DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #18

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Maybe JW's phone was set on regular time, rather than DST (daylight saving time).
IIRC on May 3, JW was in Phoenix Arizona with PS at the Go-Kart races. Arizona doesn't observe DST, so perhaps JW didn't set his phone back to DST when he arrived back home from the trip to Arizona?
DST is one hour later (spring ahead!), so JW's phone would have said 9:00 a.m. when the real time (DST) was actually 10:00 a.m.

He has (or had) an iphone (per the SW), and at least mine detects the time from the server and makes a correction for my location.
Suppose JW did know there was going to be $40,000 at the Dojo for an auction. NG has said from the beginning that JW knew this money was "to be delivered." Didn't she say..."delivered." So JW knows about this delivery and maybe knows it has been done and the money is already in place. It could be in a safe at SS's office for all we know.

DW's "job" may have been to just get SS to tell him how to get into that safe and JW would score that money. This is the money that JW takes a picture of. He's gone to wherever early and opened the safe.

But overnight, DW gets creative while holding the terrified family, and extorts another $40,000. This requires JW to meet the accountant and take that money as well. Maybe he only gave DW $30,000 and kept $50,000.

I wonder if the rage directed at the family was rage at being cheated by JW.
He has (or had) an iphone (per the SW), and at least mine detects the time from the server and makes a correction for my location.

My i-phone does as well. But Arizona is glitchy because some areas follow DST and others do not. It is very confusing, even for apple.
But the DA's main goal is to put DW away for murder. JW is very low on the totem pole at this point, unless he is a prime suspect. And who knows--maybe he is still under suspicion.

But even if they have cleared him, they would not say so at this point. It is better for them if the defense takes that theory and runs with it. Then the state can show they investigated him fully, and he was on video at Lowes and back at the dojo, and they can show his cell ping map and call logs and clear him in front of the jury, making the defense team look silly. JMO


Yer skeeting me here. I lalala type my comments, come back and read that you've already said them! :) omg :hilarious:
Just curious -- if the officer knew why because the investigation had uncovered the reason and said, "I don't know," would that be considered a lie under oath?

LE could be pursuing a theory or theories that they haven't conclusively tied down so "I don't know" technically would not be a lie.

The defense is not trying to prove its case, its trying to find out the prosecutor's case and trying to pin down certain things so they can't contradict them at trial. So with this line of questioning the defense may have been curious about LE's theory, or may have wanted to get them to go out on a limb and get tied to a theory under oath. Similarly, the witness may have been avoiding giving out information or he may truly not have known the answer.

One thing we do know is apparently LE still thinks there are others involved so presumably they have some theories they are pursuing that we aren't privy to.
Maybe JW's phone was set on regular time, rather than DST (daylight saving time).
IIRC on May 3, JW was in Phoenix Arizona with PS at the Go-Kart races. Arizona doesn't observe DST, so perhaps JW didn't set his phone back to DST when he arrived back home from the trip to Arizona?
DST is one hour later (spring ahead!), so JW's phone would have said 9:00 a.m. when the real time (DST) was actually 10:00 a.m.

That's not how it works. If his phone hadn't changed from Phoenix time, it would have been three hours behind. If it changed automatically to east coast time, it would have been correct. I'm not sure if you can set your iphone clock incorrectly on purpose, but if JW did so, would it have been just for the 9:00 am text and then he put his phone back on the correct time? What innocent reason could one have for doing that?
My i-phone does as well. But Arizona is glitchy because some areas follow DST and others do not. It is very confusing, even for apple.

I travel back and forth between Phoenix and Washington all the time - really all the time. I have an iPhone. In my case, there is never a problem with it setting itself to the local time.

Yer skeeting me here. I lalala type my comments, come back and read that you've already said them! :) omg :hilarious:

I implanted a 'mind meld' device in your brain but forget to tell ya.....:nuts:
Just that he delivered $40,000 wrapped in bundles at the bank. We don't know if there was a cash delivery before that. My mind is blown.

I don't think we necessarily know who the accountant is as to whether it was a he or she. It for instance could have been the CFO that is a male, but I think it also could have been SS's sister who works in finance for the company, which I could see her having signing authority to withdraw the money and her being in town for the grand opening plus that would explain why he was talking to her the day of the murders. We haven't heard of the S family being allowed to make any calls outside of getting the money and keeping people away from the house, which this why I think it may have been SS's sister who is the 'accountant,' but it could have been the CFO or someone else.
Maybe JW's phone was set on regular time, rather than DST (daylight saving time).
IIRC on May 3, JW was in Phoenix Arizona with PS at the Go-Kart races. Arizona doesn't observe DST, so perhaps JW didn't set his phone back to DST when he arrived back home from the trip to Arizona?
DST is one hour later (spring ahead!), so JW's phone would have said 9:00 a.m. when the real time (DST) was actually 10:00 a.m.
My phone makes an auto adjust for DST. He would have to have set his phone to a different time zone to be one hour advanced. It would have to be a South American time zone to be one hour ahead.
Maybe JW's phone was set on regular time, rather than DST (daylight saving time).
IIRC on May 3, JW was in Phoenix Arizona with PS at the Go-Kart races. Arizona doesn't observe DST, so perhaps JW didn't set his phone back to DST when he arrived back home from the trip to Arizona?
DST is one hour later (spring ahead!), so JW's phone would have said 9:00 a.m. when the real time (DST) was actually 10:00 a.m.

I'd think they would be basing it on records, not just on what was set on the phone hardware.
I know, but if this gets to trial, they only have to convince one juror :( But, to repeat what we all know, that don't mean a hill o' beans as far as getting him off the hook for murder.

I have no idea why they (guilty peeps) don't just plead guilty and get it done with.

I find it curious and hilarious that the defense wants to pin the tail on JW, but it's not JW's DNA at the crime scene and elsewhere. :thinking: I wonder why the defense isn't arguing DNA? Has anything be said about DNA so far?

I just don't get why bring anybody else into this at all? Not a damn thing will make a difference exonerate DW or prove he wasn't there and didn't do anything. No defense witnesses? Oh, this is just so frustrating to be wasting all this time and taxpayer resources to play "what if" in court.

We don't know if JW's (or who else's) DNA has been found at the crime scene(s). JW is not the defendant at this prelim, and the presence of JW's DNA would not negate the presence of DW's DNA, so I'm not sure if the prosecution would need to provide that information at this hearing. I'm assuming they would need to provide it to the defense at some point, if they haven't already. Weird that neither side pursued who the third DNA sample belonged to... another victim? Suspect? In data base/not in data base? Known/unknown?
I don't think we necessarily know who the accountant is as to whether it was a he or she. It for instance could have been the CFO that is a male, but I think it also could have been SS's sister who works in finance for the company, which I could see her having signing authority to withdraw the money and her being in town for the grand opening plus that would explain why he was talking to her the day of the murders. We haven't heard of the S family being allowed to make any calls outside of getting the money and keeping people away from the house, which this why I think it may have been SS's sister who is the 'accountant,' but it could have been the CFO or someone else.

I believe the sister was in Florida at the time of the murders. She is listed as AIW comptroller on at least one document. Don't have the link at my fingertips.

ETA: In the BMW SW return LE refers to the accountant as male: "Wallace stated what actually happened was the accountant took four bundles of money from his (the accountants) pocket and placed the money in a red bag which belonged to Wallace."
I travel back and forth between Phoenix and Washington all the time - really all the time. I have an iPhone. In my case, there is never a problem with it setting itself to the local time.

Phoenix might not be an issue. But not ALL of Arizona follows same time zones.

No DST in most of Arizona


Two Times in One State

There is a common misperception that Arizona is on Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) during the summer (in the northern hemisphere) and on Mountain Standard Time (MST) during the winter (in the northern hemisphere). Since MST’s time zone offset equals to that of PDT during the United States’ daylight saving period in the summer months, some may say that Arizona is on PDT because it shares the same time as two of its neighboring states, California and Nevada during this period.

However to be precise, Arizona is not on PDT because this term is a Daylight Saving Time / summer time zone. It is generally only used during the daylight saving time for places that observe Pacific Standard Time (PST ) during the non-daylight saving period. As mentioned earlier, most parts of Arizona do not observe daylight saving time, so these parts remain on MST.

Navajo Nation uses DST
The Navajo Nation lands, which extend to the states of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, observe daylight saving time from April to October. It observes the daylight saving schedule because of its large size – it spans across three states.

During the daylight saving schedule, the Navajo Nation community moves the clock forward to six hours behind UTC, making it an hour ahead of the rest of Arizona. When it does not observe daylight saving time, it moves to clock backward to seven hours behind UTC, being in sync with the rest of Arizona, which observes MST. However, the Hopi Nation within the Navajo reservation follows the rest of the state by not observing daylight saving time.=================================

When we went on a road thrip through Arizona, around the Grand Canyon and Sedonia, my i-phone got very glitchy.
Why would he admit to only receiving $40K if he knew he received $60K, which the AIW employee would verify? Plus, he said the amount in the text was $40K - not $20K or $60K.

I am pretty sure that in the charging documents it is stated that the AIW employee gave him $40K.

How else would LE know how much to look for? They certainly weren't taking JW's word for it, when the pointed out his photo was of $20K but stated $40K.

Seems like while this hearing didn't really reveal anything concrete, going back down the rabbit hole on the amount of money is silly. But then I haven't been discussing this case for the last month with no information. Maybe y'all have discovered something I don't know about.


Ago also requested that a surveillance video image be shown to the court. The image came from the Bank of America where $40,000 in cash was withdrawn. In the photo, an American Ironworks employee is seen withdrawing the money with Wallace in the background.

The defense pointed out that the money was withdrawn in four stacks of $100 bills, totaling $10,000 for each stack. Wallace sent a photo of the money to his girlfriend, but that photo depicted only two stacks of cash. Owens acknowledged that Wallace is the only person who could say whether all four stacks of cash delivered to the house.

Wallace has not been charged in the case.
I think he waited until VF walked out of the door to go home. He grabbed her, forced her back inside with a knife to her throat, imo. Then he forces her to duct tape AS, and little Phillip, and then he tapes her up. And he has AS call her husband and make him return home.

Surely could have been something like that. How would he have known it was time for Vera to leave?

another similar scenario, probably mentioned before: Is it possible Amy went out , quick trip to the store / pharmacy or something, leaving Phillip with Vera and (I even hate to write his name) Wint waited for her or did some sort of carjack thing , forced her into the house at knife point and Vera complied with what he said so Amy would not be hurt, (she thought),they were disabled (by being taped) , Phillip was upstairs and either came down or was found and bound by the creep(s) and AS was forced to call SS and they were all at his/ their mercy after that. (mercy which was non-existent)
Again, how would he know she was going to leave? Would have to have been watching in both accounts????

I keep wondering about that Porsche being seen "driven erratically".....and how that fits in.

Also,I come down on the side of money other than the 40,000 found at the home and that the exact amount is not known. ..or at least not made known to the public.
Please feel free to take apart OR IGNORE anything I wrote. I'm always embarrassed after I post something but I am so emotionally involved in this case and what these people went through and just how empty of heart some people are I found myself typing something if for no reason but sort of a "release". My heart so goes out to the families. So many hurting people in this world. So many that want to hurt.

Thank you all for the information you gather and share here..
PS..whoever said it...I do not like the term "mansion murders" either and the constant references to how "wealthy" SS was. (I'm NOT wealthy)
OK, I'm done, back to reading what the real sleuths write.
This one might give me reason to pause.

What time was Figueroa scheduled to leave for the day?

If the security system detected glass breakage, why wasn't LE automatically alerted?
Also why wasn't LE contacted when securtiy system was turned off?
IIRC, but I thought the call to SS from AS was at 5:30. Maybe it had nothing whatsoever to do with what happened. I have called my husband at work to say "hey when are you leaving" or "can you please leave soon I need you" (admittedly even "we have run out of xyz can you please pick some up on your way home"). I think the thing about VF leaving always by 3 came from NG. I will keep my opinions to myself on NG.

But these are just my opinions.

Aside (xyz = beer) :happydance:
If there were two money deliveries, one at AIW in a manila envelope and one at BoA dropped into JW's red lined bag, maybe JW didn't have to stop for one or already have one in his car. He could just combine the two stories while only admitting to receiving $40,000.

Yeah ! We learned today it WAS a Bookbag and not a money bag from the bank
Yes! Finally makes sense! Ficker was out there lobbying for the job and DW had already hired Hanover. Of course, it looks like DW hired Hanover for immigration issues and Ficker was trying to get the felony murder defense job. No wonder Hanover always looked like he was in over his head. He was!
RKF you are Exactly RIGHT! Ficker was just lobbying.... SINCE he had been DW atty in past for all his other abuses (who knows how DW obtained all the money to pay Ficker in past) HE had his eye on the PIE!!!
But even tho Ficker lobbying DW had Hanover already planned. Wow! And according to AVVO Hanover is an immigration attorney & also a criminal defense attorney. Wint had all his bases covered. So that must be why Hanover ultimately went away...when they took his $$ away... (THO DW had fired Hanover over a difference of opinion- according to news reports)
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