DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #14

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We have discussed many reasons why JW may have lost his job at the Autobahn.

Could it have been the Autobahn or someone within the racing circuit discovered that JW was racing in an improper age group? If so, this would be a lie he wouldn't want known. For you good sleuthers, would that be something you could check into? I've read he raced in the 25 age group but was 28.
One weird thing that just crossed my mind: If an AIW employee called JW looking for SS because his house was on fire, and no one could reach him, you'd think that would be reflected in some way in JW's text to AS. If he did, indeed, consider himself the point of contact that would be breaking the news to AS about the fire, you'd think instead of telling AS that if she's okay she should go home, JW would say something like, "I'm concerned because I'm unable to reach SS or you. Please let someone know that you guys are okay." Idk

I don't think JW was the point of contact, but one in the chain? AIW and presumable LE had already been trying to contact SS without hearing back. If I couldn't get hold of my boss, I'd certainly call his PA and anyone else whose number I had. AIW might have tried calling the Dojo if they had the number.

As far as JW's language, consider the source. I say that not unkindly, but to remind us that there are different styles of communication. His background was not that we know of, a corporate business atmosphere where that language would be out of place.

AIW to JW: "We just got a call/visit from LE and SS's house is on fire and nobody can get in touch with him, do you know where he is or if he knows what's going on? No? Please see what you can do on your end." To me, it would be natural to call boss' wife feeling quite a bit of anxiety and I wouldn't suddenly change my way of speaking/texting/personality to "Pardon me, madam, have you any Grey Poupon?"

I certainly don't see JW being the first to try and contact AS; LE would have done that having gotten the number from AIW and contacting SS first. They don't rely on others to break news like that. In fact, it would be part of their investigation to make the calls themselves.

JW's call was perfectly natural to me. He was worried for her since she was supposed to be at home? I don't know. Was she a mile away at the park with the dogs and could use a ride home? Was she stuck somewhere with a broken car and needed a ride?

All natural to me. Our more authentic self comes prevails in times of stress. I'd be inclined to be casual like that, too since a fire at your home is obviously stressful I don't need to add to it. Just one way of looking at it.

It may not be the way a lot of youse guys would do it, but it was the way he did it. :)

p.s.: Me, too. I was eatin' a grilled ham and cheese and dipping it into GP. :D
I've wondered if maybe nobody was supposed to be home - and I'm looking at Wednesday here, not Thursday - because I think Thursday was not intended. PS was supposed to be back at school. The HK whose initials I shan't mention was going to be at the dojo Wednesday. Maybe VF was an unknown and they didn't realize she would be there. Where was AS supposed to be? Who enters a home in the middle of the afternoon like that? Maybe somebody who thought it was going to be empty? I'm still hashing this around in my head.

I agree with you that the very specific timing of this crime is very fishy, and to me it screams "insider information." That insider may or may not have known a crime was going to be committed (hence, it could be anybody), but I do think the perp/s had access to information. From somebody. My theory revolves around JW, as he had access to everybody, it seems.

Hmmm. That Wednesday was a special field day at St. A's. PS would usually have been home by around 3:30, but the field day may run later than usual dismissal. IDK. If so, and PS had been well, he would have been at school, and perhaps AS would have been there as a spectator. Again, IDK. He's young enough that parents might still be included in that type of event. That would REALLY be insider information. But since PS didn't go to school all that week (I think), it would have been somewhat stale information, as the situation changed from what was intended earlier in the week, when PS was supposed to return to school on Tuesday?

Please do not bring the families information here. It has been mentioned several times throughout the threads. You may sleuth DW and JW, not their families or friends.

If you have a question, or concern please pm a mod or hit the alert button.

Thank you.

Hmmm. That Wednesday was a special field day at St. A's. PS would usually have been home by around 3:30, but the field day may run later than usual dismissal. IDK. If so, and PS had been well, he would have been at school, and perhaps AS would have been there as a spectator. Again, IDK. He's young enough that parents might still be included in that type of event. That would REALLY be insider information. But since PS didn't go to school all that week (I think), it would have been somewhat stale information, as the situation changed from what was intended earlier in the week, when PS was supposed to return to school on Tuesday?

Maybe he did go back to school Tuesday but it didn't go so well do she kept him home Wednesday morning. JW wouldn't have anticipated that.
I've wondered if maybe nobody was supposed to be home - and I'm looking at Wednesday here, not Thursday - because I think Thursday was not intended. PS was supposed to be back at school. The HK whose initials I shan't mention was going to be at the dojo Wednesday. Maybe VF was an unknown and they didn't realize she would be there. Where was AS supposed to be? Who enters a home in the middle of the afternoon like that? Maybe somebody who thought it was going to be empty? I'm still hashing this around in my head.

I agree with you that the very specific timing of this crime is very fishy, and to me it screams "insider information." That insider may or may not have known a crime was going to be committed (hence, it could be anybody), but I do think the perp/s had access to information. From somebody. My theory revolves around JW, as he had access to everybody, it seems.

YES. There is a reason why DW came to this neighborhood and this home at this particular time. I don't believe it was random by any means. The S house and only the S house was targeted. IMO.
The weed of today is not the weed of our youth. My teenage son started smoking and so did his friend. Luckily, it has ceased. BUT, both my friend and I experienced confrontational almost psychotic behavior from them. Bordered on crazy from two intelligent, good natured kids. Apparently much of it is laced by God who knows what. He is fine now.

Meth causes a lot of murders in my town as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's terrifying nowadays. I don't understand the attraction today. I don't smoke, but I have zero problem with peeps who do it responsibly. I don't understand why it had to be tweaked from feel-good high and mellow to schizo violence we see today.

Back in my day *she says in her old timey voice* people would get all beautiful, mellow and munchie and beautiful and laugh laugh laugh...eat and sleep.

There seems to be no comparison between the two herbs :/
If they were planning on an empty house, then they weren't going for money. I don't think of streetgangs as safecrackers. And I doubt they would be fencing art which is also difficult.

So what were they planning to take...to get in and out while no one was there? I like the theory just trying to extrapolate it out a bit...
I don't think JW was the point of contact, but one in the chain? AIW and presumable LE had already been trying to contact SS without hearing back. If I couldn't get hold of my boss, I'd certainly call his PA and anyone else whose number I had. AIW might have tried calling the Dojo if they had the number.

As far as JW's language, consider the source. I say that not unkindly, but to remind us that there are different styles of communication. His background was not that we know of, a corporate business atmosphere where that language would be out of place.

AIW to JW: "We just got a call/visit from LE and SS's house is on fire and nobody can get in touch with him, do you know where he is or if he knows what's going on? No? Please see what you can do on your end." To me, it would be natural to call boss' wife feeling quite a bit of anxiety and I wouldn't suddenly change my way of speaking/texting/personality to "Pardon me, madam, have you any Grey Poupon?"

I certainly don't see JW being the first to try and contact AS; LE would have done that having gotten the number from AIW and contacting SS first. They don't rely on others to break news like that. In fact, it would be part of their investigation to make the calls themselves.

JW's call was perfectly natural to me. He was worried for her since she was supposed to be at home? I don't know. Was she a mile away at the park with the dogs and could use a ride home? Was she stuck somewhere with a broken car and needed a ride?

All natural to me. Our more authentic self comes prevails in times of stress. I'd be inclined to be casual like that, too since a fire at your home is obviously stressful I don't need to add to it. Just one way of looking at it.

It may not be the way a lot of youse guys would do it, but it was the way he did it. :)

Grey Poupon. Thanks for that, very funny. I put some in my salad dressing just today. There's a reason why they roll down the window of the Bentley for it. I don't know if I would have been any more smooth than JW in that text. It's awkward - I don't have any feeling it means anything though, just because I might say something that off, myself. Even in a perfectly normal moment....
OK.. same story in this one -- "I was supposed to be there but wasn't because of a text," with the same "I saved my life" comment. It does make one say, "hmmm." Especially since she subsequently showed the text to reporters (I am pretty sure I will not be able to find it right now," but one of her reply texts to AS was something like, "I was not coming today." Any one else see that/remember which news clip it was in?

ABC News
Strange New Developments in DC Mansion Fire Video - ABC News.jpg
So could NG not have know VF was going to S home? Might Amy have asked her without going through NG?

According to NG, VF asked/told her (NG) that she wanted to work at the house on Wednesday.

Can you and DH adopt me ( A 40 year old with a wife and 2 kids ) so we can all ride in the non expensive used Bentley as well.

Lol. I'm just joshing around with you. I'm glad things are cool on that note.

But if a used Bentley is not too expensive; Then maybe you should post in the V.I.P section of Websleuth. Lol.

Certain things are best kept mum. Trust No One.

But to tell you the truth; I got my eyes on this used Ferrari. But the owner always locks the door and activates the alarm every time I take a glance at it. Lol

So I guess my Caravan will do for now. Lol

I hope you enjoyed the read. Much oblige. It was a pleasure to get off topic for a change. Thanks.
We would be terrible targets. I don't even wear jewelry except a watch with a plastic band. Plus, we are pretty security aware, I ironically type whilst not using my VPN, since most of my career was security related, as has been his entire career.
If they were planning on an empty house, then they weren't going for money. I don't think of streetgangs as safecrackers. And I doubt they would be fencing art which is also difficult.

So what were they planning to take...to get in and out while no one was there? I like the theory just trying to extrapolate it out a bit...

That infamous Mosler whose value JW had exaggerated to $700k all over social media.
@rkf can you please elaborate on what you mean about "no idea VF made plans..."

VF didn't usually work at the SS house on Wednesdays, according to NG. NG usually worked then. But, again according to NG, VF asked/told her (NG) that she (VF) wanted to work at the house on Wednesday, so she could leave by 3 (maybe instead of going to the dojo where the day would be longer?) It's lots of places in MSM, but I don't want to hunt for a link right now. If I come across one easily, I will add it. I'm not sure when VF told this to NG, but am assuming it was earlier in the week, as late as Tuesday.
It has been reported that he was "let go". His position has already been filled, so they didn't get rid of his job - just him.

They would only have to pay him unemployment if he quit. Why would he quit?! On SM, he talked about how great it was and how supportive they were of his racing.

I don't think you can collect UE if you quit because that's your decision to stop working. You can collect it if you get laid off and even if you get fired depending on a couple of things. People who get fired can apply for UE and if the employer contests it, you get to have your say as well. It can go either way depending on the facts surrounding the firing.

Some employers won't contest it if they're just happy the person is no longer there, but they don't want to twist the knife by denying benefits.
According to NG, VF asked/told her (NG) that she wanted to work at the house on Wednesday.

So sounds like Amy set it up with Vera. Perhaps NG didn't know ahead of time which is why she frames it that she was told. Perhaps she was told after the fact.
“I think it’s fair to say that he feels at this time that he was definitely set up,” the attorney said, adding that Wint, who could be deported if convicted, “believes that once people begin to understand who else was out there and what was going on, they’re going to see him in a very different light.”

While we wait for real news...anyone want to speculate on "who else was out there" and "what was going on?"

What does it mean to "begin" to understand? Whoever else was or wasn't out there, has zero bearing on his participation. He is what is he is and nothing will change that.

They're dreaming if they think anybody else's involvement would soften or detract from his own.
If they were planning on an empty house, then they weren't going for money. I don't think of streetgangs as safecrackers. And I doubt they would be fencing art which is also difficult.

So what were they planning to take...to get in and out while no one was there? I like the theory just trying to extrapolate it out a bit...

Good point. And I don't know. Maybe they had visions of ... nevermind. I really don't know. A Mosler? Other stuff?

I've been trying to figure out if the hostage situation was intended or if it evolved from an unexpected situation. I guess if you just happen to have duct tape, matches, gasoline and/or buckets and siphon hoses and plenty of knives on hand and are a gangster, you could be ready for any situation..... I wonder also if SS was supposed to be the only hostage - if he was supposed to be delivered there after the house was ransacked while empty, and then forced to the bank to get money. But surprise - there were people inside when they entered. VF was subdued, PS was ignored because he was little. Then he kicked somebody in the nuts. Because he's a take-charge 10-year-old, and he knows what his dad would do. Then he got locked into a room. And later got "special" treatment. Things got late. Banks were closed. SS promised ...

I don't know. What I am sure of is that it was not random. I just don't know how planned the whole hostage deal was. But they did have duct tape handy. So...
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