DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #12

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Wint was never a Marine. He was a wannabe, but dropped out. (Probably because it was too much work.) "The Marine Corps confirms that Witt signed up for boot camp at Parris Island, South Carolina from July to September 2001 but dropped out. He never earned the title of Marine." --

Signed up before 9/11/01 and left sometime in Sept. makes me wonder what made him just drop out. I'm sure they didn't go easy on him at that time, he looked fit to serve. You just don't drop out easily, it's a process.
Sorry, but everytime I see that word "IT" I think of that Stephen King book/movie IT about the killer clown

Ugh, I think of Silence of the Lambs.
I'm wondering if perhaps either DW or his accomplice just went right up to the front door, rang doorbell or knocked or whatever, VF or AS answered, thinking maybe it was a salesman or something...meanwhile the other perp was kicking in the side door. I don't think it would have been that difficult for DW to break in on his own and subdue his victims one by one but it would have been even easier if he had an accomplice and if they both were trying to invade the home at the same time at different entrances.

BBM. I've wondered the same thing. If the front door was opened, the security system would be disabled before opening it.

Signed up before 9/11/01 and left sometime in Sept. makes me wonder what made him just drop out. I'm sure they didn't go easy on him at that time, he looked fit to serve. You just don't drop out easily, it's a process.

I read somewhere that he was kicked out. I hate the inconsistencies in all of these reports. It's frustrating!
The part where he (DW) took a cab back to DC. I'm wondering if the crew he was with when arrested lived in DC. The females had a car (which he was in when arrested) and his brother had a truck. Neither vehicle picked him up in NY. So they met in DC it would appear. Interesting. He left NY that same day, a Thursday, right? Because he spent Wednesday with his gf in NY. If I remember reading correctly, he spent Sunday - Wed night with GF. So he purchased money orders on Thursday? And he had to make plans to meet up with all these people. Or someone else set it up and DW was told to meet up with them in DC.

Seems unlikely they were headed to the police station for him to turn himself in, changing cash into money orders as they went...
I am not sure how to quote yet but Oceanblueeyes makes a good point on the dogs. I just watched a news special where dog owners were on telling about their dogs ability to protect the family. The news station then put hidden cameras in the home and had a fake "prowler" break in. The dogs, all various breeds, all acted either scared, curious,or oblivious. To the shock of one home owner his German Shepard even brought his ball to the "prowler" to play. But none reacted violently.

I saw that. It reminds me of the several shows that have been aired about moms being absolutely sure their child would not under any circumstances walk off with a stranger. So they had a fake predator in a park area with the moms sitting right there on the park benches. In the shows I watched every child he tried to lead away went with him willingly. It was horrifying to watch.

I have two dogs myself whom I love as if they are my children but I don't ever rely on them to protect me. I would never want them to even try to do that knowing a perpetrator could hurt them seriously or kill them. I have what I need to protect myself, my hubby, and our two doggies and so does my hubby. :)

Seems unlikely they were headed to the police station for him to turn himself in, changing cash into money orders as they went...

I agree w/ you. I think there may be some off chance, though, that one of the people he was with when he was arrested was working with the police to turn him in? I mean possibly one of the people contacted police and tipped them off to where they were or where they'd be going...so DW wouldn't know that the person was turning him in...just a possibility, although I think pretty unlikely. Seems that the police tracked him through his phone. Although I can see why the police would cover up for a person who was cooperating to turn him in as that person might fear their safety when talking to police about a quadruple homicide suspect.
Signed up before 9/11/01 and left sometime in Sept. makes me wonder what made him just drop out. I'm sure they didn't go easy on him at that time, he looked fit to serve. You just don't drop out easily, it's a process.

I don't think he dropped out on his own. It isn't uncommon for many recruits to fail to pass muster in the grueling 13 weeks of training at Marine Corps boot camp. It is the toughest to complete of all armed services. Many recruits who want to be Marines never become one because they never make it at boot camp.

Its much more than being just physically fit and even though he seems muscular now doesn't mean he was back then. I honestly don't think he was tough enough to be a Marine. Either that or he would not adhere to the rules and discipline which is another thing that will get a recruit tossed to the curb and sent home.

I'm wondering if perhaps either DW or his accomplice just went right up to the front door, rang doorbell or knocked or whatever, VF or AS answered, thinking maybe it was a salesman or something...meanwhile the other perp was kicking in the side door. I don't think it would have been that difficult for DW to break in on his own and subdue his victims one by one but it would have been even easier if he had an accomplice and if they both were trying to invade the home at the same time at different entrances.

I was actually running through scenarios and thought that maybe AS had run out to the store or something, leaving PS at home with VF (I know she wasn't a babysitter, but my mom used to do that sort of thing with no expectation that our house cleaner would actually watch me -- but at 10 I could occupy myself and my mom felt comfortable that an adult was in the house if there was an emergency). If someone went to the door feigning a delivery or as a 'salesperson' it would be easy even for one person to overpower and subdue VF and subsequently PS, especially if the initial attack wasn't very loud and PS was upstairs in his room. AS would be compliant when she returned because the perp would already be in control of PS.
Signed up before 9/11/01 and left sometime in Sept. makes me wonder what made him just drop out. I'm sure they didn't go easy on him at that time, he looked fit to serve. You just don't drop out easily, it's a process.

It's not that easy to drop out. My oldest brother was a USMC officer stationed at the Beaufort Air Base during the Vietnam War. He gave us a tour of Parris Island and it was pretty intense. I wasn't allowed to get out of the car to watch their Sunday games because I was wearing shorts. My mom & dad watched and came back puffed with pride. If Wint dropped out, it had to be for a good reason such as a medical condition. We've all seen how he doesn't like to work and prefers to be given everything and such an attitude would have been forced to change if he had stayed in the Marines.

Does anyone think the leaks in the press about DW being flagged for deportation, and
the possibility that the death penalty might be put on the table could possibly be a strategy to coerce DW or possible accomplices to come forward? Knowing that DW would be deported, a plea could be offered?

Do you mean a plea deal to include not deporting him? If he's convicted, the way I understand deportation for an aggravated felony.......he will be deported and no plea deal will change that.

Also, he would not be deported until he has served his sentence here.

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I agree w/ you. I think there may be some off chance, though, that one of the people he was with when he was arrested was working with the police to turn him in? I mean possibly one of the people contacted police and tipped them off to where they were or where they'd be going...so DW wouldn't know that the person was turning him in...just a possibility, although I think pretty unlikely. Seems that the police tracked him through his phone. Although I can see why the police would cover up for a person who was cooperating to turn him in as that person might fear their safety when talking to police about a quadruple homicide suspect.

If there was a tipster, LE would never tell us but there was a $100,000 reward and that reward may still be out there for all I know.

I was actually running through scenarios and thought that maybe AS had run out to the store or something, leaving PS at home with VF (I know she wasn't a babysitter, but my mom used to do that sort of thing with no expectation that our house cleaner would actually watch me -- but at 10 I could occupy myself and my mom felt comfortable that an adult was in the house if there was an emergency). If someone went to the door feigning a delivery or as a 'salesperson' it would be easy even for one person to overpower and subdue VF and subsequently PS, especially if the initial attack wasn't very loud and PS was upstairs in his room. AS would be compliant when she returned because the perp would already be in control of PS.

I think it very possible that neither PS or AS was at the home when it was first invaded and the perp only had Vera to contend with. I do believe the theory is real possibility that it was someone at the front door while someone else simultaneously kicked in the side door.

I don't think he dropped out on his own. It isn't uncommon for many recruits to fail to pass muster in the grueling 13 weeks of training at Marine Corps boot camp. It is the toughest to complete of all armed services. Many recruits who want to be Marines never become one because they never make it at boot camp.

Its much more than being just physically fit and even though he seems muscular now doesn't mean he was back then. I honestly don't think he was tough enough to be a Marine. Either that or he would not adhere to the rules and discipline which is another thing that will get a recruit tossed to the curb and sent home.


I think he'd have a problem with the psych evaluation. I'd love to know the results of THAT testing!
It's not that easy to drop out. My oldest brother was a USMC officer stationed at the Beaufort Air Base during the Vietnam War. He gave us a tour of Parris Island and it was pretty intense. I wasn't allowed to get out of the car to watch their Sunday games because I was wearing shorts. My mom & dad watched and came back puffed with pride. If Wint dropped out, it had to be for a good reason such as a medical condition. We've all seen how he doesn't like to work and prefers to be given everything and such an attitude would have been forced to change if he had stayed in the Marines.


My husband, a former military officer and service academy grad, says someone can wash out for not being physically or psychologically fit, e.g., under pressure they evidence psychological issues. He concurs that it's too late if someone just thinks, "oh, don't like this, I quit." He says it's more unpleasant to quit than to be kicked out. According to someone he knows who is involved in recruiting, something like 2/3 are excluded during the initial work-up before they ever enlist, so he's sort of surprised that this guy made it through. He says that the characteristics of someone with his criminal record would be a poor predictor of success in the military and so would be a poor prospect during the recruiting process...
Why would the perp(s) take the time to get doggy downers, so as not to harm the dogs, but torture, mutilate and murder the humans? Sounds like a lot of effort to spare the dogs, and my general opinion about DW is that he likes to exert as little effort as possible. My personal opinion is that someone was involved who was known to the dogs.

Or someone who knew the dogs gave intel. Someone clued in the perp/s that dogs non-reactive and could be left in yard alone for hours without attracting attention.
Or DW or accomplice had scouted the household, and by extension, the dogs.
I agree DW wouldn't let dogs get in his way and would poison them if needed.
Also agree dogs unpredictable.
Thus, intel given to DW re: dogs or perp/s had cased household.
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