Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #57

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Since hindsight is always 20/20, it would have been fascinating to see what Fotis would have done if either Jennifer or Gloria opted to stop paying the mortgage and the property taxes on 4jx. Where would he and Michi have gone? To one of the other houses? For how long? The property taxes would have to be paid on all of those properties, too. It would have eventually shown him to be the charlatan that he was. He was no “master builder”, no rich business owner, no high class anything. Just a dope who could have been anything he wanted, if he had just behaved better. He and Michi would have eventually been homeless, and he would have had to permit Jennifer to divorce him and gotten a decent settlement. But he just could not do it. I think that it’s unclear that anything would have saved Jennifer’s life, and she probably would not have wanted the credit rating hit that she would have taken for the house to go into foreclosure, but it would have fixed his wagon a little sooner. Michi would have left him, because he didn’t have any money (and that was what she wanted). But there is no crystal ball.
Interesting hypothetical.

Thinking about it I very much wonder if the anger and hatred combined with extreme financial pressure with a house of cards collapsing rended FD unable to see any way forward other than murder and his own suicide?

For all his education I don’t get the sense he could control either his emotions or anger and seemed to have no flexibility in his thinking. I was rereading some old articles about the cost of the divorce and it was financially crushing even JF, so I can only imagine what it was all like when FD couldn’t pay the bills, had maxed out the credit cards and was getting declined when filling up the trucks with petrol. So many articles make mention of FD choosing to win at all costs and how everything had to be his way always.

What is tragic imo about the FD fixed mindset is the impact it had on everything he came into contact with, including his family.

Looking at the old estimates we did about the extent of the financial hole FD was in, my guess is that there was a way out and way forward but it would have required some collaboration possibly with the Farber family. I simply don’t think FD was wired to collaborate and simply wanted destroy the Farber family no matter what the cost. The cost was his life and he willingly and deliberately gave it up. Narc anger is real and can be dangerous on many fronts.

I just got finished re reading an article describing the suicide and I recall watching it on air live at the time and it was a stunning event and a testimony imo the mental health issues present at the time with FD. FD saw no way out, knew he couldn’t afford his attorneys any longer and was facing life in prison. FD had without blinking put broke MT in the rear view mirror and moved on with Anna Curry and her money but his last true move to save himself if I recall was the entire bail bond fraud that was never prosecuted against either Pattis who set it up or Anna Curry who willingly participated in the fraud. At his core FD seemed to have no moral compass and was always looking for the easy way out rather than using his intelligence and education to move forward beyond JF. This is an overly simplistic summary I know, but for whatever reason FD believed that murdering JF was his way forward and so to get to that point took any other possible solutions off the table for him. At the end as in life the only person FD cared about was himself and that I think is his tragic narc legacy to his children.
State seemed to be moving slowly through blood evidence and other site evidence methodically with first responders and so I don’t think the last witness was close to being finished and Judge not knowing what to do on the presumptive testing red herring might impact things as well, so will have to wait for that ruling. At the current pace I would think we won’t see experts for a while as state is simply attempting to lay the evidence foundation for the murder imo but is being obstructed at virtually every step.

Hope Judge gets it together soon as otherwise the Jury will imo be lost. MOO!
Article makes reference to “list” and I’ve looked everywhere I can think of but can’t find it. But this article is more specific about the list than the last article posted. Looks like we will be hearing from many law enforcement folks so buckle up as it will be an evidence mountain as high as Everest!
Interesting hypothetical.

Thinking about it I very much wonder if the anger and hatred combined with extreme financial pressure with a house of cards collapsing rended FD unable to see any way forward other than murder and his own suicide?

For all his education I don’t get the sense he could control either his emotions or anger and seemed to have no flexibility in his thinking. I was rereading some old articles about the cost of the divorce and it was financially crushing even JF, so I can only imagine what it was all like when FD couldn’t pay the bills, had maxed out the credit cards and was getting declined when filling up the trucks with petrol. So many articles make mention of FD choosing to win at all costs and how everything had to be his way always.

What is tragic imo about the FD fixed mindset is the impact it had on everything he came into contact with, including his family.

Looking at the old estimates we did about the extent of the financial hole FD was in, my guess is that there was a way out and way forward but it would have required some collaboration possibly with the Farber family. I simply don’t think FD was wired to collaborate and simply wanted destroy the Farber family no matter what the cost. The cost was his life and he willingly and deliberately gave it up. Narc anger is real and can be dangerous on many fronts.

I just got finished re reading an article describing the suicide and I recall watching it on air live at the time and it was a stunning event and a testimony imo the mental health issues present at the time with FD. FD saw no way out, knew he couldn’t afford his attorneys any longer and was facing life in prison. FD had without blinking put broke MT in the rear view mirror and moved on with Anna Curry and her money but his last true move to save himself if I recall was the entire bail bond fraud that was never prosecuted against either Pattis who set it up or Anna Curry who willingly participated in the fraud. At his core FD seemed to have no moral compass and was always looking for the easy way out rather than using his intelligence and education to move forward beyond JF. This is an overly simplistic summary I know, but for whatever reason FD believed that murdering JF was his way forward and so to get to that point took any other possible solutions off the table for him. At the end as in life the only person FD cared about was himself and that I think is his tragic narc legacy to his children.
I pray, often, that none of his children inherited or learned this kind of behavior
The Home Depot possible witness could be interesting. I wonder if they have video of MT buying those two ponchos and other items.
Yes. Trying to imagine JAS/the Troconis clan explaining that away.

"The forecast said 'rain'." (No, more likely, "FD told her the forecast said 'rain.' ")
"They had plans to go to a Gallagher show."
"Who doesn't clean model houses in a clear plastic poncho - one with hood, one without?"
Yes. Trying to imagine JAS/the Troconis clan explaining that away.

"The forecast said 'rain'." (No, more likely, "FD told her the forecast said 'rain.' ")
"They had plans to go to a Gallagher show."
"Who doesn't clean model houses in a clear plastic poncho - one with hood, one without?"
I would actually like to know just how often those two ever cleaned any of the houses with their own two hands. I wonder if PG or sole of the other employees know?
Here's the 6 minutes of MT's interrogation, starts at about 38:30. I don't think I knew that FD was trying to get back with JD or maybe the police were lying to MT about it to get her to talk.

OK so they get it wrong about ABs area of practice (yes he has defended MURDERERS and he is VERY FAMILIAR with high profile New Canaan domestic violence cases including the “flashlight attempted murder” trial of Bush Admin attorney John Michael Farren a decade ago where AB represented his wife Mary Farren and hubby got a 15 year prison sentence).

But this video speaks strongly to conspiracy when MT asks AB if she can bring up the psych report and AB nods no, but she goes ahead anyway to say JFD would leave her children because she has “borderline personality disorder”.
FD and MT clearly conspired and agreed they would use the Gone Girl defense so while it may not be admissible evidence of conspiracy in a legal sense, the fact that they both parrot GG theories is also part of their agreed on conspiracy.

Of course AB as a rational crim defense probably wasn’t keen on the Gone Girl defense being successful after taking a peek at the evidence against MT.
In FDs case, he didn’t really have an alternative, the evidence boiled him in his bag (thus his eventual fate).
If MT had not been so hooked on conspiring with FD, such that she plowed on with their conspiratorial agreement to use the GG explanation for JDs disappearance, AB might have been able to save her some slack.

Note: JS appears to be insinuating the GG hypothesis still, with his cross on Day 1 of the Waveny Park overhead shot where he emphasizes the rail line along its border and the proximity of the Talmadge Hill commuter rail station- he emphasized and repeated “commuter” rail- as if JD smeared blood around her garage and on her car, ditched it in Lapham Rd and hoofed it to the train station to take off and live an underground life in NY.
Not clear why else he would emphasize the rail line and the fact that it’s a commuter Station…
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I would actually like to know just how often those two ever cleaned any of the houses with their own two hands. I wonder if PG or sole of the other employees know?
Never! They had a cleaning company do the new Canaan house and ditto for Farmington. MT sounded in her interview like she was overwhelmed by the task of cleaning Mountain spring and then eventually said she did nothing, “…because the house was too big…”. Can’t make this up.
Here's the 6 minutes of MT's interrogation, starts at about 38:30. I don't think I knew that FD was trying to get back with JD or maybe the police were lying to MT about it to get her to talk.

Another thing to note here:
Yes, the interview/interrogation seems chaotic and perhaps “most hated woman in America” a little over the top (although isn’t that what MT keeps hawking with her gigantic campaign that the media has already convicted her?)
BUT don’t underestimate what evidence LE might have behind some of these statements.

For example they tell MT that FD set her up. Did anyone notice that the bloody footprint shown on Day 1 garage video evidence is a Converse Chuck Taylor? Zoom in and look at the little braid around the edge and the horizontal lines on top.

Ok so whenever we’ve seen FD he’s wearing leather boots (likely with lifts) or once after his arrest out on bail in running shoes at Stop and Shop.

But who do we see wearing Chuck Taylor’s? MT! When LE arrived at 4JC on 5/31 there she was in her red Converse. (Daily Mail has lots of good footage of her shoes that day). By the time she’s taken to NC and then arraigned, she’s got on NB running shoes without shoelaces (due to her arrest) although she’s got on the same shirt.

So FD must have been wearing Converse Chuck Taylors that day- it’s conceivable they wear the same size shoes, or perhaps he planned it to set her up. Or maybe just coincidence they had his’n”hers Chick Taylors although FD does not strike me as favoring flats such as those. So more likely he wore those to make it appear that MT was in the garage that day.
As the interviewers say, FD had one person only in his focus and it was himself. He set up PG with the truck. He set up KM with the gun club grave. He set up MT with the Converse footprints. (All, MOO).

Of course a more chilling (and sadly, unlikely) explanation is that Jennifer was wearing Chuck Taylor’s and the footprints are from her stumbling, given her injuries one would expect blood on her feet, although the location and other evidence sadly suggests she probably went down fast and hard and wasn’t walking around the garage after he attacked.
I imagine we will hear testimony from the two older sons about what JD was wearing that day- the kids are probably the only ones who know- and they’re on the witness list, poor souls. Beyond shoes it will be needed for the cut up bloody Vineyard Vines shirt found on Albany.

So sad we have to be making speculations like these. May justice for Jennifer prevail.

View the bloody footprint from Day 1 Trial:

Match it here:
OK so they get it wrong about ABs area of practice (yes he has defended MURDERERS and he is VERY FAMILIAR with high profile New Canaan domestic violence cases including the “flashlight attempted murder” trial of Bush Admin attorney John Michael Farren a decade ago where AB represented his wife Mary Farren and hubby got a 15 year prison sentence).

But this video speaks strongly to conspiracy when MT asks AM if she can bring up the psych report and AB nods no, but she goes ahead anyway to say JFD would leave her children because she has “borderline personality disorder”.
FD and MT clearly conspired and agreed they would use the Gone Girl defense so while it may not be admissible evidence of conspiracy in a legal sense, the fact that they both parrot GG theories is also part of their agreed on conspiracy.

Of course AB as a rational crim defense probably wasn’t keen on the Gone Girl defense being successful after taking a peek at the evidence against MT.
In FDs case, he didn’t really have an alternative, the evidence booked him in his bag (thus his eventual fate).
If MT had not been so hooked on conspiring with FD, such that she plowed on with their conspiratorial agreement to use the GG explanation for JDs disappearance, AB might have been able to save her some slack.

Note: JS appears to be insinuating the GG hypothesis still, with his cross on Day 1 of the Waveny Park overhead shot where he emphasizes the rail line along its border and the proximity of the Talmadge Hill commuter rail station- he emphasized and repeated “commuter” rail- as if JD smeared blood around her garage and on her car, ditched it in Lapham Rd and hoofed it to the train station to take off and live an underground life in NY.
Not clear why else he would emphasize the rail line and the fact that it’s a commuter Station…
I knew JS would keep this up-that, and also the business where he constantly objected to all of that blood evidence, because she can’t be dead, if she “gone girled” herself. He is giving the jury zero credit for knowing that this victim is clearly dead. JS and Michelle Troconis would be far better served if he just made them prove that Michelle conspired-that may be more difficult for the state. Unless JS is actually afraid of the evidence that he knows they have. What the state ought to be worried about is the people who think that MT is being prosecuted mainly because fD offed himself and somebody needs to be accountable. Because those people are out there.
Never! They had a cleaning company do the new Canaan house and ditto for Farmington. MT sounded in her interview like she was overwhelmed by the task of cleaning Mountain spring and then eventually said she did nothing, “…because the house was too big…”. Can’t make this up.
Well, jeez-it’s not like anyone was living there! It was just dusting, vacuuming, cleaning mirrors, and cleaning toilets. Which I am certain neither one of them have ever done.
I knew JS would keep this up-that, and also the business where he constantly objected to all of that blood evidence, because she can’t be dead, if she “gone girled” herself. He is giving the jury zero credit for knowing that this victim is clearly dead. JS and Michelle Troconis would be far better served if he just made them prove that Michelle conspired-that may be more difficult for the state. Unless JS is actually afraid of the evidence that he knows they have. What the state ought to be worried about is the people who think that MT is being prosecuted mainly because fD offed himself and somebody needs to be accountable. Because those people are out there.
Does anyone know what the process here is to change the heading of the thread? Missing imo just doesn’t seem right…..
Another thing to note here:
Yes, the interview/interrogation seems chaotic and perhaps “most hated woman in America” a little over the top (although isn’t that what MT keeps hawking with her gigantic campaign that the media has already convicted her?)
BUT don’t underestimate what evidence LE might have behind some of these statements.

For example they tell MT that FD set her up. Did anyone notice that the bloody footprint shown on Day 1 garage video evidence is a Converse Chuck Taylor? Zoom in and look at the little braid around the edge and the horizontal lines on top.

Ok so whenever we’ve seen FD he’s wearing leather boots (likely with lifts) or once after his arrest out on bail in running shoes at Stop and Shop.

But who do we see wearing Chuck Taylor’s? MT! When LE arrived at 4JC on 5/31 there she was in her red Converse. (Daily Mail has lots of good footage of her shoes that day). By the time she’s taken to NC and then arraigned, she’s got on NB running shoes without shoelaces (due to her arrest) although she’s got on the same shirt.

So FD must have been wearing Converse Chuck Taylors that day- it’s conceivable they wear the same size shoes, or perhaps he planned it to set her up. Or maybe just coincidence they had his’n”hers Chick Taylors although FD does not strike me as favoring flats such as those. So more likely he wore those to make it appear that MT was in the garage that day.
As the interviewers say, FD had one person only in his focus and it was himself. He set up PG with the truck. He set up KM with the gun club grave. He set up MT with the Converse footprints. (All, MOO).

Of course a more chilling (and sadly, unlikely) explanation is that Jennifer was wearing Chuck Taylor’s and the footprints are from her stumbling, given her injuries one would expect blood on her feet, although the location and other evidence sadly suggests she probably went down fast and hard and wasn’t walking around the garage after he attacked.
I imagine we will hear testimony from the two older sons about what JD was wearing that day- the kids are probably the only ones who know- and they’re on the witness list, poor souls. Beyond shoes it will be needed for the cut up bloody Vineyard Vines shirt found on Albany.

So sad we have to be making speculations like these. May justice for Jennifer prevail.

View the bloody footprint from Day 1 Trial:

Match it here:
This made me go hmmmm. Can we be certain that FD didn't contact MT and tell her there was a mess for her to clean up, in the style of PFrazee to KrystalK? I wonder if there'll be any evidence from the garage door itself, just how many times it was accessed that morning.

FD is a small man (in so many ways), he could have borrowed shoes, not unlike the hoodie. From MT. Maybe a stray pair of Jennifer's even. Hopefully that cctv will shed some light on his choice of footwear that day.

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