Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories

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That description was so vague, it could have fit a quarter of the people in my neighbourhood. Do we know DM listened to the radio, read the news or watched it on TV?

And if the farm is as secluded as Swedie claims, why not leave the truck there in a trailer? There is still no believable reason for moving the truck and expecting better results for hiding it, in my opinion. If they thought the farm was good enough to hide a body on, why bother risking moving the truck? If they thought the hanger was too hot for the truck, why not move the other stolen parts out at the same time? Anyone who thought that a missing man might be tied to them could expect all of their properties to be at least looked over, even their moms house, their associates homes, their places of business and their places of leisure. To me the only valid reason for moving the vehicle would not be to hide it, but to use it as a form of intimidation or to point the evidence incontrovertibly at the one person.

How about this theory; DM takes his buddy MS for a test drive with RBEG, and unbeknownst to DM, MS has a thought like, 'Wow, this would be a really good way to jack a truck, hmmmm'. MS asks the next day if he can borrow DM's phone and his Yukon, and DM, who may be over-generous with his friends, says yes. MS arranges for himself and another unremarkable looking accomplice or two to take the test drive, shows up at TB's, takes him on a test drive, and kills TB when he won't abandon his truck.

After the killing, they panic, and think about what is going to tie them to the crime. And come up with just DM knowing that they borrowed his phone and truck. So they realize that as far anyone is concerned, it could have been DM who committed the crime; his phone, his truck. Why not complete the puzzle and use his incinerator and leave the body on his property, sounds like the perfect cover. (Which would explain why whoever used it didn't know how to use it properly, if they had not used it before.)

And then after some thought, and a few days of worrying about whether or not DM could be trusted to keep his mouth shut about lending them the Yukon and phone, they decided that leaving the truck in one of his trailers at his Mom's house would ensure his silence and or ensure that he would look so guilty that no one would ever believe him protesting his innocence. Which it may well have. And which would also explain his initial shock and later, remorse, and his inability to actually help LE because of his lack of knowledge. And if he didn't know who the other associates were with MS that night, he could very well be maintaining his silence because he knows they are out there and they could be using MB as his hostage to silence.

The only thing missing would be a believable motive; who would believe a millionaire would steal a lemon of a truck, and kill a man for it, no less? Well, what if they could make it look like he was running a chop shop? If one of the associates knows someone who has a few things they'd like to unload, like a Harley they can't sell and some scraps with ground off vins, how hard would it be to dump a small load out of the Harley trailer at the hanger?

To me that plan sounds far more reasonable to a murderer than playing hot potato with the evidence and leaving lots of places where evidence would be pointing directly to them and them only.

I do not believe the description was vague. The tattoo as Kav stated was distinctive being on the wrist. The word ambition was common but not the location on the wrist. The tattoo was a huge clue which gave DM away. I would love to know how many tips were phoned in based solely on that tattoo and naming DM as the suspect. Certainly there were other solid tips called in, but just for the heck of it, I would like to know about the tattoo tip.

Yes secluded in the way that someone driving by can not see the field or the bush. One would have to walk part way up the trail beside the barn to see the field and bush. Heading west on Roseville Road, there is a large bush just before DM's field and then an embankment along the road which blocks one view of the field and bush. Driving past the barn toward the neighbours on the same side, the land is flat and you can see the bush way back, directly behind their house.The neighbours have full view and I believe if the trailer was sitting back there, they would be able to see it through the bushes, in the area the incinerator was found. Just from the roadway and driving by it was secluded. Like the saying, "if you would have blink, you would have miss it".

Respectfully but I think you missed the point. TB was burned to get rid of evidence and him but they wanted the truck otherwise they could have parked it anywhere and set it on fire with TB inside. If they left the truck at the farmland, with or without the trailer, I feel certain it would have attracted the neighbour's attention and especially once he heard the missing person and truck news. Just as MB's neighbours were suspicious once DM was arrested. IMPO I do not believe the trailer was taken along in the heist that night, May 6th.

He said the suspect picked up by police was identified by a tattoo on his wrist investigators have called "unique" — the word "Ambition" framed by a box.
This is what I now think happened. Monday, May 6th, DM test driving TB's truck with TB in the passenger side. MS got out of TB's truck at the bottom of the lane way and into DM's Yukon which was parked somewhat hidden at the bottom of TB's lane way. Either they killed TB then just before MS got out of TB's truck or DM shot TB as they were driving, without any warning shortly after leaving his house. They needed to be as quick as possible knowing they only had so much time before SB got worried and called LE,so they took the 403 from Hamilton to Brantford, then taking WGretzky Pkwy, to Powerline Road (approximately 30 minutes). This may be where DM pulled over because TB's cell was ringing (SB calling) and DM couldn't find it while driving. Once he found TB's phone he tossed it out of the truck. Did he fear it may have GPS tracking? Maybe this is why DP figures DM is intelligent ;) This could also be where someone saw TB's truck. From there they may have picked up Paris Road or got back on the 403 heading west. Eventually they would go north through Paris, onto Ayr to DM's farmland. Driving time from Ancaster to DM's property one hour.

Once there DM drove along side the barn, TB deceased in the passenger seat. MS parked the Yukon beside the barn and then got in TB's truck sitting behind DM. They were in a hurry to get out of there knowing SB would be getting worried and would call LE. Back in the bush they put TB in the incinerator, lite it and left assuming evidence of TB would be gone; nothing to worry about. This in my estimation likely only took 15 minutes. DM still driving TB's truck and MS following in the Yukon they drove to the hangar. From farmland to hangar, 20 minutes. At the hangar they removed the seats putting them in the bed of TB's truck and tried to clean the interior. They put TB's truck in the trailer which was inside the hangar, locked it and left in the Yukon together.

Next day Tuesday, May 7th, DM had business to take care of (finalizing condo purchase) which kept them from returning to farmland. I'm thinking they tossed the seats somewhere along the route from the hangar to Klienburg on the way to MB's house, under the cover of darkness, on Wednesday, May 8th. DM and MS had to get the truck out of the hangar for fear someone may soon be onto them and pay a visit to the hangar. They could just leave it anywhere so they figured MB's house was the best place knowing she was away (assuming). This would buy them a little more time to figure out what to do with the truck. Maybe they considered chopping it in MB's garage. Thursday, May 9th, DM was enjoying his new condo, maybe moving furniture in. Friday, May 10th, sorry about not getting to enjoy your new condo Dellen; off to prison you go.

I believe this is a pretty straight forward theory and I don't see any OC or framing case. If someone was going to frame DM, they would have left the truck and TB's body easier to find on one of DM's properties. The fact the truck was hidden in the trailer means it wasn't meant to be found. If the truck was meant to be found for the purpose of framing DM, the framers would not have gone through all the trouble of getting the trailer. AND they would not have burnt and HID TB in such a secluded place where only and JUST MAYBE one person might stumble upon it all because they were being a *ahem, cough, cough* "nosy" neighbour. JMHO.

I highly recommend anyone who is able to or feels up to making the drive to DM's farmland, do so. See for yourself how secluded it is and how DM and MS could have very easily gotten away with murder. Seems tattoos are a great thing. This is how DM got himself caught thanks to Mr. BO for being observant. Everything just fell into place after that and I feel LE have gathered a mountain of evidence against DM and MS along the way. Again JMHO.
How about this theory; DM takes his buddy MS for a test drive with RBEG, and unbeknownst to DM, MS has a thought like, 'Wow, this would be a really good way to jack a truck, hmmmm'. MS asks the next day if he can borrow DM's phone and his Yukon, and DM, who may be over-generous with his friends, says yes. MS arranges for himself and another unremarkable looking accomplice or two to take the test drive, shows up at TB's, takes him on a test drive, and kills TB when he won't abandon his truck.

After the killing, they panic, and think about what is going to tie them to the crime. And come up with just DM knowing that they borrowed his phone and truck. So they realize that as far anyone is concerned, it could have been DM who committed the crime; his phone, his truck. Why not complete the puzzle and use his incinerator and leave the body on his property, sounds like the perfect cover. (Which would explain why whoever used it didn't know how to use it properly, if they had not used it before.)

And then after some thought, and a few days of worrying about whether or not DM could be trusted to keep his mouth shut about lending them the Yukon and phone, they decided that leaving the truck in one of his trailers at his Mom's house would ensure his silence and or ensure that he would look so guilty that no one would ever believe him protesting his innocence. Which it may well have. And which would also explain his initial shock and later, remorse, and his inability to actually help LE because of his lack of knowledge. And if he didn't know who the other associates were with MS that night, he could very well be maintaining his silence because he knows they are out there and they could be using MB as his hostage to silence.

The only thing missing would be a believable motive; who would believe a millionaire would steal a lemon of a truck, and kill a man for it, no less? Well, what if they could make it look like he was running a chop shop? If one of the associates knows someone who has a few things they'd like to unload, like a Harley they can't sell and some scraps with ground off vins, how hard would it be to dump a small load out of the Harley trailer at the hanger?

To me that plan sounds far more reasonable to a murderer than playing hot potato with the evidence and leaving lots of places where evidence would be pointing directly to them and them only.
So after "they" do all this killing and stealing without DM(to set up DM), ole' (Big D)ummy is going to let them borrow the trailer to park @ his mom's with his blessing in order to stab himself in the back?

Even if such an outlandish theory was true......never mind, just read Canada Criminal Code 21, it explains it best...........TIA
The trailer had to have been parked at mom's because whoever did it knew she wasn't home. How could he hide the huge trailer with TB's truck in it? Leaving it at the hangar was too risky. He had to put it somewhere for awhile (with the trailer doors right up against the home of course). The trailer was found the day after DM was arrested. Neighbours witnessed the trailer being parked there BEFORE DM's arrest. He can't be ruled out in this at all. I'm very sure LE has the right people. JMO
I think just to know someone was able to give a description would be disconcerting to DM.

The area may be rural use but I don't think it is secluded. If it were a low traffic area, the road would be dirt or at best oil-sprayed. DM's road is actually paved...and that means traffic.

I just don't think the trailer would be secure from theft on the farm, and the barn there does not provide enough cover.

A body is a much smaller thing to hide, especially if it is burnt. The trailer on the other hand takes up a lot of space and is highly visible (and somewhat out of's not something that you would use to move farm equipment. It's a toy (cars, bikes, etc.) mover and so a big target for theft.

They had already processed (removed the VIN #s) off all the parts? Remember, it was an unexpected VIN # under the seat that allowed LE to ID that bike. DM may have considered the bike currently unidentifiable.

Well we don't know what DM knew or expected about his rights vs. being searched. Perhaps he thought that putting the trailer on property that was not his would give LE no grounds to search it.


Why would he be disconcerted someone was able to give a description of him, when he didn't even bother to disguise himself with a hoodie or a hat? He must have expected that there would have been a description of him.

A lot of country roads are paved now, and many of the paved ones are secluded, especially late at night, which would be when they were there, in my opinion. And they have many acres to drive back into, they didn't have to stay close to the road. I bet if you spent a night out on that road, you could count the vehicles that passed all night on your fingers. How many people pass by MB's house on any given night? I bet more than on that farm road.

Lets pretend for a moment that DM did steal the Harley in the trailer, or even knew about its theft. It was stolen in broad daylight on a busy residential street, why on earth would they then feel that leaving the truck in a trailer ready to tow on a residential street would be safer than in a secluded section of farmland? That's pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Also, anyone who has ever lived in the country and had friends in the OPP will tell you that in small rural towns, when there is a crime like car theft committed, the cops always pretty much know right away who the suspects are and where the property is going to be found. Small communities like that have a much lower car theft rate, that is one of the reasons why auto insurance is so much cheaper in the country. The idea that they might have thought it more likely that a thief would find it and steal it out of a rural field than a residential neighbourhood is pretty far fetched. And even if someone did steal it, and then got it home and found out that it was the TB truck, do you think that they would then call the cops now that their finger prints are on it, and tell them that they accidentally stole a stolen truck? It actually would have been a bonus for the original thieves, so that theory doesn't seem to hold water for me.

And the trailer may be larger than a burnt body, but if you have ever spent any time on any deep country roads, you will see plenty of vacant land and farm land and wooded areas with random trailers of all types, vehicles in all types of conditions and machinery that makes you wonder what it is. Often those things look like they have been there for years, and no one thinks twice about them, and most of them never get stolen, apparently. Again, I don't see them thinking it would be stolen from or even noticed at the farm was a realistic motivation for moving the truck. So what if a couple of neighbours might have seen a trailer at a farm, when countless neighbours were certain to see the trailer at MB's. I bet the neighbours had even seen trailers there before, like when some of the digging equipment was brought in, I doubt that they would have broken the lock to look inside.

In my opinion, the seat would have been one of the first things to be removed from a bike being chopped for parts. From what I recall, the bike was stolen 6 months before he was arrested, if it hadn't been sold it was likely because they discovered one of the many hidden vins that the owner had placed in it and whoever stole it could no longer trust that it didn't have others and they would have to now inspect every single part for a hidden vin, not worth their time. But regardless of that, if they knew that there could be hidden vins on it, they knew it could be identifiable and therefore having it around in the hanger if they thought it might be searched is ridiculous. It was in a trailer, how hard would it be to move one more trailer? And I believe the articles about the chop shop said that there were numerous parts with the vins illegally ground off, they would have known that those were illegal to have and could have easily moved them if they felt that the hanger was possibly going to be searched, that is only logical.

If we are to believe that he thought the truck was safe at his mother's because it wasn't his property, then we must assume that he thought that his properties might be searched, and therefore he would not have left a body and stolen vehicles or their parts at any of his locations, he would have brought them all to his various family member's homes. It could be that his mother had more than one property, why didn't he move the rest of the evidence to those places if he felt that they were safer than his own? I'm sorry, but it still does not make sense to me.
Why would he be disconcerted someone was able to give a description of him, when he didn't even bother to disguise himself with a hoodie or a hat? He must have expected that there would have been a description of him.

It is more threatening to hear cops are looking for someone specific with a description, than to hear cops have no leads.

A lot of country roads are paved now, and many of the paved ones are secluded, especially late at night, which would be when they were there, in my opinion.

Around the area of the Ayr farm, further away from the 401, there are dirt roads (e.g., Stauffer Rd, Reidel Dr)...they are not as nice to drive on so all traffic will funnel to the paved roads. Paving roads is pretty expensive: it is a pretty big deal for a road to go from dirt to paved (my parents are still on a dirt road despite being 20 minutes from the "Welcome to the City of Toronto" signs.) A lot of rural people resist paving because they know it will bring more and faster traffic. Peopel petition to keep the dirt! DM's place is rural but not remote: look, it's nearly on top of the 401, that is pretty close to civilization.

And they have many acres to drive back into, they didn't have to stay close to the road. I bet if you spent a night out on that road, you could count the vehicles that passed all night on your fingers. How many people pass by MB's house on any given night? I bet more than on that farm road.

MB lives on a cul-de-sac in a town with a population of 4,595. You expect only local traffic (the people who live on that dead end street, in that small town) I think the cul de sac is more private than DM's farm.

Lets pretend for a moment that DM did steal the Harley in the trailer, or even knew about its theft. It was stolen in broad daylight on a busy residential street, why on earth would they then feel that leaving the truck in a trailer ready to tow on a residential street would be safer than in a secluded section of farmland? That's pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Also, anyone who has ever lived in the country and had friends in the OPP will tell you that in small rural towns, when there is a crime like car theft committed, the cops always pretty much know right away who the suspects are and where the property is going to be found. Small communities like that have a much lower car theft rate, that is one of the reasons why auto insurance is so much cheaper in the country.

Parking the trailer against the house on a cul-de-sac means all the neighbours would see if someone was trying to jack it, whereas it would be much easier for the thief at the farm. In an odd way the neighbours would be protection.

My car insurance was way higher in the country because you have to drive long distances to get everywhere, and thus have more time on the road to have an accident.

I never knew someone who had a car stolen in the country, but I have met several who lost their cars in the city. (One girl parked her running car at a convenience store and someone stole it and then set it on fire!) There is just a higher density of cars in the city and much more opportunity therefore for the car thieves.

The idea that they might have thought it more likely that a thief would find it and steal it out of a rural field than a residential neighbourhood is pretty far fetched. And even if someone did steal it, and then got it home and found out that it was the TB truck, do you think that they would then call the cops now that their finger prints are on it, and tell them that they accidentally stole a stolen truck? It actually would have been a bonus for the original thieves, so that theory doesn't seem to hold water for me.

And the trailer may be larger than a burnt body, but if you have ever spent any time on any deep country roads, you will see plenty of vacant land and farm land and wooded areas with random trailers of all types, vehicles in all types of conditions and machinery that makes you wonder what it is. Often those things look like they have been there for years, and no one thinks twice about them, and most of them never get stolen, apparently. Again, I don't see them thinking it would be stolen from or even noticed at the farm was a realistic motivation for moving the truck.

People do get their generators, backhoes, etc. ripped off in the country. You need a dog or you're pretty well giving your stuff away for free. It's possible that things that look like they have been there for years won't move on their own any longer. We did have several times people rocket up the drive to the barn when whoever was home had their vehicles hidden in the trees: it is quite common for city thieves to try and rush in and grab whatever they can from your shop. On average I would say we had an attempt every 2 years but with a big dog ready to eat strangers, no one ever succeeded. Neighbours lost this stuff this way and any construction site in the country is ripe for the picking (no dog, lots of building materials and equipment...)

So what if a couple of neighbours might have seen a trailer at a farm, when countless neighbours were certain to see the trailer at MB's.

There are exactly 9 houses on MB's dead-end street. Not countless: I counted.

I bet the neighbours had even seen trailers there before, like when some of the digging equipment was brought in, I doubt that they would have broken the lock to look inside.

In my opinion, the seat would have been one of the first things to be removed from a bike being chopped for parts. From what I recall, the bike was stolen 6 months before he was arrested, if it hadn't been sold it was likely because they discovered one of the many hidden vins that the owner had placed in it and whoever stole it could no longer trust that it didn't have others and they would have to now inspect every single part for a hidden vin, not worth their time.

The owner added 1 hidden VIN (seat) all the other VINs are etched by the manufacturer on the part. Parts sold as part (not part of something built) have no VINs.

But regardless of that, if they knew that there could be hidden vins on it, they knew it could be identifiable and therefore having it around in the hanger if they thought it might be searched is ridiculous. It was in a trailer, how hard would it be to move one more trailer? And I believe the articles about the chop shop said that there were numerous parts with the vins illegally ground off, they would have known that those were illegal to have and could have easily moved them if they felt that the hanger was possibly going to be searched, that is only logical.

Once you get the manufacturer's VIN ground off and paint the item, the parts are just parts. Nothing to hide.

If we are to believe that he thought the truck was safe at his mother's because it wasn't his property, then we must assume that he thought that his properties might be searched, and therefore he would not have left a body and stolen vehicles or their parts at any of his locations, he would have brought them all to his various family member's homes. It could be that his mother had more than one property, why didn't he move the rest of the evidence to those places if he felt that they were safer than his own? I'm sorry, but it still does not make sense to me.

MB's home is more SECLUDED than DM's farm, because there is no through traffic. Plus that barn is practically on top of the neighbour's...

It is more threatening to hear cops are looking for someone specific with a description, than to hear cops have no leads.

Around the area of the Ayr farm, further away from the 401, there are dirt roads (e.g., Stauffer Rd, Reidel Dr)...they are not as nice to drive on so all traffic will funnel to the paved roads. Paving roads is pretty expensive: it is a pretty big deal for a road to go from dirt to paved (my parents are still on a dirt road despite being 20 minutes from the "Welcome to the City of Toronto" signs.) A lot of rural people resist paving because they know it will bring more and faster traffic. Peopel petition to keep the dirt! DM's place is rural but not remote: look, it's nearly on top of the 401, that is pretty close to civilization.

MB lives on a cul-de-sac in a town with a population of 4,595. You expect only local traffic (the people who live on that dead end street, in that small town) I think the cul de sac is more private than DM's farm.

Parking the trailer against the house on a cul-de-sac means all the neighbours would see if someone was trying to jack it, whereas it would be much easier for the thief at the farm. In an odd way the neighbours would be protection.

My car insurance was way higher in the country because you have to drive long distances to get everywhere, and thus have more time on the road to have an accident.

I never knew someone who had a car stolen in the country, but I have met several who lost their cars in the city. (One girl parked her running car at a convenience store and someone stole it and then set it on fire!) There is just a higher density of cars in the city and much more opportunity therefore for the car thieves.

People do get their generators, backhoes, etc. ripped off in the country. You need a dog or you're pretty well giving your stuff away for free. It's possible that things that look like they have been there for years won't move on their own any longer. We did have several times people rocket up the drive to the barn when whoever was home had their vehicles hidden in the trees: it is quite common for city thieves to try and rush in and grab whatever they can from your shop. On average I would say we had an attempt every 2 years but with a big dog ready to eat strangers, no one ever succeeded. Neighbours lost this stuff this way and any construction site in the country is ripe for the picking (no dog, lots of building materials and equipment...)

There are exactly 9 houses on MB's dead-end street. Not countless: I counted.

The owner added 1 hidden VIN (seat) all the other VINs are etched by the manufacturer on the part. Parts sold as part (not part of something built) have no VINs.

Once you get the manufacturer's VIN ground off and paint the item, the parts are just parts. Nothing to hide.

MB's home is more SECLUDED than DM's farm, because there is no through traffic. Plus that barn is practically on top of the neighbour's...


When I lived for many years in the country, my experience was the opposite of yours, will have to agree to disagree. Honestly, you must live in a terrible area to have someone try to break in and rob you every 2 years, maybe you should move to the city ;)
Insert my standard "just because they pursued "choice A" with the evidence/body/truck instead of "choice B", and posters here have different opinions on what *they* would do in the same scenario, does not mean DM was framed" statement here.
When I lived for many years in the country, my experience was the opposite of yours, will have to agree to disagree. Honestly, you must live in a terrible area to have someone try to break in and rob you every 2 years, maybe you should move to the city ;)

lol, I think the issue is that the parents are so close to the big smoke (TO) that a lot of the criminal element day trips out to the country to see what they can pick up. I would expect the same for the Ayr farm since it is right by Cambridge pop 100k and KW pop 300k? Half a million people in the region nearby anyway and you're in the thick of the city in 20-30 minutes. DM's place is 3 minutes from Fischer Hallman Rd, a major expressway, and 3 minutes to the closes 401 on ramp. All the miscreants that go out for a drive looking for someplace to put their pot plants would be all over this area lol. And if they are open to making pocket change on the pot, they will also happily take whatever is not locked down.
Greg Mercer &#8207;@MercerRecord 2m

Drug unit officers used a hand-held air quality sensor before they entered the garage attached to Millard barn.

So there was a garage in the barn, oh. Well that might change things Jubs

ETA: pic


Looks like with the stone foundation and proper garage, the barn would be quite a good place to hide a truck
Why? Maybe it was something he suggested at the very outset but was ignored.... (before he asked for a lawyer)??? just sayin'

I highly doubt it took LE 4 months to catch on.
I don't know. How many times have they searched the barn?

None that we know of, but BQ was suggesting that DM may have told LE something about the barn 4 months ago. That is what I find highly unlikely.

LE says the search today was as a result of new information.
Can cadaver dogs find human ashes? Would GPR pick up human ashes?
What if someone has led LE to believe there are human ashes buried in the barn or garage and that's what they are searching for now? I'm trying to think of why the barn would be searched again and what could have been missed the first time/s and why.
..the CP24 news said with a "NEW TIP"or "INFO" which IMO...may mean to something precisely to find or a spot to dig that they would not have known....just guessing here...if it was a tip because someone is talking who knows what they may find...IMO...robynhood....that barn looks LARGE ...and after a year lots could have happened...imo again sometimes LE need that added "info",,,,,an insider may have told them something ......guessing again...if the do find something to ID someone...I wonder if PB will stop any release of info...questionable???..IMO
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