DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #19

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I tried. I give up.

I think we've established that it is possible (and maybe even likely) that JW took at least one car in for its emissions test. (Why did they have the Audi emissions tested in March when it didn't need to be re-registered until at least September 2015?) So what the detective said is plausible. I'm not sure that it has any bearing on the Mosler registration, since that had already been emissions tested before JW started working for SS. But JW might be able to say he had re-registering the Mosler on his to-do list.

If JW was to take re-register the car in person, he would have to have a power of attorney per the following:
If the vehicle is company-owned, the person signing the notice must list their official capacity.
• A Power of Attorney must accompany the renewal notice if you are not a company official, do not personally own the vehicle, or have leased the vehicle.

The Mosler may have been company owned, as the other cars registered in Maryland were "corporate" cars. The Porsche was registered in DC and was a "personal" vehicle.

It still doesn't make sense that he would need the registration or that he would go to the DMV when he could do it so easily online (He would need the title and the tag number, which are on the registration and the renewal notice sent by DMV.)


You were great! Thank you so much for your research!!!! You rock!!
But why would JW have it in his backpack? I doubt very seriously he ever drove the Mosler without SS present. JMO

So was SS with him when he took pix of the Mosler to post online?
I wonder if LE wants to keep some details quiet as a way to weed out whack jobs (jail house informants, fake confessors, etc.) If this info was leaked, I guess it's too late for that now, but it would be another reason not to release specific details. JMO

You betcha! A control. Always keep some things back.
I think he just spotted the car in the parking lot at Autobahn and took a photo of it because he liked it.

So he lied when he posted that he drove the race car, even though he was FB friends with SS, SA and PS?
So he lied when he posted that he drove the race car, even though he was FB friends with SS, SA and PS?

It was April 17 when he posted those pics so he was gone from Autobahn, and he is in the driver seat in one pic. Both of JW's posted pics of the Mosler were set in banal-looking parking in the company of unfancy cars. Maybe a parking lot at one of the AIW locations? Hard to compare looking at Google maps.

Added: My bad. His first post was indeed while working at Autobahn. Second post was April 17.

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So was SS with him when he took pix of the Mosler to post online?

I think SS was probably inside whatever building the car was parked outside. Doesn't seem like JW even got to drive it from the side of the curb to a parking space, as I posted before. (Still no tongue-in-cheek emoji! :whistle:) Isn't it interesting that for the other cars, he took a photo from inside while driving, whereas the Mosler photos were both exterior shots. The first time he took a photo and posted on SM that he drove it, was months before he started working for SS. The car was parked outside Autobahn. I'm not convinced he ever drove it, but I really don't think SS would turn over a several hundred thousand dollar car to a young assistant. Even if he trusted JW to drive carefully, someone else could accidentally run into him, and it would not be a cheap or easy car to repair. Of course, I could be wrong, but don't you think if JW had the opportunity to take a photo of himself behind the wheel, he would have?
So he lied when he posted that he drove the race car, even though he was FB friends with SS, SA and PS?

He posted that before he started working for SS, and possibly before he was FB friends with the family. Also, IIRC, the photo was posted on Instagram and on the Broke Racers Club facebook page. I don't remember if it was on JW's facebook page and don't have a cached copy saved. I never looked to see if the family members followed him on Instagram before everything was taken down. His Instagram account was racer_jordan, whereas his FB page was Jordan Wallace. It's possible he was smart enough to keep some posts off the facebook account on which he was friends with the S family, but maybe not. I really wish I had taken screen shots of everything back in May!
It was April 17 when he posted those pics so he was gone from Autobahn, and he is in the driver seat in one pic. Both of JW's posted pics of the Mosler were set in banal-looking parking in the company of unfancy cars. Maybe a parking lot at one of the AIW locations? Hard to compare looking at Google maps.

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The first one was posted in January when JW was still working at Autobahn. It was taken in the Autobahn parking lot. It took me a lot of time to nail that down. That's the last photo I just added. The second one was posted on April 17th when he was working for SS. Rereading what he said in the latter post, he didn't actually say he drove the car, just that it was his "office". I have never seen the picture of him in the driver's seat. Please post a link! TIA.
Broke Racers ClubFacebook.jpgMOSLER2.jpgMOSLER1.jpgABCD.jpg
The first one was posted in January when JW was still working at Autobahn. It was taken in the Autobahn parking lot. It took me a lot of time to nail that down. That's the last photo I just added. The second one was posted on April 17th when he was working for SS. Rereading what he said in the latter post, he didn't actually say he drove the car, just that it was his "office". I have never seen the picture of him in the driver's seat. Please post a link! TIA.
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Maybe my eyes are bad. Is he not in the driver seat in the April 17 10:45 AM post?

That was the one I was referring to!
I have not seen a pic from the driver POV. I am now remembering that he posted one in front of Autobahn!
Added: meaning that he posted a pic in front of the Autobahn while still working there (not that a driver POV shot exists!) I had been thinking both pics were posted on April 17. He sure liked that car!

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Maybe my eyes are bad. Is he not in the driver seat in the April 17 10:45 AM post?

That was the one I was referring to!
I have not seen a pic from the driver POV. I am now remembering that he posted one in front of Autobahn!
Added: meaning that he posted a pic in front of the Autobahn while still working there (not that a driver POV shot exists!) I had been thinking both pics were posted on April 17. He sure liked that car!

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I don't think he's in the April 17th photo. I know what you're seeing, though, because at first I thought he was sitting in the driver's seat holding his arm up to block the sun from his eyes - at least that's kind of what it looked like. But then I realized what I thought was his arm was the car door right below the driver side window. Plus, who would take the photo of the car if he was in it? :)
I agree that lots of times details of all sorts aren't known to us until the trial (so frustrating), but I also believe that once the cat is out of the bag, the bell is rung, a salacious detail is leaked - it can't be undone, there's no taking it back, no do-overs.

If it had been reported legitimately a single time in a single publication and then scrubbed quickly, it would have been seen and snapped on and repeated.

In my opinion.

Ok. Either way, we'll find out at the trial.

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I'm not convinced he ever drove it, but I really don't think SS would turn over a several hundred thousand dollar car to a young assistant. Even if he trusted JW to drive carefully, someone else could accidentally run into him, and it would not be a cheap or easy car to repair. Of course, I could be wrong, but don't you think if JW had the opportunity to take a photo of himself behind the wheel, he would have?


Aren't there pics of him driving the Bentley? That's worth about the same, isn't it?

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Aren't there pics of him driving the Bentley? That's worth about the same, isn't it?
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The thing about the Mosler is that you cannot easily give it a price, because it is a super car collectors' automobile. They aren't mass produced, and collectors are appreciating their looks more now than in the past. I'd guess at auction it could vary by $100s of thousands, depending on interest that specific day. A Bentley is a car, a Mosler is more like an art piece. The low end estimate that's cropped up on the Mosler is a couple-hundred thousand.

It would be an affected esthetic for someone not into cars to drive that car, so, I'm going to speculate that it will be at auction soon, or quietly acquired by a Sultan or something and shipped to a far away land.
If JW wanted to steal one of the cars, why do a home invasion and kill the family? That makes no sense. He could have had DW do a 'fake' car jacking when he took one of the cars for an errand.
Great info on the Mosler. I know it's been debated ad nauseum, but I still think JW was thrilled to have this job for SS and didn't have motive to screw it up with this crime.

Since I'm new, pls correct me if I am focusing too much on motive!
Great info on the Mosler. I know it's been debated ad nauseum, but I still think JW was thrilled to have this job for SS and didn't have motive to screw it up with this crime.

Since I'm new, pls correct me if I am focusing too much on motive!

Can't get it out of my mind. I can't answer what JW stood to gain from this crime. If he wanted the mosler he had 19 hours to take it. He didn't receive any cash (from what I can tell) so why would he be involved, what's he to gain? If something went wrong, what was it?
Wagner is more upbeat on his old boss. He says he loved working on the cars but said Mosler’s “lack of advertising” and insistence on using Corvette taillamps turned away potential customers, who thought the MT900S was a kit.

“The unfortunate thing is that the potential is so huge. So much work went into the engineering up front,” Wagner said. “All the materials were the most expensive and top-tier stuff anywhere. Everything. Ev-ery-thing. It had everything except that last exoticness.”

The frustration continued throughout Wagner’s seven years to the point where he couldn’t use the word “exotic” when describing the car, he said.


Interesting article on the Moslers and why the company folded.

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I'm also troubled about PS being in the other room. After JW dropped the money, DW must have gone down to the garage to check, right? Leaving the victims alone was a big risk if DW acted alone. In order to make sure they were quiet, he threatened PS? Once he saw the $ was there, DW switched to making sure no witnesses or evidence survived?

Pls don't attack! Not saying I believe any of this, just still trying to piece together a scenario that explains the evidence.
I'm also troubled about PS being in the other room. After JW dropped the money, DW must have gone down to the garage to check, right? Leaving the victims alone was a big risk if DW acted alone. In order to make sure they were quiet, he threatened PS? Once he saw the $ was there, DW switched to making sure no witnesses or evidence survived?

Pls don't attack! Not saying I believe any of this, just still trying to piece together a scenario that explains the evidence.

Not only when the money came, but also the night before when pizza got delivered, and earlier Thursday morning when VF's husband came to the house. That's a few times where the victims may have been alone if only DW was there.

If they were all restrained, maybe this is less of a risk. Who knows what state he had them in- mouths could have been taped, etc. And if PS was in another room, maybe threats of further hurting him kept people in place like you said. If they all thought they'd be getting out alive once the money came, maybe they were highly motivated to stay quiet.
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