Details about Josh's childhood revealed in his parents divorce documents

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I completely agree. I usually lurk here, but I felt the need to jump in because some of the comments above insinuated that because SP and JP are/were sociopaths, that genetically speaking, C and B were predisposed, or "doomed" even, to eventually become abusers themselves. At the minimum, they would never adjust.

Yes, I do believe that the trauma from their childhood would haunt them, but self-empowerment truly is amazing. I think many of us have come from terrible upbringings...but many of us are self-aware enough to recognize what is "healthy" and what isn't and seek the guidance or help that we need. My childhood was mostly terrible, but I was resilient, and though I may have some depressive tendencies, and come from a lineage riddled with addicts and mental disorders, I feel as though I have overcome this as much as I can. I certainly would never dream of inflicting any hurt or suffering on my son. He is the love of my life, and I am teaching him compassion and love. So to imply that I shouldn't have had him because of our "genetics" is ridiculous.

Children are a product of their environment, and the boys would have learned what love truly is from their amazing grandparents. They had a chance. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just my :two cents:

For the record, I've followed many cases, and this is the first to bring me to tears several times. My heart is broken for the Coxes. Wishing them peace.

Good for you surviving and triumphing over your childhood. My intuition is telling me that Charlie and Braden could have been saved from repeating the sickness of their father and SP if the Coxes got custody because I could still see a goodness in their little faces that was not yet ruined. I think their mother (a non-Powell) was also a big influence in the goodness they still retained in themselves. The also had Cox genes in them so I think the Cox genes would have won out if JP was arrested and the Cox's raised them.

I think that's what bugged JP the most, sadly. There were NOT all his, they were half Susan's and her half was winning inside them.
I guess as you stated above nothing is black and white. No one ever said that the boys would have turned out like their male relatives. But the point is they could have. I just think my point has been lost that people must be mindful that there are genetic tenancies out there.

There have also been studies shown that brain scans of those affected by sociopathy have the same areas of the brain (mainly the frontal lobe) that are neurologically abnormal. Sociopaths aren't made. But the science does tend to support that those with sociopathic tendencies are further nourished by a dysfunctional and abusive environment. I guess my point is that you can't have one without the other.

And I'm also not saying that what would be my choice of ceasing to continue my family line if I had a sociopathic genetic tendencies would be right for everyone. I'm just saying that I wouldn't risk the chance.

I know of very few people with an ideal or perfect childhood or life. But I gotta say I would absolutely think twice about having children if my father was Ted Bundy. It may not be right, but it would be the right choice for me.

I don't want to belabor the point JSR but people that have PTSD have different brain scans as well. The affected area of the brain under the scan would look different than a person without PTSD. No one is born with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, it is caused by trauma, as are so many other mental disorders. Sociopaths are created through attachment disorders and trauma, they are not born. The emotional area of their brain is affected usually through neglect and trauma, not genetic heredity.

Our brains go through a process called "pruning." This happens during certain years of our development. The brain begins to get rid of certain functions that is is not using and gives hierarchy to the areas that we are using more. This is why abuse and violence affect the brain. The brain of a child that witnesses chronic domestic violence or is abused will have a more active 'flight or flight' 'area of the brain." The brain thinks that is what the person needs to survive so it is constantly turned on. (they are hyper vigilant) Other areas are dulled because they are not being used enough. Hence the lack of empathy in sociopaths. That is the area affected for them.

This change in the brain occurs in development and is directly affected by environmental causes. The same can be said for the anti social brain scan. Some war vets go off to fight wars and do not come back with PTSD, and some do. Some people are abused and neglected and develop antisocial personality disorders. Some don't.

Brain Scans show changes in areas of the brain, this does not mean by any means that the brain always looked that way. Quite the opposite actually.
Do we have a copy of that blog anywhere that I can read?
I don't know if any thread on WS has copies of the disturbing things Josh posted and that blog or not. ?? It was likely discussed somewhere on here.

I don't know if any thread on WS has copies of the disturbing things Josh posted and that blog or not. ?? It was likely discussed somewhere on here.


I would love to read those as well, I can't seem to find them anywhere.
So much happens developmentally to the brain in the first few years of life that we might not have the memories but the effects are still there. They are doing a lot more with brain scans and finding out a lot that is beyond our control but they have no idea why. Some may be a genetic predisposition but most psychologist agree most things are a combination of nature/nurture not just one or the other. This isn't like eye color or hair color the brain develops a lot more after we are born then before. Also most of the development occurs in the early years in life and that is what effects our personality traits more then anything. As we age we learn coping skills and behavior based on our surroundings those things can be very important as we grow into adulthood. Some people may be genetically predisposition to have anger problems but with the right environment and learned coping skills it may never develop. Also even genetic diseases may raise you likelihood of having them but it just means its something to look out for and take precautions against.
So SP's mother disappeared, while in Burbank, and no one ever saw her again?

Websleuths, I think we can do some sleuthing on this aspect...does anyone know her name, or date of missing? I think this is an angle of the story which absolutely HAS to be followed up on.

Herding Cats

The first thing I'd want to know is whether there was any proof she was in Burbank. If so, where is she now? Was she ever seen again? Why would they move the trailer? Did they really think a mother would not hire an investigator to find where her trailer and kids had been moved? Or enlist the police to find them? So why move the trailer? Was there evidence of some kind in it? Were there any suspicious fires in the town before they moved? I have many questions, given the way this JP act played out. SP's grandmother had to be very sadistic to tell a small boy that he'd never see his mother again.
Does anyone know SP's missing mother's name? And how old SP is now?

Herding Cats
So SP's mother disappeared, while in Burbank, and no one ever saw her again?

Websleuths, I think we can do some sleuthing on this aspect...does anyone know her name, or date of missing? I think this is an angle of the story which absolutely HAS to be followed up on.

Herding Cats
HC, you have to keep in mind who wrote the story. Besides, he doesn't say she was never seen again, only that his grandmother said he would never see her again.

On a different page on his site, SP says that one of his mother's boyfriends was a music arranger, and this bf gave SP a book on music theory that he used to teach himself composition and writing. From that time on, SP says, "in my teen years", he aspired to be a composer, singer, songwriter.

Apparently at some point he was reunited with his mother. That is, if any of his story is true to begin with.
I did a simple google search of SP, including the middle name and came up with this website:

The only reason I think it could possibly be valid is because of the sister's name mentioned, who matches the name of the Aunt who came forward this week.

So, this mentions possible parent names of SP, but of course you would have to determine whether you think this is really him first.

Just sharing, not claiming this to be truth, but could be reason for further exploration.
I have not read any of the documents, so I have no idea what bad things allegedly happened to Josh.

I will say, though, that many, many, many people in this world have had bad things happen to them. And they go on to lead productive, happy lives, not become murderers.
I did a simple google search of SP, including the middle name and came up with this website:

The only reason I think it could possibly be valid is because of the sister's name mentioned, who matches the name of the Aunt who came forward this week.

So, this mentions possible parent names of SP, but of course you would have to determine whether you think this is really him first.

Just sharing, not claiming this to be truth, but could be reason for further exploration.

That looks like an excellent possibility when you match it with the Chantrey bio: Born Portland, OR; lived in Cali; number and gender of siblings.

But then you get to the paternal grandparents and it falls apart. Genealogy page says father is SLP Jr., which would make the paternal grandfather SLP Sr. while the bio specifically names Steve's father's parents as O and VW.

The bio does start out with that big "what happened to Mommy" mystery, but it is clear (if you can believe it) that as some point the "single mother was supporting four children." Maybe their grandparents who "kidnapped" them passed away and their mother got them back -- seeing as how their father essentially abandoned them to work/live in Yakima.

God bless the Mormons for being genealogists, so I'm gonna do my own stalker search with for a bit!
Guess I need to re-visit the Chantrey page (yuck). Also on ancestry. Did find what I believe could be a photo of SP in the Hollywood High 1966 yearbook.
Guess I need to re-visit the Chantrey page (yuck). Also on ancestry. Did find what I believe could be a photo of SP in the Hollywood High 1966 yearbook.

Hollywood High is same school on the genealogy page you found! I did find VW as a boy in Missouri and Illinois on 1910 and 1920 censuses. If you work the genealogy page info, I'll work the bio info (working forward from O & VW).
Will do! But let me ask you mention the Chantrey site listing his paternal grandparents as V and O W (which I did look back on that page again). Wouldn't his paternal grandparents be Powells? Unless she divorced and remarried a W.
Will do! But let me ask you mention the Chantrey site listing his paternal grandparents as V and O W (which I did look back on that page again). Wouldn't his paternal grandparents be Powells? Unless she divorced and remarried a W.

Yep, agreed. That's part of what I'm trying to figure out. I do have their DoB and DoD's now -- burial listings in Yakima, WA. She died in 1997 and he died in 2002, so if the children went back to their mother, the grandparents were still alive and well!
I apologize if this was already discussed, but does anyone know where sp got the name Chantrey? Also, sp talked about one of his mom's "suitors" on the site. Sometimes that term is used in a derogatory way, meaning lots of men in her life... good chance she remarried.
Maybe she remarried a Powell and the kids took his name... it does say his parents were Williams.

Just reread it.. grandparents, not parents....
You guys are good. I am interested to see what turns up.
The plot thickens with the Powell/Williams connection. And, Heatherly, you DO have the correct genealogy page!

I found a 1995 digital file of Ouita Williams giving power of attorney to Samuel Powell. The possible connection still has me scratching my head. Ouita would have been 89 years old, so not surprising if she was in declining health (she died in 2002). How can a Powell AND a Williams both be SP's paternal grandparents???


  • View Record - Yakima Power of Attorney Records - Williams Ouita A - Powell Samuel L - Whitson Ha.jpg
    View Record - Yakima Power of Attorney Records - Williams Ouita A - Powell Samuel L - Whitson Ha.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 21
Okay....after reading it again, I think O and VW are sp's mom's parents... It's her music collection he's referring to. The confusion is he asks his dad and his parents when they recorded it, but it's her parents. So W is her maiden name....

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