DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #5

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I am so confused about this whole line of theory!!

They took ONE of the cars...and burned it to the ground! They left other also valuable cars behind, after setting fire to the house - so there was never any chance they were going back for more.

I think some of y'all have gone down a rabbit hole, way too far!!! LOL!!!

So agree, if they were all about rebirthing the garage would be empty, but even then if they were all about that they probably would never have bothered with the home invasion at all! The idea that somehow they were going back to retrieve cars once the house was a crime scene is nearly comical. Y'all do realize the house would be secured at that stage right, probably even monitored? Pull back people, pull back from the abyss before it's too late!
So agree, if they were all about rebirthing the garage would be empty, but even then if they were all about that they probably would never have bothered with the home invasion at all! The idea that somehow they were going back to retrieve cars once the house was a crime scene is nearly comical. Y'all do realize the house would be secured at that stage right, probably even monitored? Pull back people, pull back from the abyss before it's too late!

Yeah, my theory only worked if the Mosler was missing. Now that we know it's not, I got nothing. :blushing:
LMAO!!! Is that standard around here? That is just hilarious!

It says it's a track in North Carolina.

This guy obviously traveled a lot. He had sponsors. He had what appears to me a lifelong love of all things racing. I am really unsure why he has been tied to this by so many of you...but we won't know one way or another until LEO confirms it. I will say again, I do not think he is involved.

He's tied into because LE confirmed he had lied about multiple things related to the money. LE specifically said in their charging document against DW that W1 (the driver) lied. Whether or not the driver had anything to do with this, the driver is pretty thoroughly tied up in it given how he handled the money, lied about it and a call to the driver was the very last call SS's phone made...and this call was made hours after the cash pick-up.
I'm new here. I thought we couldn't post photos of witnesses? :thinking:
You can't post screen grabs from social media unless it is MSM. Also can't sleuth someone that is a witness and not a POI. Read the TOS.
At first I read this thread to keep up with the news. now I read it for the lols because it's gone to crazy town. You folks are way, way overthinking everything! And that is saying what I mean as politely as possible.
So agree, if they were all about rebirthing the garage would be empty, but even then if they were all about that they probably would never have bothered with the home invasion at all! The idea that somehow they were going back to retrieve cars once the house was a crime scene is nearly comical. Y'all do realize the house would be secured at that stage right, probably even monitored? Pull back people, pull back from the abyss before it's too late!

Agreed. But we may have partners with two different "goals." It's all supposition. But once the holiday weekend ends,I think facts will come out fast and furious.

I freely admit that I am just theorizing. I am a know-nothing.
ok, so is this right?

SS left messages with his assistant on Wed but SS's assistant didn't return any calls til Thurs at 1:40?

The assistant, who did not return messages left on his cellphone Wednesday, tried to call Savvas Savopoulos about 1:40 p.m. but got no answer, the police documents show. Savvas Savopoulos had called the assistant at 11:54 a.m. — the last incoming or outgoing call he made or answered before the fire.

Was it a missed called or a voicemail? It was never made public? What the call was about? So so sad.
LMAO!!! Is that standard around here? That is just hilarious!

It says it's a track in North Carolina.

This guy obviously traveled a lot. He had sponsors. He had what appears to me a lifelong love of all things racing. I am really unsure why he has been tied to this by so many of you...but we won't know one way or another until LEO confirms it. I will say again, I do not think he is involved.

My "feelings" are that he's not involved. At least not knowingly involved in the murders. I think he was used, mislead, a scapegoat... whatever it would be called.

To me, he looks naive.

I have to remind myself sometimes that looks are deceiving.

Not sure if everyone here is aware, but the AIW offices are RIGHT NEXT to the building where the jojo was. RIGHT.NEXT.DOOR.

So if he was at the martial arts place readying for it, I would assume he stopped in his office at some point during the day also. :moo:

I'm too lazy and tired of chasing down to do screen caps right now... I'll let someone else find that link and do the screen cap with the buildings next to each other :biggrin:

ETA: Downthread someone corrected me and stated " The martial arts center is in Virginia. AIW's office is in Maryland. " I could have sworn I saw such.... sorry :blush:

ATL, You are both right. AIW's "Virginia Plant" shares a building with the martial arts studio. The source was one of the news video clips that's posted somewhere upthread. Reporter has cameraman pan from one to the other. That's also the US address of his little hedge fund.
I try to read to see if posts have been given responses, but it's nearly impossible...so I am jumping in!

This was on a Wednesday. I am sure Phillip does his racing on the weekends...so I am not completely sold on the fact that he was home that day. I know there was a report, but with so much misreporting here, I need further proof.

However, I do not believe for one second that this happened any sooner than Wednesday! I have seen a few posts saying the kidnapping part may have gone on longer - implying days, or something.

Really??? So y'all think Savvas went to work on Wednesday, with his family being tied up inside...with the perp(s)...and the perp(s) let him go on about his work all day???

Sounds to me like some of you are thinking waaaay to hard and trying to find answers...that we just cannot have right now.

But of course, that is just my opinion!

It seems likely that all was well when SS left for work on Wed. Between that time and the time Amy calls her husband is of interest.

My questions about the days and weeks prior to Wednesday are about any unusual events, anything unusual concerning the child who seemed to be focus of DW. Witnesses to the head injury, etc. Had any of victims mentioned anything that concerned or alarmed them prior to Wednesday.
So agree, if they were all about rebirthing the garage would be empty, but even then if they were all about that they probably would never have bothered with the home invasion at all! The idea that somehow they were going back to retrieve cars once the house was a crime scene is nearly comical. Y'all do realize the house would be secured at that stage right, probably even monitored? Pull back people, pull back from the abyss before it's too late!

Keep in mind this guy got over 200 miles away then he returned with a convoy to within 10 miles of the scene of the crime before LE arrested him. I don't know what his original plans were nor what his plans became, but getting over 200 miles away and then coming back with a specialized box truck in a convoy tells me he was up to something, whatever that something was. I don't for instance think these guys only went for the $40K and passed up other valuables as that to me wouldn't make much sense either where even if they didn't know the value of the artwork, they'd expect to find valuable jewelry and other such things. I think for instance they may have stashed certain things in a storage facility or some other place nearby. S's cars may have been going in and out of the house Wednesday night just not in a way that the neighbors noticed aside from that one time that was reported. I really want to know why DW and his brother were traveling in a convoy that included a specialized box truck that you can't just rent at a local UHaul and for that matter why DW would flee towards the scene of the crime.
You can't post screen grabs from social media unless it is MSM. Also can't sleuth someone that is a witness and not a POI. Read the TOS.

Then I will certainly go back and delete my posts. My apologies.

I would still like to ask if it is commonplace in a charging document for LE to mention lies told by a completely different individual?
At first I read this thread to keep up with the news. now I read it for the lols because it's gone to crazy town. You folks are way, way overthinking everything! And that is saying what I mean as politely as possible.

What is your explanation for why DW left NY to travel back over 200 miles to be within 10 miles of the scene of the crime before he was arrested with him being in a convoy with his brother driving a specialized box truck and toting around loads of cash?
So agree, if they were all about rebirthing the garage would be empty, but even then if they were all about that they probably would never have bothered with the home invasion at all! The idea that somehow they were going back to retrieve cars once the house was a crime scene is nearly comical. Y'all do realize the house would be secured at that stage right, probably even monitored? Pull back people, pull back from the abyss before it's too late!

I'm confused. Who ever said that anyone was heading back to the house to get cars? As far as I know, there was speculation, when the $700,000 car was not known to be at the house nor known to be missing, that the car may have had something to do with it, since the cash was a very small amount.

If two people were involved, one could have dropped the car someplace in the 12-24 hours that the house was under control of the suspect(s). It seemed consistent with that possibility when that weird traveling garage box truck was found with the suspect in the DC area after the suspect had traveled over 200 miles to New York and then came back to the area. If the car was concealed someplace, one might think that the box truck had some role in the whole thing.

I don't know why that's any more preposterous than the idea that the suspect paid a cab driver to drive him all the way back to the DC area after he'd gotten out of dodge leaving behind his DNA on the pizza because... he liked DC? Because 10 miles is so far away from the scene of the crime that he felt he was safe driving around with his entourage? He should have sent up a flare.

If the car is present and accounted for, the theory obviously goes out the window, but I have no way of explaining why he came back when he could have been free for at least a while. And why the truck? It's not crazier to think he had a reason to come back for something extremely valuable rather than for... the purpose of getting help from his brother, IMHO.
Keep in mind this guy got over 200 miles away then he returned with a convoy to within 10 miles of the scene of the crime before LE arrested him. I don't know what his original plans were nor what his plans became, but getting over 200 miles away and then coming back with a specialized box truck in a convoy tells me he was up to something, whatever that something was. I don't for instance think these guys only went for the $40K and passed up other valuables as that to me wouldn't make much sense either where even if they didn't know the value of the artwork, they'd expect to find valuable jewelry and other such things. I think for instance they may have stashed certain things in a storage facility or some other place nearby. S's cars may have been going in and out of the house Wednesday night just not in a way that the neighbors noticed aside from that one time that was reported. I really want to know why DW and his brother were traveling in a convoy that included a specialized box truck that you can't just rent at a local UHaul and for that matter why DW would flee towards the scene of the crime.

I think he was up to committing another similar crime .. This time he brought a box truck and some friends so he wouldn't have to worry about getting cash sent to the house, he could just go right ahead and fill the truck with easy to sell valuables, that's my theory ..
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