DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #14

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I'm not sure about that. I did some research on SS's private jet (a large and expensive Dassault Falcon 50) and in 2010 the name on the registration was changed from "AIW Inc" to "Sigma Flight LLC" although tail number remained the same (prior to AIW.Inc aircraft was registered to American Iron Works - Tail # N4351M) . IIRC Sigma was a private company owned outright by Savvas Savopoulos and I suspect he used this jet to make frequent trips to Puerto Rico. It appears that in 2013 the jet was sold (now registered to a trust company in Delaware ) perhaps indicating that Savvas was less involved in the Puerto Rican venture (maybe not even involved at all?).

Registration details:


For reference here is a picture of the jet when it was still registered to the Savopoulos family


Or that may be a trust for his daughters. A lot of wealthy families have homes owned by trusts to avoid taxes when children inherit.
Snipped from kammiemc's post above: "It is difficult to keep JW's stories straight, but the red bag actually belongs in his second (and as far as we know, final story). In his first story, the money was handed to him in a manila envelope."

So true that it's hard to keep things straight with what we know so far. I thought the manila envelope(s) were is JW's car?? I have to go back and check that Search Warrant, I have a vague memory that manila envelopes were on the list.

I think he only admitted to red bag after LE got his phone and saw picture he texted to w2. He had to explain why he had SS's money in his personal bag.
I think he only admitted to red bag after LE got his phone and saw picture he texted to w2. He had to explain why he had SS's money in his personal bag.

That's exactly what I meant in my unclear convoluted post!

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But, lots of people grow up in the same neighborhood, and move on to inhabit completely different worlds and lives that are far apart in socioeconomics, ethics, morals...

So far, there's no indication that they DW and JW lived there at any time during the same time for any appreciable length of time. Their dad's lived there, maybe the boys did, too at some point, but who knows?

In any case, they could have grown up together for 18 years as next door neighbors and hung out like twinsies until 18. Suppose they did? Bottom line is that at some point several years ago they each moved in different directions and cultivated different (from each other) mores, ethics, hobbies, job descriptions, friends, attitudes towards life.

JW evolved while DW devolved.

As far as you know. I bet DW made more money at AIW than JW made at Autobahn. I feel like some don't want to give any credit to DW-- he's a monster but people are a mix of good and bad even him. Whereas for some reason many don't want to see anything bad in JW. They may have had more in common than many think despite their outward image.
Snipped from kammiemc's post above: "It is difficult to keep JW's stories straight, but the red bag actually belongs in his second (and as far as we know, final story). In his first story, the money was handed to him in a manila envelope."

So true that it's hard to keep things straight with what we know so far. I thought the manila envelope(s) were is JW's car?? I have to go back and check that Search Warrant, I have a vague memory that manila envelopes were on the list.

I think that was on the SW but o don't recall it being listed in the return. I'll look.

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3. Why doesn't he see the missed call and try to call back for another ONE HOUR and 45 MINUTES!

Devil's Advocate, and I'm not sure I totally believe it, but maybe he didn't call back because he was driving? It's illegal to do so here, so...maybe?
But, lots of people grow up in the same neighborhood, and move on to inhabit completely different worlds and lives that are far apart in socioeconomics, ethics, morals...

So far, there's no indication that they DW and JW lived there at any time during the same time for any appreciable length of time. Their dad's lived there, maybe the boys did, too at some point, but who knows?

In any case, they could have grown up together for 18 years as next door neighbors and hung out like twinsies until 18. Suppose they did? Bottom line is that at some point several years ago they each moved in different directions and cultivated different (from each other) mores, ethics, hobbies, job descriptions, friends, attitudes towards life.

JW evolved while DW devolved.

I picture JW's and DW's lives as two separate circles that should be mutually exclusive but they overlap slightly. In that place where they overlap are side by side apartments,, SS, cars, empty wallets, and a sense of entitlement to other people's money.

(Took out grudge)

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As far as you know. I bet DW made more money at AIW than JW made at Autobahn. I feel like some don't want to give any credit to DW-- he's a monster but people are a mix of good and bad even him. Whereas for some reason many don't want to see anything bad in JW. They may have had more in common than many think despite their outward image.

I don't think DW had much of a "mix". IMO. Very bad track record.

BBM: Agreed. Don't understand so many with blinders on to this guy. Even if no involvement with this crime, he's told a lot of lies and exaggerations. It's a character flaw, IMO. Wouldn't want him involved with my business, family, daughter or best friend.
Devil's Advocate, and I'm not sure I totally believe it, but maybe he didn't call back because he was driving? It's illegal to do so here, so...maybe?

I don't know what model his BMW was, but most models that are not super old have Bluetooth, so you can talk and drive without a phone.

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Devil's Advocate, and I'm not sure I totally believe it, but maybe he didn't call back because he was driving? It's illegal to do so here, so...maybe?

Not buyin' it. Not supposed to lie to cops either. Doubt he cared about cell usage. Besides, we already know he was on the road, 10 minutes away from the S house, when he called SS to give him a heads up.
As far as you know. I bet DW made more money at AIW than JW made at Autobahn. I feel like some don't want to give any credit to DW-- he's a monster but people are a mix of good and bad even him. Whereas for some reason many don't want to see anything bad in JW. They may have had more in common than many think despite their outward image.

I agree about most people being a mixture, but it's just that DW's history of violence isn't easy to set aside. I actually do give him credit for having had a job for a while. I don't know his work history, only what was reported about his attitude while at AIW and that SS tried to help him keep his job by moving him. He eventually had to fire him. How much he made vs JW - who cares? That has nothing to do with work ethic, morals, criminal activity.

What "bad" is there to see in JW at this point? He lied to police? That's "bad"? It's not wise, but it doesn't make him a bad person or even qualify as anything other than unwise.

My personal reason for not making fun of JW is that I think it's not nice because he's not been named a suspect by LE. He hasn't been cleared either, but all he's done so far is lie to police. Not wise, but not criminal.

I just keep going back to the thought that what if it was me, inadvertently caught up in something of this magnitude that made the news and people did their damnest to dig up every little bit of real-life me to make fun of. It's just mean-spirited, embarrassing and the humiliating critiques of a human being who so far, is innocent. :/
I'd be horrified. It can be embarrassing to discover things about yourself in therapy, I can't imagine anonymous, armchair diagnosing lay people giving their opinions on my personality, behavior, lifestyle, ego.

On the other hand, I have absolutely no problem making fun of DW. Yes, I see my hypocrisy. My pathetic justification to myself is that DW is not just "a good guy who hung around with the wrong crowd, or a good guy who made some bad choices" btw: I HATE when people use the term "made MISTAKES" when referring to conscious and repeated acts of crime and violence. He's been a for years. I don't care if he volunteered in soup kitchens and nursed orphan puppies between bouts of beating and stabbing people, that doesn't make him even partway "good". There are no redeeming qualities in someone who takes what they want and does what they want at the expense of another human being and lives. He shows a complete disregard for life, laws and human decency. He's a slug. HE's the legend in his own mind, not JW.

I don't know, maybe JWs got a tough hide or doesn't care. I certainly hope that's the case.

I can't get past the idea that if he knew about the 40k and gave info to DW, then that would mean JW premeditated kidnap since that's the only way I could see someone getting that money from SS. On second thought, why not just stage a robbery of JW (and SS if being driven by JW) after they picked up the 40k while on his way to the dojo as planned? There are other ways that this could have gone down to not include kidnap and murder.

If JW was involved in any way, dw would have most certainly already given him up and JW'd be in custody. DW has nothing to lose at this point, so I don't think he'd hesitate to nail JW if involved. The only thing DW might have to fear is gang members for naming names if they exist.
I agree about most people being a mixture, but it's just that DW's history of violence isn't easy to set aside. I actually do give him credit for having had a job for a while. I don't know his work history, only what was reported about his attitude while at AIW and that SS tried to help him keep his job by moving him. He eventually had to fire him. How much he made vs JW - who cares? That has nothing to do with work ethic, morals, criminal activity.

What "bad" is there to see in JW at this point? He lied to police? That's "bad"? It's not wise, but it doesn't make him a bad person or even qualify as anything other than unwise.

My personal reason for not making fun of JW is that I think it's not nice because he's not been named a suspect by LE. He hasn't been cleared either, but all he's done so far is lie to police. Not wise, but not criminal.

I just keep going back to the thought that what if it was me, inadvertently caught up in something of this magnitude that made the news and people did their damnest to dig up every little bit of real-life me to make fun of. It's just mean-spirited, embarrassing and the humiliating critiques of a human being who so far, is innocent. :/
I'd be horrified. It can be embarrassing to discover things about yourself in therapy, I can't imagine anonymous, armchair diagnosing lay people giving their opinions on my personality, behavior, lifestyle, ego.

On the other hand, I have absolutely no problem making fun of DW. Yes, I see my hypocrisy. My pathetic justification to myself is that DW is not just "a good guy who hung around with the wrong crowd, or a good guy who made some bad choices" btw: I HATE when people use the term "made MISTAKES" when referring to conscious and repeated acts of crime and violence. He's been a for years. I don't care if he volunteered in soup kitchens and nursed orphan puppies between bouts of beating and stabbing people, that doesn't make him even partway "good". There are no redeeming qualities in someone who takes what they want and does what they want at the expense of another human being and lives. He shows a complete disregard for life, laws and human decency. He's a slug. HE's the legend in his own mind, not JW.

I don't know, maybe JWs got a tough hide or doesn't care. I certainly hope that's the case.

I can't get past the idea that if he knew about the 40k and gave info to DW, then that would mean JW premeditated kidnap since that's the only way I could see someone getting that money from SS. On second thought, why not just stage a robbery of JW (and SS if being driven by JW) after they picked up the 40k while on his way to the dojo as planned? There are other ways that this could have gone down to not include kidnap and murder.

If JW was involved in any way, dw would have most certainly already given him up and JW'd be in custody. DW has nothing to lose at this point, so I don't think he'd hesitate to nail JW if involved. The only thing DW might have to fear is gang members for naming names if they exist.

People who look nice and are charismatic and charming get away with a lot. They don't fool us. We fool ourselves. Look at Ted Bundy, Scott Peterson. You have to watch your own biases as that will lead you to miss a lot .
Regarding JW's stories about the package, I copied items 7 and 8 from documents leading to Search Warrant of his BMW-


JW’s 1st Version

“7. Wallace stated he received a call from Mr. Savopoulos on Thursday morning, May 14, 2015 and was directed to report to the office in
Hyattsville, Maryland to pick up a package and return the package to Mr. Savopoulos. Wallace stated he responded to the Hyattsville office and met Mr. Savopoulos's accountant. He and the accountant responded to the Bank of America located in Hyattsville, MD. Wallace and the accountant walked into the bank at which time Wallace watched the accountant enter into a transaction with the bank manager. At the end of the transaction Wallace witnessed the bank manager give the accountant a manila envelope which contained currency. Wallace stated the accountant gave him (Wallace) the envelope and Wallace drove to 3201 Woodland Drive NW. When Wallace was ten minutes away from Mr. Savolopulos home he(Wallace) called Mr. Savolopulos on the phone and informed him he was nearby and had the package. Wallace stated that Mr. Savopoulos instructed him(Wallace) to place the money on the seat of his red car which was parked in the garage.
Wallace stated when he arrived at 3201 Woodland Drive he went inside of the garage, located a key to unlock the door and placed the envelope in the drivers seat. After placing the envelope in the drivers seat Wallace locked the vehicle and exited the garage and closed the door to same.

JW’s 2nd Version

8. As detectives continued to question Wallace, Wallace changed his account of the events regarding how he received the package, where
he left the package and when he was told to get the package. When Wallace was questioned about a text he(Wallace) received from Mr.
Savopoulos on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, Wallace changed his story. The text was addressed to Wallace and it directed him to meet the accountant on Thursday morning in Hyattsville to pick up the package. Wallace admitted that information was true and he made a mistake about when he was told to get the package. Wallace was also questioned about what the money was placed in when he (Wallace) received it from the accountant. Wallace admitted that he lied when he stated the money was in a manila envelope when he(Wallace) received it from the accountant. Wallace stated what actually happened was the accountant took the bundles of money from his(the accountants) pocket and placed the money in a red bag which belonged to Wallace. Wallace then drove to Mr. Savopoulos house and called Mr. Savopoulos ten minutes before he(Wallace) arrived at the home. Mr. Savopoulos told Wallace to leave the money in the car inside the garage. Wallace stated, when he arrived at Mr. Savopoulos garage he(Wallace) placed the money inside a manila envelope that was in (Wallace's) car. After placing the money in the envelope (Wallace) stated he placed the envelope in the drivers seat of the car. Furthermore, Wallace admitted that he lied when he stated that the vehicle was locked, Wallace stated the vehicle was unlocked and that he left the envelope which contained the money in the vehicle. Wallace stated that he was told by the accountant that the package contained forty thousand dollars in cash.”

So now that I am rereading this, it seems there may have never even been a trip to BofA that morning. Maybe the accountant was able to get cash from a safe at AIW? and the money in the safe was wrapped in BoA wrappers? Also, the way #8 reads, it sounds like accountant dropped money in the red bag for JW?
I agree about most people being a mixture, but it's just that DW's history of violence isn't easy to set aside. I actually do give him credit for having had a job for a while. I don't know his work history, only what was reported about his attitude while at AIW and that SS tried to help him keep his job by moving him. He eventually had to fire him. How much he made vs JW - who cares? That has nothing to do with work ethic, morals, criminal activity.

What "bad" is there to see in JW at this point? He lied to police? That's "bad"? It's not wise, but it doesn't make him a bad person or even qualify as anything other than unwise.

My personal reason for not making fun of JW is that I think it's not nice because he's not been named a suspect by LE. He hasn't been cleared either, but all he's done so far is lie to police. Not wise, but not criminal.

I just keep going back to the thought that what if it was me, inadvertently caught up in something of this magnitude that made the news and people did their damnest to dig up every little bit of real-life me to make fun of. It's just mean-spirited, embarrassing and the humiliating critiques of a human being who so far, is innocent. :/
I'd be horrified. It can be embarrassing to discover things about yourself in therapy, I can't imagine anonymous, armchair diagnosing lay people giving their opinions on my personality, behavior, lifestyle, ego.

On the other hand, I have absolutely no problem making fun of DW. Yes, I see my hypocrisy. My pathetic justification to myself is that DW is not just "a good guy who hung around with the wrong crowd, or a good guy who made some bad choices" btw: I HATE when people use the term "made MISTAKES" when referring to conscious and repeated acts of crime and violence. He's been a for years. I don't care if he volunteered in soup kitchens and nursed orphan puppies between bouts of beating and stabbing people, that doesn't make him even partway "good". There are no redeeming qualities in someone who takes what they want and does what they want at the expense of another human being and lives. He shows a complete disregard for life, laws and human decency. He's a slug. HE's the legend in his own mind, not JW.

I don't know, maybe JWs got a tough hide or doesn't care. I certainly hope that's the case.

I can't get past the idea that if he knew about the 40k and gave info to DW, then that would mean JW premeditated kidnap since that's the only way I could see someone getting that money from SS. On second thought, why not just stage a robbery of JW (and SS if being driven by JW) after they picked up the 40k while on his way to the dojo as planned? There are other ways that this could have gone down to not include kidnap and murder.

If JW was involved in any way, dw would have most certainly already given him up and JW'd be in custody. DW has nothing to lose at this point, so I don't think he'd hesitate to nail JW if involved. The only thing DW might have to fear is gang members for naming names if they exist.

I understand where you are coming from. Scrutinizing people is not "nice." And it would not be a nice feeling for JW when LE release details publicly about how he lied to them about his actions on the day of the murders. To me, those lies are far deeper than even "bad." At that point he had delivered $40k to a house that ended up on fire and killed people. It is a life and death situation. And the LE desperately needs to find out what happened. Far from helping, he lied to them. The only reason he undid his first lie is because LE told him it was a lie and had proof. If I were an S family member, and my dad's assistant was lying to LE about how the day's event went, which ended in the torture and murder of my mon, dad, brother and HK, I would see that as unconscionable. And I would not mind him being scrutinized. And if I were JW, I couldn't live with myself. But I am generally very empathetic and give people the benefit of the doubt. So I do get it. But, IMO, JW is not cleared by LE and he doesn't get a pass on this one.

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What "bad" is there to see in JW at this point? He lied to police? That's "bad"? It's not wise, but it doesn't make him a bad person or even qualify as anything other than unwise.

My personal reason for not making fun of JW is that I think it's not nice because he's not been named a suspect by LE. He hasn't been cleared either, but all he's done so far is lie to police. Not wise, but not criminal.

BBM: "all he's done is lie" in a case where 4 people were brutally murdered? That's worse than "unwise" IMO. Are you sure it's not criminal? Obstructing an investigation, false statement to LE perhaps? IDK. Maybe I'm off base with that.

I just keep going back to the thought that what if it was me, inadvertently caught up in something of this magnitude that made the news and people did their damnest to dig up every little bit of real-life me to make fun of. It's just mean-spirited, embarrassing and the humiliating critiques of a human being who so far, is innocent. :/
I'd be horrified. It can be embarrassing to discover things about yourself in therapy, I can't imagine anonymous, armchair diagnosing lay people giving their opinions on my personality, behavior, lifestyle, ego.

BBM: The lying wasn't inadvertent IMO. If he'd told the truth, he wouldn't be allowed to be discussed here. I do understand you are empathetic towards him and have your reasons. On the other hand, the patterns I see, the ones that are visible, I have seen too many times. IME, these patterns are destructive to the individual and those around them. It doesn't mean he's the worst person in the world but it DOES indicate a lack of trustworthiness. The SM posts and the texting of the money pictures tell me things also. At minimum, this is a person with very poor judgment, IMO.

On the other hand, I have absolutely no problem making fun of DW. Yes, I see my hypocrisy. My pathetic justification to myself is that DW is not just "a good guy who hung around with the wrong crowd, or a good guy who made some bad choices"

It's not pathetic or hypocritical. Takes all kinds to make the world go round.
People who look nice and are charismatic and charming get away with a lot. They don't fool us. We fool ourselves. Look at Ted Bundy, Scott Peterson. You have to watch your own biases as that will lead you to miss a lot .

Once, at a friend's dinner, I sat next to a former high school classmate of Ted Bundy's. This man said that Bundy was not just normal; he was really funny and really popular. He still had a hard time believing it, decades later.

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Snipped from kammiemc's post above: "It is difficult to keep JW's stories straight, but the red bag actually belongs in his second (and as far as we know, final story). In his first story, the money was handed to him in a manila envelope."

So true that it's hard to keep things straight with what we know so far. I thought the manila envelope(s) were is JW's car?? I have to go back and check that Search Warrant, I have a vague memory that manila envelopes were on the list.

In JW story V1, the money was handed to him by the accountant in the manilla envelope and JW dropped off the manilla envelope. In JW story V2, the accountant took the money out of his pockets and JW put it in the red-lined bag. JW then took the money from the redlined bag and put it in an manilla envelope that he had in his car, and left the manilla envelope at the S residence. I've always wondered why he happened to have a manilla envelope in his car.
I agree about most people being a mixture, but it's just that DW's history of violence isn't easy to set aside. I actually do give him credit for having had a job for a while. I don't know his work history, only what was reported about his attitude while at AIW and that SS tried to help him keep his job by moving him. He eventually had to fire him. How much he made vs JW - who cares? That has nothing to do with work ethic, morals, criminal activity.

What "bad" is there to see in JW at this point? He lied to police? That's "bad"? It's not wise, but it doesn't make him a bad person or even qualify as anything other than unwise.

My personal reason for not making fun of JW is that I think it's not nice because he's not been named a suspect by LE. He hasn't been cleared either, but all he's done so far is lie to police. Not wise, but not criminal.

I just keep going back to the thought that what if it was me, inadvertently caught up in something of this magnitude that made the news and people did their damnest to dig up every little bit of real-life me to make fun of. It's just mean-spirited, embarrassing and the humiliating critiques of a human being who so far, is innocent. :/
I'd be horrified. It can be embarrassing to discover things about yourself in therapy, I can't imagine anonymous, armchair diagnosing lay people giving their opinions on my personality, behavior, lifestyle, ego.

On the other hand, I have absolutely no problem making fun of DW. Yes, I see my hypocrisy. My pathetic justification to myself is that DW is not just "a good guy who hung around with the wrong crowd, or a good guy who made some bad choices" btw: I HATE when people use the term "made MISTAKES" when referring to conscious and repeated acts of crime and violence. He's been a for years. I don't care if he volunteered in soup kitchens and nursed orphan puppies between bouts of beating and stabbing people, that doesn't make him even partway "good". There are no redeeming qualities in someone who takes what they want and does what they want at the expense of another human being and lives. He shows a complete disregard for life, laws and human decency. He's a slug. HE's the legend in his own mind, not JW.

I don't know, maybe JWs got a tough hide or doesn't care. I certainly hope that's the case.

I can't get past the idea that if he knew about the 40k and gave info to DW, then that would mean JW premeditated kidnap since that's the only way I could see someone getting that money from SS. On second thought, why not just stage a robbery of JW (and SS if being driven by JW) after they picked up the 40k while on his way to the dojo as planned? There are other ways that this could have gone down to not include kidnap and murder.

If JW was involved in any way, dw would have most certainly already given him up and JW'd be in custody. DW has nothing to lose at this point, so I don't think he'd hesitate to nail JW if involved. The only thing DW might have to fear is gang members for naming names if they exist.

Interesting post . I scrolled up to see who the original poster was as I had an idea the post written by someone with defense attorney training / experience / family members / wanting to do *focus group * testing of the water for free here (a la a case previously ) .. and I was wrong.

Need to pay more attention to who is posting :biggrin:

Thanks Felicity !
In JW story V1, the money was handed to him by the accountant in the manilla envelope and JW dropped off the manilla envelope. In JW story V2, the accountant took the money out of his pockets and JW put it in the red-lined bag. JW then took the money from the redlined bag and put it in an manilla envelope that he had in his car, and left the manilla envelope at the S residence. I've always wondered why he happened to have a manilla envelope in his car.

Where did I get that he said he put the red bag in the envelope? I must have thought that JW stated that, but now I am thinking it was a few posters on this site who were interpreting it that way--maybe because they thought it would bode better for JW to not have the red bag, with a possible cut of money, in his possession. I always thought that getting a red bag to fit in an envelope defied physics, but then the same posters suggested it was a bank bag, which COULD fit into an envelope. So I was like, okay, that's a possibility--weird that the guy carries around his own red bank bag, but whatevs! It's funny how our minds work. We have a belief, then we kind of backfill it in with the facts that support our belief and ignore the rest. (I absolutely include myself in this. I think it's human nature!)

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Regarding JW's stories about the package, I copied items 7 and 8 from documents leading to Search Warrant of his BMW-


JW’s 1st Version

“7. Wallace stated he received a call from Mr. Savopoulos on Thursday morning, May 14, 2015 and was directed to report to the office in
Hyattsville, Maryland to pick up a package and return the package to Mr. Savopoulos. Wallace stated he responded to the Hyattsville office and met Mr. Savopoulos's accountant. He and the accountant responded to the Bank of America located in Hyattsville, MD. Wallace and the accountant walked into the bank at which time Wallace watched the accountant enter into a transaction with the bank manager. At the end of the transaction Wallace witnessed the bank manager give the accountant a manila envelope which contained currency. Wallace stated the accountant gave him (Wallace) the envelope and Wallace drove to 3201 Woodland Drive NW. When Wallace was ten minutes away from Mr. Savolopulos home he(Wallace) called Mr. Savolopulos on the phone and informed him he was nearby and had the package. Wallace stated that Mr. Savopoulos instructed him(Wallace) to place the money on the seat of his red car which was parked in the garage.
Wallace stated when he arrived at 3201 Woodland Drive he went inside of the garage, located a key to unlock the door and placed the envelope in the drivers seat. After placing the envelope in the drivers seat Wallace locked the vehicle and exited the garage and closed the door to same.

JW’s 2nd Version

8. As detectives continued to question Wallace, Wallace changed his account of the events regarding how he received the package, where
he left the package and when he was told to get the package. When Wallace was questioned about a text he(Wallace) received from Mr.
Savopoulos on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, Wallace changed his story. The text was addressed to Wallace and it directed him to meet the accountant on Thursday morning in Hyattsville to pick up the package. Wallace admitted that information was true and he made a mistake about when he was told to get the package. Wallace was also questioned about what the money was placed in when he (Wallace) received it from the accountant. Wallace admitted that he lied when he stated the money was in a manila envelope when he(Wallace) received it from the accountant. Wallace stated what actually happened was the accountant took the bundles of money from his(the accountants) pocket and placed the money in a red bag which belonged to Wallace. Wallace then drove to Mr. Savopoulos house and called Mr. Savopoulos ten minutes before he(Wallace) arrived at the home. Mr. Savopoulos told Wallace to leave the money in the car inside the garage. Wallace stated, when he arrived at Mr. Savopoulos garage he(Wallace) placed the money inside a manila envelope that was in (Wallace's) car. After placing the money in the envelope (Wallace) stated he placed the envelope in the drivers seat of the car. Furthermore, Wallace admitted that he lied when he stated that the vehicle was locked, Wallace stated the vehicle was unlocked and that he left the envelope which contained the money in the vehicle. Wallace stated that he was told by the accountant that the package contained forty thousand dollars in cash.”

So now that I am rereading this, it seems there may have never even been a trip to BofA that morning. Maybe the accountant was able to get cash from a safe at AIW? and the money in the safe was wrapped in BoA wrappers? Also, the way #8 reads, it sounds like accountant dropped money in the red bag for JW?

Both of these articles were taken from the same legal document? Just as we have our different opinions & interpretation ...so did the media folks?
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