Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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If I recall.............didn't LP at one time say that he learned of the fight between Cindy and Casey on June 15th, from Lee? I definitely recall LP saying that when he first got to Orlando and bailed Casey out, for the first few days Lee was very friendly and volunteered a lot of information.

I'm sure that there's a lot that LE has not revealed about this case, and although some interviews have been made public, there's many that have crucial details that are being held confidential. If Lee was an eye witness to the fight, this is one piece of crucial information the prosecutor may keep confidential.

The fight on June 15th goes to motive. If Cindy failed to tell LE about the fight, this is a cover up by omission.

At one point, I too thought Lee told LP who told Nancy Grace et al, but when I querried WS about that, I was given the information that the story originated with JG who told Lee who told LP who told Nancy Grace. I don't know for sure any more. :confused:

Re bold: I feel it definitely goes to motive too (or at least instigation). :)

Bold by me!

Well, Friday I see we are from the same school of Parenting. Everytime I see her in court, I envision something like your bathroom scene!:eek:

Here's something else I've always wanted to bring up because I sense it offers a morsel of additional psychological insight into the KC-CA relationship.

I just don't know how to interpret it, but here it is for everyone's consideration and input: On July 15th, at Tony's apartment, when Cindy ordered KC to get her things and come with her, why did KC obey the command to leave with her?

(Respectfully snipped.)

I think Casey was already conscious and sensitive about being too "high maintenance" for AL. He wanted a casual relationship and Casey didn't have him wrapped up enough to risk exposing how far away from low-maintenance she really was. I think her instincts always lead her to react based on the impression of the people (usually men) around her, rather than a more intelligent quick reasoning through "I can't let them hear what she says because they may figure out that I was lying about Caylee before."

In the heat of the moment I don't think she thought twice about hiding what she had done; I think she was too busy trying to hide who she really was.
I'm sure you have already read my thoughts on Cindy and Casey's relationship. And I have a feeling you have a bit more insight into their relationship then you are letting on :blowkiss:. Cindy is a sick b!tch, IMO- Casey may be the one who eneded up killing her child but Cindy is just as messed up IMO and that is why Casey went running home every time mommy told her to, including that last time. IMO. moo.

Post of The Night! Tell us how you really feel OLG?
I'm sure you have already read my thoughts on Cindy and Casey's relationship. And I have a feeling you have a bit more insight into their relationship then you are letting on :blowkiss:. Cindy is a sick b!tch, IMO- Casey may be the one who eneded up killing her child but Cindy is just as messed up IMO and that is why Casey went running home every time mommy told her to, including that last time. IMO. moo.

:woohoo: I'm still trying to decide who I dislike more. Today, it's a toss up.
I think KC left with CA so willingly as to not have her momma running off at the mouth about just getting the car back from the tow yard. IIRC, KC told TonE that GA was to pick up the car and take it to the shop. She had two different story lines running and couldn't risk them intersecting. MOO...
I agree with all of the above, I also think AH was a factor in her leaving as well....Since AH was with Cindy, maybe KC thought AH noticed her checkbook missing or had checked her account and KC thought she was there to confront her too! I think she bolted so AL couldn't hear why both AH and Cindy were there! MOO
Just wanted to include the documentation that we have regarding the fight.
Keep in mind that the source is a man who doesnt have a great track record with honesty or ethics. (This is fact, not just my opinion.)

Ya know, Cindy knew Casey was avoiding her. She didn't even go to the door with Amy IIRC. She kinda popped out. She knew there was something VERY wrong. Could there be more to the conversation that took place in that apartment and we haven't heard about it? Did Cindy ever try to contact TL like she did Casey's other friends? Was he ever part of that group meeting at the As? I can't remember any more. But, I find it hard to believe that she (or George) weren't all over that guy trying to get their own answers.

Re bold. I never thought about that before. I've always just assumed CA, GA, and Lee all decided that KC had kept Tony completely in the dark and therefore that he knew nothing. But of course they would never have just dismissed him because he alone had been in constant association for KC for the last crucial month. I wouldn't have either, now that you mention it.

So what's the explanation, do you think?

I can only think of 3 possibilities off-hand, but perhaps others here can think of many more. My 3 thoughts are that LE seemed to regard Tony as a totally reliable ally from the beginning which could have made GA and CA instinctively mistrust him??

Or...they did try to include him but he refused to talk to anyone except LE??

Or...GA & CA were already subconsciously placing the blame for Casey's current behavior "her new group of unsuitable friends."
Casey went with Cindy because the theft of the grandparent's money and the car being in Cindy's name was catching up to her and being held over her head. She couldn't produce Caylee, and thought she could go home and claim a kidnapping that needed to be kept quiet for awhile. The claim of Caylee being kidnapped might also keep Amy from filing charges. I think it's a good thing that Cindy didn't listen to her. George ran off to work, Lee was wondering why Casey allowed the police to be called, and Cindy was the only one getting anything done even if she did wash the pants.
I'm sure you have already read my thoughts on Cindy and Casey's relationship. And I have a feeling you have a bit more insight into their relationship then you are letting on :blowkiss:. Cindy is a sick b!tch, IMO- Casey may be the one who eneded up killing her child but Cindy is just as messed up IMO and that is why Casey went running home every time mommy told her to, including that last time. IMO. moo.

Yes, everytime CA/KC try to talk, there is an agrument...........
as we see and hear of the tapes at jail.
I also noticed CA controls and when she says 'sweetheart' it is demeaning, sarcastic.
CA is the Genisis that LP talks about...............and then comes KC, LA and broke GA's manhood.............IMO
I think KC left with CA so willingly as to not have her momma running off at the mouth about just getting the car back from the tow yard. IIRC, KC told TonE that GA was to pick up the car and take it to the shop. She had two different story lines running and couldn't risk them intersecting. MOO...

You hit the nail on the head. That's how a devious, diabolical self-centered little mind like Casey's works. She certainly wasn't worried for her mother.

I know her kind..
To Casey, Cindy wasn't a mother or grandmother, she was dollar signs, the cash cow. A thing to be used.
FWIW, in Kio's interview she says that KC changed after she had the baby. Says she and and KC spoke a lot during that time, and KC would often forget that they spoke. For example, KC would have some questions and a couple days later Kio would call back with answers, and KC would insist she never asked any questions. She was not "like this" in high school (p. 222).

Also said Cindy drove her hard...wanted her to be an all-american girl.
Re bold. I never thought about that before. I've always just assumed CA, GA, and Lee all decided that KC had kept Tony completely in the dark and therefore that he knew nothing. But of course they would never have just dismissed him because he alone had been in constant association for KC for the last crucial month. I wouldn't have either, now that you mention it.

So what's the explanation, do you think?

I can only think of 3 possibilities off-hand, but perhaps others here can think of many more. My 3 thoughts are that LE seemed to regard Tony as a totally reliable ally from the beginning which could have made GA and CA instinctively mistrust him??

Or...they did try to include him but he refused to talk to anyone except LE??

Or...GA & CA were already subconsciously placing the blame for Casey's current behavior "her new group of unsuitable friends."

Do we know if TL went to the group meeting at the A's to discuss the case early on?
FWIW, in Kio's interview she says that KC changed after she had the baby. Says she and and KC spoke a lot during that time, and KC would often forget that they spoke. For example, KC would have some questions and a couple days later Kio would call back with answers, and KC would insist she never asked any questions. She was not "like this" in high school (p. 222).

Also said Cindy drove her hard...wanted her to be an all-american girl.

I wish I could accept Kio's interview at face value but it's kind of ironic that she says Casey could not remember their conversations when she couldn't remember which Casey asked her to lend them $300. Maybe she was confusing the 2 Caseys back in high school.
I know most won't agree with me, but I feel so sorry for Cindy. She tried to do the right thing in attempting to throw Casey out and keep Caylee. I'm sure she feels quite a bit of guilt - if she hadn't confronted Casey none of this would have happened. I wonder if that's why she refuses to believe Casey harmed Caylee. If she accepts the truth, she has to accept that her actions (although they were right) started the whole string of events that led to Caylee's disappearance and likely her death.

Perhaps the classic case of too little too late...

Cindy should not feel guilty for finally taking action - she quite possibly should feel guilty for year of inaction. I find it hard to feel sorry for Cindy - no matter how hard I try. She is not responsbile for the death of Caylee for sure but I believe she is responsible for enabling KC's behaviour.
I will totally feel sorry for her and gladly take back my sentiments if someone can indicate to me that she and George have had family therapy and mental health professionals involved over the years.

If they have had help and tried to take advantage of professional intervention then like I said I will take back every word and ask for forgiveness. I just havent been able to determine if they have had that sort of help.

I believe Cindy has covered up for KC for years. It seems that anything that doesnt fit with Cindy's version of what a family should be does not exist. George silently colludes. The rules are rigid - the family is enmeshed. KC is like the whirling dervish - exhausting to try to keep up with her - I get that. Living with a mentally ill person must be incredably challenging. Hats off to anyone who copes with this. The family needed help. The family needed to get help. If they did not get help then to me its like knowing your child is physically ill and choosing not to go to the doctor - just convincing yourself that its just a cold or even denying that your child is ill period! When you finally go to the doctor and find out that the child's health is now at serious risk is the parent to blame? The parent didnt cause the illness, but not getting treatment exacerbated it... I know it is not that black and white when it comes to mental illness so perhaps the analogy is not totally fair. And yes, it was not just Cindy - everyone has their role to play...

It seems like Lee is willing to risk his future with criminal charges and George seeks death as an escape from his pain... Do they all engage in a conspiracy of silence and denial? It seems so odd to me. I understand supporting family and wanting to stand behind your daughter but I also understand the risk of wearing blinders.

But whatever Cindy may or may not have done one thing cannot be denied. She loved Caylee. The sheer panic in her voice when she contacted the police (in contrast to KC's almost matter of fact, informational tone) was real. I commend Cindy for that.

Sorry for the rant
Perhaps the classic case of too little too late...

Cindy should not feel guilty for finally taking action - she quite possibly should feel guilty for year of inaction. I find it hard to feel sorry for Cindy - no matter how hard I try. She is not responsbile for the death of Caylee for sure but I believe she is responsible for enabling KC's behaviour.
I will totally feel sorry for her and gladly take back my sentiments if someone can indicate to me that she and George have had family therapy and mental health professionals involved over the years.

If they have had help and tried to take advantage of professional intervention then like I said I will take back every word and ask for forgiveness. I just havent been able to determine if they have had that sort of help.

I believe Cindy has covered up for KC for years. It seems that anything that doesnt fit with Cindy's version of what a family should be does not exist. George silently colludes. The rules are rigid - the family is enmeshed. KC is like the whirling dervish - exhausting to try to keep up with her - I get that. Living with a mentally ill person must be incredably challenging. Hats off to anyone who copes with this. The family needed help. The family needed to get help. If they did not get help then to me its like knowing your child is physically ill and choosing not to go to the doctor - just convincing yourself that its just a cold or even denying that your child is ill period! When you finally go to the doctor and find out that the child's health is now at serious risk is the parent to blame? The parent didnt cause the illness, but not getting treatment exacerbated it... I know it is not that black and white when it comes to mental illness so perhaps the analogy is not totally fair. And yes, it was not just Cindy - everyone has their role to play...

It seems like Lee is willing to risk his future with criminal charges and George seeks death as an escape from his pain... Do they all engage in a conspiracy of silence and denial? It seems so odd to me. I understand supporting family and wanting to stand behind your daughter but I also understand the risk of wearing blinders.

But whatever Cindy may or may not have done one thing cannot be denied. She loved Caylee. The sheer panic in her voice when she contacted the police (in contrast to KC's almost matter of fact, informational tone) was real. I commend Cindy for that.

Sorry for the rant

Duckey: VERY WELL WRITTEN and I completely agree. You took the words out of my tangled brain and put them down how I would have liked to have been able to write them. See? I just can't get the words right! lol I agree wholeheartedly with your synopsis - Thank you!!:blowkiss:
Perhaps the classic case of too little too late...

Cindy should not feel guilty for finally taking action - she quite possibly should feel guilty for year of inaction. I find it hard to feel sorry for Cindy - no matter how hard I try. She is not responsbile for the death of Caylee for sure but I believe she is responsible for enabling KC's behaviour.
I will totally feel sorry for her and gladly take back my sentiments if someone can indicate to me that she and George have had family therapy and mental health professionals involved over the years.

If they have had help and tried to take advantage of professional intervention then like I said I will take back every word and ask for forgiveness. I just havent been able to determine if they have had that sort of help.

I believe Cindy has covered up for KC for years. It seems that anything that doesnt fit with Cindy's version of what a family should be does not exist. George silently colludes. The rules are rigid - the family is enmeshed. KC is like the whirling dervish - exhausting to try to keep up with her - I get that. Living with a mentally ill person must be incredably challenging. Hats off to anyone who copes with this. The family needed help. The family needed to get help. If they did not get help then to me its like knowing your child is physically ill and choosing not to go to the doctor - just convincing yourself that its just a cold or even denying that your child is ill period! When you finally go to the doctor and find out that the child's health is now at serious risk is the parent to blame? The parent didnt cause the illness, but not getting treatment exacerbated it... I know it is not that black and white when it comes to mental illness so perhaps the analogy is not totally fair. And yes, it was not just Cindy - everyone has their role to play...

It seems like Lee is willing to risk his future with criminal charges and George seeks death as an escape from his pain... Do they all engage in a conspiracy of silence and denial? It seems so odd to me. I understand supporting family and wanting to stand behind your daughter but I also understand the risk of wearing blinders.

But whatever Cindy may or may not have done one thing cannot be denied. She loved Caylee. The sheer panic in her voice when she contacted the police (in contrast to KC's almost matter of fact, informational tone) was real. I commend Cindy for that.

Sorry for the rant
Bold is Mine

Great Post!! Well Done:clap::clap:
I still cannot figure out why Cindy did not storm into Tony's apartment and go from room to room to see if there were ANY signs of Caylee. She did not question Tony or the roomate about Caylee either.

She felt comfortable enough to say the other things, but not to ask anything about her grandaughter?! Why not?!

Excellent point. That never crossed my mind. hmmmmmm You got me thinking on this. i don't recall any mention of CA searching for Caylee
there in any released info.
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