Day 5 The John, Patsy and Burke's behavior/ The 12 days of JonBenet

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I've posted this before, but it's worth showing again for the nubes here. In the following movie clip, Danny DeVito wants to get rid of his wife. Judge Reinhold is the kidnapper.


Oh wow. Holy cow. Thank you otg. I knew of the Dirty Harry, Ransom, and Speed references in the ransom note. And I tried to look up the Crimson Tide "signed by the captain" assertion, but was unsuccessful. I didn't know of this 1986 Ruthless People movie! It's almost a RN blueprint.

Poor Tricia - but can we have a ransom note - movie thread? Complete with John and Patsy's tap-dancing statements about watching movies?
Damn. Are you serious???? WTH. [emoji35]
I'm constantly finding out new things that make me even more sure they did it!
Whyyyyyyyyy on earth would he have a book like that and especially on his nightstand??? *Shivers*.
That is too "in your face!"
Something crossed my mind as I read this:
JMOO mind you and a possible scenerio.
Either PR or BR did the initial crime.
If we can take the housekeepers word that the marriage was strained...

I just wonder if PR saw this as a chance to get JR out of her and BR life and she placed the book at his bedside. Just a thought!

Then JR not having a clue what was going on kept in the dark,
He thinks either BR or PR did it when he sees the note and immediately starts protecting his family....not realizing PR set him up to take the fall.
JMOO and a possible scenerio. Wouldn't be the first time someone set their spouse up.
Maybe JR didn't realize until days later she set him up but by them he was too far down the rabbit hole to dig himself out.

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Its very possible.

Its interesting how in the RN how the note begins to call out "John" and only "John". When I read it it sounded like the abductor had a beef against John only. And so it would make LE hone in on JR more than PR at first.

LE would ask JR who was mad at him just like they did. Then if PR suspected that eventually LE would realize someone in the house was involved then JR would become more of a suspect than PR in PR's mind at the time.

I think back to when this happened and I always thought that of the two parents that PR was more likely to have written the note mainly because of her demeanor in the few media interviews I saw at the time. I do think its possible that JR did not realize the level of involvement of PR until things started to add up. I think JR knew that PR had some minor mental issues and so I could see him beginning to protect her and his family even if he found out that she tried to frame him for the fall if LE ever found out the family was involved.

When I watched a lot of the early media interviews as things unfolded at the time. This was my main reaction at the time.
JR-saw hints of disappointment and sadness
PR-saw hints of guilt
I wasn't sure where to post this, but Lin Wood (long-time attorney representing JR and BR) is tweeting away to promote the upcoming Dr. Phil interview with BR. (For those of you who haven't heard, Dr. Phil and his wife Robin recently hired Lin Wood to represent them in their mega-law suit about the National Enquirer.) I think the very fact that Lin Wood is promoting the Dr. Phil interview tells us what we can expect from this 3-part series.

:facepalm: Grooooaaaaan
I agree rojamom. It has me troubled.

There is always the chance that what Lin Wood and the Ramseys do not understand how people perceive them. If this is the case this interview may be very helpful. Meaning, the Ramseys, Wood, and Burke think they can sway public opinion. They might think this interview is a slam dunk and it might be. It might be for those of us who know there was no intruder.

I wasn't sure where to post this, but Lin Wood (long-time attorney representing JR and BR) is tweeting away to promote the upcoming Dr. Phil interview with BR. (For those of you who haven't heard, Dr. Phil and his wife Robin recently hired Lin Wood to represent them in their mega-law suit about the National Enquirer.) I think the very fact that Lin Wood is promoting the Dr. Phil interview tells us what we can expect from this 3-part series.
A thing to note as well, if the Ramsay's marriage was on the rocks as it is. It seems unlikely they would cover for each other if only one of them "did it".

The only thing holding the marriage together were the kids.
In my mind there is only two reasons they would cover it up in this instance, either they BOTH molested and attacked JB or Burke did.

Thats if what the housekeeper says is true of course.
THIS! If the housekeeper is to be believed then Burke did this.
I honestly think she was to help them write it. Its too similar.

Even the parts where the letter threatens directly to "John". Those parts remind me of the parts of that phone call in the movie where Devito is getting threatened.

Not to mention instructions regarding what bag to use.
Here is another example of BR smiling inappropriately.
So he smiles as a child when talking about the brutal slaying of his sister, he smiles as an adult when talking about the brutal slaying of his sister and smiles while buring his mother.
I don't think he knows how to interact with humans.
You could be right about Burke, but I wouldn't say this photo is inappropriate. It's quite possible that someone was recalling a special memory before they hugged. Lots of people smile at funerals, when they talk about their loved one. I just don't think this photo tells us much.

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You could be right about Burke, but I wouldn't say this photo is inappropriate. It's quite possible that someone was recalling a special memory before they hugged. Lots of people smile at funerals, when they talk about their loved one. I just don't think this photo tells us much.

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I agree, some people go completely numb when a family member dies, or if they have a memory surface during the funeral, it's a happy one that makes them smile. I'm also wondering if Burke might have a high functioning form of autism, as people who have autism often appear to react in a socially inappropriate way. That doesn't mean they lack empathy, it's just that with the way the brain is wired, they might not appear to show appropriate grief when a sibling dies.
I agree, some people go completely numb when a family member dies, or if they have a memory surface during the funeral, it's a happy one that makes them smile. I'm also wondering if Burke might have a high functioning form of autism, as people who have autism often appear to react in a socially inappropriate way. That doesn't mean they lack empathy, it's just that with the way the brain is wired, they might not appear to show appropriate grief when a sibling dies.
I hesitate to speculate about him being on the spectrum. I worked with kids on the spectrum for a few years. I do see what some people describe, so I don't think it's completely off the wall, but I simply feel there's not enough data to have an informed opinion.

I actually just thought of a photo of myself smiling at a dear friend's funeral two years ago. A group of us were just talking about his personality, and we were all smiling, including his teenage daughters.

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In one of the recent shows I saw an interview with the son shortly after JBR death and he was squirming horizontally at times during some of the tougher questions. IMO he looked to be lying like a small child does when they ate a cookie out of the cookie jar and are caught red handed but will flatly deny it and only experienced parents can see right through it because they sound very convincing.

I think he is very intelligent but has some issues. Maybe something similar to Aspergers.
JR had a crime investigation book on his nightstand and was noted by police on the morning of the murder. So yeah, I would venture he knew something about crime scenes and not to disturb them.

exactly, we all know from TV, books, internet..........
and why would a father make a spectical out of his deceased daughter?
Come on yell for LE to come to the room...............
why have neighbors and wife even see her like that?
I insist!

Okay, but I don't like thinking about it. I believe that Patsy might have committed suicide if not for her son. That way, she'd be with JonBenet. (She may have thought she wouldn't live as long as she did, anyway, but that's a different matter.)

So it's okay if you dipped deeply into the Beringer Chardonnay, your favorite wine that you kept in the walk-in refrigerator, just off the kitchen. (did PR drink often? allot?)
Tom Clancy novels were suddenly flashing through your mind as JonBenet's body lay before you. What would a clever mystery writer have his antagonist do? Think!
you always took JonBenet when it was time to punish her for bedwetting. You forget that I saw you take her there so many times before, shutting the door tightly behind you, so her screams.
could not be heard.
Your house was a 22-room rabbit warren and maze that even my husband once got lost in when he was doing some work for you. I didn't even know that room existed (wine cellar/storage room).......from housekeeper
I've posted this before, but it's worth showing again for the nubes here. In the following movie clip, Danny DeVito wants to get rid of his wife. Judge Reinhold is the kidnapper.

holy crap.... I'd not seen that before, thanks for posting it
Patsy graduated magna *advertiser censored* laude with a degree in journalism from the University of West Virginia. (RN)
Patsy was constantly on a roller coaster of emotions – going from extreme highs down to deep depressing lows. She was also known to cut off long-time friends if they did something with which she did not agree. Patsy was a dichotomy one moment extremely social and giving, and the next not speaking because of some perceived wrong-doing. She would remain a friend as long as youdid what she wanted.
If there were any problems in the marriage, it was handled in the typical Southern tradition of 'sweeping it under the rug" by all outward appearances everything looked perfect on the surface. Some friends say the Ramsey family was too perfect almost "make believe".
The teachers did note that sometime in December 1996, ([BBM)
JonBenet developed a clinginess to her mother which they thought
unusual for the ordinarily independent, self assured child. It had
always been apparent that there was an extreme closeness between
JonBenet and her mother, appeared to be overly protective, but this change in JonBenet appeared to be an even more exaggerated degree of closeness.
Linda Hoffman Paugh, said that the only housekeeping chore Patsy did was changing JonBenet's bedding.
Burke also had the same problem past the age when most children start sleeping through the night without a bedwetting incident. Patsy had also had problems in toilet training Burke and out of frustration kept him in diapers past the age of three. Although mostly patient and caring with the children, observers occasionally saw the side of Patsy that became irritable and angry with her children.
Do we know how long the Ramseys stayed with friends? They never went back to the house on 15th.
Did they ever rent or buy in Boulder again?
So many facets of the family's behavior is disturbing and not consistent with genuinely grieving parents. Haven't gotten to the end of this thread yet, so not sure if anyone mentioned the implausibilty of the whole scenario. If money was the motive (alleged in RN), then why would the "kidnappers" muder their victim, especially inside the house, thereby eliminating any chance of obtaining the ransom money?

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