Discussion of the Transcriptions of the Testimony of Jodi Arias

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I was wondering that too, how did she get one of those rings....aren't they reserved for those who sell over $100k? Or was that a ring for getting baptized into the Mormon church?(shown on post below)


I had always assumed that it was someone else's ring that she was trying on.

On an unrelated note, I didn't realize JA had met TA's grandmother before. I think the transcripts mentioned three times?

Originally Posted by T-4-2
Sorry, this has no doubt already been A'd & A'd. Has there been any hint of a transcriptshowing that in high school Jodi got "A's and B's, mostly" and that she was taking an AP class her junior year? Surely she wouldn't lie about something that could be so easily disproven... but then again: Jodi.

edit to add: Or maybe a record of the 911 call when Bobbie was trying to break her arm after he (like all the men in her life) choked her? Aren't there records of 911 calls?

I bet when Jodi does finally die, it will be from autoerotic asphyxiation. Just a hunch.

When I read that remark by her I thought "suuuure, Jodi, suuuure." It's not just that JeinsteinA would of course never admit to anything merely average, like a C, and of course she'd never ever admit a D or F. What really struck me is that "mostly." In her way of thinking, the "mostly" means (to her) that she's not exactly lying--she's leaving wiggle room. As for her even considering that her academic transcripts might be checked, I doubt it. She has no problem ignoring reality, and when confronted with concrete proof, like a printed and officially signed and sealed school record, she'd just blithely deny its validity with lies. "The principal changed my grades because he didn't like me because I knew more than my teachers . . ." or something like that. Or the ninjas altered it.
I also wondered how she could take Spanish and sign language classes at Monterey Peninsula College, given that she had neither a high school diploma nor a GED. So not that I'm obsessed or anything... I checked the college website. Turns out if you're 19 or older, you actually can enroll without a diploma or GED. I'd already imagined her crawling in through an air vent, dropping (ninja-like) into a classroom, then hiding under something. I guess instead she was allowed to enter and exit through doors just a real person.

As for the wiggle-room.. she is a Queen of Qualification. Just when you think she's at the end of a statement, she'll mumble out some comment that negates what she just said, OR she'll just pause long enough to catch her breath or drink some water, then she'll continue piling layer after layer of irrelevant, excruciating detail onto whatever non-answer answer she's using to manipulate any poor soul who has the misfortune of actually having to deal with her. When she tried this on Juan, he looked like his head would explode. He asks a question, manages with great effort to get a statement out of her (like pulling a hairball out of a cat), then as he's formulating his follow-up question, Jodi mumbles a flippant, snotty-*advertiser censored* qualifier, or sometimes a string of them. "I don't know, I'm not sure, I think, I guess, whatever, if you sat so, kinda, sorta." You can practically hear Juan's train of thought come to a screeching halt as he has to go back to heimlich a definite answer out if her.
She calls herself stupid. Again, by calling herself stupid she is saying the murder wasn't her fault. She butchered Travis to death--that makes her vile and diabolical. And, thinking that she could outsmart everyone and everything makes her arrogant. Yes, she's vile, diabolical and arrogant. Stupid? Nope.

And by using the word 'stupid' to refer to herself she is trying to minimize the damage done when Juan pointed out that she called her sister dumb and stupid.
Good morning!:coffeews:

After reading the transcripts, a few discrepancies stand out to me (most already discussed here). My favorites are the new Fifty Shades of Grey elevator incident--Snow White didn't work with the previous jury so lets kick it up a notch this time--and the COA discussion when Nurmi states he does not know if CMJA will continue to testify, Juan basically says she's right here lets ask her and get this show on the road. Nurmi, knowing Juan just called his bluff, gets his tail-feathers ruffled, huffs and puffs and says that's it we are done until we get some clarification.

I will admit to giving Juan a big, cyber high-five after that exchange.:highfive:
I haven't caught up and don't know if this was answered, but you can listen to the voicemail you are leaving by pressing "9" on your phone. It will allow you to listen to it, then re-record it if you want to.

I was thinking that cell phones probably didn't have that feature in 2008 ? Maybe they did though, I honestly can't remember. That's why I thought Jodi did have access to his cell phone voicemail PIN and she used it to check his voicemail messages, and redo her own message 6 hours after she killed him.
IMO Nurmi made a huge mistake by having such a long time between him questioning Jodi and Juan questioning her. Juan is no slacked. By now I bet he has her high school transcripts, knows if she really took college classes, knows if she has ever had a passport, and has done several interviews.
Even if he doesn't get to question Jodi, couldn't he a put detective on the stand that has helped in researching her lies?
The transcripts were posted in text form for the benefit of those that could not open PDF files. I have since deleted them so as to not mislead anyone. Thanks.

OH no Hindsight :hug: I didn't get to see them in text form, but would have been very grateful. That was so thoughtful of you to do that for us, and I know it was a lot of work for you. I'm sorry you felt unappreciated :frown:
pg 25 - she says her parents were drug users!!! Momsmoked pot while preg with CMJA
And wasn't it an interview with Troy Hayden when she was talking about not having any mitigators and her parents didn't do drugs? I hopeJuan plays that for jurors.
I recently rewatched DeMarte's testimony on exactly this point. She was clear that BPD begins showing up by early teens, and an identifiable pattern of behavior definitely manifests.

Emphasizing steady employment when hers was erratic, a reasonable chat with Bianca instead of a desperate drive to Crater Lake because of her terror at being abandoned....etc. etc.

JA's pride and arrogance obviously trumped Nurmi's advice to emphasize mental illness.
Yes the punching out and driving for nearly two hours to go confront someone is a VERY aggressive thing to do. We know that she punched out from her job and drove all night to go check on Travis often according to one of her co workers. The jury didn't get to hear that. They also didn't get to hear from this man, Paul Stern who blows her entire testimony out of the water......he says she was "Frantic to go SAVE HER RELATIONSHIP with Travis. She talked about how he was seeing other people. She had to go fix it " and begged him to borrow over three hundred dollars. He did loan her the money and she went to try to talk him back, when that didn't work....she murdered him. You have it spot on...Jodi Arias' pride and arrogance run her life. It is a tale as old as time...if I can't have him, no one will. http://youtu.be/sLUizc-cklg
Is the sex at the Hughes house on the sex tape, admitted to by Travis? Otherwise, I don't buy it. I find it hard to believe that according to JA, Travis barely talked to her, then they threw their clothes off and had mad sex, with an adjoining wall to the Hughes bedroom. Sounds made up, so does the hotel meet up. They stayed in and watched Deal or No Deal. Sure..and I have that bridge which is still available. :wink:

Yeah, I don't believe it either. I hate that she can just throw anything out there she wants, and it's all taken as a FACT. I also think she was allowed to "review" her testimony from her trial in 2013, so she could keep her lies straight.
Well I don't think so because the time and date stamp co-ordinates with exactly the time that she claimed he sent it to her and from the testimony it appears that they were on the front of a picture.

I'm trying to remember technology from back in 2006, remember no smart phones, and very few people had or could afford much more than talk and text plans. Not sure data plans for email were all that popular?


It is quite easy to manipulate a date and time stamped on the front of a photo. Unfortunately a lot of other people's work gets stolen that way. It is very, very common with wedding photographs for example. After seeing the raunchy texts between them I don't think the jury could care less what pics were exchanged. Anyone who would pose for those extreme close up shots and say things like "That is so debasing. I like it", is a willing participant in the banter. It is not abuse if both parties like it. If she is texting him I want to f you like a dirty horny little school girl......then claiming he is a pedophile saying she moans like a young girl....it just makes the jury want to audibly, collectively give an Ally McBeal jury type "Plllllleeeeeeaaaaase". Jodi was the one texting requesting the dirty things like  on face. sodomy.jpg Taylor Searle is on JM witness list for rebuttal. Unlike being a secret, we learn from him Travis talked to his buddies about the sex and the kind of kinky sex Jodi was in to. http://youtu.be/3pYTxJsVOPY "Travis said she was sexually VERY aggressive, very sex crazed, addicted to sex. She was a "nymphomaniac" Travis said. Since she and Travis were sharing hotel rooms while he was there with so very many of his dear friends and their wives, Jodi Arias being a dirty little secret or Travis being a virgin in the eyes of the public just does not stand up. No one thought they were playing church bingo in those hotel rooms at night. tdogg.jpg
And wasn't it an interview with Troy Hayden when she was talking about not having any mitigators and her parents didn't do drugs? I hopeJuan plays that for jurors.
Yea, Troy Hayden interview.

Jodi: "Well I've been told I don't have any mitigating factors."

Troy: "By who?"

Jodi: "My attorney."

Tory: "So Kirk Nurmi said there are no mitigating factors for you in terms of arguing against the death penalty?"

Jodi: "Um nothing that is what you typically see in a case like this, such as a childhood where there was drugs, alcoholism, molestation, none of those things occurred in my family so I guess we would sort of joke that my mom didn't beat me hard enough, so I don't have mitigation."


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Her guilt phase testimony described her childhood before age 7 (wooden spoon!) as idyllic

Now there's pot smoking mom and cocaine laying around the house of a four year old with a baby brother too.
Then there's Uncle Whatshisname who brings drugs to a wedding when sweet Jodi was five.
None of that is believable
IMO Nurmi made a huge mistake by having such a long time between him questioning Jodi and Juan questioning her. Juan is no slacked. By now I bet he has her high school transcripts, knows if she really took college classes, knows if she has ever had a passport, and has done several interviews.
Even if he doesn't get to question Jodi, couldn't he a put detective on the stand that has helped in researching her lies?

The only problem is, if the decides to continue with her testiphony, Lawrence has not completed his direct examination, so he can drone on another couple weeks before Juan gets up. So the time gap is immaterial.
There is no way in hell I would have advised Jodi Arias to take the stand this time. Her experts hit every base she wanted covered. They; unlike her have some chance of their testimony being accepted by the jury. Nothing. Not one single good thing could come of Jodi Arias risking rebuttal by Juan Martinez. It will be of biblical proportions, very tough to measure how misguided that was if he gets a go at her.

Ultimately it is her decision and her's alone if she gets back up there. Would those last fifteen minutes be worth dying for is how I would put it to her. She spat in the jury's face with the lie that it took her years to be able to come to accept that she had done this. They already KNOW it was PROVEN than she planned the murder. Juan will mop the floor with her. However entertaining that would be, for the sake of the Alexanders I hope she decides not to so we can get this to a conclusion. Their lives are a living hell.

Jodi Arias told Detective Flores regarding their anguish "I know it is only temporary". NO, Jodi Arias it is not! They will long for their brother. Forever. Generations of that family will never know their Uncle Travis. The harm she has caused is perpetual.
I had always assumed that it was someone else's ring that she was trying on.

On an unrelated note, I didn't realize JA had met TA's grandmother before. I think the transcripts mentioned three times?

I believe that ring belonged to Travis.
Jane Velez Mitchell learned while researching her book that the Bobby story could not be more opposite. He said SHE stalked him it was eerily the same as with Travis, electronic, following, going through his things, she was crazy bi polar, really truly getting scary. He finally booked it all the way to Hawaii to get away from her reach.

Much like Darrell. If a man says from jump I never want to marry you. You can live with me , sure I'll take free sex with someone 20 years younger than me, but I'm not going to provide for you, you have to pay 50.50 , and later tells you he plans to move soon to be closer to his relocated son.......does that really count as Jodi breaking up with HIM? He was already out the door, literally. It was just perfunctory things he was handling before his move.

The same with Matt. He moved AWAY . He started dating someone else. He left her. What part of that would mean she broke up with HIM? Her mind sees what she wants to see. Good thing the jury doesn't have that same Cooley's Looking Glass!
None of these x boyfriends were ever going to be part of the Phantom 14!
Jodi Arias' parents nor siblings were EVER going to be taking the stand. This testimony did not change that. It may have discouraged a cousin or two who are mad about their aunt and uncle being lied about, but in reality the reason there are no 14 subpoenas is because......what we learned reading the transcripts "We have NO OTHER WITNESSES".
Unfortunately, the PDF is from scanned images and not generated directly, so you can't extract the text. This attachment has just the 13 pages at the end of day 2 covering the discussion after the higher court decision was received.

I'm not sure how to compress it visually (so-called breaking news or other means), so if this takes up too much room I'll delete the attachment and let someone indicate how to append I can append it without taking up a ton of screen space.

View attachment ja2.pdf
"... it (slaughtering Travis) was only a few minutes out of my whole life."

That says it all about her level of remorse. I'm sure the jury heard it too.

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