Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #5

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Bumping for the missing St Thomas University student, Dan Zamlen's birthday today. Prayers for his family.
There are footpaths (unpaved) below the bluffs, and search dogs are being sent along them.

However, I cannot understand why anyone would have been on a footpath beneath the bluffs at 2:20a - makes no sense when there is a paved trail atop the bluffs. (You cannot attend St. Thomas w/o being aware of the paved trail because it's extremely popular.) Finally, if DZ called for a ride back to his residence, why would he drop down beneath the bluffs where he could not be seen? It was also cold and snowy at the time D disappeared, not a time to be taking a walk.

As far as I've heard, there have been no footprints along the trails beneath the bluffs, nor has evidence of a slide been reported.

Where is DZ? It's like aliens took him.
dont ya think zalman would have turned up somewhere by now if it was some kind of medical attack?
dont ya think zalman would have turned up somewhere by now if it was some kind of medical attack?

Depends on how long his insulin pack beeps, I guess. It may be like a noise in the forest. If no one is around to hear, is there a beep?

I suppose LE would have evidence if he was hit by a car, then taken, but I see this as a possibility, too. There seems to be no evidence that he left the streets atop the bluff.

"Police say a bloodhound has picked up the scent of a missing St. Thomas student Wednesday.

Investigators have now included a neighborhood in addition to the Mississippi River where 19-year-old Dan Zamlen, of Eveleth, was last seen.

Police are now focusing their investigation on the neighborhood near St. Clair Avenue and Mississippi Boulevard where Zamlen went missing after leaving a party early Sunday morning."

"Police say a bloodhound has picked up the scent of a missing St. Thomas student Wednesday.

Investigators have now included a neighborhood in addition to the Mississippi River where 19-year-old Dan Zamlen, of Eveleth, was last seen.

Police are now focusing their investigation on the neighborhood near St. Clair Avenue and Mississippi Boulevard where Zamlen went missing after leaving a party early Sunday morning."

This story really doesn't give much info, except a bloodhound picked up his scent atop the bluffs. We knew he was atop the bluffs; what happened after that?
This story really doesn't give much info, except a bloodhound picked up his scent atop the bluffs. We knew he was atop the bluffs; what happened after that?

I know it's not much new information. I just posted it because I thought it was interesting that they are stating they are focusing their search on the neighborhood as well. Like they really don't think he fell into the water either maybe?
I haven't been able to dig up many other stories today on Dan. If I find anything new, I'll post.
I know it's not much new information. I just posted it because I thought it was interesting that they are stating they are focusing their search on the neighborhood as well. Like they really don't think he fell into the water either maybe?
I haven't been able to dig up many other stories today on Dan. If I find anything new, I'll post.

Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I'm betting if the missing was a female, there would be more news. I cannot imagine what happened to this young man. The dogs have stayed above the bluffs. There was supposed to be a water search today, but I have heard no results.
Somewhat OT, but there's this tree around the corner from my house that I often have to drive by, and it has this big creepy smiley face carved (?) into it. I don't believe it's connected, as there's no rivers or streams anywhere near, but every time I see it I think about these guys. :(
My opinion on the Juggalo theory is that it's not likely. As someone pointed out, it's an extremely juvenile group, and most that I've known that liked the band have grown out of it. I'm not saying that there aren't any college students or adults that don't like ICP, but the majority of fans that I'm aware of were depressed, loners or hang out in an isolated group, and frankly, wouldn't attend a college bar, even to get "revenge" on the world. Also, as a college student, I don't see many people that enjoy that band, around the bars or in schools, and I think if I did, they would stand out to me and others, especially if these were stereotypical college bars (I've never been to any of them, so I don't know). If they were to attend these bars, they would certainly stand out as a group, since most likely they'd be the minority. This is just my perspective as a college student.

There are a couple of young homeless guys in my area that have absolutely no respect for anyone, are violent (they threw something at my through my open car window one day!) and imo capable of murders like these (but probably not getting away with it).

With that said, I still tend to believe it's some sort of cult, however, probably someone with more money, with access to drugs, and probably smarter than to attract a lot of attention as said local homeless men.

I guess what baffles me the most is some reports saying up to 10 men were involved in attacks. I'm not quite sure how you find 10 people willing to kill in this manner within one city, not impossible, but strange considering these attacks and murders have occurred in several cities. Maybe transient types?
My opinion on the Juggalo theory is that it's not likely. As someone pointed out, it's an extremely juvenile group, and most that I've known that liked the band have grown out of it. I'm not saying that there aren't any college students or adults that don't like ICP, but the majority of fans that I'm aware of were depressed, loners or hang out in an isolated group, and frankly, wouldn't attend a college bar, even to get "revenge" on the world. Also, as a college student, I don't see many people that enjoy that band, around the bars or in schools, and I think if I did, they would stand out to me and others, especially if these were stereotypical college bars (I've never been to any of them, so I don't know). If they were to attend these bars, they would certainly stand out as a group, since most likely they'd be the minority. This is just my perspective as a college student.

There are a couple of young homeless guys in my area that have absolutely no respect for anyone, are violent (they threw something at my through my open car window one day!) and imo capable of murders like these (but probably not getting away with it).

With that said, I still tend to believe it's some sort of cult, however, probably someone with more money, with access to drugs, and probably smarter than to attract a lot of attention as said local homeless men.

I guess what baffles me the most is some reports saying up to 10 men were involved in attacks. I'm not quite sure how you find 10 people willing to kill in this manner within one city, not impossible, but strange considering these attacks and murders have occurred in several cities. Maybe transient types?

Or copy cats.

I just don't get how this young man disappeared so quickly unless he fell into the river, but how? I read that his cell phone words were that he was slipping, which would seem to point to the river theory, but why hasn't LE found evidence of a fall/slip or why haven't dogs traced him to the river?
I think someone may have taken him and is holding his body, waiting for the right time to dump it in the river to get rid of the evidence. The dogs lost the scent at the river, I think. Star Tribune article:

"...bloodhound from neighboring Hennepin County was brought this morning to a duplex where the party was held and was then led down St. Clair Avenue toward the river. A helicopter is expected to join the search later today, said St. Paul Police Sgt. Paul Schnell."

It doesn't specify where at the river it lost the scent- on the trail or down by the actual river. He probably was picked up by more than one person. One person had to drive and another to grab him. I also think that more than one person is involved because it would be too hard to dump a body in a river by yourself. And as another poster said, if he had a medical emergency, they would have found him by the scene. I don't think he was trashed drunk, because he was coherent enough to make a phone call and ask for help.

To me, Juggalos are still a possibility because in the last year, people connected to the Juggalo gang killed 11 people- Kelsey Shannon, Justin Ennis, Matthew Sillman, Summer Rust, 4 children, two babies and a nursery worker. Newspaper articles and police reports confirmed the connections of the killers to the Juggalos. Gangs of Juggalos are also mugging and robbing people. Their mascot is the "running man" (some smiley face vics said someone they didn't know were running after them). They are everywhere. Google the word "Juggalo". They still have a large following around the country after 15+ years and have started their own religion and wrestling federation. I am trying to find more info on the Dealers of Death gang, but haven't had much luck. I did see suspect Jeramy Alford's pic on a prison pen pal website. Scary looking. I should write to him and see if he offers any information. I think my husband would be upset though if he found out I was writing another guy (in prison no less) ;)
I think someone may have taken him and is holding his body, waiting for the right time to dump it in the river to get rid of the evidence. The dogs lost the scent at the river, I think. Star Tribune article:

"...bloodhound from neighboring Hennepin County was brought this morning to a duplex where the party was held and was then led down St. Clair Avenue toward the river. A helicopter is expected to join the search later today, said St. Paul Police Sgt. Paul Schnell."

It doesn't specify where at the river it lost the scent- on the trail or down by the actual river. He probably was picked up by more than one person. One person had to drive and another to grab him. I also think that more than one person is involved because it would be too hard to dump a body in a river by yourself. And as another poster said, if he had a medical emergency, they would have found him by the scene. I don't think he was trashed drunk, because he was coherent enough to make a phone call and ask for help.

To me, Juggalos are still a possibility because in the last year, people connected to the Juggalo gang killed 11 people- Kelsey Shannon, Justin Ennis, Matthew Sillman, Summer Rust, 4 children, two babies and a nursery worker. Newspaper articles and police reports confirmed the connections of the killers to the Juggalos. Gangs of Juggalos are also mugging and robbing people. Their mascot is the "running man" (some smiley face vics said someone they didn't know were running after them). They are everywhere. Google the word "Juggalo". They still have a large following around the country after 15+ years and have started their own religion and wrestling federation. I am trying to find more info on the Dealers of Death gang, but haven't had much luck. I did see suspect Jeramy Alford's pic on a prison pen pal website. Scary looking. I should write to him and see if he offers any information. I think my husband would be upset though if he found out I was writing another guy (in prison no less) ;)

I wonder if he was having problems related to diabetes and the use of alcohol. Diabetics can seem coherent, yet can act strange. I cannot understand where DZ was headed at 2:20a if not back to his residence.

The latest news seems to suggest he's not in the river, yet the police have no idea where he is. The info given on the cell may have been incorrect. He may not have asked for help. He may have thought someone coming to pick him up was his friend who told him to walk toward headlights. (Strange thing to say.) Kind of makes you wonder if someone picked him up, but what then?

It is my understanding that the dogs tracked him only atop the bluffs.
theres only been a few victims that were able to make a phone call.2-4 that i know of.were they found within a few days ?or were they found months later or never found cause maybe if the victims are lucky enough to make a phone call ,they wait to dump the bodies.

the juggalo logo is a man running with a meat cleaver.the reason i doubt they are doing these killings is cause juggalos usually are messy when they kill people anything for that matter but it dont rule them out.their into serial killers.they listen to icp and twysted juggalos are like a modern day charles manson cult difference being they have many more followers and they follow the lifestyle these rap bands rap about which is being psychotic.
the thing is if zalman was attacked by someone the killer seen or heard him try to make the phonecall.that might explain why theres no body yet.the killer didnt let the body there cause the cops could have found him fast and might have gotten the killer is gonna wait or dumped the body somewhere else as so the body can be in the water enough time to destroy any evidence there might be.
zamlen might not ever be seen again.he had a medical condition.
5000 is a joke to these people at least the ones higher is a joke to them.i will be surprised if they find him and if they do and do studies on the corpse their gonna find hes been used for experiments of some kind.if they follow protocall they will never find him.
Apparently, there may be smiley faces re: Dan Z, St. Thomas student (St. Paul). However, the question is were they placed after the fact?
Apparently, there may be smiley faces re: Dan Z, St. Thomas student (St. Paul). However, the question is were they placed after the fact?

Kristi Piehl was on the local (Mpls) radio this a.m. with more on this story. She has received about 15 photos documenting graffitti in the area, including smiley faces. Just can't pin down when they first appeared. They are hoping to find something, anything - his cell phone, for example. The reaction by LE was much faster than with Chris Jenkins, so the publicity about these possibly-related deaths is having its effect.

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