Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #57

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I'm still wondering about the thumb drive law enforcement took away from him at 4JC raid.....hope we learn more about that at trial. IMO he had stolen so much from JF/Farber family over the years that I do wonder if he had bitcoin or did he burn through all the money he had taken with the divorce and slow house sales? I've also been thinking about the civil trial and GF/Weinstein going after Fd with guns blazing. Was the purpose of that to get Fd to settle the divorce and move on or was the goal to simply financially annihilate him or some other reason such as getting more information out of him? IDK. GF/Weinstein had to know at the time of the civl trial that Fd was close to bankrupt, yet they persisted.The settlement of his estate left virtually nothing so perhaps he had already used up all the cash for legal fees or given it to Rena or put it someplace for future access? GF/Weinstein did recover some cash from Atty Pattis in the civil action iirc but I don't recall it being a huge amount but it was something done for reasons other than cash potentially as well.
AIR in one hearing in this criminal case it was revealed by, AIR, prosecution that the DOJ had an open investigation of the Dulos case. The judge (don't remember which judge) said he didn't know that. The feds investigate things like money laundering. Remember FD's testimony in civil case that money for legal fees was coming from Greece thru' lawyer in NYC named something like Phufas? Just saying.
I want to talk about KM for a minute.

I still don't think he was at 4J, only his phone.

FD left his dinner party, as one does, and met up with KM. Why? KM also needed more groceries? I think not. (If they were meeting in the morning at 4J, why would they need to meet up the night before? Makes no sense.)

I believe they were reviewing their plan, KM was turning his phone over to FD so MT could manipulate it in the morning, to give the appearance that KM himself was there for that meeting that never was.

And why?

Was FD simply layering his alibi? To make it appear that, not only was he in his office taking phone calls (no, he wasn't. MT was there, with his phone, screwing up her one job spectacularly) but that KM was also there (no, he wasn't) in order for it to appear he even had a witness to his presence there (which, of course, he didn't because IMO neither of them was there).

So why then?

I think it's because both FD and KM needed alibis for the morning.

I don't think FD intended to kill JFd in her garage. He did intend to kill her, just not there. So what was the plan? This: gain control of her by whatever means. Zip ties. Drive her away from Welles in her own vehicle.

Then what?

He wasn't going to be able to park alongside the Tacoma and walk a woman bound with zip ties to the Tacoma....

This is where KM comes into play. IMO the plan was always to move JFd from her Suburban into another car away from the busier street at Waveny Park. Then FD drives JFd's vehicle to Waveny, abandons it, saunters casually to the Tacoma and drives away.... no blood to be had.

But IMO JFd fought like a mother tiger in that garage, fought for her life, fought to tell her story all over that garage, fought to protect her children with her very blood.

IMO eventually FD got JFd into her Suburban, in the back, on the bedliner. I believe he still met up with KM on a back road somewhere and transferred JFd into the vehicle KM was driving (likely FD's older Suburban), possibly into a Thule.

From there, KM would have driven IMO to 80MS, FD would have driven to Waveny. I think they must have forgotten a bag from Welles. Meant to dump it in the 2nd Suburban, missed it, and FD had no choice but to transfer it to the Tacoma where it seeped out.

At some point, IMO KM and FD reunited at 80MS where MT eventually joined them, returning each to his phone.

In the original plan IMO this was all supposed to happen in short order, getting KM's phone back online so he could resume busyness. A meeting at 4J and then business as usual. And FD would appear to have had a morning meeting and a regular work day at 80MS.

He didn't account for Welles taking so long. Horrors what JFd endured and succumbed to in her very own garage, but a hero in her own right. Her fight is what secured his arrest and ultimately protected her children from him ever getting them again.

I am ready to hear from KM.

I think you’re right. I think it was always KM’s role to dispose of the body. When the first plan was foiled (it was his gun club burial hole with lime) plan B was to drive separately and pick-up the body hence the extra window of time in NC.
AIR in one hearing in this criminal case it was revealed by, AIR, prosecution that the DOJ had an open investigation of the Dulos case. The judge (don't remember which judge) said he didn't know that. The feds investigate things like money laundering. Remember FD's testimony in civil case that money for legal fees was coming from Greece thru' lawyer in NYC named something like Phufas? Just saying.
I completely forgot about this!
Going back to KM’s phone… do you think he destroyed or got rid of it bc it had MT’s finger prints on it? He said he had to replace it because he fell down the stairs. He had to make up that lie to cover for his phone. Did the police find his actual phone, I don’t recall from his aw?
AIR from the AW, it wasn't the "brand plate" itself LE found but an impression of it on a piece of tape recovered from the Albany dump. Wondered if it was the same tape as used on the 2 garbage bags taped together and/or the license plate. So if the bike is ever found, plate may still be on it?
Wow, great memory. I don't recall that at all but it makes sense. That emblem was his bike's identifier/license plate. He'd want that covered up. Matchy matchy tapey tapey, that would be some fine corroborating evidence!

Going back to KM’s phone… do you think he destroyed or got rid of it bc it had MT’s finger prints on it? He said he had to replace it because he fell down the stairs. He had to make up that lie to cover for his phone. Did the police find his actual phone, I don’t recall from his aw?
Not as far as I know-they can get some information from his carrier, but not all of it, I think.
He's now pointing out bloodlike stains on the sink and faucet and on the door.

Now we're under the sink -- a pair of latex gloves and a box of white trash bags. He seized both. Seized the gloves because they had a pattern on them that reminded him of a pattern he saw in a bloodlike stain in the garage. Seized the trash bags because he felt there was evidence of a clean up in the garage.

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