Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #3

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In some cases, the men were separated from there phones because they were thrown out of the bar. I find it deplorable if it is standard practice not to allow someone to collect their belongings or to have one of the bouncers escort them for that purpose. I have NEVER heard of it happening here. Yet in a couple or so cases is another commonality.

I agree about Chris' so-called GF. Something is very wrong with that whole scenario. I am telling you...women her age don't normally act the way she did about her BF not being around at the end of the night or not coming home at all!! She knows something.

I have a feeling his gf knows more too, AND that policeman. It was HIS uniform shirt she was wearing that night!

There's another case in another state, where his gf, or ex-gf that he went to see, was a stripper at the bar. It's most likely not related to THIS or any of the other cases, but IMO, LE should check the chicky out AND the bouncers etc.

Miguel A Oliveras, 24, missing 9/2/06, Portland Maine, missing.

SL- do you have a link about the fact they tested the SUV against Josh's DNA specifically? I have heard that and never been able to verify it?

It wasn't an SUV.. it was a van owned by the DEP or something like that. In the garage under repair..the only evidence they found was his cell phone beside where the van was located in the garage before it was stolen. When it was tested they only had the fingerprints of workers there on surprise gloves are not expensive and worn by most in the winter.

Here is a link to the radio show where his Dad discusses this. It's been a while now, this show is three hours daily, so you will have to click on the left box in the middle, then when you get there scroll down until you see something about male college is a very interesting set of interviews with Josh's Dad, where he does disclose all these facts.
SL- do you have a link about the fact they tested the SUV against Josh's DNA specifically? I have heard that and never been able to verify it?

Here's a link with a story on the Szostak case where it mentions the DNA was not conclusive(meaning that none of the DNA matched Josh). He disappeared Dec. 23 and the police initially thought he stole the car because his cell phone was found near it. They tested for fingerprints and were surprised that they were inconclusive(no match) and a few weeks later the DNA was also inclusive.
Upper Darby Township touches Ridley Township along it's western edge. Upper Darby Township is large and extends as far as Philadelphia. It is not uncommon for locals to wear UD Police shirts/hats etc. Just a way to "shout out" for your town. That doesn't mean this guy isn't UD police, just that it isn't necessarily so.
When a person goes missing and supposedly has a cell should be an automatic response from LE to get the triangulation records or contact the company for GPS tracking. Sadly, the smaller departments don't seem to be aware this is an option.
Upper Darby Township touches Ridley Township along it's western edge. Upper Darby Township is large and extends as far as Philadelphia. It is not uncommon for locals to wear UD Police shirts/hats etc. Just a way to "shout out" for your town. That doesn't mean this guy isn't UD police, just that it isn't necessarily so.
It is exactly why I want him checked out. :)
It wasn't an SUV.. it was a van owned by the DEP or something like that. quote]

It was a Department of Environmetal Conservation SUV Ranger; that's what they drive. I sort of know Albany and know what they drive--this was a white SUV with green writing. Here's link to intiail story and you'll see it says: "The last sign of Szostak, his cell phone, was found at the port in addition to a stolen D.E.C. sport utility vehicle that police say Szostak may have driven and then abandoned".
If they did a triangulation on the cell phone towers...even if it is not making calls, it would track to the body by doing this so I don't see them using it in this manner.

Triangulation doesn't track the body; it tracks where the cell phone is located, so either way; the cell phone appears to be a clever diversion tactic. The rescue crews will search near the river where the cell phone is thought to be, not knowing that the killers have purposely separated the cell phone a good distance from where they dumped the body. So whether it's triangulation locating the cell phone or a passerby; the rescue crews are tricked into initially searching in the wrong areas
In most of the cases there were no more calls, coming in or going out on record, nor evidence of the cell phone..which leads me to believe this was not used to try to throw LE off..the cell was simply shut off..the sim card removed.

It wasn't an SUV.. it was a van owned by the DEP or something like that. In the garage under repair..the only evidence they found was his cell phone beside where the van was located in the garage before it was stolen. When it was tested they only had the fingerprints of workers there on surprise gloves are not expensive and worn by most in the winter.

Here is a link to the radio show where his Dad discusses this. It's been a while now, this show is three hours daily, so you will have to click on the left box in the middle, then when you get there scroll down until you see something about male college is a very interesting set of interviews with Josh's Dad, where he does disclose all these facts.

Thank you DD:
first- I listned to this entire broadcast and want to do little else but to comfort Bill Szostak and family, it is heartbreaking the pain our families go through. I am humbled by his courage to keep the fight-

That being said:

There were NO prints on Josh's phone- how it could not have had a single print when he was SEEN on the phone, without gloves, on at least 2 seperate surveillance cams is impossible to me. It was found less than 24 hours after he went missing- why the he** hasn't anyone asked that question- no prints in this case means they were REMOVED.

Bill Szostak's daughter found the smiley, which is currently being tested as evidence as to how long it may have been there, but the important thing to note, is that Mr. Szostak and his daughter were searching where the "smiley" was found, based on the info from a psychic medium. He was not wandering searching for graffiti as has been depicted in a few articles I have read. Nor was he even aware of those cases prior to that particular search. I am pained for him that he had a detective that followed up on the leads from the "medium", felt strongly about the fact that Josh had been the victim of a homicide, and then after finding Josh based on that information, told Mr. Szostak to forget about everything that woman told him and go on with his life-

I feel Mr. S was betrayed by this investigator and he should be called out- especially if it pertains to other cases, as Mr. S has said it is a priority for them to help others in their situation.

REMOVED PRINTS = FOUL PLAY=criminal investigation = higher percentage of catching a killer??
If they did a triangulation on the cell phone towers...even if it is not making calls, it would track to the body by doing this so I don't see them using it in this manner.

Triangulation doesn't track the body; it tracks where the cell phone is located, so either way; the cell phone appears to be a clever diversion tactic. The rescue crews will search near the river where the cell phone is thought to be, not knowing that the killers have purposely separated the cell phone a good distance from where they dumped the body. So whether it's triangulation locating the cell phone or a passerby; the rescue crews are tricked into initially searching in the wrong areas
I think while the phones, in a couple of cases, have been possibly used as a decoy...they are smart enough to never have the phone near the victim after he is abducted.
cross post from the cult thread you guys...

Capt, I again echo what you are saying and I have been "thinking" what you said in the following from the get~go in one way, shape or form:

I would say most if not all are college graduates and professional people. They do not need the colleges for victims. It is my belief that their own group provides many victims. Might be able to call it hazing after a year or so. More so, I do feel they want the members to "believe" they are guilty of a felony for control over them.

Have you contacted authorities, or at least the NY dicks, retired, with this info...or are they already on it (from msm interviews I would assume that they are already very well aware of this group you are talking about since they were confident they even had enough data to arrest POIs...)

You also, with your professional respect of HIPAA, must surely struggle with personal (including your family) safety vs the laws of mandatory reporting. I do not not know you or your family but as a healthcare professional, I know that in a time like this the mandatory reporting would absolutely take a backseat to personal safety. If you happen to be in this boat I would pass the info on either annonymously or through another channel. However, if you have info on anything hinkey that can stop this absolutly WRONG series of should FOR SURE pass this on in some way, shape, or form to someone who can stop it right in it's tracks immediately. This story has the attention of the MSM and they are a powerful tool.

I wish you God speed and pray that, if you know anything that can truly help, that you forward it to the change agents that can put this dog in his doghouse. Simply posting it here and stating personal fear and HIPAA are not enough. There are many lives already lost and many more that could follow.
cross post from the cult thread you guys...

Capt, I again echo what you are saying and I have been "thinking" what you said in the following from the get~go in one way, shape or form:

I would say most if not all are college graduates and professional people. They do not need the colleges for victims. It is my belief that their own group provides many victims. Might be able to call it hazing after a year or so. More so, I do feel they want the members to "believe" they are guilty of a felony for control over them.

Have you contacted authorities, or at least the NY dicks, retired, with this info...or are they already on it (from msm interviews I would assume that they are already very well aware of this group you are talking about since they were confident they even had enough data to arrest POIs...)

You also, with your professional respect of HIPAA, must surely struggle with personal (including your family) safety vs the laws of mandatory reporting. I do not not know you or your family but as a healthcare professional, I know that in a time like this the mandatory reporting would absolutely take a backseat to personal safety. If you happen to be in this boat I would pass the info on either annonymously or through another channel. However, if you have info on anything hinkey that can stop this absolutly WRONG series of should FOR SURE pass this on in some way, shape, or form to someone who can stop it right in it's tracks immediately. This story has the attention of the MSM and they are a powerful tool.

I wish you God speed and pray that, if you know anything that can truly help, that you forward it to the change agents that can put this dog in his doghouse. Simply posting it here and stating personal fear and HIPAA are not enough. There are many lives already lost and many more that could follow.


NBM- very responsible and important post. The detectives do have that info.
Thank you blink and very glad to hear that they have this info. I also sure as hell hope that something cracks soon on this. If there is one more drowning it will be an absolute shame (hangs head...sighs with frustration)....
I pray for that as I am sure we all do. The only thing I can think of in the interum, is to MAKE SURE To TELL anyone you know that remotely fits the profile, that they NEED to be vigilent about their personal safety. That means big strapping guys- listen up- DO NOT party, anywhere, bar or other, alone. Do NOT leave or go anywhere on foot alone in the wee hours. Friends- NOBODY gets left behind, ESPECIALLY when their is a new young lady aquaitence involved. If they balk show them some of these vic pictures- if it can happen to them it can happen to anyone.

Since our investigation into the Smiley Face Killers aired, I've gotten hundreds of emails.
First of all, thanks for your interest and all the gratitude and support you've offered. I've forwarded dozens of emails to parents of the young men who drowned and to the retired NY detectives.
Many of you are wondering what is happening in the case now? (more at link)
I pray for that as I am sure we all do. The only thing I can think of in the interum, is to MAKE SURE To TELL anyone you know that remotely fits the profile, that they NEED to be vigilent about their personal safety. That means big strapping guys- listen up- DO NOT party, anywhere, bar or other, alone. Do NOT leave or go anywhere on foot alone in the wee hours. Friends- NOBODY gets left behind, ESPECIALLY when their is a new young lady aquaitence involved. If they balk show them some of these vic pictures- if it can happen to them it can happen to anyone.
Maybe we should start a campaign to this end. Writing to college newspapers to beef up the caution and the buddy system plus make the ones who actually are targets aware by going directly to groups like the Christian Athletic Association and sports departments. I can come up with something in a matter of days which can be cohesive and catchy that we can email out to campuses. Tell me what you think! (LOL Like you wouldn't?!)
Great post, NurseB! :) I posted this on the other thread, but it applies here.

We all want this to stop and would want all information directly given to the people who are willing to make it stop. I was encouraged by the blog on the news site today of people who were sending in tips and knowing they were being forwarded to those concerned. It has been difficult to sit here day after day and knowing that the various police departments have literally turned a blind eye to people wanting this solved and offering help to that end.

I can't imagine how the families must feel! The frustration, the brickwalls, and the possibility they will never know what happened to their rising stars. I applaud the Detectives. They are their only hope to right the injustice and bring to light the incompetence surrounding each of the investigations. My hope is that when this all comes out, LE is going to have to rethink the way they handle situations in the future to save other families from going through such hell.
Maybe we should start a campaign to this end. Writing to college newspapers to beef up the caution and the buddy system plus make the ones who actually are targets aware by going directly to groups like the Christian Athletic Association and sports departments. I can come up with something in a matter of days which can be cohesive and catchy that we can email out to campuses. Tell me what you think! (LOL Like you wouldn't?!)

SS- I swear you are in my head- I think that is a FANTASTIC idea. Thank you for underlining my post. Mike's case and these cases have absolutely changed the way I view the importance of personal security.
In the interest of disclosure I should tell you that two weeks ago I founded an organization geared to bring awareness to this very issue.
Because it is 501 status, I am not sure if I am allowed to announce the name here, but when I can I would love to share it with all of you.
If everyone would take a second to tell someone you think might be at risk-we can, at a minimum, drastically reduce the chances of this happening to another human being.

While we are all working very diligently here to connect the dots and solve these cases, there is one single common denominator linking all of them-
Eliminate the opportunity, eliminate the crime-
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