*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #2

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My law partner is a criminal defense attorney. As a result, I am well aware of what happens when people are booked. (We get the frantic collect calls and calls from parents all the time, plus I hear the complaints when I talk to them at arraignments, etc). Access to already prescribed medications is usually delayed for days, sometimes longer. Access to a psychiatrist who can diagnose and prescribe medications takes even longer, unless you are a celebrity.

IMO, no way in heck was this guy given any anti-psychotics or benzos this quickly. No way. He's tired from being up for days, is what I think.

Absolutely. He was tired. Being tired I'm sure the Court proceeding quite frankly bored him LOL
He could very well be asexual and not even interested in having a real gf.

(Asexuality (sometimes referred to as nonsexuality), in its broadest sense, is the lack of sexual attraction to others or the lack of interest in sex.)
Or so depressed does not care, but when manicky has urges?
Speaking of his "apparent" fascination with match sites or whatever, do we even know or care if that was him or even legit? I mean I am not sure TMZ is the end all of up and up reporting,lol. Does not seem as if they are....of course any information that comes out about him is going to give a little more insight into his life....but as to what makes him tick maybe not so much. We may never know what triggered his reign of terror and even if he says who is to believe him?:banghead:

TMZ is actually pretty spot-on with their reporting. I know they get a bad rap since they are a paparazzi rag type of site, but they have good sources and are accurate.
Well, good thing you don't make laws. Truly mentally ill people are not responsible for their actions, just as a 3-year-old wouldn't be responsible for killing someone.

I personally don't care whether they are responsible for their actions or not. If they killed someone they should be locked up. As for them being perfectly fine once medicated-don't buy that either. Andrea Yates was on a buch of meds when she killed her kids. Obviously these meds weren't doing anything for her.
TMZ is actually pretty spot-on with their reporting. I know they get a bad rap since they are a paparazzi rag type of site, but they have good sources and are accurate.

In fact they might be more accurate than msm in many cases.
TMZ claims the AFF site traced his account and it did appear to be him.
Me either. I was just commenting based on the fact the Father went to Colorado. I thought perhaps that was the way they were leaning. Who knows they may choose to walk away tomorrow. I'm just saying I support whatever they need to do for themselves to get thru this. Nothing more. Nothing less.
fact the Father went to Colorado

that is huge (dad got there right away dad been confused about his son for years. IMO, mom gets it, source of intense conflict within the marriage.

IMO he was not faking today, this is a very disturbed young man, who dad the other day , convinced his son, to start his meds again.......

..........what he looked like today is what they look like (eyes) when they start their meds again ...............
But he didn't blow up. He planned this carefully for four months. IMO, blowing up is like that Canadian schizophrenic who suddenly jumped up and decapitated a guy on the bus.

Also, having weird eyes is not the same as acting crazy. People are saying he is acting bizarrely in jail right now. Well, I think it's clear he didn't act like that when he went in to buy firearms, "crazy" eyes or not.

If I were selling guns - I would hope it would be my job to be observant and if someone looks way off kilter.
I may need to delay the sale. Buy time. Later talk to someone.
I sure hope I would not be able to just sell and hope for the best.

What I mean by bow up is he was passive long enough till he became highly aggressive.
Drunk people have chosen to consume substances and therefore, they are legally culpable for their actions. Some states do have laws about crimes of passion that lessen the charges.
Suffering with mental illiness is not the same thing IMO, as drinking and then driving there are choices with the latter , none in the former, this is an illiness, not a "fault" choice, wish , want , it is neurotransmitter stuff , peroid........................

anyone get mad at a person with diabetes, identical................
fact the Father went to Colorado

that is huge (dad got there right away dad been confused about his son for years. IMO, mom gets it, source of intense conflict within the marriage.

IMO he was not faking today, this is a very disturbed young man, who dad the other day , convinced his son, to start his meds again.......

..........what he looked like today is what they look like (eyes) when they start their meds again ...............

What meds? Do you have any links stating he was ever on meds? Even "sources close to his defense" say he isn't medicated.
Suffering with mental illiness is not the same thing IMO, as drinking and then driving there are choices with the latter , none in the former, this is an illiness, not a "fault" choice, wish , want , it is neurotransmitter stuff , peroid........................

anyone get mad at a person with diabetes, identical................

Oh, but alcoholism is a disease. So, what's the difference?
Very interesting! Please tell us more, some of us simply do not know. How long would these stay in the system and remain effective? What if you took a very high amount?

i don't know of any mind altering drugs that have a profound
effect longer than 12-16 hours without the addition of a stimulant,
which would likely show up on tests.
any psychonauts in the house care to chime in?
i've eaten more than my share of acid,
but never got into the mad scientist stuff.
my hypothesis was that he developed some serious delusions
after experimenting with such substances, not necessarily
that he was using them at the time of the massacre,
but a well timed dose could have altered his presentation
at least for the first night in jail, which would jive with
the reports of spitting, etc. presentation in court could
be after-effects, but i see it as an act, or an act by
an intelligent person who's also tripping?
in my previous post i mentioned a guess that he may
contribute to sites like erowid or DMT messageboards.
people obtain these chemicals by whatever means,
(being a verified researcher in a university laboratory?)
and they dictate their experience, usually in a very technical vocabulary. it's a different world from street drugs.
Jails have protocols they can use.........for instance, if they suspect someone is withdrawing from whatever they can give them something ...........

They don't have to wait on a court order, lol.

Now long term is when that may differ.
Typically to force psyc meds, there must be a court order for an adult. My sense here is dad convicned him to start his meds again, and he signed the consent , and was given them, and that explains his behavior today.

If he was, in withdrawal (opiates/barbs/benzos/alcohol) , they would have a nurse come in , evaluate, and if in medical danger, transported him to medical, for lab work , and if determined his levels were high enought for medically threatening withdrawal, would keep him medical , while they withdraw him....

Psyc meds a bit different than (opiates/barbs/benzos/alcohol)
Why are people so willing to try and pass this crime off as mental illness? I am stumped. In my opinion he was in complete control. As the Law dictates for culpability. I think he is nothing more than a geek psychopath with a good brain. He is full of hatred and "we" were to pay for the wrongs society placed on him. In his view.
Maybe this is a silly ? What do his pupils say in reference to any drugs he may have taken, the mug shot was taken just hours after. any body?
That is true. Most employers who have access to their health insurance data see that anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds having been driving up their rates for the past decade. (This is my industry.)

In my own circle of friends, I'm one of the few who doesn't take anti-depressants. I'm not making any type of judgement or opinion - just piggybacking on to your statement about the large percentage of the population being depressed.
IMO he is not in the mood disorder classification ! He is in classifications as they relate to delusional, psycotic different than mood only stuff ........
And who is to say that this guys "schizophrenia" or "paranoid delusions" or whatever it is, has not been bought on by him taking some form of drugs..........there are the rumors about him on the prescription drug and I have known quite a lot of guys like this and I will bet my left leg he smoked copious amounts of marijuana. And as we know, and I know a couple personally, smoking lots of hooch can lead to schizophrenia, paranoid delusions in the population, especially young males.

I am betting this is close to being the truth here.........



If you are alread out of balance it will only triger it.
But will not cause it.
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