DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #19

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Thanks JayMac, very informative and needed. I look forward to any insights you provide.

After picking up the $40,000 from a bank with an employee of Savvas Savopoulos‘ company, American Iron Works, the driver texted his girlfriend a photo of the stacks of $100 bills, saying “My job is insane. Don’t show anyone,” according to Ms. Bach.

The text with the original photo is not included in the SW affidavit, so we don't now if those words were said at the same time or later in the day, and what texts were sent and received in the interim. Very frustrating...
This is the post I was replying to:

Originally Posted by SpanishInquisition
It does matter. Those people who were laundering the money may be accessories after the fact or some other crime, which is a different and lesser crime. The same also goes if you knowingly bought the stolen samurai swords, which wouldn't make you a felony murderer. It depends on what exactly the 'it' is that you're in on. As an example - not that I think this would be but just as a legal example - if JW was in on stealing the Porsche where his arrangement was that he'd leave the car door unlocked with the keys inside and told DW et al when to come and steal it but then DW et al decided to do a home invasion and murder instead with the information, being in on grand theft auto wouldn't be a felony that would qualify for felony murder in DC as theft isn't one of the crimes listed in the statute.

Specifically the bolded portion above.

My point is that it is INCORRECT, imo. If JW had an 'arrangement' to leave the Porsche unlocked for DW to steal it, then JW is going down for the murders as well. There would be no 'deal' made because GTA is not a felony. That is an erroneous assumption because it is nullified once JW agreed to take the cash to the crime scene.

If JW went there with cash, to drop off to SS, then he'd know people were home and his little burglary would now be considered ARMED ROBBERY. And he would be charged with murder too.

Gotcha. That whole conversation veered off track from the first point made, which was that if DW did the SS murder, he was also good for the other three.
Trying to sort this one out a bit. Three docket entries from the preliminary hearing. He has been charged with one count of felony murder with a weapon

07/21/2015 Proposed Findings of Facts & Conclusions of Law & Order of Detention Pending Trial Proposed Findings of Facts & Conclusions of Law & Order of Detention Pending Trial
Attorney: COHEN JR, Mr VINCENT H (471489)

07/20/2015 Event Resulted - Release Status: Event Resulted - Release Status: NO BOND
AUSA - Laura Bach, Emily Miller

COURT REPORTER: Loretta Kaczorowski

The following event: Preliminary Hearing scheduled for 07/20/2015 at 11:00 am has been resulted as follows:

Result: Probable Cause Found Held for Grand Jury
Judge: REID WINSTON, RHONDA Location: Courtroom 316
DARON D WINT (Defendant (Criminal)); ; ARTHUR AGO (Attorney) on behalf of DARON D WINT (Defendant (Criminal)); NATALIE LAWSON (Attorney) on behalf of DARON D WINT (Defendant (Criminal)); Judge RHONDA REID WINSTON

07/20/2015 Event Scheduled Event Scheduled
Event: Felony Status Conference
Date: 09/25/2015 Time: 9:45 am
Judge: REID WINSTON, RHONDA Location: Courtroom 316

After the preliminary hearing the case will be bound over for the grand jury to determine whether probable cause that you committed the offense is.

The Fifth Amendment guarantees that no person shall be prosecuted for "a capital or otherwise infamous crime" unless indicted by a grand jury. Court rules and the D.C. Code require that a grand jury consider the evidence for any offense carrying a possible penalty in excess of one year. Thus, all felony cases must be presented to a grand jury unless the defendant waives the right to indictment.


The gj will return the indictment on DW - am assuming it will be a rubber stamp type thing?

ETA: This whole post is not particularly helpful now. Thanks to JayMac. I hope s/he sticks around. We really need that kind of information.
OK, I looked through ALL of the specialty plates, paying special attention to the ones for American University. Neither S/A fraternity/sorority have special plates in Maryland. Plus, it looks, from the website, that the alpha-numeric characters are in black, whereas on these cars, the letters/numbers look blue.

I think what they have is the general plate:


Is it too good to be true to hope that they all have AA? The red Audi looks like AB to me, but if you've already tried AB, have you tried AA?

no luck. Plus I think there is a tall number before the stacked letters. The other plate was 1BN7315
Thank you so much! @rkf - does this help?

That's the type of plate the white range rover had. The plates are probably NUMBER, LETTER over LETTER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER, NUMBER. I can't read the little letters or the first number on the others. I'm not convinced the land rover is a MD plate and can't read those number anyway! My eyes are old!
I agree that his text seems to be about how crazy his job is (or how important he is, consorting with the types of people who order $40k), but if he had texted that the money was his, I am not sure that that would be probable cause for arrest, and even if it was, that LE would want to start the "speedy trial" clock before they really have to. I don't think we can infer anything about the content of the texts from the fact that he may not have been (but we don't know for sure) arrested.

I think that we do know for sure that he was not arrested. The defense would HAVE TO be told already if there had been another arrest in this case. And if they knew he had been arrested thrn their line of questioning would have been much different than it was, imo.
Hi all. This thread has been an interesting read. Though I have been hesitant to register for various reasons I thought some background on DC criminal procedure might be helpful.

Just as background, in D.C. every defendant charged with a felony has an initial hearing within 48 hours of their arrest called a Presentment before a judicial officer at which time the preliminary charge is read and an immediate temporary detention decision is made. He is then entitled to a preliminary hearing within so many days (actually 20 for felonies) but in most murder cases the atty asks for a later date so they can be as prepared as possible. Obviously defense investigation needs to start asap. The atty would also be filing discovery demand letters on the govt. & serving subpoenas even thought the govt doesn't turn over discovery until the def is arraigned (i.e., charged formally with the indictment). At the PH the defense gets what's called Jencks material - some of the forms and notes made by the PH witnesses (not everything that wit completed but that which comes under the Jencks Act - there are often battles over what should be labeled Jencks material - sometimes a reason for a bench conference).

That PH also acts as a detention hearing and determines whether the def will be held or released under release alternatives. In murder cases preventive detention is almost a given.

At his arrest (when he is first held) a clock starts ticking for the return of an indictment. The govt has 9 months to indict or the court has to reconsider release conditions. Every time the defense requests a continuance at this stage they must also waive that time period and the clock is suspended. It restarts when the case gets back on its procedural treadmill. So Wint waived all that time he used to change attorneys giving the govt more time to get their indictment.

The case also has to go before a grand jury for indictment. Had there been an indictment before the PH date then it would negate the right to a PH - a detention hearing would have still been held but in cases like this it's almost pro forma taking minutes, maybe seconds - upshot, the def is not getting released.

I've read discussions wondering why Wint hasn't been charged yet with all 4 murders. When someone is arrested the govt just charges with a bare bones complaint so he can be appropriately held and the case can start. You can't read anything into it. Wint has not been indicted yet and that is where you will see all the charges against him. I thought they might have indicted him by the time of the PH and then they would have just held an arraignment rather than a PH.

I wasn't present for this PH but when there is an affidavit that supports an arrest warrant then at a PH all the govt does is ask the Detective to adopt it and query if there is anything to add or correct. The judge then reads the affidavit and that becomes evidence and essentially the govt's silent testimony. As many posters have noted the govt does its best to not make this hearing about discovery. In fact, with the strong case against Wint outlined in the affidavit (DNA at crime scene AND during crime, possession ransom money) many judges would never have allowed any questioning about other persons since that wouldn't negate PC against Wint. Ago is lucky in his judge. She gave Ago a lot of leeway.

Case still needs GJ indictment despite having a PH: I suspect that this case has already been presented to at least one if not 2 or more grand juries. I seem to recall reports that witnesses were already appearing before a GJ back in May. Sorry no cite for that. I believe that for summer GJs are just sitting for a month each. Depending on their start and end dates, there might have already been 3 GJs (May, June and July) that have heard bits and pieces of this case. It can be a long process since each new GJ that takes evidence in a case has to have all the prior GJ testimony and evidence presented previously read to it. When a reading session is scheduled it gets bumped if that time is needed for a live witness in any other case so that can delay an indictment's return.

So patience is needed. Nothing Wint has done so far has delayed or stalled this case. A GJ has been working on it from early on and they have many months to get their indictment. The current procedural stage is that the case has been bound over to the GJ.

Hope this wasn't too long or too convoluted but it seems to waste people's energy and time when they are left guessing about what's next. And to be clear, this is for D.C.

:loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou: :loveyou:

I believe the judge used to be a defense attorney, so that might be why she gave Ago such leeway. JMO

:welcome: SO glad you are here.
There are many things that should not be reported because they are not only distasteful, they are offensive to some. MSM reporters are content to clean up what happened to PS and just call it mutilation. I realize that leaves a lot to the imagination but to report the specifics is akin to watching ISIS propaganda videos. MSM reports about them but chooses not to air them.

And yet there's no mention anywhere else except in a single comment to an article on a blog. Either it came from somewhere legitimately or it was merely a sensational comment by a single anonymous person meant to evoke emotion. It happens a lot.

If it was a legitimate detail, less than reputable websites would be blasting that all over in addition to other details.

It's the same old problem, someone somewhere makes a single comment. It gets picked up as fact, repeated exponentially thereby "proving" its legitimacy when in fact, it's a false statement.

There's no other mention other than the single comment. If it's true, I just don't see those conspiracy sites sitting on it. Something like that would fit amazingly into their agendas. :/
Plus any of those combinations with a number in front of them!
If we are having this much difficulty reading pictures of these Maryland plates, imagine how difficult it must be for a police officer to read the plates in a vehicle chase. They aught to find the creative genius that came up with this design and rivet one of these plates to his a$$.
That is some impressive sleuthing!!

Do we know for a fact that JW said he got inspections for the S family? Did LE just say that in court? I have a feeling he lied about this, as well. Only two cars left that he could have registered. Do we know how new they are? If we knew that they were 2014's and SS always registered for 2 years, then we could cross the Audi and Land Rover off our lists. I would bet that these were the girl's cars. Wonder if they were graduation gifts? Or 16th birthday gifts? Maybe that is a way to tell, or to look at Google Maps to see when cars appeared?
Got another one! According to Carfax, the Audi passed its emissions inspection on March 27th or sometime shortly before. JW posted a photo saying "I got a new job!" on March 24th while driving the Range Rover (I think). So, it looks like he could have taken the Audi to have its emissions tested in Maryland.
View attachment 78753View attachment 78754
ETA: I don't know why they would have had an emissions test done on the Audi, as it would not be up for registration renewal until at least September this year, possibly September 2016. Any ideas?
Got another one! According to Carfax, the Audi passed its emissions inspection on March 27th or sometime shortly before. JW posted a photo saying "I got a new job!" on March 24th while driving the Range Rover (I think). So, it looks like he could have taken the Audi to have its emissions tested in Maryland.
View attachment 78753View attachment 78754

Thank you! So that only leaves the Land Rover.
Got another one! According to Carfax, the Audi passed its emissions inspection on March 27th or sometime shortly before. JW posted a photo saying "I got a new job!" on March 24th while driving the Range Rover (I think). So, it looks like he could have taken the Audi to have its emissions tested in Maryland.
View attachment 78753View attachment 78754
ETA: I don't know why they would have had an emissions test done on the Audi, as it would not be up for registration renewal until at least September this year, possibly September 2016. Any ideas?

I couldn't see the attachment. Did the inspection get done at that same random spot in Rockville where Mosler was inspected?
Hi all. This thread has been an interesting read. Though I have been hesitant to register for various reasons I thought some background on DC criminal procedure might be helpful.

Just as background, in D.C. every defendant charged with a felony has an initial hearing within 48 hours of their arrest called a Presentment before a judicial officer at which time the preliminary charge is read and an immediate temporary detention decision is made. He is then entitled to a preliminary hearing within so many days (actually 20 for felonies) but in most murder cases the atty asks for a later date so they can be as prepared as possible. Obviously defense investigation needs to start asap. The atty would also be filing discovery demand letters on the govt. & serving subpoenas even thought the govt doesn't turn over discovery until the def is arraigned (i.e., charged formally with the indictment). At the PH the defense gets what's called Jencks material - some of the forms and notes made by the PH witnesses (not everything that wit completed but that which comes under the Jencks Act - there are often battles over what should be labeled Jencks material - sometimes a reason for a bench conference).

That PH also acts as a detention hearing and determines whether the def will be held or released under release alternatives. In murder cases preventive detention is almost a given.

At his arrest (when he is first held) a clock starts ticking for the return of an indictment. The govt has 9 months to indict or the court has to reconsider release conditions. Every time the defense requests a continuance at this stage they must also waive that time period and the clock is suspended. It restarts when the case gets back on its procedural treadmill. So Wint waived all that time he used to change attorneys giving the govt more time to get their indictment.

The case also has to go before a grand jury for indictment. Had there been an indictment before the PH date then it would negate the right to a PH - a detention hearing would have still been held but in cases like this it's almost pro forma taking minutes, maybe seconds - upshot, the def is not getting released.

I've read discussions wondering why Wint hasn't been charged yet with all 4 murders. When someone is arrested the govt just charges with a bare bones complaint so he can be appropriately held and the case can start. You can't read anything into it. Wint has not been indicted yet and that is where you will see all the charges against him. I thought they might have indicted him by the time of the PH and then they would have just held an arraignment rather than a PH.

I wasn't present for this PH but when there is an affidavit that supports an arrest warrant then at a PH all the govt does is ask the Detective to adopt it and query if there is anything to add or correct. The judge then reads the affidavit and that becomes evidence and essentially the govt's silent testimony. As many posters have noted the govt does its best to not make this hearing about discovery. In fact, with the strong case against Wint outlined in the affidavit (DNA at crime scene AND during crime, possession ransom money) many judges would never have allowed any questioning about other persons since that wouldn't negate PC against Wint. Ago is lucky in his judge. She gave Ago a lot of leeway.

Case still needs GJ indictment despite having a PH: I suspect that this case has already been presented to at least one if not 2 or more grand juries. I seem to recall reports that witnesses were already appearing before a GJ back in May. Sorry no cite for that. I believe that for summer GJs are just sitting for a month each. Depending on their start and end dates, there might have already been 3 GJs (May, June and July) that have heard bits and pieces of this case. It can be a long process since each new GJ that takes evidence in a case has to have all the prior GJ testimony and evidence presented previously read to it. When a reading session is scheduled it gets bumped if that time is needed for a live witness in any other case so that can delay an indictment's return.

So patience is needed. Nothing Wint has done so far has delayed or stalled this case. A GJ has been working on it from early on and they have many months to get their indictment. The current procedural stage is that the case has been bound over to the GJ.

Hope this wasn't too long or too convoluted but it seems to waste people's energy and time when they are left guessing about what's next. And to be clear, this is for D.C.

Fascinating! Thanks for sharing this info! Does this mean that in the PH both sides would need to stick to what was in the charging docs and not get into any newer information?
If we are having this much difficulty reading pictures of these Maryland plates, imagine how difficult it must be for a police officer to read the plates in a vehicle chase. They aught to find the creative genius that came up with this design and rivet one of these plates to his a$$.

I was thinking about that, too. I had cocktails with one of the engineers who was working on the tech that does the tag capture, ages ago. The first thing I thought of when I read that they had these new plates was how awful they must be for LE.

Is there a known grouping for the letter combinations that are stacked? That would reduce the possible combinations from 26^2 letters.
I was thinking about that, too. I had cocktails with one of the engineers who was working on the tech that does the tag capture, ages ago. The first thing I thought of when I read that they had these new plates was how awful they must be for LE.

Are we eventually going to have those 40 character (lol) license plates like some in Europe?
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