DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #16

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I found stuff on him re: kart racing, but none of it matched up with what he self-reported.

For example, he states on his Monster Army page (http://www.monsterarmy.com/members/jordanwallace/) that he raced in the Volta Grand Prix Series Racing Series 2010-Present and won a championship. A review of all the championship results from 2010-2015 provided the information below.

In his divisions (G2) here is how he placed:
2014 Volta Grand Prix Championship Series - didn't compete
2013 Volta Grand Prix Fall Series - 8th
2013 Volta Grand Prix Spring Series - 9th
2013 Volta Grand Prix Championship - 10th
2012 Volta Grand Prix Fall Series Standings - 2nd
2012 Volta Grand Prix Spring Series - 3rd
2012 Volta Grand Prix Championship - 2nd
2011 Volta Grand Prix Championship Standings - 3rd
2011 Volta Grand Prix Fall Series Standings - 3rd
2011 Volta Grand Prix Spring Series Standings - 4th
2014 Volta Grand Prix Championship Series - didn't compete

Holy cow - who knew there were so many races! I just started looking and see:

"Volta Grand Prix is a competitive kart racing series in the D.C. metro area. There are 14 championship events each year. The first seven form the Spring Series, the last seven form the Fall Series, and the Overall Championship is made up of all those events. Each event consists of a qualifying session and three races for a total of 42 action-packed races per year."
I think he might be locked up with someone else who we're not allowed to discuss. It's clear that DC courts don't list all arrests when they need to keep them quiet to protect a case. The more lies I uncover, the more I think he is involved. If he isn't involved, then I feel bad for him that he is so delusional. I don't feel bad that he got called out on his lies. I think he began a downward spiral in the last few years. Getting fired from Autobahn was a devastating blow. Since I have no idea who JW is, or what kind of person he is, I don't know what he is capable of doing to try to make his real life match up with the one he's constructed on SM and in his head.

I dunno... I just can't get too excited about someone lying on the internet. It's a rather common phenomenon.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk
My point was not that he isn't a great racer, but that he lies about how he placed and about winning championships that he did not win. But if it helps, (and I'm just doing the championships, not the Spring and Fall standings) in his division, Jw placed 10 out of 21 in 2013, 2 out of 23 in 2012 and 3 out of 13 in 2011. If someone lies about things, important and not important, how do you know who they really are? How do you know what they are really like and what they are capable of? When someone lies all the time, the life they create is an illusion. JMO

ETA: Welcome to the thread!

Thanks for the WELCOME!
I'm very careful before I decide someone is a liar.
As I pointed out upthread, 2012 is in question because the 2012 Championship Standings chart is actually titled FALL Series Standings.
I've looked for the 2012 Championship Standings, but haven't found it. Maybe JW did win the 2012 Championship?
2012 Volta Grand Prix Fall Series Standings - 2nd http://www.voltagp.com/2012/2012-vgp-standings-fall.pdf
2012 Volta Grand Prix Championship - 2nd http://www.voltagp.com/2012/2012-vgp-standings.pdf
So I look at the above and i see someone who placed in the top five consistently in the Championship each year. So how is it that people are saying they cannot find anything on his racing history?

So he said he won a championship and it is not listed here. He took 2nd and 3rd a few times...but no first places found. Does that make him a criminal?

Not trying to be in your face, but how many racers in those races? Placing 10th out of 10 is not good. Placing 10th out of 100... I'm looking for more info.

I do notice he performed better in 2012 than he did the previous year, and the following year was down.
2011: n/a because we have nothing to compare
2012: UP
2013: DOWN
2014: n/a
I find an error. It appears that the two links for the 2012 Fall Series and 2012 Championship are the same chart which is the 2012 Fall Series.
So perhaps JW did win the 2012 Volta Grand Prix Championship and we don't have that chart to look at.

2012 Volta Grand Prix Fall Series Standings - 2nd http://www.voltagp.com/2012/2012-vgp-standings-fall.pdf
2012 Volta Grand Prix Championship - 2nd http://www.voltagp.com/2012/2012-vgp-standings.pdf

ETA: The two FALL SERIES charts aren't exactly the same with ALL of the listed names, but JW is 2nd on both of the charts.

It is screwy. I think they have the titles wrong, because on the others you can see that the championships are the culmination of the Fall and Spring series. The spring series is races 1-7 and the fall series is races 8-14 In 2012, they have the spring series (races 1-7) titled both fall and spring, but no championship results that include all 14 races. However, I don't think JW's (best case scenario) 2nd place wins in Fall and Spring would put him in 1st place overall. That honor appears to go to Oliver Rojas who beat him in both series. JMO

BTW, Good eye!
I dunno... I just can't get too excited about someone lying on the internet. It's a rather common phenomenon.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk

I can about lies about professional accomplishments that are easily verified! To me that spells, at a minimum, EXTREMELY POOR JUDGMENT. People lose jobs all the time over lies on resumes, to make those lies in public statements representing the business that employs you is very stupid.
It is screwy. I think they have the titles wrong, because on the others you can see that the championships are the culmination of the Fall and Spring series. The spring series is races 1-7 and the fall series is races 8-14 In 2012, they have the spring series (races 1-7) titled both fall and spring, but no championship results that include all 14 races. However, I don't think JW's (best case scenario) 2nd place wins in Fall and Spring would put him in 1st place overall. That honor appears to go to Oliver Rojas who beat him in both series. JMO

BTW, Good eye!

Agree that it is screwy. I reviewed the data and it does appear that just the title is incorrect. I even calculated the totals on that chart... and with the numbers provided, JW is 2nd.
Not trying to be in your face, but how many racers in those races? Placing 10th out of 10 is not good. Placing 10th out of 100... I'm looking for more info.

I do notice he performed better in 2012 than he did the previous year, and the following year was down.
2011: n/a because we have nothing to compare
2012: UP
2013: DOWN
2014: n/a

rkf provided this information upthread:
But if it helps, (and I'm just doing the championships, not the Spring and Fall standings) in his division, Jw placed 10 out of 21 in 2013, 2 out of 23 in 2012 and 3 out of 13 in 2011.
I found stuff on him re: kart racing, but none of it matched up with what he self-reported.

For example, he states on his Monster Army page (http://www.monsterarmy.com/members/jordanwallace/) that he raced in the Volta Grand Prix Series Racing Series 2010-Present and won a championship. A review of all the championship results from 2010-2015 provided the information below.

In his divisions (G2) here is how he placed:
2014 Volta Grand Prix Championship Series - didn't compete
2013 Volta Grand Prix Fall Series - 8th
2013 Volta Grand Prix Spring Series - 9th
2013 Volta Grand Prix Championship - 10th
2012 Volta Grand Prix Fall Series Standings - 2nd
2012 Volta Grand Prix Spring Series - 3rd
2012 Volta Grand Prix Championship - 2nd
2011 Volta Grand Prix Championship Standings - 3rd
2011 Volta Grand Prix Fall Series Standings - 3rd
2011 Volta Grand Prix Spring Series Standings - 4th
2014 Volta Grand Prix Championship Series - didn't compete

Thanks for that research. Just confirms even more my impressions of him. Apparently, he needs to inflate everything about himself. May have nothing to do with this crime, but I'd never hire him in a million years. Because of lying, he got himself into a mess, guilty or innocent. Same type of person in my own family. Will never change and can't be trusted. IMO.
Wint is charged only with murder. This case is far from the slam dunk some think it to be.

It must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he killed all four. I'm pretty sure the jury expects evidence he is the one who swung the bat, held the knife, etc.


Boy, not for me. I can honestly say if I were on this jury, the DNA on pizza crust which was delivered during the time frame of this crime would place DW there. The defense could try and raise reasonable doubt, but nothing they claim would top the DNA on crust evidence.

Add in the evidence on DW's shoes, the money found with DW at the time of his arrest simply adds to the above evidence.

If anything, I'm thinking possibly the defense would attempt to confuse the jury with DNA by claiming others were there, especially a relative such as brother and/or cousin with close DNA. However, the supporting evidence (boot & money in vehicles) should keep doubt below reasonable.

We cannot predict what a jury will do, however I believe LE has the correct person in custody.
Wint is charged only with murder. This case is far from the slam dunk some think it to be.

It must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he killed all four. I'm pretty sure the jury expects evidence he is the one who swung the bat, held the knife, etc.


May I ask why it must be proved that he killed all four? Thanks.
Wint's charging docs say he struck and stabbed SS with an unknown object. I think they have evidence of such. jmo

If I may add to that. So far, DW has only been charged with the murder of Mr SS, I believe there is a reason for that.
Thanks so much to the dedicated SM searchers who dig in & get tons of info for discussion. TYVM.

No matter how we may personally interp SM info imparts, it's quite revealing.
JW lists various race related accomplishments and skews them. Ditto high school sports (lacrosse? football?).
I hv/not personally seen much of his SM, just bits & pieces here, but IIUC, he gen'ly portrays himself as a 'racer' as if that is his career, his primary source of income, a way to make a living, rather than what some would characterize as an expensive hobby.
Not saying JW mis-repped himself totally, but ^ plus his stmts. to LE make me think his understanding of truth is fuzzy.

(Jodi Arias case followers may understand why JW brings to my mind Jodi saying, "I am an artist, a photographer"
when AFAIK, she was a waitress who never sold a piece of art and who used others' photos on her own SM, without ack'mt. Ending somewhat off topic comparisons.)

JM2cts, could be all wrong about this ^. And again, thank you Big Time SM Sleuthers - not just my opn on that.
May I ask why it must be proved that he killed all four? Thanks.

Can we get a hallelujah on this thread? He's ONLY been charged with ONE felony murder charge at this time... for Savaas ... assuming the ONE he had blood on his hands.....oh, no, his shoes.
I dunno... I just can't get too excited about someone lying on the internet. It's a rather common phenomenon.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk

I agree it's common. But this wasn't his dating profile. He is trying to become a professional race car driver. He's trying to get sponsors. His bio is basically his resumé. If someone says he played lacrosse at UMass, but he only has Anne Arundel Community College listed under education on LinkedIn, not only does it look like he isn't truthful, it looks like he isn't very good at keeping his lies straight. (Even if he transferred, JW appears to be the kind of guy who would include UMass on his LinkedIn account, even if he only attended for 2 weeks. It was important enough to put it on the bio of one of his websites.)

We are making judgment calls (speculating) on people involved in this case from limited information. The thing about JW is that with very few exceptions, the only information we have about him has been supplied by him. If it turns out that he is pretending to be someone he is not, it speaks to his mental health, his integrity and/or arrogance. It takes ba11s to make up stories and deliver them so convincingly that people don't question them. Pretty soon, the stories become "facts" until someone with nothing better to do with her time looks into them. :) JMO
I can about lies about professional accomplishments that are easily verified! To me that spells, at a minimum, EXTREMELY POOR JUDGMENT. People lose jobs all the time over lies on resumes, to make those lies in public statements representing the business that employs you is very stupid.

Oh, man. You said in three sentences what it just took me three paragraphs to say!

I always have to catch up since I can't keep up. I never know whether to read back from last post to earlier or from where I left off to last post. The former ruins the narrative of the discussion for me and the latter means I commit postus primatus.
Investigation Discovery Channel has NEW special starting NOW eastern time on the New York Prison Break... "After the Break" or something like that.. house special... FYI sorry for O/T

I pefer Alaska Bush People.

I'm up to my neck in crime stories.

Thanks ATL! I wish I had caught all of those specials ID had done on the Clinton Facility prison break. I'm sure they will be reshown and I will get an opportunity to see them.

Haven't watched Alaska Bush People, but will give it a try. Tried and true Swamp People fan here... :croc: <---- I kind of wish this is what would happen to Wint...
Can we get a hallelujah on this thread? He's ONLY been charged with ONE felony murder charge at this time... for Savaas ... assuming the ONE he had blood on his hands.....oh, no, his shoes.

Hallelujah! and Amen! The poor man was stabbed, beaten with a bat and strangled. I think it is entirely possible Wint did this by himself and the victims didn't have a fighting chance. I think if LE were lucky enough to find the clothing he was wearing during the kidnapping and torture he would have more blood than on just his shoe. !
Agree that it is screwy. I reviewed the data and it does appear that just the title is incorrect. I even calculated the totals on that chart... and with the numbers provided, JW is 2nd.

Thank you for doing that. I was eye-balling it.

The Volta Grand Prix is just one series that was easy to confirm. A lot of the others are not as easy, as they are teams with changing names, "show up and drive" type "championships" with no experience necessary (which should make them easier to win!), etc.

There is nothing "shameful" about racing go-karts. It looks like a lot of fun. Go-karting is the entré for professional racers, but they start doing it when they are children. Lots of men and women race them as (expensive) hobbies well into middle age - probably older. For someone like JW, who started after high school, lacked financial resources, and apparently the phenomenal talent that would be required to overcome those deficits, to be lying or embellishing his accomplishments on the go-kart track is shameful. It is sad if he is doing this because he has a mental illness and can't help himself. If he's doing this as a calculated ploy to become a race car driver without actually achieving the steps to get there, it's something else.

When he was interviewed by LE, his lies didn't hold up to scrutiny. People with a wider perspective and intelligence questioned his veracity. That last part might be what bothers me most - because most people are polite and assume people are telling them the truth, a devious person can take advantage of others' good nature. JMO
Just some info I found this morning.

2011 JW placed 1st in Race 2 - April 13, 2011. I don't know why that wouldn't be mentioned here :/ Am I reading these things wrong? I'm confused. I probably have a case of wishful thinking. These races results are confusing to me. Why can't I find a simple chart of Who won What and When!

Other stuffs:
You don't age out of Go Karting.
Superkart racing: most of the drivers are 40+
There are categories for 32+ and 40+

Twin 250cc 2 stroke motor, 90+ hp, can do 150+ mph.
Eddie Lawson 57, Wayne Rainer 54, Carl Fogarty 50.

Super Karting - 150mph for those of us who are "mature" in body, but not spirit! :D

The sport is also much less expensive than race car driving.
Things that would be costly are the same for anyone in or out of the sport: travel and accommodations!
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