Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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NO. I do not. Not one tiny bit. Many have been brought up in far worse circumstances than Casey. Many are not child murderers.

Bottom line for me is, everyone, or nearly everyone, was not brought up in a perfect home, with a perfect childhood. We all have our baggage, we all carry something.

Whether we were not loved enough, not loved appropriately, loved and protected too much, whatever, not many that I know had the picture perfect upbringing.

And yet, we are not Casey Anthony. Thank the gods and all things holy, we are not her!

So whether she had abuse or not, whether her father was the most terrible man in history, whether her mother the most horrific - nothing, nothing, allows for what this [unusual person] has done.

Period. Exclamation point.
Just curious if anyone feels bad for KC because how Cindy treated her growing up? The reason I am asking this is because I have been sitting here wondering if Cindy was abusive physically towards KC because of that whole choking her bit for stealing the checks.

ETA: I am talking about separate from Caylee's death bc there is NO EXCUSE what so ever for KC killing Caylee and I agree her up bringing had nothing to do with that. I agree with all those that answered the question that how you are treated growing up doesn't make you a murderer.

Willen, not really. It's unfortunate but I would wager to say that in my 50 years on the face of the earth I have met more people that did suffer some type of abuse or hardship as a child than not. That doens't make it okay for kids to go through that, it just means there's a lot of us out there.

And here is what I think and it might differ from other's but that's okay I'm speaking from my own experiences as well. Once we become adults, even young adults, and especially when we become parents regardless of if we live away from our own parents or not, we are responsible for not only our own actions but we are responsible to accept our own upbringing and try to change for the better.

What I'm trying to say that there is an expiration date on the "I had a hard childhood" excuse. That expiration date is when we become grow past adolescence. Like I said above many may disagree but no I don't feel bad for her. From what I have seen her's was a much easier life than a great many that I have met. JMHO

**ecs likes being short and to the point. LOL!**
The part on sociopathic brain function was in response to Askfornina, who asked if people could just be evil.

thank you, very interesting read. iirc no mental health evaluations of casey have ever been released, now that would be a REALLY interesting read.

what does BDL PD stand for?

i am interested to know if there are actually people out there that think casey is reasonably mentally well and just "evil" because that as a concept is just..i have no other way to put this..ridiculous.

i have edited this post a lot but i guess what my question is, is do sociopaths technically know the difference between right and wrong?
The part on sociopathic brain function was in response to Askfornina, who asked if people could just be evil.

Ok. So your saying she's a sociopath but not evil.Or she can be evil and a sociopath at the same time?
Not at all.. We "all" have life issues growing up that we have to deal with.. She's a big girl now, time to stop blaming others... It's all about choices and we all have free will to make them....jmo
At this point, I have NO IDEA how she was brought up. The more I learn about this family, the less I know about them. How can we ever know what KC's childhood was really like when all of the family members lie as easily as they breathe?

And in any case, I don't think it's relevant. As JVM said the other day, "Raise your hand if you DIDN'T grow up in a dysfunctional family."
I feel Casey had quite the Bella Vita with G, C, & L. If you look back at photos, it's all happy, happy, happy! I've yet to see a family member come forward and say that she was abused during her upbringing (not that many abusers publicize that sort of thing though).

I think she got away with much more than the average kid. Heck, I stole a roll of quarters once and got a can of whoop arss that I've yet to forget. You didn't lie or steal in my home. I didn't kill anyone.

Personally, I think if either parent bothered to open a can of whoop arss we wouldn't be sitting here today. Casey was the pampered princess.



Ok. So your saying she's a sociopath but not evil.Or she can be evil and a sociopath at the same time?

I am saying that in studies done with recognized sociopaths diminished brain function has been established that makes them lack fear-response and causes them to exhibit immaturity, poor impulse control, aggression, altered emotionality and lack of self-control.

This lesion/damage/underdeveloped brain activity will lead them to commit acts that are damaging, anti-social, to others.

Regarding Casey Anthony, I suspect she may have Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disorder traits, with sociopathic tendencies.
Just my opinion, and based on observation from a distance only of course. But I have worked with several in in-patient settings, ( they'd "fire" me every session for being so "mean to them" and then come weepingly "re-hire" me a few hours after the session).

In any event. Just my opinion, and not fact. I wonder if the psychiatrists' findings will ever become known.
I don't believe a word of the DT OS so no I don't feel sorry for ICA at all. Why waste empathy on a baby killer?
Being that I don't know how Casey was brought up or even if her home was dysfunctional during those years, I can't say I feel sorry for her one bit. It appears to me that she was treated like a little princess, many of us should have been so lucky. It also appears that as Casey reached adulthood, Cindy started getting very frustrated with her. I can understand that.

The episode when Casey was snuggling on the couch with Jesse, for instance, I imagine Cindy coming in from a long day at work to find her ungrateful, unemployed daughter hanging all over her boyfriend on the couch, the house a mess, Caylee uncared for....and Cindy lost it. IF that was the situation, who can blame her for ranting?

As for choking Casey - after all the stealing, all the lying, just learning that Casey had even stole money intended for her ailing grandfather's care, and who knows what else - Casey is lucky Cindy let go, IMO.
Do I feel bad for Casey's past? Yes...BUT.

My educated guess is that Casey had something to do with Caylee's death.

Casey's alleged past troubles do not excuse her alleged involvement with Caylee's death (or any alleged neglect, abuse, etc.).

"It's not what happens to you, it's how you respond/react to it". (don't know who to give credit for that famous quote and too heartsick and tired to look it up now)
thank you, very interesting read. iirc no mental health evaluations of casey have ever been released, now that would be a REALLY interesting read.

what does BDL PD stand for?

i am interested to know if there are actually people out there that think casey is reasonably mentally well and just "evil" because that as a concept is just..i have no other way to put this..ridiculous.

i have edited this post a lot but i guess what my question is, is do sociopaths technically know the difference between right and wrong?

Borderline Personality disorder, a characterological crooked development with roots starting around 18 months of age. Several opinions, most agree detachment and lack of bonding and nurturing from a primary caregiver could be the main contributing factor.

Character disorders are extremely difficult to treat and correct. They are so engrained, and usually the person cannot regress back and rebuild and regrow, to that extent.

You can read about them in the DSM, they are an Axis II diagnosis.

That said: even with such a rotten hand dealt to you as a character disorder, you have choices and options as an adult. My clients did cooky things but not to the harmful extent Casey seems to have.

ETA: On the matter of distinguishing right or wrong: They are well able to make the distinction but lack the empathy to care.
Thank you for your clinical explainations Kavya01. Though there are many times children grow up and it's found that something came up in their genetic dna that they were just 'wired' differently and it had absolutely nothing to do with their upbringing or the way their parents were whatsoever, I'm not so sure this is the case with Casey. Each person must be seen on an 'individual' basis. I don't automatically assume something about a person without having met them and gotten to know them, therefore it's difficult to be an "armchair psychologist" to people I've only seen snippits of when they are on television during a chaotic time in their lives (as far as George, Cindy and Lee go). There is just so much more to the equation that is unknown. From what IS seen and shown, one could very well come to a conclusion that everyone in the Anthony family has serious issues.. based on statements during the trial, statements each has given on video before and after the trial and then through others who may or may not be in good standing with them. These things can all be judged on each one of them, as to their personality and character and each one of us may come up with a different perspective on each one of them ;) In all fairness.. I'd have to withhold my opinion because I honestly don't have first hand knowledge of any of them. I can say that I don't feel that George or Cindy have been totally up front about everything and I've thought Lee knows more than he's said at times, but that is just my own feelings when they've spoken. I've questioned George's demeaner and his being a detective and having first hand knowledge of decomposition etc. and knowing that if enough time went by there would be no evidence.. because Casey just wouldn't know this without him informing her of that fact, would she? or did he have to inform her? That's always bothered me... that 31 days, was it all Casey's idea? She is so immature I just don't know. (questions.. *sigh* sorry for the ramble)

As far as evidence of Casey and her behavior.. as I said I'm not a mental health specialist by any means, but she does 'seem' to exhibit many sociopathic traits and we have seen quite a bit of her and her behavior over a long period of time as well as her thoughts through pen and paper and videos. I know nothing of her childhood and don't know if I could believe a word she utters. If her lips are moving she is lying.. she has proven that time and again. She knows her accusations from her childhood can't be proven.. does that make them not true? No. Does it make it so? No. Which is sad. Would that in and of itself cause one to murder their own child then cast the thought of that child out of their mind and just 'remember them fondly" from that point on? In my mind, I don't think so. But that's the problem.. I am not capable of thinking like a mother that would take the life of her own child and until one can put themself in that mindset .. how can one fathom the thought process of one that could go to such extremes .. and if one could do such a thing.. what are the limits? There wasn't enough evidence to convict but that doesn't mean she is innocent. It means she was incarcerated and they jumped the gun to rush to trial after discovering the remains. Had she been 'out' would she have slipped up and ran scared? Talked to someone? Gone somewhere? If they had tapped the phones or followed her would they have learned more? Found someone else involved? We'll never know.. or will we? Time will tell... I hope.

Anyway.. sociopathy, probably. An excuse for murder? Not in my book. Her story of being molested growing up a 'reason' for possibly medicating her child to death? No again. If she realized she had problems.. enough to tell her attorneys about them and say they were an excuse for her actions.. why couldn't she relate those same problems to a therapist? AND if it were an accident.. why the wild goose chase? the nanny? again, no therapist.. there is no rhyme or reason. If it were an accident and she's a sociopath that didn't 'care' because she couldn't empathize or feel for anyone.. would it matter to just speak up and say oh yes she drowned? I don't get it. She feels for herself, right? If she did nothing wrong, and no one was at fault then what's the problem in an accident? The only one she wanted to speak with in jail was her molester.. George, the ex-detective? The one that knew how to get her out of jail? The man with the plan? Was the affair he had a set up so someone would be a witness to say 'accident' again? It's all just too played in to her storyline for no one in her family to even be upset by what was done to them by her defense team for me. But hey.. that's just me looking in the ole' goldfish bowl and scratching the head again. Nothing about this case makes a lot of sense, and when it does they make up something else! lol
Nope. Nada. Zero. Zip. Don't care what her upbringing was and you can't believe one word that comes from the mouths of any of the Anthony's anyway. IMO she's just an evil person who took the life of the easiest, most defenseless target in this hot mess they call a family.
IMO they don't seem any different than many other families out there. You know, the ones with one or more spoiled kids who are used to always getting what they want. The ones with a father who seems clueless and out of the loop when it comes to his own family. The ones where the mom lets the kids get away with murder and barely disciplines them and when the dad tries to, she gets angry. The ones where the child is allowed to get away with treating the rest of the family like dirt, even steal from them. The ones where one of the kids have a child while still a child themselves (and out of wedlock) and the grandparents are forced to raise them.

No. I don't feel sorry for her or them. They created the life they lead. IMO there are also many families like theirs out there and the kids in those families never commit murder either. JMO
Many people have grown up in less than perfect circumstances, but when they have children they love and cherish them. The good life to them is loving and doing things with family and friends. Almost everyone could blame anything that goes wrong on something that has happened to them in the past. Life doesn't always treat you right, but you do the best you can and take personal responsibility for your actions.
Yeah you guys are right. I agree with you. The reason I was thinking about it was the whole Cindy choking her bit on July 15 I guess I kind of just felt bad that Cindy did that. There are ways to handle things without getting physical with your child. I don't at all blame her upbringing on Caylee's death because there is no excuse for it and the fact that she just sits there shows no emotion is sickening. One thing that I have wondered and am curious if any of you have is did she kill Caylee maybe to keep her away from Cindy? I've been wondering if that was a motive there.

Hey, if your kid stole money from your elderly father's retirement home fund and you had to talk your own mother out of having her arrested, wouldn't you be tempted to strangle her? I kinda understand THAT, especially since Casey was probably not only denying it but being nasty about it as well.
That is a tough Q. I feel badly for anyone who grew up in that home. While sexual abuse and physical abuse are terrrible, terrible crimes, I think emotional abuse is so incidious that it takes a larger toll. I think we had the perfect storm of bpd/emotionally abusive mother, a passive aggressive, weak, addiction based, rage issues dad, and a child who entered the world a sociopath. It's hard to feel any compassion for KC becuase at this stage she is diabolical, unfeeling and I, bleieve she killed her daughter. There are so many cases of children who were emotional abused and worked so hard to overcome those childhoods..that I can't possbily give her a "pass." But sometimes I think of Aileen Wermos...who had an awful, tragic so incredibly abusive child hood..that I can somewhat understand how she became a killer.
But KC is still a mystery is so many ways. I do think though that CA is so much devious, and sick, than I first thought.Everyone bought into how much CA loved Caylee. hmmm JMO

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