Does Anyone here think Casey Anthony is innocent?

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You are right. Nobody can understand that but again there has been no trial and the information that is being put out to the public is being done for a reason. No one really knows what will come out on the defense side that might turn this thing all upside down. Just my thoughts
Yes, but also remember much of the information is coming out because of The Sunshine Law. We have seen not just rumored or leaked information but actual documented statements and records.
Innocent, not a chance, guilty of exactly what, under Florida law, I don't know yet. Take the doc dumps, add super sleuthers here and the actions of all parties involved, put it in a blender add ice and blend and I get guilty for her daughter death. Murder 1 or 2 or some kind of manslaughter I cannot determine because I am not "in the law business".

If I were a potential juror, I would have to say presumably innocent at this point in time. Ask me again after the trial.
I thought may she should get a trial first.

I would be interested to know your thoughts on what leads you to believe that the perp might be innocent. I believe she's guilty as sin, and if you read the threads here, you will understand why people think she is.

However, I am interested in hearing what convinces you and might convince me and others that she might be innocent or not guilty.
IMO KC is as guilty as sin! :mad:
I just wish they'ed bring the DP back!!
IMO everything that I've seen makes her appear guilty, however I am a firm believer in our justice system and do believe that she should be considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a court of law. We have only seen the prosecution side (evidence, etc,) and can only speculate what the defense might be, so I'm eager to see the trial so that I can hear both sides and see the whole picture.
You are right. Nobody can understand that but again there has been no trial and the information that is being put out to the public is being done for a reason. No one really knows what will come out on the defense side that might turn this thing all upside down. Just my thoughts

If the defense has information that would prove her innocence and they are not putting information out there that would bring the real killer to justice that is just super wrong. Absolutely. I mean, waiting for your own trial to bring out information about your child's killer. How selfish. If they have information about who really could have done this, I absolutely hope they charge the whole defense team with obstruction.
IMO everything that I've seen makes her appear guilty, however I am a firm believer in our justice system and do believe that she should considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a court of law. We have only seen the prosecution side (evidence, etc,) and can only speculate what the defense might be, so I'm eager to see the trial so that I can hear both sides and see the whole picture.
I totally agree with you. I could actually serve on the jury and be neutral at this point with no problem.
Can you give an example maybe of this possibility? LE was with her the first day and she give them nothing. Can we believe that she would lie for her attorney to find out something that LE couldn't?

Maybe Zenaida wasn't who Casey said she was. Maybe it is someone elso that has been told to her attorney whom i suppose she trusts. Maybe they are investigating another group of individuals from what she has told baez than she told LE. I don't know...everyone is grasping as it is very evident that Casey was always the suspect. I'm not saying she not, but let's go with the law that says she;s innocent until proven guilty. Some have already sentenced to LWOP and Death.
The defense does have to put on a case. Why is everyone so sure they don't have anything? Just because it has not been leaked to the press yet?
No. They do not have to put on a case. They can attack the testimony of the forensics with their elite experts to discredit the State who does have to put on a case.

When Casey laid out her story for Law Enforcement, the defense became locked into this tale of all tales. Their best bet would be for Casey to tell the truth and beg for mercy. Casey could end this nightmare right now and Caylee could be laid to rest properly.

Is she innocent? I don't see how it is possible to come to any other conclusion than Casey killed Caylee and dumped her body with only the facts we have seen which is a drop in the bucket of what the State has held back to convict her. They have sufficient evidence, imo.

31 Days.
I wanted to believe in her innocence when I first started following this case. The pictures all showed such a beautiful girl with her beautiful, healthy and happy daughter.
I couldn't reconcile in my mind that the person in the picture could do anything so horrific to her own daughter. Based on the evidence, was I ever wrong.
If the defense has information that would prove her innocence and they are not putting information out there that would bring the real killer to justice that is just super wrong. Absolutely. I mean, waiting for your own trial to bring out information about your child's killer. How selfish. If they have information about who really could have done this, I absolutely hope they charge the whole defense team with obstruction.

Maybe that is the only way they can do it. JMO
I would love to believe she is innocent but I cannot for the life of me come up with a theory that would explain the evidence ... what will the defense theory be. JB claims his client is innocent...

The person who is able to take this evidence and weave it into a plausible alternative theory would have my undying respect and admiration:clap:
Maybe Zenaida wasn't who Casey said she was. Maybe it is someone elso that has been told to her attorney whom i suppose she trusts. Maybe they are investigating another group of individuals from what she has told baez than she told LE. I don't know...everyone is grasping as it is very evident that Casey was always the suspect. I'm not saying she not, but let's go with the law that says she;s innocent until proven guilty. Some have already sentenced to LWOP and Death.
Fortunately, even as good as many of the sleuths here are, they are not powerful enough to have sentenced her already.
Many here may have formed their conclusions in the court of public opinion, but that is another matter entirely, because the same rules do not apply.
I totally agree with you. I could actually serve on the jury and be neutral at this point with no problem.

Me too! I know I could be a juror in this trial. I love the process and find it very intriguing to analyse. :)
MDO (and anyone else who cares to answer) :)
If Casey didn't live with her family, if there was no family/nobody to answer to, do you think Caylee would have EVER been reported missing? I've given this a lot of thought, because I think the answer is NO, which begs the question: how many children are dead at the hands of a parent/caregiver and nobody even knows? :confused:

I believe some kids may have stumbled upon her and she would have been like Baby Grace and for a long time no one would know who she was. Possibly KC would have left the state and no one ever found out who she was or would have ever known she was missing. I have thought a lot about this myself.
She is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of her peers.
HOWEVER, this thread is asking for opinions.
Maybe Zenaida wasn't who Casey said she was. Maybe it is someone elso that has been told to her attorney whom i suppose she trusts. Maybe they are investigating another group of individuals from what she has told baez than she told LE. I don't know...everyone is grasping as it is very evident that Casey was always the suspect. I'm not saying she not, but let's go with the law that says she;s innocent until proven guilty. Some have already sentenced to LWOP and Death.

Maybe.... but the defense should stick to defending, and let the investigators do the investigating. If they have viable leads, they need to hand them over. That would look much better in court than them trying to give credibility to their own "criminal investigation". We can only hope they did not get any investigation tips from kc or we will find the whole defense team dancing on stage at fusian.
No. They do not have to put on a case. They can attack the testimony of the forensics with their elite experts to discredit the State who does have to put on a case.

When Casey laid out her story for Law Enforcement, the defense became locked into this tale of all tales. Their best bet would be for Casey to tell the truth and beg for mercy. Casey could end this nightmare right now and Caylee could be laid to rest properly.

Is she innocent? I don't see how it is possible to come to any other conclusion than Casey killed Caylee and dumped her body with only the facts we have seen which is a drop in the bucket of what the State has held back to convict her. They have sufficient evidence, imo.

31 Days.

you are correct in your statement that I bolded above. But the defense will have a bucket full of evidence as well. We just don' t know what that is as it hasn't been leaked like the state evidence.
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