Do you guys think AB and EB killed Zahra?

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My daughter could sleep through an avalanche outside of her bedroom. I may be a bad parent but I can't say I'd go running in to check on my children if a fire started outside my house in the middle of the night. I'd handle things with the authorities. I'd come in the house (and be up for awhile because I'd be upset)... but I wouldn't automatically check on the kids. I'd assume they were in their beds and not want to wake / upset them over something that was already handled.
When I was a child youcould literally set off a bomb next to my bed and I wouldn't have woken up. Not even close once I became a mom tho.

If I had a fire in the backyard and my kids' window faced that - you bet your bippy that once over and done with and I finally went inside to "reflect" that I would have at least opened the door and looked in on them. That is if they hadn't gotten up from all the comotion and come see for themselves.

The rub is the ransom note. During all this a ransom note is found threatening a girl child - albeit the landlord's girl child but still. At that point, I would have stopped and run into that house to make sure MY daughter was asleep in her room. You betcha.

From the day you give birth to that child - you check on him/her. And that NEVER stops. I remember when my grown son - came home from the military - I found myself in that first week - getting up and just "looking in on him" sleeping - its a feeling only mothers can relate to.

They never checked on Zahra because they both knew good and well that Zahra was not there.
My daughter could sleep through an avalanche outside of her bedroom. I may be a bad parent but I can't say I'd go running in to check on my children if a fire started outside my house in the middle of the night. I'd handle things with the authorities. I'd come in the house (and be up for awhile because I'd be upset)... but I wouldn't automatically check on the kids. I'd assume they were in their beds and not want to wake / upset them over something that was already handled.

What if well the fire was being dealt with they discovered a ransom note on your property saying they kidnapped your bosses daughter? Think you might have a looksy then?

Not trying to be snarky but we can't forget that it was not just a fire. I bet you would be a little shaken about that and have a peek at least.
I would check to see if all the noise had already woke them up.

I'd have everyone up and out of the house as soon as I'd called the fire department - and I'd go around and wake the neighbours too which wouldn't make me popular but I guess living in a wildfire zone makes the difference.

In this case, given the ransom note and all the other stuff going on I would have at least checked on my sleeping child at some point.
Frankly, if the fire was on the side of the house where my daughter's window was, I would have gotten her out of bed for fear the fire would suddenly spread. No way would I have just left her sleeping and not checked on her. What if she was awake in the house and afraid?
I'd have everyone up and out of the house as soon as I'd called the fire department - and I'd go around and wake the neighbours too which wouldn't make me popular but I guess living in a wildfire zone makes the difference.

In this case, given the ransom note and all the other stuff going on I would have at least checked on my sleeping child at some point.

I think that would be especially true if your daughter was hearing impaired. I would be afraid the smoke had gone into the house.
What if well the fire was being dealt with they discovered a ransom note on your property saying they kidnapped your bosses daughter? Think you might have a looksy then?

Not trying to be snarky but we can't forget that it was not just a fire. I bet you would be a little shaken about that and have a peek at least.

I'm a bad mommy. I might peek in there before I went to sleep and I might not... but ... my kids sleep with 80 & 90 lb very well trained, protective dogs. I heavily rely on them to alert me if something were wrong in my kids rooms or my house. I'm also extremely perceptive with my hearing. I know the minute the dogs move... the minute my kids rustle in bed. Those sounds when I came back in would make me assured they were safe in bed.

ETA: Drives my DH crazy with my hearing and sense of smell. Lastnight one of the dogs was laying on the family room couch with a chew bone. Crunch crunch crunch for hours. All of a sudden I noticed just a slight difference in the sound of the crunching. DH said I was nuts, but went to check. Sure enough .... puppy had switched from her bone to an ipod that had fallen out of a pocket.
A couple of years ago I had to run to the Post Office for work and ran by my house to grab something right quick..Long story short..I pulled up and realized my neighbors house was on fire. (across the street) After finding out that my neighbor wasn't home and fire dept. was on scene..I took my 3 cats and dog back to work with me just in case the fire (that was already under control) flared back up and hit the HUGE oak trees in between and jumped the street...Point is, that's my animals, I can't imagine not even peeking in on my child after any kind of scary event. That's just me though, everyone is different..
What if well the fire was being dealt with they discovered a ransom note on your property saying they kidnapped your bosses daughter? Think you might have a looksy then?

Not trying to be snarky but we can't forget that it was not just a fire. I bet you would be a little shaken about that and have a peek at least.


The fact that he didn't check on Zahra after that is the most telling of all to me...
Since the other thread was locked. Here is the raw video of the interview with AB. It's put a little more perspective on some of the answers AB made.

Mods, if this is the wrong place to put this post then please delete.

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The fact that he didn't check on Zahra after that is the most telling of all to me...

I agree again to an extent. I think my DH would check on the kids before I even had a chance (he's much more paranoid than I am) .... but with a mysterious ransom note I might not even go into the house. I might make police check FOR ME. (and that may have been EB's intent)

However, I am still of the line of thinking that AB having seen the ransom note, knew it was in his wife's writing and may have even been told of a scheme to get some money .... but didn't realize what else was going on.

I really feel that at the time of the 911 call he thought something ELSE was up. NOT that his daughter was truly missing. Innocent or guilty that 911 call screams "completely clueless" to me.
I decided long ago, that when you have to jump from one hoop to another to explain someone's actions...that person is probably guilty. The truth is pretty much easy to explain.
I agree again to an extent. I think my DH would check on the kids before I even had a chance (he's much more paranoid than I am) .... but with a mysterious ransom note I might not even go into the house. I might make police check FOR ME. (and that may have been EB's intent)

However, I am still of the line of thinking that AB having seen the ransom note, knew it was in his wife's writing and may have even been told of a scheme to get some money .... but didn't realize what else was going on.

I really feel that at the time of the 911 call he thought something ELSE was up. NOT that his daughter was truly missing. Innocent or guilty that 911 call screams "completely clueless" to me.


If any of this HAD occurred, then I would be much more inclined to give AB more benefit of doubt..and again I know that having lost a child I was WAY over the top when it came to checking on my my judgment there may be a little clouded..

For me, it's not just one or two things that make me feel that way about Adam's SO many..and I have a feeling that when all is said and done, we may find out that AB is brighter than we believe. jmo tho..:) Either way..if he *thought* that EB was pulling some kind of scam, I sure hope he has shared everything he knows with LE..

btw~I agree that EB thought that LE would go into the house and discover Zahra missing. I tell you one thing ..I sure hope that the LE that were at the house that night were paying close attention and have awesome memories..I would LOVE to know more about EB's and AB's behavior that night!..
This is my opinion only but if this happened to my child, the doctor would have to put me on some kind of sedative. Maybe AB is somewhat sedated by RX drugs. FWIW.

<not saying he is or isn't guilty>
This is my opinion only but if this happened to my child, the doctor would have to put me on some kind of sedative. Maybe AB is somewhat sedated by RX drugs. FWIW.

<not saying he is or isn't guilty>

I honestly thought the same thing, but was afraid to say it.
This is my opinion only but if this happened to my child, the doctor would have to put me on some kind of sedative. Maybe AB is somewhat sedated by RX drugs. FWIW.

<not saying he is or isn't guilty>

I would have thought that too except for he sounds the same way on the 911 call. :waitasec:

If any of this HAD occurred, then I would be much more inclined to give AB more benefit of doubt..and again I know that having lost a child I was WAY over the top when it came to checking on my my judgment there may be a little clouded..

For me, it's not just one or two things that make me feel that way about Adam's SO many..and I have a feeling that when all is said and done, we may find out that AB is brighter than we believe. jmo tho..:)
Either way..if he *thought* that EB was pulling some kind of scam, I sure hope he has shared everything he knows with LE..

btw~I agree that EB thought that LE would go into the house and discover Zahra missing. I tell you one thing ..I sure hope that the LE that were at the house that night were paying close attention and have awesome memories..I would LOVE to know more about EB's and AB's behavior that night!..

BBM. ITA and thank you. Every little thing we question here will bring out a response such as "well that's not unusual - I do that/my DH says that/I knew someone who..." and, in and of themselves taken in isolation, these things are innocuous and meaningless it's the totality of all these niggling little details that is hard to explain away, justify or make sense of.
This is my opinion only but if this happened to my child, the doctor would have to put me on some kind of sedative. Maybe AB is somewhat sedated by RX drugs. FWIW.

<not saying he is or isn't guilty>

He most likely is on something, but if he is.. it's doesn't appear to be anything that has 'knocked him out' for lack of a better word, lol. least not in this interview. I don't profess to be an expert by any stretch, but having lived with a drug look @ the eyes can tell you so much..
I would have thought that too except for he sounds the same way on the 911 call. :waitasec:

Maybe we should consult BB and find out just exactly what kind of drugs were involved in the drug debt that ended with the running off the road incident. :angel:
BBM. ITA and thank you. Every little thing we question here will bring out a response such as "well that's not unusual - I do that/my DH says that/I knew someone who..." and, in and of themselves taken in isolation, these things are innocuous and meaningless it's the totality of all these niggling little details that is hard to explain away, justify or make sense of.

EXACTLY! Other than the fact that Adam says he wasn't involved and the fact that EB admitted that she wrote the ransom note...I have seen NOTHING to make me feel that he is not as guilty as she is..nothing..

and while he is not in jail at this point..anyone who follows these cases knows that really means nothing in the way of guilt or innocence. EB is not charged with Zahra's murder yet either..that's not why she's locked up..but very few have a problem believing her to be responsible...I respect every opinion, I really do..but for me, as you so eloquently put it..with the *totality* of info that we know today puts Adam sharing the spotlight with EB imo...we never want to believe that a natural parent is capable of such horrifying acts..but they are and they do..
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