DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #13

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BrownRice...you made me recall a post on DCUM. Someone mentioned that when they listen to Savva's voicemail left on housekeeper phone it sounded like PS screaming, " no, she is not!" after SS states AS was sick in bed.

I keep coming across opinions as to the voicemail and interpretations. Can folks please link when they do such to listen and see the OP's point of view?

I do know that many don't want to listen to.... and they can roll and scroll vs. others that want to take into consideration from a new point of view. I don't have the link to listen to it, did long ago and folks keep bringing up so would like to have an opportunity to listen to.
BrownRice...you made me recall a post on DCUM. Someone mentioned that when they listen to Savva's voicemail left on housekeeper phone it sounded like PS screaming, " no, she is not!" after SS states AS was sick in bed.

I know people have been talking about SS's hesitancy to send a message on the phone that he, his family and VF were in danger. This could be coincidence, but on the voicemail message he left for NG, it did seem that the timing of PS's shrieks were exactly when he said that AS was in bed as she had been all afternoon. I wonder if he added that inaccuracy to flag to NG that something was amiss and DW & co acted instantly to threaten PS so that SS would stop (and not try that again). Poor man. What would one do/not do when someone is holding and threatening your child?

Another thing that's been nagging at me. Why would DW let SS talk to his sister on Thurs AM? I highly doubt that DW thought that it was less risky for SS to take a call from a family member than to let it go to voicemail. (Busy CEO's aren't always instantly available, and it probably wouldn't have been a cause for alarm to anyone if it took him a few hours to return a call.) I wonder if the call came in and DW made an excuse to take it, making DW think she was someone (whether he let on that it was his sister or not) who he needed to speak to in order to get money.

Added after: in the extended version of the voicemail, PS's yells continue, I believe until the end of the message. I don't have the link anymore or I would share. I really wish I hadn't heard it at all.

It's just a little surprising how much phone time DW seemed to give SS, when, as someone posted, he could have screamed "call 911" and it would all be over for the criminals. Either DW or someone on his team must have been incredibly persuasive, either with threats to family or promises of everyone being set free if he cooperated. Likely both.
(IMO) It wasn't just throw 40k into an unlocked car, it was put it into the red car in the garage. JW had been given access to the garage either with a remote or he had the remote combination programmed into his BMW. He placed the money in a manilla envelope and closed the garage door. The money was securely delivered by JW as instructed. This may also have been JW's motivation for lying because he was covering himself for how he delivered the money as he was being grilled by police.

The $20 pizza was to.

So imo Dominos was not negligent in this case as well.
Absolutely agree. I don't think any official company person would have or, as I realize now Popsicle was saying, anyone who knew how SS rolled, i.e. that "throw 40 K in an unlocked car" did not reflect his SOP, caution, diligence, professionalism. He'd have known JW would "just do it," not knowing if this was a customary instruction or not, and wanting to show as a newbie that he'd do whatever boss wanted.

Okay, I get it now. I too was stuck on the use of "knew" him -- semantics can be a ***** :).

Thanks for explaining.
I am waiting for more arrests yet nothing. What's going on? Police claimed DW didn't act alone, yet nobody else has been arrested. They didn't leave any evidence on the scene? Or did DW actually act alone?
How did he pull it off? How did he control SS, who was very fit and martial arts enthusiast?
I'm sure there will be more arrests. LE has made it clear that this crime REQUIRED the assistance of at least two people. How they know this has not been disclosed. They have also stated that "mistakes were made". We know that the DNA on the pizza crust was one mistake. The other mistakes are being closely guarded. It would be a major debacle if LE has to backtrack and conclude that DW acted alone. But just think of all the information definitively known to LE that we don't know. They know how SS got home on the 13th. They have the forensic evidence from the victims and the house. They know if SS and AS were still wearing rings and watches. They know what, if anything, was stolen from the house. They have forensic evidence from the vehicles. They know who called whom and when. They know the exact content of text messages from the days preceding the crime and the days directly after. They know what was found as a result of numerous search warrants. And much more. They are putting two and two together. My guess is that they have the picture in clear focus; but maybe don't have the evidentiary basis for ironclad convictions.
(IMO) It wasn't just throw 40k into an unlocked car, it was put it into the red car in the garage. JW had been given access to the garage either with a remote or he had the remote combination programmed into his BMW. He placed the money in a manilla envelope and closed the garage door. The money was securely delivered by JW as instructed. This may also have been JW's motivation for lying because he was covering himself for how he delivered the money as he was being grilled by police.

Perhaps the garage door was just open.
I don't see why. I don't mean he would have been rescued successfully but that it would have been received as a message for help. He had several phone conversations with people who knew him. Can't we all think of ways we could secretly send a clear message? Plus I don't that he needed to come up with excuses about Amy being sick, which was believable. I don't see anything that in retrospect is a clear signal. He though police intervention would put his family under increased risk.
Yes. I would think DW gives the impression that he's capable of anything . He was probably proving that fact to SS as he made the calls.

It is possible that they were threatened with instant immolation the whole time.
SS's only hope was that they would get the money and go. He worked hard to make that happen and not to ruffle the perp/s.

I believe he also hoped for the slightest chance he could get any physical advantage over DW. He could not gamble with his son's life though, even in the hope of saving him.
I wonder if, at the end, he managed to escape his restraints and go for it. I do think he put up a fight and this explains the seeming "overkill."

Had DW (or whomever in charge) intended to kill all of them all along, no matter what happened? Police, no police. 40 K or a million?

If so, does this intention show a "hit" with money as a secondary gain? Or was the killing so as to leave no witnesses? Or was the killing unplanned and the result of a sudden fit of rage?

I had a professor who said there are those who rob the clerk at the till, get what they want and leave, and those who get what they want and then shoot the clerk in the face before fleeing. What does that say about the two types of perpetrators?

The fact that despite getting the money, the Savopoulos's and Veralicia Figeroa were murdered doesn't argue that a hit had been ordered. It can only tell us for sure what we already know about DW: killing was rewarding to him. The bloodier, the better.
So the minimum wage pizza guy should be looked at for negligence but everyone else who left 40 k to whoever should be left alone since dad sound convincing on the phone?

Dominos procedure differences would not have helped this case.

Luckily we atleast know from a neutral business that a call was placed to the house that day.

To compare the two issues of the pizza delivery vs package delivery by trusted employee is to compare apples and oranges and neither of them mean anything, in my opinion.

BUT, more importantly nobody has said the delivery guy/gal was negligent in any way.
Why would somebody torture people for $40k? There has to be something more to this and it scares me.
You can't be called for jury duty in DC sooner than two years after being called. I am called every two years like clockwork. That's true for most people. I have never been called for grand jury service and I have no idea why. I do know you need far more people for regular jury duty because jurors get stricken from the pool. They will typically call around 74 people per trial with several being called every day. For grand juries, in contrast, most juror who are called will serve because the parties don't get to strike them. So you do t need as many people.
No clue where I fit? Maybe a new category for extremely impatient? When will we get more news? Really enjoy all the rehash and discussion but patience is not my forte. MOO.
You're in my group: I wake up every morning and say maybe today, oh please!
Maybe Monday.
Why would somebody torture people for $40k? There has to be something more to this and it scares me.

Hiya cg007 :) My view *is* scarier because I think he would have done this for free, the cash was icing on the cake :/ His known history demonstrates that he enjoys hurting people and tried to kill twice before this. Those first two weren't for financial gain, but purely anger.
I know people have been talking about SS's hesitancy to send a message on the phone that he, his family and VF were in danger. This could be coincidence, but on the voicemail message he left for NG, it did seem that the timing of PS's shrieks were exactly when he said that AS was in bed as she had been all afternoon. I wonder if he added that inaccuracy to flag to NG that something was amiss and DW & co acted instantly to threaten PS so that SS would stop (and not try that again). Poor man. What would one do/not do when someone is holding and threatening your child?

Another thing that's been nagging at me. Why would DW let SS talk to his sister on Thurs AM? I highly doubt that DW thought that it was less risky for SS to take a call from a family member than to let it go to voicemail. (Busy CEO's aren't always instantly available, and it probably wouldn't have been a cause for alarm to anyone if it took him a few hours to return a call.) I wonder if the call came in and DW made an excuse to take it, making DW think she was someone (whether he let on that it was his sister or not) who he needed to speak to in order to get money.

Added after: in the extended version of the voicemail, PS's yells continue, I believe until the end of the message. I don't have the link anymore or I would share. I really wish I hadn't heard it at all.

It's just a little surprising how much phone time DW seemed to give SS, when, as someone posted, he could have screamed "call 911" and it would all be over for the criminals. Either DW or someone on his team must have been incredibly persuasive, either with threats to family or promises of everyone being set free if he cooperated. Likely both.

Yeah, we all have put together afterwards... but those each taken alone... SMH.

One example, is that NG works on certain day, but AS phone ( :moo: some of the pro-defense/hubby is defense atty posters will be all over this one perhaps :seeya: ) is getting a text from Amy about coming in Monday... although she did not work Mondays.

ETA: The typo from Amy's phone looks like someone was using voice to text/Siri and did typo. WHY would they do such, and why was the typo not corrected? :thinking:


You may discuss JW because he lied. You are not permitted to sleuth his family, or friends and bring info here about them.

Let's stop with the Pizza Guy. Thanks!

ETA: If you have a question for a mod, hit the alert button.

The youtube of last nights 20/20 show for those that missed it. I'm not sure if this is complete as I did not see the show.

Here is the second half of the 20/20 report

I agree with you. I don't answer my phone after 8pm unless I want to. She might have looked at her phone and said "why is he calling me so late?" She may have been out at dinner with her husband, she might have been getting her freak on, whatever. She's not obligated to answer.

Honestly, my voice mail is always full........I rarely check it. If I see a missed call, I'll call back but I have messages from my mother who can't seem to connect that if my voice mail picks up.......I can't hear you saying, "pick up if you're there!" Lol......bless her heart.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Hiya cg007 :) My view *is* scarier because I think he would have done this for free, the cash was icing on the cake :/ His known history demonstrates that he enjoys hurting people and tried to kill twice before this. Those first two weren't for financial gain, but purely anger.

But would someone be crazy enough to do this over a job????
5 sec break from constructive discussion?
It is my opinion that we're human beings and we can discuss and speculate and theorize here....
We wouldn't be doing this if there was a computer in which you put only the facts you have and it comes up with solutions.
bbm sbm

A new & improved upgrade to this?
Here is the second half of the 20/20 report


Thank you for the addition of part #2. It appears that there are three parts as this end with "stay with us" as show is not done. Guess the next parts can be found later to share?
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