*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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What is the reason he would be in the jury box? Is it maybe so he would be close to the exit door? Not have to walk as far, could get him out quickly?

I think the reason is twofold.

One, there were victims and families of victims in the courtroom; because of that, keeping as much space between him and them is a prudent action. We've all seen when the family comes over the railing at the defendant, and this would give bailiffs and others far more time to handle anything like that should it occur (and I'm not saying that this was the reason, but it's a prudent thing to consider...).

Secondly, I think yes, it's shorter to come in and go out that way. If he was as blown out as I think he was, then the shorter the walk the easier he could make it, and the less 'camera time' we have to look for things like the "thorazine shuffle" or other indications of chemical controls. It would also be very easy to pull him out quickly should a negative outburst come into play...the jury room is right there, and can provide a relatively safe haven for him should the need arise.

Just as a note, there were an awful lot of blue shirted bailiffs around...I don't usually see that many in the court area. So yes, there seems to have been some serious thought about safety for everyone. Which is, honestly, a good thing.

Herding Cats
Most of the time - forcing meds has to go through a court of law...........
They're going to file charges fast, next Monday, an Asst DA from a county around there had said it could be up to 5 months before they were filed. I'm sure the lawyer he has now knows she has her hands full, the female DA is known for seeking the DP and very tough.
Well, since insanity defense is probably the only thing that makes sense for him, why in the world would his attorney want him to look cleaned up and presentable?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh IMO he looked totally ungroomed!
Can a court appointed atty refuse to take a case?
I am not saying he does not deserve an atty-I am just wondering if she can say No-I don't want to represent this guy! TIA!!

I have no clue but I have to say that she looked uneasy sitting next to him.
He looks drugged. Sedated? Thorazine?
What he did was evil, inexcusable, and unforgivable; i am absolutely disgusted by his actions, but if he's mentally ill then he should be in an institution.
She did also say she "wasn't surprised", presumably by the fact he did this...

No, she didn't say that.
How in the world would someone not be surprised by something like this?
Would they have given him anti-psychotic meds without a pysch evaluation?
He looks drugged. Sedated? Thorazine?
What he did was evil, inexcusable, and unforgivable; i am absolutely disgusted by his actions, but if he's mentally ill then he should be in an institution.

Actually, that's completely false. Plenty of mentally ill are in prisons. For him to get into an institution, he'd have to be found legally insane. Which is not the same as mentally ill.
i'm curious to see if they find in his recent internet history video
of mental patients, he appears to be mimicking the presentation
of someone very far gone.
someone does not go from carrying out a detailed plan with
all of the mental & physical coordination involved
to someone who can't tie his own shoes in this short amount of time.
unless there was already an established prescription
i do not think there's been enough time to establish a
medication for him. at the most he could have been
sedated with lorazepam & that's only if he was violent.
per reports of hydrocodone in his system, i doubt they
would give him anything at all for risk of interaction.
i do not buy his 'crazy person impression'.
I am not buying it. Do i think he has a personality disorder. Absolutely. Does that qualify for an Insanity Plea No. I may have to eat my hat LOL Right now just not buying it. He is smart and he played the game. If the game is still on I aint playing LOL He looks "Poor me"
IMO, wholeheartily disagree- suffering with mental illiness.............
he sure looks drugged.

but to play devil's advocate, does anyone think for a second maybe he regrets it? Maybe the getting caught/not killing himself part not necessarily the shooting?
IMO, wholeheartily disagree- suffering with mental illiness.............

Well, I am not gong to diagnose someone by looking at them on TV.
That's what defense and prosecution hires shrinks for.
Sorry for any confusion. I don't use "stoned" to imply pot use. I use "stoned" to imply sedation of any sort (narcotics, any of the 'pams or 'zines in psychiatric drug use, et cetera as well as depressant street drugs) . I use "high" when describing anyone with an agitated/euphoric affect after drug use of any kind.

Just the way I catagorgize things when I have no way of knowing what type of drug has been used.

BTW, you can get all sorts of street drugs in jail...as well as medical care which includes sedation if necessary.

I think he was well and truly stoned here, and it was done as a precaution to limit tendencies toward outbursts at the victims or the court, and make him somewhat "manageable".

I will say he would not be able to participate in his own defense if he continues to be sedated like this...but since this wasn't a defense time in court, I don't see any real problem arising now.

Herding Cats
or IMO , might have been on meds during the last two weeks or whatever duration, and requested they be provided. Jail folks sudden ceastion of the psyc meds can be very dangerous .....he may have asked ...
--Social problems such as long-term unemployment, poverty and homelessness are common. (He was to be evicted in 30 days- he knows this, has no job escalates psychosis)

<snipped for space>

Link : Highlights as it relates to what we know about him from Wikipedia
Schizoaffective disorder is very difficult to hide. It is a debilitating disorder and while these kinds of illnesses can manifest at this age, I think this is would be very tough to not have been noticed and documented by many of the people he came into contact with over the last few years.

JMHO of course.

I am leaning towards a mental illness, but again that does not make him insane-just makes him that much more dangerous.
he's faking it. he would surely know what someone's "affect" would be in any psychiatric/personality disorder, enuf to pull it off!

no way would they have given him any medication in the lead up to this court appearance. he has to answer questions about the crime to the judge, they would certainly not want the case overturned in any way shape or form and if he is sedated his defence could argue he wasn't clear/coherent on the charges/procedures etc and that he deserves a new trial....

i also saw a moment of clarity when he eyeballed CLEARLY the guard. check it out peeps and let me know what you think.

someone CANNOT be cold calculating meticulous, give his name, tell cops his apartment is rigged then go into this kind of state. not possible!

i'll bet my house on it!

Spot on. Again i will state he is an Actor and we are his stage. I have never gone this far out on a limb with a perp to state what i think. I'll ante up my hat and my house too LOL
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