probate or a small estate, it becomes a public document that anyone can see and read.

When Someone Dies | NY CourtHelpwill.shtml

I remember the part where FD told PG this, but can't remember when it was said. Was it the day of the disappearance? If so, how did FD know there would be police to speak to since he was supposedly unaware that Jennifer was missing until hours after the interaction with PG took place?

No, it was a week later, when the 3 of them were discussing details for Fd's and MT's alibi scripts.

Murder was Friday, May 24, 2019 and Arrest was in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday, June 1, 2019. They had a whole week to come up with the alibi scripts.

I'm not so sure about there being no evidence for the probate court visit and I'll try to explain why...

In Manhattan Surrogate Court, you have to physically go to the court house to obtain probate records. You fill out a paper request with your basic information and physically hand the request and your ID to a clerk behind a wall of windows (like a bank) to get the documents. Not all assets are available even with the court file-more on that below in blue.

The NY Surrogate Court will release the file to you for your review and only on-the-spot viewing/copying. The actual will is the Court's copy and you will not be allowed to take anything out of the court file with you. There are copy machines within eyesight of the clerks window where you can take the file, copy it yourself, and return the file to the clerk (hence, leaving a record of your presence as well as your ID). I see two possibilities here for Weinstein finding out about the visit; 1) He or the Farber's estate atty asked the court and/or clerk if there is a record of anyone viewing the file (I always think Weinstein is 1 step ahead) or 2) It is possible that MT was seeking documents that she and FD weren't sure how to obtain (going to the courthouse was a phishing expedition), and as a result could have had no choice but to ultimately request the information from the estate attorney (likely a Manhattan atty). I wouldn't put it past FD to be bold about obtaining the docs nor see him being hesitant about believing he has a right to see them.

Regardless of MT testifying, I think the financial motive will come out in trial, and proof of MT obtaining or even attempting to review the Farber family estate records would be in my top 3 of star 'witnesses'.

Additional links about the process below:
How Do I Find Out The New York Probate Status of a Will?

There are several ways to find out the probate status of a decedent’s will in New York. If someone filed the will with the Surrogate’s Court, then it is a matter of public record. By going down to the Court and paying a fee, you can request and obtain a copy of the probate file of the decedent.

If the person who died had assets that were not required to pass through probate, then it may not be necessary for there to be a probate proceeding – their assets would pass to the beneficiaries and heirs outside of the probate. Assets that pass outside of probate are not public record. Assets that pass outside of probate are typically assets that are held in joint ownership or have a designated beneficiary. Examples include real estate, bank, stock and other financial accounts, title to motor vehicles or other vessels, life insurance policies, 401(k) and different types of retirement accounts. Property that a decedent transfers to a trust is passed to the beneficiaries of the decedent at the decedent’s death outside of probate as well and is not of public record either.

As part of Manhattan probate process and probating a will in Manhattan, you need to file an inventory of the estate within six month of being appointed as the personal representative. The inventory’s main feature is a list of the assets that you were able to find. (IMO, the will and inventory of assets was MT/FD's main goal)
How Do I Find Out The New York Probate Status of a Will?.


The Executor files the original Will and a certified copy of the death certificate with the probate petition and other supporting documents in the Surrogate's Court in the county where the Decedent had their primary residence. [...]
Probate | NY CourtHelp

Last Will and Testament
A Last Will and Testament is also called a Will. A Will is a written statement of what a person wants done with their property after they die.

A Will can have directions for how property should be divided and names an Executor to carry out those wishes. Wills can also appoint a guardian for their children.

The Will must be filed in Surrogate's Court and admitted for probate before the wishes of the person who died can be followed.

Wills are a confidential document until the person dies. Once the Will is admitted to probate or a small estate, it becomes a public document that anyone can see and read.

When Someone Dies | NY CourtHelpwill.shtml

This is EXACTLY how I envisioned the scenario, however vaguely :rolleyes:
As you say, a star “witness.” Pivotal. Indicates a key motive.
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