Dr Phil w/ George and Cindy Anthony (Show airs 9.13.2011)

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Just watching a clip on the news where CA is talking about the seizures and Dr.P asks if (after tests were run), "Did they find anything?" And CA replies, "Not at that time".

Made me wonder...if not 'at that time, when? And if something was found, when??? And, what???
I have a feeling this show is going to do nothing more than enrage those of us who have pretty much settled down and accepted the verdict. I can't help thinking every negative emotion I've felt over the past 3 years is going to surface all at once and my head is going to explode. Still not sure if I will watch or not...I have 2 hours to decide. One thing is for certain...this show will validate that the fact that I can loath Cindy even more than I already do.
Personally...settled down, yes...but will never accept the verdict...ever.
Once again, I appreciate the ongoing reports about the Dr. Phil interview, but I've decided not to tune in and contribute to the show's ratings.

One thing that bothers me about the timing of this interview is that Lee and Mallory's wedding is coming up the first of October. The day should be about them - not Casey, not George, not Cindy. I hope the young couple has the good sense to keep the event focused on them and not on the TV appearances as they begin their lives together. Mazel Tov! :cake:

I have a feeling Lee and Mallory would dedicate their big day to CMA.
Well I havent watched Dr. Phil in years but I do have to give him kudos.

He asked some very hard hitting questions.

He is buying nothing of what Cindy is trying to get him to believe.


Thank you, as I previously stated I had never watched Dr. Phil before and I felt the same way.
I didn't take Cindy's comments during the 911 call to be a threat to go for custody at all. It sounded more to me that Cindy was saying if Casey didn't admit to where Caylee was, Cindy would try to get a court order forcing her to tell.

A grandparent can't force you in a court of law to tell where her child is. The counselor had told CA to get custody just prior to this happening and CA said they did not have the money. A court order would not have been a threat to KC unless CA meant she would go for custody. KC was under no legal obligation to tell her parents where Caylee was if KC decided it was none of their business. LE might suggest to KC she should tell them but they could not force KC to tell them, nor could the court unless they could prove Caylee was in danger. jmo
I didn't take Cindy's comments during the 911 call to be a threat to go for custody at all. It sounded more to me that Cindy was saying if Casey didn't admit to where Caylee was, Cindy would try to get a court order forcing her to tell.
I thought I remembered the word "custody" (but maybe not)...but if she was going to court...what would she be suing for...the "truth"? You go to the police if you don't know the whereabouts of a child...you go to court to try and get custody of the child. JMPO
Just watching a clip on the news where CA is talking about the seizures and Dr.P asks if (after tests were run), "Did they find anything?" And CA replies, "Not at that time".

Made me wonder...if not 'at that time, when? And if something was found, when??? And, what???

No when....more like never.
Just watching a clip on the news where CA is talking about the seizures and Dr.P asks if (after tests were run), "Did they find anything?" And CA replies, "Not at that time".

Made me wonder...if not 'at that time, when? And if something was found, when??? And, what???

Sounds like Cindese, a language used by manipulators to allow the listener to infer the lie to bolster the lie, letting the listener come to this conclusion instead of just spouting the lie.

Cindy and George have been trying to teach a nation this language for three plus years. That they have mastered this technique, probably derived from police interrogation tactics, hard to tell who was the teacher and who was the student with these two.
Four phone calls withing six minutes from KC to CA on the day Caylee died. CA says she was 'in a meeting'. CA says that 'she could tell from KC's voice' that something was very wrong. CA says that 'she doesn't remember the conversation' they had on that day. Said that KC did not ask for help or tell her what was wrong.

Doesn't remember? And this is the most critical time, why isn't dr phil pressing her on this?!

So, she could tell that something was very wrong, but, doesn't go any further and can't remember???
But, remembers something was terribly wrong.

All righty then.......

This doesn't make any sense. Unless I am not remembering correctly, the cell phone records indicated that none of those phone calls were ever answered and no messages were left. So I wonder what conversation Cindy is referring to ~ an imaginary one or maybe one several days later. (I thought they didn't talk for a few days after this?) Anyone?
I'm all about this new thing. It's called 'the bottom line'.

The bottom line is no parent would EVER not report their child missing for 31 days.

There's is no plausible, reasonable explanation for doing otherwise.

Even people who's children have been legitimately kidnapped and told not to call the police do so ASAP.

The only people who don't are the guilty ones.

That's the bottom line. Anything else is smoke and mirrors.
So then he believes making a donation to her foundation is a good thing? A sound decision? Would he really be wanting this woman in the forefront, promoting grandparents' rights? Does this man not realize that he has now basically endorsed the As latest enterprise? IMHO, that's using his position irresponsibly...and for his own personal gain at the expense of others.
I liked Dr P's mentioning at the end of the show that CA is in denial and offered 3 excuses for FCA's behavior during the interview....postpartum something or another, grand mal seizures and a brain tumor.

CA is riding the KC train! I am interested to hear what GA has to say tomorrow. JB was right...there is something that is just not right with this family. moo
This doesn't make any sense. Unless I am not remembering correctly, the cell phone records indicated that none of those phone calls were ever answered and no messages were left. So I wonder what conversation Cindy is referring to ~ an imaginary one or maybe one several days later. (I thought they didn't talk for a few days after this?) Anyone?

Maybe this is CA's guilt talking again - maybe FCA left CA some messages and CA never did call her back that day - she just listened to the messages...and That's Why CA can't remember what the conversation was about - because she knows she didn't have one with her, and doesn't want to have to admit it.
Sounds like Cindese, a language used by manipulators to allow the listener to infer the lie to bolster the lie, letting the listener come to this conclusion instead of just spouting the lie.

Cindy and George have been trying to teach a nation this language for three plus years. That they have mastered this technique, probably derived from police interrogation tactics, hard to tell who was the teacher and who was the student with these two.

Lol! I don't care who you are! That's funny!
This Dr. Phil segment was great. CA continues to deny the truth, and her own mental and emotional health would improve tremendously if she would just let go and admit it, even privately. GA needs help letting go as well, but obviously he's coming to terms with it. He could probably help CA, but I get the feeling they don't talk about it with each other much at all. They may have prepared a little bit for this show; CA seemed to be holding GA responsible at the beginning of the show, and he didn't say much. I could be wrong, though. I was glad to hear GA say that CA enabled KC, as well as himself.

Dr. Phil did a good job with the interview, but I'd love to see the raw interview. Some questions were not answered thoroughly, and CA never answered whether she thought KC had anything to do with it.
The feed was skipping in and out for me...but did cindy say KC had a grand mal while at home the first time she was bailed out?? I don't believe that for a second... They would have called an ambulance if she had.

and of course it had to be a Gran Mal Seizure, not just a regular seizure. crock of bull!!! I think Cindy is afraid her darling daughter will never speak to her again and this is her way to get back into FCA's good graces whenever that happens. Cindy is the most disfunctional Mother imaginable.
I'm pleased with myself for avoiding this interview. After reading a few posts here, I'm glad I saved myself the misery of listening to more lies from that appalling family. I refuse to watch, read or listen to anything that puts money in those grifter's blood soaked pockets.
I refuse to watch it. If anything interesting was said , I will find it here. So far, I did not read anything interesting. The same rehashed "poor me" pitiful pathetic lies and fiction.
Bet , the questions were disclosed prior to the "interview". Besides , it is not really an "interview" but a "show". Orchestrated and spun for a gullible audience with primary the ratings and subsequent $$ in mind. Make no mistake about that.

CA with her "keeping up appearances" spiel and GA with his "easy money" in mind.
It is just sad that some nice folks will fall for all these theatrics.

Wish they had a trap door in the studio floor, so all three would be hauled off to the underworld afterwards in the manner of a "Faust" performance.:maddening:
Well, I am not a big Dr. Phil fan and don't normally watch his show. I did today, out of morbid curiosity. I thought he did a good job. No softball interview like the rest. He called it like it was. GA was a bit more forthcoming, but CA lied, denied, and spinned it as usual. A good interview, imo.
This Dr. Phil segment was great. CA continues to deny the truth, and her own mental and emotional health would improve tremendously if she would just let go and admit it, even privately. GA needs help letting go as well, but obviously he's coming to terms with it. He could probably help CA, but I get the feeling they don't talk about it with each other much at all. They may have prepared a little bit for this show; CA seemed to be holding GA responsible at the beginning of the show, and he didn't say much. I could be wrong, though. I was glad to hear GA say that CA enabled KC, as well as himself.

Dr. Phil did a good job with the interview, but I'd love to see the raw interview. Some questions were not answered thoroughly, and CA never answered whether she thought KC had anything to do with it.

Cindy is sociopathic herself; if she admits her daughter wilfully did this, then she has to admit that she failed to protect Caylee; so in essence she is protecting herself and that is what a sociopath does. They also lie nonstop. And Cindy does that also.

She is sooooooooooooooo insulting though.
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