Early Parole and Missed Opportunities-What happened?

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Knowing that a person convicted of rape and kidnapping built a soundproof building on their property would make a HUGE red flag go up in my brain. I would want to reassure myself that it was actually being used for the purpose intended as it was isolated from the residence. I would hope any LE officials in the future realize the seemingly innocent items that can be used for evil and take a closer look at the environment around them!

there aer so many red flags here. it would cause a stampade in spain
Another interesting point was the presence of co-axial and telephone cables leading to the back yard, meaning that the girls likely had access to at least a TV signal, perhaps an internet connection and a telephone. There was a television set and a computer back there as well.
A bit further on they say that the system used at that time can report the position with an error of up to 36 feet, so it doesnt mean he was actually at those spots when the position was recorded. There does seem to be a preponderance of outliers in the northern property though.

It is interesting that he seems to have spent much of his time split between the back yard and the car port (I'm guessing that the house was shielding position reports while he was inside).

I'm confused. So you can place pg at given spots, or you can't?? From what I read, the gps "pings" every min., giving a location. So, if what you say about the 36' is taken into consideration, are you saying we have no idea if he went into the other yard? I would think if it could be accurate in the carport, it could be accurate in the tents etc.? I'm lost?
I believe that was in 1990, that he showed his neighbor the soundproof room he'd built. So okay, the "federal" parole officer knows of this place. Where the hell was that officer between 1991 and 1999? Screw the fact the CA didn't pick up on it, where were the federal parole officers, who already knew it existed??????

great so he was setting up his house of horrors for jaycee about a year in adavance. and nothing was done :furious:
I believe that was in 1990, that he showed his neighbor the soundproof room he'd built. So okay, the "federal" parole officer knows of this place. Where the hell was that officer between 1991 and 1999? Screw the fact the CA didn't pick up on it, where were the federal parole officers, who already knew it existed??????

That's what makes this so horrible! It was a multi system, multi LE snafu at the expense of Jaycee and her girls.

Pg is not the brightest light bulb in the pack, so if he got away for this for so long, how many more children are out ther?
I'm confused. So you can place pg at given spots, or you can't?? From what I read, the gps "pings" every min., giving a location. So, if what you say about the 36' is taken into consideration, are you saying we have no idea if he went into the other yard? I would think if it could be accurate in the carport, it could be accurate in the tents etc.? I'm lost?

It means that his actual location could be anywhere within 36 feet of where the ping was reported. The system will give you a sort of shotgun blast approximation. Mostly it will be in the general area of his actual location, but some pings may appear to be quite a distance off.
Another interesting point was the presence of co-axial and telephone cables leading to the back yard, meaning that the girls likely had access to at least a TV signal, perhaps an internet connection and a telephone. There was a television set and a computer back there as well.

the point being?
One thing that has never been clear (to me at least) is whether PG brought Jaycee to the interview by his own choice or whether he was told to by the parole officer. Her existence was known. When the UC Berkeley group spoke to the two girls one of them commented that they had a sister at home who was 28. The other sister corrected her to 29 and indicated displeasure that she had mentioned this at all. It's possible this info was passed on to the parole officer who asked Garrido to bring the three "sisters" in. If this is so then the debt owed to those Berkeley people is truly enormous.
edit: when did the PO know of the daughters. Was it only on the morning they all came in?
One thing that has never been clear (to me at least) is whether PG brought Jaycee to the interview by his own choice or whether he was told to by the parole officer. Her existence was known. When the UC Berkeley group spoke to the two girls one of them commented that they had a sister at home who was 28. The other sister corrected her to 29 and indicated displeasure that she had mentioned this at all. It's possible this info was passed on to the parole officer who asked Garrido to bring the three "sisters" in. If this is so then the debt owed to those Berkeley people is truly enormous.
edit: when did the PO know of the daughters. Was it only on the morning they all came in?

One would think the report would have mentioned that parole officer requested Garrido bring all three females with him. In fact report says that Garrido informed the officer the females were the daughters of his brother and the brother took them back, and the officer released Garrido back to his home. So based on this I doubt parole officer requested Garrido bring the females with him.
the point being?

There were pictures of the computer etc in the tents, so I thought all that had already been established also.

So I guess the point of the GPS is that it could pin point whether he was on his property or not. Vs whether he was in a carport, pool or tent. Way better than nothing in my honest opinion, but only if LE gets immediate notice as to violations and if the perp can be monitored in his own dang house!
One thing that has never been clear (to me at least) is whether PG brought Jaycee to the interview by his own choice or whether he was told to by the parole officer. Her existence was known. When the UC Berkeley group spoke to the two girls one of them commented that they had a sister at home who was 28. The other sister corrected her to 29 and indicated displeasure that she had mentioned this at all. It's possible this info was passed on to the parole officer who asked Garrido to bring the three "sisters" in. If this is so then the debt owed to those Berkeley people is truly enormous.
edit: when did the PO know of the daughters. Was it only on the morning they all came in?

the debt to those berkley officers is already huge.
i dont have the full report but im not sure the berkey officers told the po about the other sister.
One would think the report would have mentioned that parole officer requested Garrido bring all three females with him. In fact report says that Garrido informed the officer the females were the daughters of his brother and the brother took them back, and the officer released Garrido back to his home. So based on this I doubt parole officer requested Garrido bring the females with him.

Yeppers, I got that impression also. Thank God he brought them!
One would think the report would have mentioned that parole officer requested Garrido bring all three females with him. In fact report says that Garrido informed the officer the females were the daughters of his brother and the brother took them back, and the officer released Garrido back to his home. So based on this I doubt parole officer requested Garrido bring the females with him.

So, Garrido took a huge gamble...and lost.
One thing that has never been clear (to me at least) is whether PG brought Jaycee to the interview by his own choice or whether he was told to by the parole officer. Her existence was known. When the UC Berkeley group spoke to the two girls one of them commented that they had a sister at home who was 28. The other sister corrected her to 29 and indicated displeasure that she had mentioned this at all. It's possible this info was passed on to the parole officer who asked Garrido to bring the three "sisters" in. If this is so then the debt owed to those Berkeley people is truly enormous.
edit: when did the PO know of the daughters. Was it only on the morning they all came in?

The Berkeley people called the PO (who was out of the office at that time) and left a message on the 25th, which is what prompted the first visit. The PO got the voice mail and visited PG later that day, handcuffed him, did a search and found nothing. PG was supposed to report the next day to the PO office again on the 26th for further investigation. On the 26th the PO got hold of the Berkley officers and was talking to them on the phone, getting a more detailed account of what happened. From the report, that is when he found out about the girls being described as daughters, which surprised him. While he was on the phone, PG and the woman arrived at the PO office. That surprised him even more. I think that was the WTF moment. It is kind of ironic and dramatic when you think about it, allmost like a movie script. I can just see the scene in the inevitable made for TV movie now! lol!
There were pictures of the computer etc in the tents, so I thought all that had already been established also.

So I guess the point of the GPS is that it could pin point whether he was on his property or not. Vs whether he was in a carport, pool or tent. Way better than nothing in my honest opinion, but only if LE gets immediate notice as to violations and if the perp can be monitored in his own dang house!

But the problem seems to be that the house was shielding the signal, meaning they couldn't know if he was home and shielded, or had somehow removed/disabled the device and was somewhere else. That appears like a bit of a serious flaw in the system IMO.
I think you are right. And they probably heard Garrido lie so much, and have others lie for him that it wouldn't have seemed strange or wrong at all.

The only thing that makes me think this may not be the case is that Carl initially said that they thought she was their sister, and it was a big shock to them to learn that she was their mother. It could be poor reporting, or maybe there was just so much information to take in that Carl misunderstood something.

The report released today with her professing to be their mother in front of them, Nancy and the PO contradicts stories we've heard that she told them she was their mom sometime after they were recovered. If they'd already heard it at the parole office then that makes it much less of a revelation.

The only way things add up for me is as you say, they knew she was their mother but were told to say otherwise.
Well... Jaycee did have an official story/script to tell- she was Alyssa, an abused wife from Minnesota, hiding from her husband, so maybe the sister act was part of that. In light of that BS, now Garrido's calling for her to have a lawyer makes sense. She initially had to demand one in front of him- she wasn't safe that the PO wouldn't send her home with Garrido until they separated them and arrested him!
But the problem seems to be that the house was shielding the signal, meaning they couldn't know if he was home and shielded, or had somehow removed/disabled the device and was somewhere else. That appears like a bit of a serious flaw in the system IMO.

Like a huge and major flaw!! I can't believe they even allowed that. I have a feeling that more happened than meets the eye.

Remember pg's statement that both girls slept in his arms every night of their lives? Either they slept inside or he slept outside. If he slept outside, it wasn't with his ankle gps on.

Also if the gps wouldn't work at patricias, why, and where else wont it work?

And what about the times he wasn't in the area he was supposed to be in? Where was he? What was he doing?
Maybe he was afraid a PO would go to the house while he was at their office?

ETA: I was just thinking a little more on this, and you're so right. For him to be such an accomplished criminal, not to mention liar, this was a huge foible. Did the whole thing just catch him completely off guard? Or after so many years of getting by was he over confident? Was the "brother's kids" thing the most recent lie and he figured Jaycee and Nancy would follow suit?
I think it was one of the bolded above, or the police were putting on more pressure, or he was tired and finally decided to give up the jig, or it was the publicity he'd been waiting for...
Also if the gps wouldn't work at patricias, why, and where else wont it work?

I imagine it's like a cell phone, if you get into an area or location where it loses the signal, it won't work.
I think it was one of the bolded above, or the police were putting on more pressure, or he was tired and finally decided to give up the jig, or it was the publicity he'd been waiting for...

Lol...I think it more likely that the seargent knew he was lieing and fibbed, telling him that the women were in the next room spilling the beans, so he caved. Experienced interogators are good at that. I still think it is funny that the women had more backbone than him even after all those 18 years of being alpha dog. It just underlines the inherent weakness of people like him.

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