DNA Information

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I firmly think Casey Anthony will get what we call "poetic justice". She will find herslef locked up in a maximum security prison and there is NOTHING inmates hate worse than BABY KILLERS!! Oh and Casey's love for men, that is gonna have to change!!! While I am sure she will be able to have sex with some of th guards while she is LIVING in prison, she will also be raped and sodomized by lots and lots of new "girlfriends". She Will get hers in the end. Then she will face the wrath of GOD. She should have just left home and let Cindy and George raise that precious baby. SHe had SOO many options. Why choose this route?

The writing is on the wall, always has been.

Just a thought. Anyone else wonder if maybe all that money that Casey stole from everyone and is yet unaccounted for, perhaps it was to hire someone to do what Casey herself could not do? it wasn't as if SHE did it. She could stick to her story that someone took Caylee. It would explain where the money went. it could be her "future plan" that she kept claiming that $15,000 she supposedly had in bank was for.

Also does anyone esle remember in that 2nd set of those 400 pages reading (I think it was in a facebook entry) where she told a friend that she "almost killed someone last night".? She would go into detail later with them. It was dated about the same time we beleive Caylee was hurt/harmed. Anyone else see that? Also during one of the interviews when the LE was interrogating her about her lies and they may not find Caylee in the same condition as when she was last seen, it was written int he report that Casey LAUGHED. WHAT???

So I am wondering if she DID kill someone or someone that was with her did, they placed body in trunk, and she placed Caylee with someone who she felt would keep Caylee safe? Maybe wishful thinking. I just cannot fathom a mother laughing when asked about their daughter and the potential demise of their child. Either she is THAT callous or she she knows her daughter is fine and that the dna will come back NOT Caylee's.

Interesting stuff yank. I also just thought about something. Through the testing of the air in the trunk, I wonder if it was possible to detect clorine? Would tell us possibly if Caylee drowned. Also I wonder if the testing will reveal HOW long the child was decomposing in the trunk?

I also believe the dirt found in the trunk will be matched to Cindy's backyard. I honestly believe Casey buried Caylee in that backyard and for whatever reason moved her
Stoelly and Centaurus are correct. Patty G also responded the same way in the Nancy G thread. The FBI have made no such statement. Neither has LE or Baez. I await official confirmation from named sources. Not sensational media speculation from irresponsible news entertainment outlets.

Please do consider editing your title. Thank you.

Apologies in advance for the long post.

I completely agree with Truly and others who've argued that there has been no official word on the DNA on the hair samples. It has been mentioned elsewhere in this forum by those who live in the Orlando area that the station cited in this thread is the area's "tabloid" station (my word), for lack of a better term. I will try to find this thread and post the link, but there are so many posts here that might be tough!

I think it's extremely pertinent that other Orlando area stations or newspapers are not carrying this report. They report that the FBI will be sharing its results with the State's Attorney today, but they do not report the results of the tests. Even those who mention the information and cite a "source" for it (Local 6) are holding back from sensationalizing it.

I hope it's OK to include relevant quotes from the source as well as place the links to the original story:

Orlando Sentinel--no mention of DNA results (only Body Farm)
Quote: Investigators in the Casey Anthony case are sharing the FBI's forensic lab results with state prosecutors today -- a day after air-sample tests from her car showed it once held a decomposing human body.

WESH--no mention of DNA results (only Body Farm)
Quote: Meanwhile, results of DNA tests in connection with the investigation were received by the Orange County Sheriff's Office. They're expected to be shared with the state attorney's office later on Thursday.

LOCAL6--does carry the "hair" reference but cites a "source" and ultimately doesn't mention the FBI tests, just the Body Farm ones.


Air and hair samples removed from a car belonging to Casey Anthony indicated a decomposing body was in the vehicle's trunk.

Detectives now have scientific proof that a body has been in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car, sheriff's office sources confirmed to Local 6's Mike DeForest Wednesday night.

Early in the search for Caylee, Orange County sheriff's detectives took hair and air samples from Casey Anthony's vehicle. Local 6 showed video of CSI taking the samples in a garage.

The evidence was then sent to the University of Tennessee Body Farm -- a place that specializes in human decomposition.

Investigative sources confirmed to Local 6 News that evidence found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's vehicle indicates that a dead body was inside, Local 6's Jessica D'Onofrio reported.

And, finally FOXNews Orlando: only mentions "preliminary test results" aka Body Farm results


On Wednesday a source close to the investigation tells FOX 35 that preliminary test results show that decomposition was found in the back of Casey's Pontiac Sunfire trunk. As a result, another round of testing will take place.

Late Wednesday night the Orange County Sheriffs Office released a statement confirming that tests sent to the FBI have returned.

"I have been advised by the Criminal Investigations Division that late this evening we have received and are in possession of results from the FBI Laboratory." Captain Angelo Nieves said in the statement. "These results will be reviewed by investigative personnel and we will be meeting with and sharing the findings of these results with the State Attorneys Office on Thursday.


I know I'm new to this forum, but I'm here because it's been the most respectable and least sensational of all the ones out there, and because the mods and participants have been seeking the truth with the best interests of little Caylee at heart.

So while I understand the passion on this thread, I'm not ready to say "case closed" until the real DNA results are released and there's official word and/or respectable media coverage of said.
Am i being ignored for some reason...

No I saw it. BTW what has happened to Nancy Grace? I know she called in last night and she sounded very upset, almost as if she too wanted to cry over the news. I have 5 children, and a grandbaby. My grandbaby is 2 1/2 and I also have a 6 year old who looks a LOT like Caylee (close in name too) as well as 4 1/2 year old twins. I cannot fathom what Cindy and George are going through. I pray each and every night to GOD to PLEASE keep my beautiful children and grandchild out of the way of pedophiles, sex traders, human traffickers, drug abusers, alcoholics, child molesters, kidnappers, and rapists. Maybe I am a little paranoid but the thought of losing one of my children is my biggest fear. I don;t even like it when strangers stop me to tell me how pretty my children are. Then to know that Cindy has lost her granddaughter and her daughter, has got to be incomprehensible. So I as a mother and grandmother, would hold on to every shred of hope that I had. UNTIL they produce unequivicabbly that the dna in the trunk is of Caylee's then I too would be in denial. Then and only then, would I kick my daughter to the curb.

Wow, there is so much information in this thread and so many opinions. I believe that sweet little girl is no longer with us and that no one will find her unless the monster decides to tell where she is. Glod bless Caylee and those that truly loved her.
This is so true! Adoption is not a selfish act, it is better for everyone if the birthparents are very young or emotionally immature or unstable and if the adoptive parents are thoroughly screened and everything is legal. It would definitly been a BIG mistake to allow Casey's friend Kiomarie, (a 19 year old with kids of her own already), to adopt the child.

When grandparents selfishly oppose a young girl's very mature decision to choose adoption because they want to "help" raise the baby, boundaries are jumbled, children are pulled back and forth, caught in the middle of unstable relationships, boyfriends, girlfriends, mom, dad, gp's and feuding between the families. Not good!

Think how much better Caylee's life could have been if she had two grown-up, married, emotionally stable parents with grandparents who love and support, but don't interfere!


I so agree with you about the adoption thing. I ama mother of 5. My oldest was born when I was 18. Luckily my family help support me and all turned out great. Then years later after I was finally happily married, my husband and I became foster parents and were blessed with three children through adoption. Our now 6year old (who looks alot like Caylee and even has name close to it) was placed with us at birth. Thank GOD. Her birthmother served 5 years of a 10 year sentence for 2 counts of feony child neglect (they did not have severe child abuse ont he law books then in 1987) in IN. SHe had 2 sons, and she hurt them both so bad (both were ages 2 months and then second was 4 months at time of injuries) that one is now blind and braindamaged due to biomom hitting him in the face with her fist and then the other is now crippled for life after she twisted his extemities , both arms and legs and then did not take him to the hospital. The mother in law, with whom she was living , worked and happend to walk in one day and found the biomom with a hand over the baby;s mouth and nose, trying to suffocate child. So YES, if MY child had been allowed to stay in this woman;s care, she would have no doubt been killed along time ago.

So adoption is a blessing. Cindy should have petitioned the courts many months ago when Casey started acting up, lying, stealing etc and taken that baby away. Or allowed Casey to place that baby up for adoption wit a loving family who has been praying for a baby .

How sad.

I hugged my girls a little tighter today and held onto them longer. I told them "I love you" more than once just to hear them say it back to me. I looked at my girls today and saw daddy's nose and mommy's lips and think to myself "How could she not see and feel what I am seeing and feeling?"

"Happily I walk.
Impervious to pain, I walk.
Feeling light within, I walk...
In beauty I walk.
With beauty before me, I walk.
With beauty behind me, I walk.
With beauty below me, I walk.
With beauty all around me, I walk.
It is finished in beauty."

~Navajo prayer~
OK, call me old fashioned, but until I see official reports or someone from the FBI or local LE working the case say this, I'm not going to believe it. (yet, anyway) lol

What if LE let false information slip to the media in order to put a fire under Casey's arse? Casey hears this information from the media, and she realizes she's done and finally talks. Meanwhile, there is no evidence yet.

Sorry, but I'm just not very trusting of the media, they have their own intentions. They have everything to gain, they report news for money, ratings and notoriety. However, if this same evidence is coming from FBI or LE, of course I'll believe it. I just hate hearing a journalist say "information from our source." Who knows, you know? lol
.....Very good point....and I certainly do think that your opinion is worth considerating.
but Padilla & Co. are talking revoking bond. And from his attitude on the HLN last night I feel that he believes this new "air" evidence is legitimate.
I am as skeptical as the next person and sometimes more so; but my gut feeling is that this new evidence is legit!
Casey's wish of putting the child up for adoption is probably the most mature decision she ever made.

I know I am cynical but the fact that she hid the pregnancy as long as she did, I don' think she had any intentions of adopting her to another family. I think that only came about when she was outed as being pregnant. I think her plan was much uglier than that.
The type of air sample analysis done at the University of Tennessee Anthropology Department is nothing like polygraph analysis. Polygraph results have multiple problems with both validity and reliability. It is only wishful thinking by the defense attorney that the air samples cannot be admissible in court.

I understand that air sample analysis is new technology and that it has not yet been admitted into evidence in court. But, in this case, I believe that it will be admitted.

Everything about the air sample analysis can be quantified, and tests can be done to exactly measure its reliability in detecting human decomposition. Such tests have also been done with polygraph, showing that it is not reliable.

I am confident the University of Tennessee has conducted a great deal of peer reviewed validity and reliability studies, and these will be presented in court as an introduction to the new technology. This type of air sample analysis will come to be accepted as reliable and valid in court in the same way that DNA evidence has come to be admissible.

Absolutely, it will be an issue and it will be challenged because it is new, but all forensic testing methods make their first trip through court at some point. They get challenged and they hold up and become SOP. At this point this point they are only confirming the presence of a dead human body, something they could not do in the past scientifically. This will back up the dogs which are challenged with some success in some cases, not in others. The testing does not show timeline yet, but that is the goal and what they are working towards. They said they have an undisclosed grant giver that is paying for the research and developement of these tools with the ultimate goal being the ability to determine timelines chemically.

I also think the DNA tests are in and have been in, they were waiting for redundancy in the testing before announcing anything. I think the LE would make a statement at this point if this was untrue, and thus far they have just said they can't confirm. I think we will see charges tomorrow morning if the limited immunity does expire at close of business today.

The case of missing child Caylee Anthony has taken a new turn. There arose various contexts that led to implication of Casey Anthony as the prime suspect in the disappearance of the little girl Caylee Anthony.

A blood stain was found n the boot of a car belonging to Casey Anthony and police immediately established a link between the missing girl and the mother. However, other developments have been suggesting that Caylee might still be alive. This prompted Leonard Padilla to head to Florida to post bail for Casey Anthony, the mother of the missing girl. Leonard believed that her three-year-old daughter Caylee was alive. By bailing Casey, he was sure she would tell him where Caylee was.

He made national headlines and told journalist’s that he though Caylee was still alive. However recently he said he no longer believes that the girl is still alive. This follows new shocking revelations that have made him realize that Caylee is very much dead and that the mother is very involved in the tragic disappearance and possible death of the girl. Padilla has already made applications to withdraw Casey’s bail and send her back to jail.

A report amounting to up to four hundred pages, show Casey Anthony’s trunk, where an air tests shows evidence of human decomposition. The decomposition is being associated to Caylee Anthony and this has made Leonard to swear
to send Casey back to jail. DNA tests are being conducted to establish the nexus between the decomposed human remains and Caylee’s. Padilla has admitted it had been terribly out of order to have bailed Casey.

The case of missing child Caylee Anthony has taken a new turn. There arose various contexts that led to implication of Casey Anthony as the prime suspect in the disappearance of the little girl Caylee Anthony.

A blood stain was found n the boot of a car belonging to Casey Anthony and police immediately established a link between the missing girl and the mother. However, other developments have been suggesting that Caylee might still be alive. This prompted Leonard Padilla to head to Florida to post bail for Casey Anthony, the mother of the missing girl. Leonard believed that her three-year-old daughter Caylee was alive. By bailing Casey, he was sure she would tell him where Caylee was.

He made national headlines and told journalist’s that he though Caylee was still alive. However recently he said he no longer believes that the girl is still alive. This follows new shocking revelations that have made him realize that Caylee is very much dead and that the mother is very involved in the tragic disappearance and possible death of the girl. Padilla has already made applications to withdraw Casey’s bail and send her back to jail.

A report amounting to up to four hundred pages, show Casey Anthony’s trunk, where an air tests shows evidence of human decomposition. The decomposition is being associated to Caylee Anthony and this has made Leonard to swear
to send Casey back to jail. DNA tests are being conducted to establish the nexus between the decomposed human remains and Caylee’s. Padilla has admitted it had been terribly out of order to have bailed Casey.
Late Wednesday night, the Orange County Sheriff's Office issued a statement confirming that FBI test results are back and would be analyzed and shared with the state's attorney on Thursday, according to MyFOXOrlando.com.



Detectives were meeting with prosecutors Thursday about new FBI lab test results. Authorities have called Casey Anthony the prime suspect in a probable murder case, but so far the highest charge she faces is child neglect. Caylee hasn't been seen since June.
Hair samples found in trunk match and are found to be from the decomposing body of Caylee Anthony.

Headline News.
Do they have any links up to anything "official"? I hate when I have to work and can't devote my attention to the computer AND TV! lol
Hair samples found in trunk match and are found to be from the decomposing body of Caylee Anthony.

Headline News.

They are citing WKMG, local6.com. They say they confirmed it, but don't say how or with whom.

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