Early Parole and Missed Opportunities-What happened?

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I think she fits it very well. Which was kind of obvious to me from the day she was found.

Yeah, do too. I think he really did convince her he was a changed man and probably if he was doing anything kept it well hid. Garrido no doubtedly also mixed terrorizing her with showing her care - I think that's the way they operate, even far lesser abusers operate that way.
Here's what you need:

"Oh hey, a gate! Should I open it? Hey, another gate, covered by a tarp, at the house of a guy who is pretty squirrelly, and seems to have a bigger yard than the one I'm standing in. Hmmmmmmm."

This reminds me of something Peter Griffin would say. It would make sense given the agency's obvious lack of basic intelligence.

It's interesting to me that during the initial questioning by the PO on August 26 about why Garrido was at UC Berkeley with two young girls that, in front of Nancy and both children, Jaycee told the PO that she was their mother. It seems out of place if the "official story" was that all three of them were sisters, and even Starlet and Angel thought this to be true. Was she deviating from "the script" as a cry for help, or just doing her best to make everything okay (given the situation)? It even says "Alyssa said that she was 29 years old, laughingly explaining that she often gets that comment and that people believe she is the girls’ sister". What if he had asked how old the oldest daughter was? And wouldn't the two kids, upon hearing her say she was their mother have been like "Waaaah?"

Did any of you think this was odd?

According to the report, the PO seperated all of the females upon ending his phone call with the University Officer. The way I understood it, JC made these revelations when she was questioned alone.

From Page 4:

As the parole agent was on the phone with the officer, he observed that Garrido was accompanied by his wife and three young girls. After completing his conversation with the officer, Garrido’s parole agent wisely isolated the females–including Garrido’s wife–to identify them.

Maybe I'm understanding it incorrectly and NG, JC and girls were actually questioned together but seperate from PG? If they did perform the questioning this way, they're even more stupid than I thought 10 minutes ago.

ETA: I just re-read and it does look like they were all together. That doesn't seem right. Does it?
At any rate, if she did proclaim this in front of the girls, it would mean they probably already knew. If the girls knew, I would think PF knew, as well....
In Phillip Garrido's letter from prison to Walt Gray, he claimed that during their interview "over and over Jaycee had requested an attorney from the beginning to the end of the interview". And according to the Parole Report she did, at least twice, ask for a lawyer. Yet the report is clear that when Garrido and the females arrived at the office the females were all isolated from Phillip and it seems they remained isolated until Garrido was arrested. So how did PG know Jaycee asked over and over for a lawyer? He couldn't have known. This suggests that Jaycee had been coached by Garrido in how to handle the interview. That coaching would have occurred the night before, after the parole officer returned Garrido to his house. I wonder if the coaching included threats and intimidation or just warnings that his and Jaycee's "heartwarming story" for 18 years would come to an end. Maybe the last she'd see of her girls. Jaycee's comments that Garrido was "a changed person, a great man and was good with the kids" sounds like Garrido talking. Poor Jaycee. Imagine being subjected to that man's incessant, rambling preaching day after day. The world must seem like a different planet from the ranch with her family now.
In Phillip Garrido's letter from prison to Walt Gray, he claimed that during their interview "over and over Jaycee had requested an attorney from the beginning to the end of the interview". And according to the Parole Report she did, at least twice, ask for a lawyer. Yet the report is clear that when Garrido and the females arrived at the office the females were all isolated from Phillip and it seems they remained isolated until Garrido was arrested. So how did PG know Jaycee asked over and over for a lawyer? He couldn't have known. This suggests that Jaycee had been coached by Garrido in how to handle the interview. That coaching would have occurred the night before, after the parole officer returned Garrido to his house. I wonder if the coaching included threats and intimidation or just warnings that his and Jaycee's "heartwarming story" for 18 years would come to an end. Maybe the last she'd see of her girls. Jaycee's comments that Garrido was "a changed person, a great man and was good with the kids" sounds like Garrido talking. Poor Jaycee. Imagine being subjected to that man's incessant, rambling preaching day after day. The world must seem like a different planet from the ranch with her family now.

Maybe his wife told him later that JC was requesting a lawyer. She was with JC during the interview.
This reminds me of something Peter Griffin would say. It would make sense given the agency's obvious lack of basic intelligence.

According to the report, the PO seperated all of the females upon ending his phone call with the University Officer. The way I understood it, JC made these revelations when she was questioned alone.

From Page 4:

As the parole agent was on the phone with the officer, he observed that Garrido was accompanied by his wife and three young girls. After completing his conversation with the officer, Garrido’s parole agent wisely isolated the females–including Garrido’s wife–to identify them.

Maybe I'm understanding it incorrectly and NG, JC and girls were actually questioned together but seperate from PG? If they did perform the questioning this way, they're even more stupid than I thought 10 minutes ago.

this stuff is really getting confusing.
btw for the others posting about carl saying that they didnt know she was there mother, he is not the only source ive seen of that information
this stuff is really getting confusing.
btw for the others posting about carl saying that they didnt know she was there mother, he is not the only source ive seen of that information

To fully understand what's being talked about here you have to read the 45 page report first.
In Phillip Garrido's letter from prison to Walt Gray, he claimed that during their interview "over and over Jaycee had requested an attorney from the beginning to the end of the interview". And according to the Parole Report she did, at least twice, ask for a lawyer. Yet the report is clear that when Garrido and the females arrived at the office the females were all isolated from Phillip and it seems they remained isolated until Garrido was arrested. So how did PG know Jaycee asked over and over for a lawyer? He couldn't have known. This suggests that Jaycee had been coached by Garrido in how to handle the interview. That coaching would have occurred the night before, after the parole officer returned Garrido to his house. I wonder if the coaching included threats and intimidation or just warnings that his and Jaycee's "heartwarming story" for 18 years would come to an end. Maybe the last she'd see of her girls. Jaycee's comments that Garrido was "a changed person, a great man and was good with the kids" sounds like Garrido talking. Poor Jaycee. Imagine being subjected to that man's incessant, rambling preaching day after day. The world must seem like a different planet from the ranch with her family now.

apperently she's oer that now
To fully understand what's being talked about here you have to read the 45 page report first.

i know the context that your debating whether carl was mistaken about them not knowing in relation to her telling the p.o she was there mom. but like it has been said this could have been garrido's new script.
Jaycee's comment to the officer about Garrido being a changed man does sound exactly like what he was saying about himself in the manifesto. This article answers my question about PG having a story made up if ever questioned. The girls may have been aware of the story and told that it was made up to protect them all, and doesn't necessarily mean that they were aware of Jaycee being their mother.
The report includes an aerial of the backyard prison and shows Garrido's GPS tracks for April 15, 2008. They show him in the pool, the 2 tents that are hidden under tarps (Not the one Jaycee and the girls slept in, but the one that is supposedly the shower and the other that had the fold-out couch with the possible blood stain on the floor), and in the soundproof shed, among other places. Interestingly there are also tracks at the next door neighbor's house and shed.

I know I'm thinking the worst here, but ugh.

A bit further on they say that the system used at that time can report the position with an error of up to 36 feet, so it doesnt mean he was actually at those spots when the position was recorded. There does seem to be a preponderance of outliers in the northern property though.

It is interesting that he seems to have spent much of his time split between the back yard and the car port (I'm guessing that the house was shielding position reports while he was inside).
Jaycee's comment to the officer about Garrido being a changed man does sound exactly like what he was saying about himself in the manifesto. This article answers my question about PG having a story made up if ever questioned. The girls may have been aware of the story and told that it was made up to protect them all, and doesn't necessarily mean that they were aware of Jaycee being their mother.

well has little plan came unraveld didnt it? :)
thank god jaycee was able to tell the truth....
btw i tried downloading the full report and it wouldnt do it on my computer. sigh
OMG..."Additionally, included in the federal parole file was information regarding a federal agent’s search of the soundproofed recording studio that Garrido maintained in the back of his residence. This studio was located in the concealed compound and was where Garrido allegedly kept Jaycee the first year of her captivity and repeatedly raped her. Information about this recording studio could have provided the parole agent with the knowledge that Garrido’s residence extended well beyond the back fence."

I noticed that too, but I'm thinking that happened before Jaycee was kidnapped, otherwise you would have thought that the federal agent would have saw something.
Who is the 12 year old? Like the two little girls, why is LE not all up on that?

Given the date, it was most likely Angel. I don't think they announce their site visits, if she was in the house she would have had to be explained away. Since it was the same story as the one given when they went to the parole office, it was likely their stock defence if anyone noticed anything. It is also interesting that only two of the five neighbors interviewed ever saw any children there.

I thought the bit at the begining detailing how the discovery went down was informative. It is ironic that the first one to crack was PG himself.

Lots of nuggets in this report.
I noticed that too, but I'm thinking that happened before Jaycee was kidnapped, otherwise you would have thought that the federal agent would have saw something.

You're probably right since it says "Federal Agent". I didn't notice that.
It's interesting to me that during the initial questioning by the PO on August 26 about why Garrido was at UC Berkeley with two young girls that, in front of Nancy and both children, Jaycee told the PO that she was their mother. It seems out of place if the "official story" was that all three of them were sisters, and even Starlet and Angel thought this to be true. Was she deviating from "the script" as a cry for help, or just doing her best to make everything okay (given the situation)? It even says "Alyssa said that she was 29 years old, laughingly explaining that she often gets that comment and that people believe she is the girls’ sister". What if he had asked how old the oldest daughter was? And wouldn't the two kids, upon hearing her say she was their mother have been like "Waaaah?"

Did any of you think this was odd?

Not really. That could have been part of the script as well, so they may have been told to pretend that Jaycee was their mom if that scenario played out, even though they "knew she was their sister". It could have been something like "Daddy will get into trouble (for some unexplained reason), so pretend that you are neices, and if that doesnt work, that big sister is your mom and that you are hiding from some out of state father".
On page 38 in the Summary of Garrido's Significant Contact with Public Safety Agencies, beginning on December 4, 2006 a number of entries titled "Local law enforcement queries Garrido in law enforcement database." begin to appear. What does that mean? Why would local LE be doing this and not CDCR? I also noticed a number of traffic stops in this summary. Were they watching him for some reason? Harrassing him, perhaps?

Also, the information about the GPS "loss of signal" during the night over the last year and a half is highly disturbing. What was he doing that he needed to jam his device so that he could go about his business while remaining undetected???

Something has gone terribly wrong here on so many levels.
On page 38 in the Summary of Garrido's Significant Contact with Public Safety Agencies, beginning on December 4, 2006 a number of entries titled "Local law enforcement queries Garrido in law enforcement database." begin to appear. What does that mean? Why would local LE be doing this and not CDCR? I also noticed a number of traffic stops in this summary. Were they watching him for some reason? Harrassing him, perhaps?

Also, the information about the GPS "loss of signal" during the night over the last year and a half is highly disturbing. What was he doing that he needed to jam his device so that he could go about his business while remaining undetected???

Something has gone terribly wrong here on so many levels.

and why wasnt anything made about the gps going out at the time? since i cant dowload the report can someone fill me in.......thanks
I noticed that too, but I'm thinking that happened before Jaycee was kidnapped, otherwise you would have thought that the federal agent would have saw something.

Knowing that a person convicted of rape and kidnapping built a soundproof building on their property would make a HUGE red flag go up in my brain. I would want to reassure myself that it was actually being used for the purpose intended as it was isolated from the residence. I would hope any LE officials in the future realize the seemingly innocent items that can be used for evil and take a closer look at the environment around them!
On page 38 in the Summary of Garrido's Significant Contact with Public Safety Agencies, beginning on December 4, 2006 a number of entries titled "Local law enforcement queries Garrido in law enforcement database." begin to appear. What does that mean? Why would local LE be doing this and not CDCR? I also noticed a number of traffic stops in this summary. Were they watching him for some reason? Harrassing him, perhaps?

The dates for those were as follows:

Dec 6; 06 - this was a few days after the neighbor reported the tents. Btw, this seems to contradict the sherifs claims that they didn't do a check on him.
Aug 23; 07 - no apparent reason
Mar 6, 14, 28; 08 - probably stemming from Patricia's fall a few days prior, possibly someone was investigating potential elder abuse?
Apr 8; 08 - a routine check after annual re-registration as a SO
Jun 24, 27, Jul 2; 08 - preparatory work as part of the SO task force sweep
Aug 1; 08 - no apparent reason
Nov 10; 08 - no apparent reason
Apr 14; 09 - a routine check after annual re-registration as a SO

So there were 3 queries for unknown reasons.
OMG..."Additionally, included in the federal parole file was information regarding a federal agent’s search of the soundproofed recording studio that Garrido maintained in the back of his residence. This studio was located in the concealed compound and was where Garrido allegedly kept Jaycee the first year of her captivity and repeatedly raped her. Information about this recording studio could have provided the parole agent with the knowledge that Garrido’s residence extended well beyond the back fence."

I believe that was in 1990, that he showed his neighbor the soundproof room he'd built. So okay, the "federal" parole officer knows of this place. Where the hell was that officer between 1991 and 1999? Screw the fact the CA didn't pick up on it, where were the federal parole officers, who already knew it existed??????

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