DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #17

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This is what scares me. Employers whose hands are tied morally, ethically or legally by not being "allowed" to give reasons for firing someone or not feeling free to warn someone else who hires them. Passing the buck just facilities more bad behavior, criminal behavior or even violence and death as we see. An employee who steals, whether it's from the business or likely fellow employees considering that it was kleptomania, and isn't prosecuted or bargained with regarding getting mental help, is doing a disservice to everyone. I realize there's no obligation to help someone, I don't have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with facilitating the creation of more victims. Not just victims of thefts, but the whole can of worms for the future employers having to deal with the same thing.

I think it's egregious that she was rewarded a very nice letter of recommendation.

I'd be furious to find out I was misled into hiring an undesirable, disruptive and criminal person. :/ At the other end, I'd feel sick knowing I pawned her off on someone else. If no one ever pressed charges and an employee never had to face real consequences, nothing would show in a background check when potential employers did their due diligence.

I know it goes on, but it's not right.

ITA, I came to the whole situation late as a new hire during the tail end of a two year saga and I would never have written the letter or had anything to do with getting her transferred. There was just a bit too little proof for the rest of the people in the department to feel comfortable pointing fingers, but everyone was sure enough that they wanted her gone. The guy whose lab she transferred to was pretty upset when things started disappearing. Worse, her dissertation won an award and later there were rumblings that she might have faked her data. She didn't get tenure at her subsequent job, I believe because of the questions about her dissertation (or maybe something more came to light), so the situation did eventually come to a head/she did not get away with it in perpetuity. As an interesting aside, her mother wrote a pop-psych best seller.
Is getting over the top, IMO. I can still throw out everything he's written and just go by what posters here have sleuthed. Going by that alone, I know how bad of a liar JW is. A background check thru local police records would have told SS nothing useful about him. The useful info was in the SM department. Lying IS a character issue. Too many other people with better character seeking employment.

IMO SS knew JW. JW needed a job.. SS helped a guy he'd known for quite some time. JMO but I trust SS assessment of JW
Also over the top IMO is the speculation out there that JW was fired for something illegal. There is absolutely no evidence that he did anything illegal and he's never been charged with a crime.
He lied to LE but apparently explained why and clarified his account to the satisfaction of LE. He wasn't charged with perjury or obstruction, nothing.
ITA, I came to the whole situation late as a new hire during the tail end of a two year saga and I would never have written the letter or had anything to do with getting her transferred. There was just a bit too little proof for the rest of the people in the department to feel comfortable pointing fingers, but everyone was sure enough that they wanted her gone. The guy whose lab she transferred to was pretty upset when things started disappearing. Worse, her dissertation won an award and later there were rumblings that she might have faked her data. She didn't get tenure at her subsequent job, I believe because of the questions about her dissertation (or maybe something more came to light), so the situation did eventually come to a head/she did not get away with it in perpetuity. As an interesting aside, her mother wrote a pop-psych best seller.

Oh, Skigirl! After having read your posts, I knew you would have had nothing to do with it, just sharing the experience :)

Glad to hear that at least some things have come out. Interesting about the mother, too.

Remembering that very recently, someone here mentioned "the shoemaker's kids" in reference to cops kids (pastor kids, etc). I can't imagine life with pop-psych parent. :( Don't misunderstand, I fully appreciate psychiatry, psychology and better living through chemistry, lol! As with all professionals, there are good ones and bad ones.
IMO SS knew JW. JW needed a job.. SS helped a guy he'd known for quite some time. JMO but I trust SS assessment of JW
Also over the top IMO is the speculation out there that JW was fired for something illegal. There is absolutely no evidence that he did anything illegal and he's never been charged with a crime.
He lied to LE but apparently explained why and clarified his account to the satisfaction of LE. He wasn't charged with perjury or obstruction, nothing.

I respect your opinion, but lying to LE is a crime, and we have no way of knowing if his account was clarified to their satisfaction, or if LE is still investigating. Unlike in other cases in which LE has early on provided information that implicated one person but later come out to say, "that person was was questioned by us and we now believe he has no involvement", LE has not yet done that with JW.
IMO SS knew JW. JW needed a job.. SS helped a guy he'd known for quite some time. JMO but I trust SS assessment of JW
Also over the top IMO is the speculation out there that JW was fired for something illegal. There is absolutely no evidence that he did anything illegal and he's never been charged with a crime.
He lied to LE but apparently explained why and clarified his account to the satisfaction of LE. He wasn't charged with perjury or obstruction, nothing.

BBM: Please, everyone knows he hasn't been charged with those things. And people commit crimes every day that are not prosecuted for one reason or another. What I'm trying to get at is why people think the extent of the lies is an acceptable character trait for someone that is going to be around your kid and your valuable possessions. Perhaps SS' assessment of him was correct based on the info he knew about. But if he knew everything, it'd surprise me if that would be acceptable. And the lying to police? Bad, bad, bad. Not simple confusion. The lying is an ingrained pattern. I would hate for my daughter, sister or best friend to be involved with that type of person.
BBM: Please, everyone knows he hasn't been charged with those things. And people commit crimes every day that are not prosecuted for one reason or another. What I'm trying to get at is why people think the extent of the lies is an acceptable character trait for someone that is going to be around your kid and your valuable possessions. Perhaps SS' assessment of him was correct based on the info he knew about. But if he knew everything, it'd surprise me if that would be acceptable. And the lying to police? Bad, bad, bad. Not simple confusion. The lying is an ingrained pattern. I would hate for my daughter, sister or best friend to be involved with that type of person.

IMO we do not have enough info to diagnose JW or know his character. IMO his initial statements to LE and correction of the same have been investigated by LE and his account has been verified, thus, no charges. People make mistakes. I have.
SS knew him better than any of us and he trusted him. I have confidence in SS assessment of the guy he'd known.
Things may have changed since I left banking world in 1991. But during my 8 years there, I saw a few fired for stealing. Everybody who worked there knew why they were fired. No charges ever pressed.

There was an event in Potomac, MD about a year ago. Andrew Racca was accused of workplace theft for stealing and reselling computer equipment from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. He went to the home of his boss, shot the boss' wife and then set fire to the house. He then sped away, crashed his car into a tree and shot himself in the head. No charges necessary.
BBM: Please, everyone knows he hasn't been charged with those things. And people commit crimes every day that are not prosecuted for one reason or another. What I'm trying to get at is why people think the extent of the lies is an acceptable character trait for someone that is going to be around your kid and your valuable possessions. Perhaps SS' assessment of him was correct based on the info he knew about. But if he knew everything, it'd surprise me if that would be acceptable. And the lying to police? Bad, bad, bad. Not simple confusion. The lying is an ingrained pattern. I would hate for my daughter, sister or best friend to be involved with that type of person.

But does that make him capable of participating in a murder plot?

Lots of people exaggerate their accomplishments, both personally and professionally. And the vast majority of these liars are otherwise law abiding citizens... as JW appears to be.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk

Stop bringing People here that aren't allowed to be sleuthed.

Stop BASHING NT. His blog was approved to be brought here. If you don't like it, scroll and roll.
I will explain where I get my 'beliefs' about the importance of the Autobahn. I might be off base but I compare it to when my son played ice hockey when he was 10-14. The ONLY place he could practice was in our local rink. And EVERYTHING kind of happened around that as our source of info. He joined a league and went away on weekend games. But still we spent a lot of time at the rink. EVERYONE DID. So we knew all of the employees and the owner and the managers. If someone that worked full time was suddenly fired, people talked. And people did meet employees from there and become friends and/or co-workers over time.

So I have been seeing the Autobahn as a similar place for SS and family. If Phillip wanted to practice with his go-kart where else could he go but there? It said in the bloggers article that SS took his son there regularly. If he had a professional coach then he took it seriously and I believe he went at least once or twice a week. How could he go ra ce if he did not practice?

If you go to a place like that then you get to know the employees pretty well. People talk. SS was a good customer and an influential man. I think he knew the owners and the general manager because of the many times he took his son there and because his son was a serious racer. JMO

Interesting when I compare that with my experience as a competitive figure skater at (obviously) a different rink. We did not know the owners of the rink, even though I went there daily seven days a week for 2-10 hours a day. The centers of my experience there were my own personal coaches and our skating club, which rented out the rink for sessions so that we didn't have to compete with the public for the ice. We knew the employees that were there all the time, like the nice lady who checked everyone in, the guy who drove the zamboni and a couple others. My mother knew the other mothers and several of the coaches, but not even all of the coaches. We actually had a false sense of 'knowing' people, since one of the coaches that we (thought we) knew quite well was subsequently arrested and convicted of child molestation for incidents that had gone on for many years during my time as a skater.
But does that make him capable of participating in a murder plot?

Lots of people exaggerate their accomplishments, both personally and professionally. And the vast majority of these liars are otherwise law abiding citizens... as JW appears to be.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk

Not to increase the tension on this debate, but to take a step back, the whole reason he is even being discussed on this site is because LE did think he was possibly capable of what you say, based in part, on the lies he told them. (This is true, according to the docs, despite that I understand completely that it's been seven weeks and that some believe that he has been totally investigated and cleared due to no more arrests, and according to the former FBI guy.)
But does that make him capable of participating in a murder plot?

Lots of people exaggerate their accomplishments, both personally and professionally. And the vast majority of these liars are otherwise law abiding citizens... as JW appears to be.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk

BBM: I really don't know. And for me, I really have no idea if there is any involvement with this crime. And I have never even stated if I lean one way or another. Because I'm not leaning in any direction at all. All I'm trying to get across is that, IMO, lack of a criminal record is not necessarily indicative of a good character. But lying is indicative of something wrong. And it doesn't lead anywhere good. IMO.
JW is the more interesting potential villain. He is like "The Talent Mr. Ripley" whereas DW is potentially just a violent thief. With the horror of the brutal killings and the elite world the victims lived in, I think we don't want to believe it was a simple break in gone horribly awry.
JW is the more interesting potential villain. He is like The Talent Mr. Ripley whereas DW is potentially just a violent thief. With the horror of the brutal killings and the elite world the victims lived in, I think we don't want to believe it was a simple break in gone horribly awry.

Actually, I do want to think of it this way. For me, to think otherwise, is to assume DW went there with intent to torture and murder four human beings for no good reason.
Actually, I do want to think of it this way. For me, to think otherwise, is to assume DW went there with intent to torture and murder four human beings for no good reason.

But we want it to be something grander than over $40k. Although sadly people are killed over much less.
But does that make him capable of participating in a murder plot?

Lots of people exaggerate their accomplishments, both personally and professionally. And the vast majority of these liars are otherwise law abiding citizens... as JW appears to be.

Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk

IDK. Does it make him more likely to believe rules don't apply to him? More likely to be able to rationalize skimming a little off the top, steal a little from someone who has so much, finance his dream if no one gets hurt? I think there could be a range of possibilities other than uninvolved and murder plot. JMO
IDK. Does it make him more likely to believe rules don't apply to him? More likely to be able to rationalize skimming a little off the top, steal a little from someone who has so much, finance his dream if no one gets hurt? I think there could be a range of possibilities other than uninvolved and murder plot. JMO

Is there any evidence at all JW skimmed or stole from Autobahn or SS?
Is there any evidence at all JW skimmed or stole from Autobahn or SS?

I wasn't referring to Autobahn. I was saying IF JW was involved in the DC crimes, he may have been willing to steal, while not anticipating murders. Complete speculation. He didn't have to be the mastermind behind premeditated torture murders of four people to be somehow involved in the crime.
But we want it to be something grander than over $40k. Although sadly people are killed over much less.

Agreed! I think he would have killed them no matter how much or how little he got from them :(
I am wondering if JW was hired by SS to primarily be the driver of PS's go-kart to these various races and perhaps an Amerit truck was needed to do so?

JW driving PS' go-karts to races? Possible, imo. IDK what other venues Mr S planned for PS to race. Where was kart usually garaged? Mooresville, NC track, DC home, storage unit in metro DC. Didn't they have a home on coast or Outer Banks? Any indications of registration for future races?
gopromotorcomplex.com shows a kart-owner can rent garage-space at Mooresville NC track (~$2500/yr for std, ~$5000/yr for luxury). But undoubtedly some kart owners who keep karts there also take them to other tracks for practice or races.

Amerit. There was extensive discussion about these trucks, w links to co. website., etc. in earlier threads.
Amerit Fleets' trucks are not intended to and do not function to transport vehicles. The trucks carry equipment & gear to repair & maintain other vehicles. Their trucks are available only w services of a mechanic.

JM2cts, could be all wrong.
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