Deputies seek public’s help in HaLeigh case/update:woman contacts LE

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RC is slapping around MC? Can we please support this with a link? I had not seen that, although I do admit frequently that I miss a

Thank you in advance.

And yup Granna I think you're assessment of MC is probably accurate.

Hey everyone, this is just my best guess/surmisal about the "type" of relationship that may exist between the two. I can't produce a link or proof. I've heard the 911 call many times, as have all of you, and Ron's denigrating language suggests a lack of respect for Misty. I was just posing a possible scenario for the dynamics of their relationship. I've seen similar dynamics many times.
Can someone please tell me what BBM means? Several people type and I can't stand not knowing anymore. thanks
BBM= bold by me

It's used when you quote something and want to highlight a particular bit in the quote by bolding it.
It's a given that birth mothers can be anything but motherly and that stepmothers, foster mothers, and adoptive mothers can be wonderful mothers. I wasn't trying to generalize. I am just commenting on Misty knowing those kids for just a few months and equating that with being "like their mother." In many ways, she herself is so childlike. I just don't think a teenaged girl can move in and play house, all the while thinking that that makes her somehow suddenly grown up and capable of nurture and mothering.


I am the step mother of a 12 year old boy who has been in my life for over 2 years. He has been living WITH my spouse and I for 2 years now, as opposed to with his Birth mom. I am also the Biological birth mother of a 18 month old baby boy and am due to "calve out" Nov 18th as my DH calls it... LOL

As a step parent and a step CHILD I know how long it takes to form a real, honest loving, serious relationship. As a step child (teenager), there was no one I hated more than my step dad, but now, I love him more than I can express, for all the years of abuse we kids put him through, for the way he loves and supports my mother. The love and respect that I have for that man took many years to develop. My parents have now been married nearly 15 years!

As a step parent, I must honestly admit that even after 2 years of raising and living in the same house as my step child, I love him, and care dearly about him, I concider him my son, and introduce him as such. I treat him to everything I would ever treat my own son to, and offer him the same opportunities in life. I hold nothing back even though he is a step child, but there is still a difference in the LOVE that I have. I know this love is growing... But I don't feel the same bond with him yet. I hope that 15 years from now, that there will be NO difference, in how we see EACH other. With an Unconditional love and respect. The way my father and I now love each other. ( I call my step father my dad now, as my real father passed away when I was a young child)

What I DON'T see, Is how a 17 year old girl, can join a family, and move into the position of "MOTHER" as quickly as she seems to have. I may be being judgmental but I find it hard to believe that a girl as young and immature as MC SEEMS, is really capable of parenting 2 young children, especially two that aren't hers. Being a parent, as many of us WS's obviously know, is a HUGE sacrifice to our own WANTS and NEEDS and that takes loads of maturity and strength. It may seem harsh but I can't say I would have even let that girl baby sit for me, let alone move in a take care of my kids over night while I am at work. It's a tremendous responsibility. Her involvement in all of this just makes me feel uncomfortable and seems all round hinky. "Playing house" is EXACTLY the term I would use.

This is JMHO. I hope not to offend anyone.

ETA - I can't seem to Bold or change the colours of fonts and such. If anyone can help me out with this I would appreciate it. I can't seem to click on the Bold Button or any of the typical text options when posting. Perhaps there is an option I need to turn on?
Clearing your cache or switching to a different browser might help. If you don't have access to the buttons you could always insert the tags manually. For bolding, [ b ] and [ / b ] (remove the spaces to get it to work) and for color [ COLOR = "Red" ] and [ / COLOR]
I'm starting to wonder about this letter and the "messenger". If the scrub lady delivered this on behalf of another person, I would think that LE would hurry to find and talk to the writer and to authenticate who they were and how they knew the information.

I know that LE might not make this public, but I would think that the news agencies who have been following this story would have been asking if LE has found the writer and that LE would have issued some sort of follow-up statement. It's just been too quiet, and now people are speculating on who the messenger really is, e.g., an attention getter? I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting at, except it seems to me that if this letter was legit and as "volitile" as was claimed that there would have been more action by now.
thanks for posting that :cheerful: ; but I live in Canada & I don't think there is a way to check for that around here ...

Your welcome....I didn't know you lived in Canada....sorry about that. Below I have linked a resource you can read and then fill out a short form to petition for change.

after reading that link it seems there are a others just as frustrated as yourself who would like the family watchdog website implemented in Canada. Small form to fill in on bottom of page.

above website has information on Canada's sex offender registry. Personally I had no idea that there wasn't a way for the public outside of USA to monitor sexual predators accurately. I'd say some changes are in order because sex offenders are everywhere! Not just in the US

As a step parent, I must honestly admit that even after 2 years of raising and living in the same house as my step child, I love him, and care dearly about him, I concider him my son, and introduce him as such. I treat him to everything I would ever treat my own son to, and offer him the same opportunities in life. I hold nothing back even though he is a step child, but there is still a difference in the LOVE that I have. I know this love is growing... But I don't feel the same bond with him yet. I hope that 15 years from now, that there will be NO difference, in how we see EACH other. With an Unconditional love and respect. The way my father and I now love each other. ( I call my step father my dad now, as my real father passed away when I was a young child)

What I DON'T see, Is how a 17 year old girl, can join a family, and move into the position of "MOTHER" as quickly as she seems to have. I may be being judgmental but I find it hard to believe that a girl as young and immature as MC SEEMS, is really capable of parenting 2 young children, especially two that aren't hers. Being a parent, as many of us WS's obviously know, is a HUGE sacrifice to our own WANTS and NEEDS and that takes loads of maturity and strength. It may seem harsh but I can't say I would have even let that girl baby sit for me, let alone move in a take care of my kids over night while I am at work. It's a tremendous responsibility. Her involvement in all of this just makes me feel uncomfortable and seems all round hinky. "Playing house" is EXACTLY the term I would use.

You've made some great points here. And I appreciate your honesty about your evolving relationship with your own stepdad. So often we (me most of all) fail to see our own faults while magnifiying those of others. It's great that you have reclaimed that relationship with him. Regarding Misty's age, my mom was 17 when I was born after a very difficult delivery that put her into a coma (toxemia/eclampsia). She had been married for 10 months. It was right around the time of the Korean War, and that's the way young couples did things then. Thank God she overcame that terrible illness and we both eventually made it home. Still, she and Misty couldn't be more opposite. My mom, even at such a young age, put her baby before her own needs and sacrificed for me. Yes, she probably would've enjoyed being around people her own age, but she was mature enough to know that you can't just "halfway" babysit--you have to be on call 24/7 with babies and young children. YOU are their only protection. I keep going back to LE's assertion that Misty's timeline and information are simply not believable.
I'm very concerned for her safety. The pic is just clear enough for people who know her to recognize her. Depending on her connection and knowledge of this case, she could be in a very dangerous position at the moment.

Please watch that video again. Watch the way she handles that envelope. She is NOT an innocent bystander. I was shocked when I saw the way she held that envelope on the sides only to not put her prints on it.
She may be a cookoo bird too?
I'm starting to wonder about this letter and the "messenger". If the scrub lady delivered this on behalf of another person, I would think that LE would hurry to find and talk to the writer and to authenticate who they were and how they knew the information.

I know that LE might not make this public, but I would think that the news agencies who have been following this story would have been asking if LE has found the writer and that LE would have issued some sort of follow-up statement. It's just been too quiet, and now people are speculating on who the messenger really is, e.g., an attention getter? I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting at, except it seems to me that if this letter was legit and as "volitile" as was claimed that there would have been more action by now.

Oh you so say what I am thinking myself!

I'm getting at, except it seems to me that if this letter was legit and as "volitile" as was claimed that there would have been more action by now.[/
from that link:

Investigators questioned and cleared 44 registered sex offenders who live within five miles of the home.

is that a normal amount? I mean, my god - 44 within 5 miles??!! has me wondering how many live within a 5-mile radius of my home ...

I just checked SO's within 5 miles of my home. 574! I'm blown away. Not sure of the population out in Satsuma and the surrounding areas, but I guess the more people, the more SO's you probably have.

What I DON'T see, Is how a 17 year old girl, can join a family, and move into the position of "MOTHER" as quickly as she seems to have. I may be being judgmental but I find it hard to believe that a girl as young and immature as MC SEEMS, is really capable of parenting 2 young children, especially two that aren't hers. Being a parent, as many of us WS's obviously know, is a HUGE sacrifice to our own WANTS and NEEDS and that takes loads of maturity and strength. It may seem harsh but I can't say I would have even let that girl baby sit for me, let alone move in a take care of my kids over night while I am at work. It's a tremendous responsibility. Her involvement in all of this just makes me feel uncomfortable and seems all round hinky. "Playing house" is EXACTLY the term I would use.

This is JMHO. I hope not to offend anyone.

Good post with a lot of interesting points. You're right about Misty's not being able to take up the role of Mother so quickly, especially at such a young age. She's a babysitter, and not a very good one.
You have to take into consideration the context of Misty's claim that the "children love me like a mother."
She was being interviewed by the press and defending her right to be with and in charge of Ron's children, in the wake of the outcome.
(If you want to change color, bold or change font, look at the very top guide for B I U (for underline) Use the curser to run across the text you want to change and highlight it, then click on the icons at the top of the posting screen. good luck with my lightweight direction!)
Your welcome....I didn't know you lived in Canada....sorry about that. Below I have linked a resource you can read and then fill out a short form to petition for change.

after reading that link it seems there are a others just as frustrated as yourself who would like the family watchdog website implemented in Canada. Small form to fill in on bottom of page.

above website has information on Canada's sex offender registry. Personally I had no idea that there wasn't a way for the public outside of USA to monitor sexual predators accurately. I'd say some changes are in order because sex offenders are everywhere! Not just in the US

Thank you again! Changes are indeed in order. As evidenced by the cases we follow in WS alone, there are just as many sex offenders in Canada as in the U.S. & everywhere else on the planet.
Mystery Letter's Contents Revealed

Today, detectives say the note contained information about a possible burial site for Haleigh, the girl who disappeared from her Satsuma home in February.

Capt. Dick Schauland with the Putnam County Sheriff's Office says detectives followed up the tip, but found nothing, and they are still no closer to finding the girl.

The St. Augustine Record has nothing that I can find yet. Guess they did get "scooped" after all!
Can someone please tell me what BBM means? Several people type and I can't stand not knowing anymore. thanks


Haha. As a blackberry addict, I always immediately think BBM= Blackberry Messenger...that's how it's often MOO throws me off every time because I read it as a literal moo :blushing:
Detectives said they "thoroughly followed up on the information provided [in the letter], but the tip did not lead to Haleigh."

"This tip, as have the other more than 4,000 received in this case, has thus far not led to the recovery of Haleigh," Capt. Dick Schauland.

The woman who delivered the tip told detectives that she was delivering the information for someone else. The sheriff's Office is not releasing her name or the location of the identified "burial site," Schauland said.,0,1676277.story

I am the step mother of a 12 year old boy who has been in my life for over 2 years. He has been living WITH my spouse and I for 2 years now, as opposed to with his Birth mom. I am also the Biological birth mother of a 18 month old baby boy and am due to "calve out" Nov 18th as my DH calls it... LOL

As a step parent and a step CHILD I know how long it takes to form a real, honest loving, serious relationship. As a step child (teenager), there was no one I hated more than my step dad, but now, I love him more than I can express, for all the years of abuse we kids put him through, for the way he loves and supports my mother. The love and respect that I have for that man took many years to develop. My parents have now been married nearly 15 years!

As a step parent, I must honestly admit that even after 2 years of raising and living in the same house as my step child, I love him, and care dearly about him, I concider him my son, and introduce him as such. I treat him to everything I would ever treat my own son to, and offer him the same opportunities in life. I hold nothing back even though he is a step child, but there is still a difference in the LOVE that I have. I know this love is growing... But I don't feel the same bond with him yet. I hope that 15 years from now, that there will be NO difference, in how we see EACH other. With an Unconditional love and respect. The way my father and I now love each other. ( I call my step father my dad now, as my real father passed away when I was a young child)

What I DON'T see, Is how a 17 year old girl, can join a family, and move into the position of "MOTHER" as quickly as she seems to have. I may be being judgmental but I find it hard to believe that a girl as young and immature as MC SEEMS, is really capable of parenting 2 young children, especially two that aren't hers. Being a parent, as many of us WS's obviously know, is a HUGE sacrifice to our own WANTS and NEEDS and that takes loads of maturity and strength. It may seem harsh but I can't say I would have even let that girl baby sit for me, let alone move in a take care of my kids over night while I am at work. It's a tremendous responsibility. Her involvement in all of this just makes me feel uncomfortable and seems all round hinky. "Playing house" is EXACTLY the term I would use.

This is JMHO. I hope not to offend anyone.

ETA - I can't seem to Bold or change the colours of fonts and such. If anyone can help me out with this I would appreciate it. I can't seem to click on the Bold Button or any of the typical text options when posting. Perhaps there is an option I need to turn on?

This has been my position since the beginning. The relationship between Ron and Misty begun only a matter of months before Haleigh disappeared. Far too short a period of time for a 17-year-old to become "like a mother" to two young children. The children have a mother, yet Misty portrayed herself as playing a more important role in the children's lives after only a few months, than their mother.

I was also very concerned about Misty's comments about Ron's former girlfriend, Amber. Although I can't quote exactly what Misty stated in the two comments she left on Amber's MySpace page, they were words to the effect that Misty thought Amber was a bad parent and there was a veiled threat.

Misty is in no position, as a 17-year-old, to be promoting herself as a better parent over and above the biological mothers of young children.

I see Misty as a usurper, moving into a family situation and taking over..........playing house.

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